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65: e22210789, 2022

ISSN 1678-4324 Online Edition

Article - Environmental Sciences

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable
Pot Derived from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and
Sodium Alginate
Jaka Darma Jaya1,2

Muthia Elma1,3,4

Sunardi Sunardi1, 4

Agung Nugroho1,4,5*

Lambung Mangkurat University, Doctoral Program of Agricultural Science, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Indonesia;
Tanah Laut State Polytechnics, Department of Agroindustry, Pelaihari, South Kalimantan, Indonesia; 3 Lambung
Mangkurat University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan,
Indonesia, 4Lambung Mangkurat University, Wetland-Based Materials Research Center, Banjarmasin, South
Kalimantan, Indonesia; 5Lambung Mangkurat University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agro-industrial
Technology, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Editor-in-Chief: Alexandre Rasi Aoki

Associate Editor: Alexandre Rasi Aoki

Received: 07-Dec-2021; Accepted: 09-May-2022.

*Correspondence: anugroho@ulm.ac.id; Tel.: +62-858-6736-3340 (A.N.).


• Oil palm empty fruit bunch is sufficient to be used as reinforcement on the biopot production.

• Application of sodium alginate deliver a positive effect on the biopot’s mechanical properties.

• Properties of the developed biopot indicate the possibility to substitute the plastic pot use.

Abstract: Efforts to overcome the problem of agroplastic waste (in the form of pots, polybags, and other
planting containers) continue to be studied. This research investigated the use of oil palm empty fruit bunch
(OPEFB) and sodium alginate in the production process of biodegradable pots. This study also investigated
the comprehensive features of biodegradable pots which included physical, mechanical, structural
(chemical), and morphological properties. Physical and mechanical characterization showed that the
moisture content, specific gravity, water absorption, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elongation at break
of the examined biodegradable pots increased with increasing sodium alginate content. Biopot-3 with 15%
sodium alginate exhibited the highest UTS at 1.29 MPa and elongation at break at 6.77%. FTIR spectra in
the 400-4000 cm-1 region showed that all examined biodegradable pots exhibited identical spectra which
most of the peaks showed the characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose, and alginate. While, XRD patterns
showed that the biodegradable pot material has an amorphous structure with 2θ angles being 21.69º, 22.01º,

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 2

and 22.03º, respectively. Surface morphology analysis by SEM revealed that Biopot-1 containing 5% sodium
alginate (the lowest sodium alginate content) exhibited many porous cavities, indicating that the matrix could
not completely fill the space between the fibers. It contrasts with Biopot-2 and Biopot-3 (10% and 15% sodium
alginate, respectively), which have a morphology with a denser surface. In general, the produced
biodegradable pots exhibited adequate functional properties as ecologically friendly planting containers, but
further research is required to investigate their field applicability.

Keywords: agroplastic; biocomposite; biopot; cellulose; thermopressing.


Plastic waste, including agro-plastics such as pots and polybags, has been the most severe
environmental problem due to their resistant to decomposition by natural processes [1,2]. Organic materials
based-planting containers or biodegradable pots are alternatives to answer the issues. Moreover,
biodegradable pots (biopots) are not harmful to the plant roots because they can be transferred directly from
the nursery to the plantation without disassembly [3–10]. Various high fiber biomass, such as coconut frond
and fiber, wood fiber, paddy husk and straw, mushroom substrates, banana peel, and also cow manure have
been studied as reinforcing substances in the production of biopots [3,4,11–15]. Oil palm empty fruit bunch
(OPEFB) is one of the interesting and potential material for biopot reinforcement due to its high content of
fibers (72%).
As the world's largest palm oil producer, Indonesia produce more than 50 million tons of crude palm oil
(CPO) in 2020 and simultaneously generates the same amount of OPEFB as the waste of the CPO
production process [16,17]. Comparing to other biomass, OPEFB seems to have a good potential to be
utilized as reinforcing material in the production of planting container due to its abundance, low price, and
high fiber content. OPEFB has been reported to contains good nutrient composition that potential to be used
for improvement of soil structure and reduction of the uses of chemical fertilizers [17–20]. Investigation on
the physical and mechanical performance of biopots reinforced with OPEFB has not been performed.
Physical and mechanical properties of biopots are determined by the reinforcement materials and also the
matrix. Many natural and synthetic polymers have been used as matrix in the biopot production such as
cassava starch, formaldehyde copolymer, polyethylene glycol, polyhydroxy butyrate, paraffin wax, and
sodium alginate [4,5,7,9,21–23]. Sodium alginate has been reported to have appropriate properties as a
polymeric matrix because of its abundance, effectiveness in the gel formation, good mechanical performance,
and affordable price [4,24]. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of the application of OPEFB as
the reinforcement and various concentration of sodium alginate matrix on the physical, mechanical, structural,
and morphological characteristics of the biopots.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 3


Material Preparation
The material used in this research was Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB). OPEFB waste was
collected from the Palm Oil Processing Plant in Pelaihari, Indonesia. The material was crushed and sun-dried
for 2-3 days to produce OPEFB with a moisture content below 10%. The material was then homogenized in
size with a sieve (25 mesh). To get early information regarding the OPEFB material, lipid content, moisture
content, and lignocellulose content were analyzed. In the production of biopots, sodium alginate was
employed as a matrix that also acts as an adhesive. Prior to use, sodium alginate was combined with distilled
water and agitated until a homogenous gel formed.

Production of Biodegradable Pot

Sodium alginate was dissolved in 50 mL of distilled water and stirred for 5 min to form a homogeneous
gel. The OPEFB material (10 g) and glycerol (0.5 g) was then added to the adhesive solution and
homogenized with a stirrer to create a ready-to-mold paste. Sodium alginate was employed at concentrations
of 5% (Biopot-1), 10% (Biopot-2), and 20% (Biopot-3) of the weight of the OPEFB. The formulation of the
biopot was put into an iron mold designed to resemble the desired shape of the pot with an upper diameter
of 9 cm, a bottom diameter of 6 cm, and a height of 7 cm. The thermopressing process was employed to
mold at a temperature of 150ºC for 5 min. Biopot was removed from the mold and stored in a dry container.

Physical Characterization

Moisture Content
The empty cup was dried for 15 min at 105ºC, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed (W2). The weight of
the biopot specimen was measured (W) and then put into the cup. Following that, the specimen was placed
in a 105ºC oven for 4 hours or until the weight remained steady. The cup containing the sample was cooled
in a desiccator and then weighed (W1). The moisture was calculated using the following formula.
𝑾−(𝑾𝟏 −𝑾𝟐)
𝑴𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 = 𝑾
× 𝟏𝟎𝟎% (1)

Water Absorption
Biopot dry specimens were weighed and marked as W0. The specimens were then immersed in distilled
water for 15 and 30 min at room temperature and weighed. The excess water on the specimen's surface was
gently wiped away with a damp cloth/tissue before weighing. Wt represented the weight after immersion.
Each of these treatments was repeated three times, and the average results were used to determine the
water adsorption value (Q) using the equation below:
𝑾𝑯 𝟐 𝑶
𝑸= 𝑾𝟎
× 𝟏𝟎𝟎% (2)

Note; 𝑊𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑊𝑡 − 𝑊0
𝑊𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑑

The biopot specimens were prepared to a size of 20 mm × 30 mm. Their thickness was measured with
a micrometer screw. Volume was calculated by multiplying the area and thickness of the specimen.
Furthermore, the specimen was dried in an oven, weighed (W), and measured its density (d) using the
following equation:
𝒅 =𝑽 (3)

Colorimetric Analysis
A colorimeter (CR-400 Konica Minolta, Japan) was used to determine the color of the biopot. The CIELab
color system (L* (a lightness factor); a* (redness factor); and b* (yellowness factor) was used to determine
the color difference between biopot samples of various compositions.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 4

Contact Angle Analysis

Contact angle analysis using plug-in drop analysis was used to determine the hydrophobicity of biopot
specimens. Furthermore, the contact angle and hydrophobicity were determined. The instrument used in this
test is a contact angle goniometer (Dataphysic Instrument, TBU 100).

Mechanical Characterization
Mechanical characteristics of biopot were investigated through the tensile test. Tensile strength,
elongation at break, and other tensile properties are critical indicators of a biopot's performance and quality
[25]. The test was carried out with three replications using prepared specimens of the biopot (25 mm ×30
mm) with a 2 mm/min extension rate. The following formulas were used to determine the tensile
characteristics of the biopots:
𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 = 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 = 𝑨 (4)
𝑬𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (%) = 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 = 𝑳 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 % (5)

Note; F = Force; A = cross-sectional area; ∆𝐿 = length extension; 𝐿0 = initial length

Structural and Morphological Characterization

Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Analysis

The functional groups of the chemical components in the biopot composite mixture were qualitatively
analyzed using FTIR. The samples were dried, pulverized, and pelletized with KBr before being examined by
FTIR using the Shimadzu IR Prestige 21 instrument. Spectra were obtained in the wavelength range of 4000-
600 cm-1 with 40 scans at a resolution of 4 cm-1.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis aimed to identify the crystalline phase in the biopot sample. The test
was carried out with the X-ray Diffractometer PANAanalytical-E'xpert Pro equipped with High Score Plus
Software. The instrument was run with a Cu radiation source at a range of 2θ from 10º to 90º.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis

SEM analysis using the FEI Inspect-S50 SEM instrument was used to determine the surface of the biopot
sample microscopically, which includes the material's surface topography and appearance. Micrographs
obtained with magnifications of 2500×.


OPEFB was the primary material used in the production of biopots. Drying, refining, and size sorting
were carried out at this initial stage to obtain OPEFB fibers with homogeneous sizes. Additionally, OPEFB
fiber was tested for moisture, lipid, and lignocellulose content in order to acquire uniform and suitable raw
materials. Table 1 showed the initial characteristics of OPEFB material which were then used for further
In this study, biopots were made by combining OPEFB natural fiber with sodium alginate. In this mixture,
the fiber functions as a reinforcement, while the sodium alginate acts as a matrix and adhesive. A total of 10
g of OPEFB was mixed with sodium alginate with variations of 5%, 10%, and 15% and then formed using the
thermopressing method at a temperature of 150ºC for 5 min. The thermopressing process was chosen due
to its simple technology, ease of use, and timeliness of application [26]. Figure 1 shows the biopots produced
using this method.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 5

Table 1. Physical and chemical characteristics of OPEFB fiber used in biopot production.
Parameters Value

Moisture (%) 8.83±0.35

Lipid content (%) 4.11±0.80
Fiber length (mm) 10-15
Fiber size (µm) ≤ 710
Hemicellulose content (%) 32.00±1.88
Cellulose content (%) 41.35±1.64
Lignin content (%) 16.07±2.04

Figure 1. Physical appearance of the produced biopots - Biopot-1 (5% sodium alginate); Biopot-2 (10% sodium
alginate); Biopot-3 (15% sodium alginate).

Furthermore, biopots were characterized to determine their suitability for use as an alternative planting
container. Comprehensive characterization of biopots was then performed, including physical, mechanical,
structural (chemical), and morphological characterization.

Physical Characteristics
Moisture content, water absorption, density, colorimetric and contact angle were the physical properties
examined in this study. The moisture analysis revealed that the more sodium alginate in the biopot, the higher
the moisture. Biopot-3 containing 15% sodium alginate showed the highest moisture of 8.18%. Meanwhile,
Biopot-1 containing 5% sodium alginate showed the lowest moisture of 6.81% (Table 2). It is critical to
understand the moisture of biopots in order to predict their susceptibility to damage caused by organisms
such as bacteria and fungi, particularly during storage [12,27,28]. On the other hand, the moisture of biopots
could be allowed because it will contact with water while watering or when transferred to the soil in agricultural

Table 2. Physical properties of the examined biopots

Treatment Water Absorption (%)
Moisture (%) 15 min water
(g/cm3) 30 min water immersion
Biopot-1 0.177±0.039 6.81±0.35 146.88±22.32 300.87±49.57
Biopot-2 0.230±0.021 7.29±0.06 157.06±11.37 305.15±16.78
Biopot-3 0.264±0.024 8.18±0.19 236.74±22.58 401.80±38.06

The water absorption test was used to ascertain the specimen's interaction with the water. The
application of biopots for planting containers will undoubtedly contact with water molecules in the

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 6

environment. The material was immersed in distilled water for 15 and 30 min to determine its water absorption
capacity. Biopot’s specimens with higher sodium alginate concentrations had higher water absorption than
specimens with lower sodium alginate concentrations. Biopot-3 with 15% sodium alginate content showed
highest water absorption of 236.74% at 15 min of immersion and 401.80% at 30 min of immersion,
respectively. While, Biopot-1 containing 5% sodium alginate showed the lowest water absorption of 146.88%
at 15 min of immersion and 300.87% at 30 min of immersion (Table 2). This finding is almost the same as
the water absorption capacity of biopot made of tomato, hemp fiber, and cow manure which showed values
of 190 % and 476% [4,15]. The longer it is immersed, the higher the moisture in the biopot. The water
absorption capacity of the biopot is determined by the constituent materials and is closely related to the
porosity and density of the biopot [15]. On the other hand, the ability to absorb water could also be an
advantages to biopot, since it can be employed as a water reservoir when used in agricultural application [6].
Another physical property observed in this study was density. Density indicates the compactness of the
biopot’s ingredients. Density values are strongly dependant on fiber density and the degree of compression
used during processing. In general, fiber composites have a relatively low density [3,4,9]. Biopots made of
OPEFB with sodium alginate had a density of 0.177–0.264 g/cm3 (Table 2). The higher the sodium alginate
level, the higher the density, as alginate works as both a matrix and an adhesive in the mixture [4]. Due to
the high concentration of sodium alginate, the component materials' cohesiveness is increased, resulting in
an increase in density. When compared with similar products from previous studies made from waste of
tomato-hemp fibers [4] and straw fibres [9] as raw materials, which showed densities of 0.43 g/cm3 and 0.81
g/cm3, respectively, the biopots produced from this research were lighter, so that expected to be simpler in
transportation and storage.
Colorimetric analysis was carried out to see the difference in the color and appearance of each biopots,
as done in several studies [29,30]. Color values were expressed in lightness (L), redness (a), and yellowness
(b) measured using a colorimeter. The lightness (L) of the combination tends to increase as the sodium
alginate concentration in the mixture increases. Meanwhile, Yellowness (b) tends to decrease with the
increasing concentration of sodium alginate. Similarly, as the concentration of alginate in the mixture
increases, the redness (a) decreases slightly. The color of biopots is determined by two critical factors: the
composition and the heating technique during thermopressing.

Figure 2. Colorimetric value of the tested biopots.

Another physical property analyzed in this study was the contact angle. In principle, the contact angle
indicates the surface's wettability. Hydrophilic liquids have a contact angle of less than 90° with the solid
surface, whereas hydrophobic (non-wetting) liquids have a contact angle of 90-180°. In this study, the contact
angle of the examined biopot ranged from 81.67-103.72o. Biopot-3, which contained 15% sodium alginate,
was hydrophilic based on the contact angle value, whereas Biopot-1 and Biopot-2 were classified as
hydrophobic (non-wetting). The contact angle is further influenced by the material's porosity, roughness, and
heterogeneity of the surface topography.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 7

Figure 3. Contact angle of the examined biopots.

Figure 4. Contact angle of Biopot-3 with hydrophobic angle of <90o (a) and Biopot-2 with hydrophilic angle of >90o (b).

Mechanical characteristics
Mechanical characteristics of biopot were investigated through tensile test. Tensile properties are critical
characteristics of biopots. The tensile properties studied were ultimate tensile strength (UTS), elongation at
break, and stress-strain curve. UTS is the maximum stress that a specimen can withstand when stretched.
Biopot-1, Biopot-2 and Biopot-3 had a UTS value of between 0.617 and 1.290 MPa. Increasing the sodium
alginate content resulted in a rise in the biopot's UTS value. This value is almost similar to that of biopots
originating from wood fiber of 0.1 M.Pa [15]; tomatoes and hemp fiber of 0.46 MPa [4]. In several studies,
adding plasticizers such as polyester and polyethylene glycol to the biopots resulted in higher UTS values as
shown in previous studies [22,25].
The elongation value ranged between 4.79% and 6.77% during cracking, with the maximum value
occurring at Biopot-3. The relationship between tensile strength and elongation is illustrated on a stress-strain
graph that showed a similar pattern for all biopots. When the curve reaches the peak point (UTS), there is a
decrease in stress due to cracks in the test specimen. In general, all test specimens exhibited the same
pattern, with a broad peak indicating that the test specimen was elastic (ductile fracture), as opposed to non-
elastic specimens, which had sharper peaks (Figure 6) [15].
The performances of the biopots were relatively better compared to other related or similar products of
the previous research, such as biopot, biocontainer, and green polybag [3,4,9,15,22]. Table 3 shows the
comparison of the physical and mechanical properties of the tested biopots with other related products. As
shown, the tested biopots were better in three parameters of biopot quality (water adsorption, density, and
tensile strength).
The biopot is also economically reliable because of its low production cost, either the material price or
the processing cost. OPEFB is the waste of CPO production process and generally worthless. Sodium
alginate is also can be obtained at the affordable price and it is only used in a small quantity of around 1 g
for each single biopot. In addition, in term of time efficiency, thermopressing method is more preferable than
the cold process which takes up to 3 days [4,31,32]. This is essential in efforts to save the storage space and
working hour.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 8

Figure 5. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation at break of the examined biopots.

Figure 6. Curve of stress-strain of the examined biopots.

Table 3. Comparison of the physical and mechanical properties of the tested biopots with other related products

Parameter Raw materials Value Ref.

OPEFB 146.88 Research data
Tomato waste
Water adsorption (%) 190.00 [4]
Hemp fibers
Cow manure 476.00 [15]
OPEFB 0.18 Research data
Tomato waste
Density (g/cm3) 0.43 [4]
Hemp fibers
Straw 0.81 [15]
OPEFB 1.30 Research data
Tomato waste
Tensile strength (MPa) 0.46 [4]
Hemp fibers
Wood fibers 0,10 [15]
OPEFB 6.77 Research data
Protein Hydrolysate-PEG-
Elongation at break (%) 1.00 [22]
Wood Flour
Biodegradable Polyester
48.70 [25]
Plant fibers

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 9

Structural and Morphological Characteristics

FTIR spectra
The FTIR test was performed to understand about the chemical linkages found in the biopot sample,
which the different peaks indicate the typical chemical bonds. A biopot is a composite consisting of OPEFB
fiber as reinforcement and sodium alginate as a matrix. The results showed that the spectra of Biopot-1,
Biopot-2, and Biopot -3 were similar. Most of the peaks showed the characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose,
and alginate. Only the transmittance intensity was slightly different at certain peaks, indicated the difference
in quantity of each functional groups. The infrared spectrum revealed a strong broad absorption band at 3321
and 3344 cm-1. It indicated the presence of stretching OH groups in cellulose and alginate compounds, which
are associated with a high number of hydrogen bonds. Absorption bands at wavelengths 2945, 2943, and
2941 cm-1 were asymmetric stretching of CH, CH2, and CH3 (methylene and methyl group) in cellulose. The
absorption bands at 1168 and 1166 cm-1 indicated the presence of C-O-C stretching vibration in cellulose
and alginate. Similarly, the bands at 820 and 817 cm-1 showed a C-H deformation of the β-(1,4) glycosidic
linkage in cellulose, as well as a C-H deformation of the linkage in alginate [30,33].

Figure 7. FTIR Spectra of the examined biopots.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was aimed to identify the crystalline phase in the biopot from OPEFB
with the different content of sodium alginate. Diffraction patterns of Biopot-1, Biopot-2 and Biopot-3 can be
seen in Figure 8, showing that the biopot material has an amorphous structure with 2θ angles being 21.69º,
22.01º and 22.03º, respectively. The peak intensity of the tested biopot showed a slight increase with
increasing sodium alginate [(C6H7NaO6)n] in samples. Lignocellulosic fiber and sodium alginate are the main
constituents of the biopots. Those materials are organic that naturally are irregular (amorphous) [34–38]. This
condition will affect the results of the XRD analysis of the biopots which are also amorphous as indicated by
the absence of crystalline peaks.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 10

Figure 8. X-ray diffractogram of the examined biopots.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

The morphology of the biopot, which was composed of fiber and sodium alginate, was examined using
SEM analysis. On the surface of the Biopot-1 containing 5% sodium alginate (the smallest sodium alginate
content), several porous cavities formed, indicating that the matrix could not completely fill the space between
the fibers. It contrasts with Biopot-2 and Biopot-3, which contain higher sodium alginate (10% and 15%
sodium alginate), showing denser morphology. A sodium alginate matrix strongly influences the level of
porosity of the biopot. Additionally, biopots containing a higher concentration of sodium alginate (Biopot-3)
had a smoother surface than biopots containing a lower concentration of sodium alginate (Biopot-1). The
matrix acts as a filler, transferring tension to the fiber, forming a coherent link between the fiber and matrix
surface, and protecting the fiber.

Figure 9. SEM micrograph of the examined biopots with 2500x magnification.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Vol.65: e22210789, 2022 www.scielo.br/babt

Jaya, J.D.; et al. 11

Biopots made of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) and sodium alginate have the potential to be an
environmentally friendly alternative to conventional planting containers. The quality of biopots is determined
by product characteristics such as the material's physical, mechanical, structural (chemical), and
morphological properties. The final characteristics of the biopot are primarily determined by the type of filler
and matrix used, and this study used OPEFB and sodium alginate. The development and application of
biodegradable containers are intended to be a novel method to achieve the sustainable agricultural objective
of balancing productivity and environmental concerns.

Funding: This research was funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of
Indonesia through a Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant (031/E4.1/AK.04.PT/2021).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and Doctoral Program of Agricultural Science, Lambung Mangkurat University
for supporting the research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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