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SOLEST Brochure

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Lubricants that perform with today’s

environmentally safe refrigerants


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No question that the phase-out of
ozone-depleting CFC refrigerants
has been a positive step toward
preserving our environment.
But it left users of the new generation of alternative
refrigerants—specifically, HFCs— scratching their
heads: If mineral oils would not work with HFCs,
what would?

From the first hint of the CFC phase-out, scientists

at CPI Engineering Services recognized the potential SOLEST® lubricants feature excellent chemical and
for synthetic lubricants. They immediately began the thermal stability, good refrigerant miscibility, and
search for a synthetic lubricant that would meet the a superior structure to improve wear resistance
needs of the newer refrigerants. and operating life. Additionally, SOLEST® lubricants
are backed by an experienced technical sales and
The result? The SOLEST® line of lubricants—the first sup-port staff, so you’re assured of getting the right
line of polyol ester lubricants developed in the United lubricant for your application.
States specifically to serve compressors operating
with environ-mentally safe HFC refrigerants.

Application and Compressor Type

• HFC, HCFC, HFO Refrigeration
• Reciprocating, Screw, Rotary,
Scroll, Centrifugal Compressors

Features and Benefits

Thermally stable Longer system life
Improved oil management Efficiency gains
Corrosion protection Enhanced system reliability
and reduced down-time
Excellent bearing lubrication Longer compressor life
Optimized System performance Reduced operating costs
Environmentally friendly Biodegradable
Excellent lubricity Increased efficiency,
reduced cost of operation

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Performance-Tested Physical Properties
SOLEST® lubricants are designed for standard factory fill of air conditioning and industrial refrigeration equip-
ment, as well as for OEM retrofitting operations. CPI’s laboratory studies and OEM compressor bench tests have
afforded a product line specifi-cally designed to meet key system needs. SOLEST® lubri-cants are not hazardous
under 29 CFR 1910.1200. They provide improved properties over conventional mineral oils in all aspects,
including viscosity index, flash and fire points, and pour point.

Typical Properties1 of SOLEST® Lubricants

Property 22 31-HE LT-32 46 68 120 170 180 220 370

ISO VG 22 32 32 46 68 220 370
Viscosity, cSt.
@ 40ºC 21.7 32.7 33.1 49.5 66.3 127.7 175.2 175 233.3 393.1
@100ºC 4.5 5.7 5.7 6.9 8.9 12.7 16.5 17.8 18.4 26.1
@100ºF 12.4 35.9 36.4 55.1 73.9 144.8 198.8 195.2 267.9 455.3
@210ºF 4.5 5.8 5.8 7.1 9.1 13.1 17 18.3 19 27
Viscosity Index 121 115 112 93 108 90 93 86 89
Density @ 20ºC g/ml 0.9936 0.9372 0.9636 0.966 0.9552 0.9492 0.9516 0.9756 0.9528 0.9600
Density, lb/gal 8.28 7.81 8.03 7.8 7.96 7.91 7.93 8.13 7.94 8.00
Pour Point, -60 -51 -52 -45 -43 -33 -30 -27 -21
ºC(ºF) -76 (-60) (-62) (-49) (-45) (-27) (-22) (-17) (-6)
Flash Point, 232 240 240 235 263 251 268 285 268 296
ºC(ºF) (450) (465) (465) (455) (505) (485) (510) (545) (515) (565)
Fire Point, 266 263 260 260 293 271 287 310 287 324
ºC(ºF) (510) (505) (500) (500) (560) (520) (550) (590) (550) (615)
Specific Gravity 0.995 0.939 0.965 0.937 0.957 0.951 0.953 0.97 0.955 0.961
Strength, kV
ASTM D 877 32.1 48.2 43.6 49.4 47 46.6 42 41.8 47.47

Miscibility of SOLEST Lubricants with R-134a

Outstanding Miscibility
The performance of an HFC system is optimized when
the lubricant and refrigerant mix to form a single,
clear phase (that is, they are miscible). Miscibility
lowers the viscosity of the lubri-cant carried through
the sys-tem, so the lubricant can more efficiently
return to the compressor. Mineral oils are not miscible
with HFCs. SOLEST® lubricants, on the other hand,
have been specially designed to be miscible, as
demonstrated in the data shown.



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Simplified Lubricant/Application Selection
CPI has worked with OEMs to provide products to meet all the needs of the modern refrigeration system. Through
this effort, we’ve been able to identify lubricants that meet a compressor’s specific require-ments and needs. This
application guide covers only a few of the many possible lubricants for specific applications. Consult your OEM or
CPI for specific information on our complete product line as well as viscosity recommendations.

SOLEST Series Application Guide

Residential Industrial & Commercial

Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Recip. Rotary Centr. Recip. Screw Scroll


Excellent Thermal Stability

Sealed tube results (ASHRAE-97) indicate that
SOLEST® lubricants provide excellent sta-bility in
the presence of HFC refrigerants. In addition to
outstanding stability, these lubricants show no adverse
effects to metals and other materials of construction.



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Miscibility of SOLEST Lubricants with R-404A



The term “hygroscopic” refers to a substance that can readily absorb moisture from the air. All the polyol ester
lubricants, including SOLEST® products, will absorb more water than the mineral oils they are replacing.

High levels of moisture in a refrigeration system can adversely affect system perfor-mance. However, by following
good working practices and minimizing the time a lubri-cant is exposed to the air, the lubricant will maintain low
levels of moisture.

Water Absorption of SOLEST® Series Stored in Open Containers



Water Increase (ppm)

300 ▲


▲ 1 Gallon Cans
▲ 5 Gallon Pails
55 Gallon Drums
0 ▲

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (Hours)

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Retrofit information is available.
As CFC and HCFC refrigerants are phased out, you’ll proper removal. This retrofit information is available from
need to replace or retrofit your existing lubricant with your CPI® Fluid Engineering representative.
an alternative such as SOLEST polyol ester lubricant.
This is a critical step, and here’s why: This application guide covers only a few of the many
possible lubricants for various applications. Please
Existing mineral oil lubricants are not miscible with consult your OEM and CPI for specific information
HFCs. Even when the mineral oil lubricant has been on our complete product line as well as viscosity
drained from a system and replaced with a synthetic recommendations.
SOLEST lubricant, residual mineral oil may make up
as much as 10 percent of the lubricant charge. This CPI is a world leader in the synthetic lubricants
can severely affect the miscibility of the SOLEST industry with operations in North America, Europe,
lubricant, which can lead to fouling or coating of the Africa and Asia Pacific regions. In addition to our
evaporator and can reduce the operating efficiency Solest® lubricants, CPI offers lubricants for any
to unacceptable levels. refrigeration application including domestic and
automotive air condition, commercial and industrial
To prevent mineral oil contamination, it is essential that refrigeration and low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
as much mineral oil as possible be removed from your refrigerants such as Carbon Dioxide, Hydrocarbons
system. We have developed a retrofit procedure to assure and Ammonia. CPI also offers a comprehensive
range of Industrial Lubricants for Process gas,
Hydrocarbon gas, Air Compressors, Vacuum Pumps,
Hydraulics, Gears, Chains, Turbine, Landfill Gas, Field
Gas, Chemical Process and many NSF H1 & H2 Food
SOLEST ® POLYOL ESTER LUBRICANTS Grade applications. CPI is ISO 9001 and RC 14001®
accredited and earned the 1993 Stratospheric Ozone
Protection Award from the Environmental Protection
Agency. Also registered for the manufacture of Halal,
North & South America Kosher and Pareve products.
The Lubrizol Corporation Europe, Middle East
2300 James Savage Road
and Africa
Midland, MI 48642
Pavillion One, Belasis Court
Telephone: 989 496-3780
Greenwood Road
Email: sales@cpieng.com
TS23 4AZ, UK
Asia-Pacific Telephone: 44 1642 565266
44 Tanjung Penjuru Email: euafricamesales@
Singapore 609032 cpieng.com
Telephone: 65-66638 684
Email: asiasales@cpieng.com

Fluid Engineering

SOLEST lubricants are authorized under applicable Lubrizol

patents covering the basic combination of chlorine free
refrigerants with polyol ester type synthetic lubricants. The
trademark and servicemark CPI and the trademark SOLEST
are registered in the United States and other countries.
131545 © The Lubrizol Corporation 2014, all rights reserved

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