Fy 19
Fy 19
Fy 19
2013 version
Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has produced rails for nearly 40 years and is one of the
four major manufacturers of rails in China. It can produce common rails as per Railway
Standards TB/T2344 and National Standard GB2585. It can also produce high-speed
rails as per High-speed Passenger Rail Line Standards by the Ministry of Railways with
speeds of 250 km / h and 350 km / h. The maximum length of a single rail can be as
long as 100 meters. At the same time, can produce rails as per EN, BS, UIC and other
foreign standards to meet the needs of the international market.
The section steel production line of Heavy Section Mill of WISCO, Ltd has an annual
capacity of 1.05 million tons. The main production equipment and process are at the world
first level. Key equipment adopts the world most advanced control technology and
hardware configuration, and equipped with instrumentation, measuring equipment and
technology at world technical cutting edge. In which, the high-speed universal section mill
and edging mill are the newest generation of products of SMS-MEER Company, Germany,
characterized by their compact construction and high rolling accuracy. Its products have
reached world leading level in regard to comprehensive quality.
Dec. 27th 2008, the 100-meter length-fixed rails of 60kg/m U71Mn (K) and U75V for
speed of 350 km/h produced by WISCO passed technological review of Transport Bureau
of Ministry of Railways.
List of Products
38kg/m, 43kg/m,50kg/m,
71Mn, U75V, 60kg/m,75kg/m、75A,
Rail U76NbRE,900A, 75R,90A,100A,UIC54, For railways & crane rails
WR-A,EN260 UIC60, 60E1,QU8, QU100,
115E, 136E
Size (mm)
Type Rail Railhead Rail Base Rail Waist Standards
Height h Broadness b Broadness b2 Depth
38kg/m 134 68 114 13.0 GB2585-2007
43kg/m 140 70 114 14.5
50kg/m 152 70 132 15.5 GB2585-2007
60kg/m 176 73 150 16.5 TB/T2344-2003
75kg/m 192 75 150 20
75A 128.59 61.91 114.3 12.7
75R 128.59 61.91 122.24 13.1 BS11-87
90A 142.88 66.67 127 13.89 WJS(DX) Technology Agreement
100A 152.40 69.85 133.35 15.08
UIC54 159.00 72.20 140 16 UIC860 GB2585-2007
UIC60 172.00 74.3 150 16.5 WJS(DX) Technology Agreement
60E1 172 72 150 16.5 EN13674-1-2003
QU80 130 80 130 32
QU100 150 100 150 38
[2004]120# of Railway Scientific &
Technological Standards
Passenger 176 73 150 16.5
[2005]No. 298 of Railway Scientific &
Line Rail
Technological Standards
Sectional Dimension Tolerance
Tolerance (mm)
Type Cross Section Diagram
h b b2 s
38kg/m ±0.8
+1.0 +1.0
50kg/m ±0.5
±0.6 -1.5 -0.5
90A ±0.5 +1.0
±0.5 ±1.0
100A -0.5
UIC60 ±0.6
60E1 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±0.7
QU80(for cranes) +1.0 +1.0
±1.0 ±1.0
QU100(for cranes) -2.0 -2.0
Dimension Tolerance for Passenger Line Rail
Tolerance (mm)
Type Cross Section Diagram
h b b2 s
60kg/m ±0.6 ±0.5 ±1.0
38kg/m rails are mainly for forestry transport, 43kg/m rails are mainly for
Main coal transport, 50kg/m and 60kg/m rails are for railway lines and high-speed
Functions railway lines, BS75A, BS75R, BS90A, UIC54 rails are exported for
passenger and cargo transport. QU80, QU100 rails are for crane rails.
In order not to bend the rails or cause internal cracks by falling, it is required
Cautions to load and land cargos gently during hoisting. It is strictly prohibited to cut
rails with flame lance.
List of main countries and regions of WISCO-made steel rails exported to since
Year Countries/Regions Size of steel rails
2002-2004 Pakistan UIC54
2002 Bangladesh 90A
2003 Bangladesh 90A
2004 Burma 75R
2004 Indonesia 43kg
2004 Tanzania, Zambia 45kg
2005 Ethiopia 38kg
2005 Zimbabwe 90A
2005 Bangladesh 75A
2006 Zimbabwe 90A
2006 Pakistan UIC54
2006 Bangladesh 90A
2009 Angola 50kg