Fgb-Mins-20 03 18
Fgb-Mins-20 03 18
Fgb-Mins-20 03 18
Present: Matt Adkin, Mark Bowring (Chair), Lucinda Curtis, Matthew Ewens,
Colin Kemp, Sally King, Michaela Luckett, Jo Miller (Vice-Chair), Jenny Stiff
(DHT), Rob Stanton, Paul Tanner, Dan Turvey (Head Teacher),
Clerk: Jan Davies
2. Apologies for absence & approval – Apologies received and approved from
Roy Bullock – car trouble, Vanessa Russell – family commitment, and Giles
Walter - on leave.
3. Declaration of business interests – None declared
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language (EAL) partly through children in reception and some who have
joined mid-term.
There were currently 650 pupils on role with two new children joining at
Easter. There would be no immediate impact in terms of additional revenue
funding as the budget was worked out from the number on role at the time
of the January Census. However, the full effect of the additional pupils
would impact positively on 2019/2020 revenue budget.
How had new pupils settled? – With the support of a buddy new children
had settled in very well.
Were there any additional challenges for the School? – The School had set
up additional support with a focus on grammar for a group of Year 3
How many different languages were there and did the school have access
to interpreters? 27 languages were spoken. The school rarely used
interpreters as they were difficult to access. However, they could be used
if there was a need to speak to parents where no one in the family could act
as interpreter.
SIP – This had been made available to governors prior to the meeting
although additional details had been added for Terms 5 and 6. The HT
would send the updated SIP to the Clerk for uploading to Dropbox. The HT
had been asked to add in governor initials against particular actions in the
Plan which had been done. Governors should contact him if they did not
agree. In future governor names will be added to the Plan at the beginning
of the year so that governors can be proactive in producing their monitoring
Why has the colour purple been introduced into the SIP? – This was to
draw attention to new updates in the SIP so that they could be easily
Pupil Progress – Governors were provided at the meeting with attainment
data for March following the data harvest carried out in February.
Governors were asked to email the HT with their questions. There was a
need to re-evaluate in terms of tracking and as yet, the School had not been
able to agree a method of reporting low/middle/high groups.
Was the data worrying? – This would only be the case if data remained as it
is now which is not anticipated.
5. Monitoring reports
Early Years – The report had been circulated to governors prior to the
meeting. Actions arising for governors from the report were: -
- that they should be aware of the limitations placed on plans to use the
Tapestry tracking system because of the technology involved and the
need for the system to be updated.
- Co-operation between governors, staff and PFA as regards the
development of the outside area seemed advisable.
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More able pupils - The report had been circulated to governors prior to the
meeting. Actions arising for governors from the report were: -
- Feedback from Ofsted was still recent, and it would take some time to
embed the practice needed to ensure the more able were adequately
challenged. Good foundations were in place.
Teaching and Learning – The report had been circulated to governors prior
to the meeting. Actions arising for governors from the report were: -
The Pupil Voice Survey identified or confirmed the following areas where
improvements might be made
• Further embedding of Dojos in lower school as younger children did not
mention the system;
• Further work to refresh the curriculum to enhance the learning experience
of boy pupils. It is suggested that a monitoring priority would be to assess
progress made in refreshing the curriculum and the impact this is having, in
particular for boys. This might be combined with monitoring the support put
in place to develop teachers.
Regarding the HT and DHT drop ins to observe teaching and learning, did
teachers know this would be happening beforehand? Drop ins were the least
obtrusive and gave a better picture of what happened day by day. Teachers
were usually informed that they would be visited at some point during the
week but, unlike formal observations, a specific date and time was not set.
Drop ins could last 10 minutes or longer and feedback is provided as quickly
as possible. The quality of teaching has risen from 86% of teaching at least
good to 94.6%
Accident reports – Accident reports for the period September to March had
been circulated prior to the meeting. Only 2 accidents had required an H157
accident form to be completed. Governors were asked to note that a health
and safety walk round the site involving the School Business Manager and
H&S Governor had taken place.
6. Monitoring priorities for Term 5 – The following monitoring visits are
expected to take place: -
- Monitoring of the Long-Term School Strategy
- SIAMS, following the recent SIAMS inspection
- IT
- Finance in respect of the new 3YP
7. SFVS – The Schools Financial Value Standard, which had been designed to
help schools manage their finances and ensure secure financial
management, had been circulated to governors prior to the meeting. The
finance monitoring group had looked at the completed Standard and
recommended it for approval by the FGB. Governors unanimously approved
the SFVS.
8. Update on school budget – Year 1 of the 3YP would be based on the number
on role as at January 18 i.e. 632 pupils. The age weighted pupil unit (AWPU)
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had increased by £9. per pupil. There would be a reduction of some £20K in
high needs funding as the LA overspent on this last year.
Year 2 i.e. 2019/20 the additional 12 pupils mentioned above will add an
extra £60K to the revenue budget. There are 56 pupil premium children in
the school. When reception staff visit new parents, a leaflet is given out
explaining the criteria for applying for free school meals, meaning that the
school would receive PP for each approved FSM application.
Service Level Agreement for Governor Training – The training package last
year cost the school £1,127. Governors were provided with a list of training
undertaken by governors since April 17 and felt it offered value for money.
Governors agreed that the school renew the SLA for the new financial year.
9. Timings of the school day for Reception pupils – A copy of the consultation
had been circulated to governors prior to the meeting. The HT was seeking
governors’ approval to change the finishing time for Reception pupils from
3.15 to 3.10pm so that Reception parents with children further up the
school would not be late in collecting older siblings. Governors approved
the earlier finishing time and will give final approval at the meeting in May
following consultation.
10. Support Staff TCP Consultation Paper – A copy of the consultation paper
had been circulated to governors prior to the meeting. The HT was seeking
governor approval for the appraisal system for support staff to be changed
from April – February to September – August in line with the academic year
rather than the financial year. No existing support staff would be financially
penalised by the proposal. Governors approved changing the support staff
TCP awards from April to September in line with teaching staff.
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11. GDPR – The HT, DHT, SBM and Admissions Manager had attended preliminary
training provided by Athelbrae Ltd on the new data protection regulations
which would come into effect on the 25th May 2018. The GDPR principles
are that data: -
- is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
- is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
- is adequate relevant and limited to what is necessary
- is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
- is retained only for as long as necessary. This applies to both paper and
electronic data including emails
- is processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security
Schools needed to be more explicit with parents about what data it kept,
and for how long and with whom data is shared.
14. Update on LCT Directors meeting – The Directors, which included the HT,
met on the 5th March to give feedback from the various project groups.
Governors can access the website through the link below. Clerk to provide
login details separately.
15. Policies requiring FGB approval – The on-line safety policy and
safeguarding policy had been scrutinised by school staff and lead governors
and recommended for approval. Governors unanimously approved the
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policies. The Medical Needs policy will be tabled for approval at the
May FGB meeting.
Policies due for renewal not requiring FGB approval but for information
The following policies had been scrutinised thoroughly by school and lead
governors and duly approved in accordance with the school’s policies
schedule: -
Complaints policy, Governor allowances, Health & Safety, Lettings, Sex and
Relationship, and Educational visits.
One governor felt that there had been too much of a focus on complaints
made through social media. The group of governors involved in updating
the complaints policy felt that they had consulted widely with other schools
and had made use of the KCC model complaints policy and KCC guidance on
complaints made through social media.
As regards the governor allowances policy it was agreed that if the Chair of
Governors were to submit an expense claim then this would be signed off by
the Vice-Chair.
The following policies remained outstanding for updating but did not require
FGB approval.
Governor Visits. FOI (to be updated once new data protection regulations
are in place), Teaching and Learning (October FGB)
16. Governor Training – The following training had been attended since the last
FGB meeting: -
18. Actions arising therefrom – With the exception of the action around setting
up a working party to focus on improving communication with all
stakeholders, all actions arising from the last FGB meeting had been
19. AOB – Following a recent piece in the February governor e bulletin regarding
reducing teacher workload, a governor asked what strategies were in place
in school. The HT responded that the school makes every effort to minimise
teacher workloads.
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Governor actions
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