Fgb-Mins-10 10 18
Fgb-Mins-10 10 18
Fgb-Mins-10 10 18
Present: Mark Bowring, (Chair) Matthew Ewens, Colin Kemp, Michaela Luckett,
Alison McLaren, Jo Miller, Guy Moss, David Robson, Vanessa Russell, Rob
Stanton, Jenny Stiff (DHT), Paul Tanner, Dan Turvey (Head Teacher), Giles
Clerk: Jan Davies
Having developed long term plans, staff, during an INSET day, had broken
the plans down into medium term plans for terms 1 and 2. Plans would be
monitored and reviewed throughout the year to ensure they were fulfilling
the School’s vision.
Having moved away from topics what sort of child-led ideas were they
looking at? The thread for Year 5s was on 70s/80s/90s pop music whilst
Year 6 were fully engaged in their work on WW2.
6. Monitoring Reports – The written report for the IT monitoring visit would be
provided to governors after this meeting but verbal feedback had been
shared with governors at the July FGB meeting.
7. Monitoring Group priorities – These were outlined in the SIP for terms 1 and
2 and also on the annual governor planner to enable governors to be pro-
active in arranging their visits.
8. Six-month monitoring return – The six-month monitoring report showed an
in-year deficit of £67,882, a variance of £15,160 from when the budget was
set, with an overall surplus to be carried forward at year end of £48,959.
The Capital budget predicted a year end deficit of £23,884 due to the loan
the school had taken out for building works to the Kitchen. Governors
approved the 6-month monitoring return.
A finance monitoring report had been carried out and made available to
governors prior to the meeting, which outlined the main variances in
revenue income and expenditure.
9. Teachers Pay – The Pay Committee had met in accordance with the Pay
Policy and made decisions with regard to Teachers’ salaries. The HTPM
Panel had met to consider the HT’s performance over the last year and to
set new objectives. A mid-year review was planned for March 19.
10. Strategy Team update – The ST had met on the 3rd October and draft
minutes of that meeting had been made available to governors prior to the
FGB meeting. One of the actions on the Long-Term School Strategic Plan
was to investigate the provision of a Nursery on the School Site. The HT had
Have we had an impact on the outcomes for our
children Page 3|5
met with a KCC representative with responsibility for nursery provision in
the local area. In principle the KCC were keen for schools to provide a
nursery on their sites given that many independent nurseries were closing as
the could not fund the statutory 30 hours provision. However there was no
funding attached as this was being used to provide additional secondary
school places due to the bulge years in primary education moving through
into the secondary sector. In view of the school’s budgetary position and
the planned use of funds with regard to the asset development plan it was
the recommendation of the Strategy Team that no further action be taken.
Governors unanimously agreed.
Could this decision be up for review at a later date? Yes, if KCC were
prepared to fund it.
11. Chairs and Vice-Chairs actions – the V-C advised governors that in order to
raise the profile of the school governors there would be a governor photo
board in the School’s front entrance. Governors were asked to attend at
either 8.30am or 3.30pm on the 31st October.
12. Policies – The Pay Policy and Managing absence & Ill Health Policies had
been reviewed by lead governors prior to the meeting and were duly
approved by the FGB. The Pupil Premium and GDPR Data Protection
policies, together with the GDPR Staff Privacy Notice, had been approved
internally but shared with governors for their information. The following
non-statutory policies would be reviewed and shared with governors at the
December FGB meeting:-
- Debt Recovery Policy – Lead govs SBM/Finance monitoring group
- Governor Induction Policy - Chair
- Teaching & Learning Policy- HT/Chair
As a Chair’s action, and in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in
Education guidance, he had approved the updated Child Protection
Exemplar Policy. CK/PT/ML will subsequently look at the Policy and
personalise it for St John’s.
CK will send a link to the KCSIE document as all staff and governors are
expected to read parts 1 and 2 and sign to say they have read it.
13 Approve minutes of last FGB meeting – Subject to a minor amendment
under apologies these were approved and signed by the Chair.
14 Matters arising therefrom – Actions arising from the last FGB had been
completed with the exception of the following:-
Action point 9 – Governors to re-visit suggested wording in updated Finance
Policy regarding setting an amount at which 3 quotes are required for day to
day transactions.
15. Update on academy status – It was agreed that this annual review item on
the FGB agenda be removed and dealt with by the Strategy Team.
16. Governor Training – AMcL had agreed to be the new Training &
Development Governor. CK had attended a recent District Governor Briefing
and will provide a written report at the next FGB meeting. He reminded
governors that they needed to register with The Education People to gain
access to the CPD online portal where governors could book themselves on
training courses. The Governors’ Conference will take place on the 13th
November. CK to attend.
TWPSCT AGM – The HT had attended on the 8th October. 17 local Primary
Schools are members of the Trust. Annual reports were presented from the
various project groups which included Governance, Teaching & Learning,
Finance, Personal Development, behaviour and welfare and Clerking. The
Governor Actions:
Agenda No Action Lead
12 The following policies to be taken to
the December FGB for information
- Debt Recovery Policy – Lead SBM/Finance
govs Mon Group
- Governor Induction Policy - Chair
- Teaching & Learning Policy- HT/Chair