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PS2 Lab Manual

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This is to certify that Mr.

of B.E. Semester 5 Electrical Engineering branch, Enrollment
No. has satisfactorily completed his term work
forthe subject Power System-II (3150911) during the
academic year 2021-22 and submitted on Date:-

Staff In-Charge External Examiner Head of Department

Government Engineering College Dahod

Power System II (3150911)

No. Title Date

1 MATLAB Primer
2 Plot instantaneous values of current and
voltages of AC circuits using MALAB
3 To understand modeling and performance of
short transmission lines using MATLAB
4 To understand modeling and performance of
medium transmission line pi model using
5 To understand modeling and performance of
long transmission line using MATLAB
6 Transients on a transmission line
7 Symmetrical short circuit on a synchronous
8 Symmetrical Components from Unbalance
9 Unbalanced Voltages from Symmetrical

Experiment 1: MATLAB Primer

Practice the following examples.

>> a = 2
a =

>> x = [1;2;3]
x =

» x = [1 2 3 4 5]
x =
1 2 3 4 5

>> A = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 0]

A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0

» y = [6;7;8;9;10]
y =

» y = [6,7,8,9,10]
y =
6 7 8 9 10
» y'
ans =

» u = [0:8]
u =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

» v = [0:2:8]

Page 1
v =
0 2 4 6 8

» v(1:3)
ans =
0 2 4

» v(1:2:4)
ans =
0 4

» sin(pi/2)
ans =

» cos(pi/2)
ans =

» x = [0:0.1:1]
x =
Columns 1 through 7
0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000
Columns 8 through 11
0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000

» y = exp(x)
y =
Columns 1 through 7
1.0000 1.1052 1.3499 1.4918 1.6487 1.8221
Columns 8 through 2.7183
2.0138 2.2255

» A = [9,7,0;0,8,6;7,1,-6]
A =
9 7 0
0 8 6
7 1 -6

» size(A)
ans =
3 3

» det(A)
ans =

» inv(A)
Page 2
ans =
0.2812 -0.2187 -0.2187
-0.2187 0.2812 0.2812
0.2917 -0.2083 -0.3750

» A*inv(A)
ans =
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

ans = 0
1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0
0.0000 0 1.0000

» eig(A)
ans =

» x=-pi:0.01:pi;

» y=cos(x);

» plot(x,y)

Page 3
» xlabel('x')
» ylabel('y=cos(x)')

» title('Graph of cosine from - \pi to \pi')

» title('Graph of cosine from -pi to pi')

Various line types, plot symbols and colors can be used. If these are not specified (as in the case above)
MATLAB will assign (and cycle through) the default ones as given in the table below.
y yellow . point
m magenta o circle
c cyan x x-mark
r red + plus
g green - solid
b blue * star
w white : dotted
k black -. dashdot
-- dashed

So, to obtain the same graph but in green, we type

» plot(x,y,’g’)

where the third argument indicating the color, appears within single quotes. We could get a dashed line instead
of a solid one by typing
» plot(x,y,’--’)

or even a combination of line type and color, say a blue dotted line by typing
» plot(x,y,’b:’)

Multiple curves can appear on the same graph. If for example we define another vector
» z = sin(x);

we can get both graphs on the same axis, distinguished by their line type, using

Page 4
» plot(x,y,'r--',x,z,'b:')

The resulting graph can be seen below, with the red dashed line representing y = cos(x) and the
blue dotted line representing z = sin(x).

When multiple curves appear on the same axis, it is a good idea to create a legend to label and distinguish them.
The command legend does exactly this.
» legend('cos(x)','sin(x)')

The text that appears within single quotes as input to this command, represents the legend labels. We must be
consistent with the ordering of the two curves, so since in the plot command we asked for cosine to be
plotted before sine, we must do the same here.

Page 5
At any point during a MATLAB session, you can obtain a hard copy of the current plot by either issuing the
command print at the MATLAB prompt, or by using the command menus on the plot window. In addition,
MATLAB plots can by copied and pasted (as pictures) in your favorite word processor (such as Microsoft
Word). This can be achieved using the Edit menu on the figure window.

Page 6

Experiment No. 2

Plot instantaneous values of current and voltages of AC circuits

using MALAB.

Page 7
MATLAB Program:

Vm = 100; thetav = 0; % Voltage amplitude and phase angle

Z = 1.25; gama = 60; % Impedance magnitude and phase angle
thetai = thetav - gama; % Current phase angle in degree
theta = (thetav - thetai)*pi/180; % Degree to radian
Im = Vm/Z; % Current amplitude
wt=0:.05:2*pi; % wt from 0 to 2*pi
v=Vm*cos(wt); % Instantaneous voltage
i=Im*cos(wt + thetai*pi/180); % Instantaneous current
p=v.*i; % Instantaneous power
V=Vm/sqrt(2); I=Im/sqrt(2); % rms voltage and current
P = V*I*cos(theta); % Average power
Q = V*I*sin(theta); % Reactive power
S = P + j*Q % Complex power
pr = P*(1 + cos(2*(wt + thetav)));
px = Q*sin(2*(wt + thetav));
PP=P*ones(1, length(wt)); % Average power with length w for plot
xline = zeros(1, length(wt)); % generates a zero vector
wt=180/pi*wt; % converting radian to degree
subplot(2,2,1), plot(wt, v, wt, i,wt, xline), grid
title(['v(t)=Vm coswt, i(t)=Im cos(wt +', num2str(thetai), ')'])
xlabel('wt, degree')
subplot(2,2,2), plot(wt, p, wt, xline), grid
title('p(t)=v(t) i(t)'), xlabel('wt, degree')
subplot(2,2,3), plot(wt, pr, wt, PP, wt,xline), grid
title('pr(t) VIcos(theta)[1+cos2(wt+thetav)]'), xlabel('wt,
degree') subplot(2,2,4), plot(wt, px, wt, xline), grid
title('px(t) VIsin(theta)sin2(wt+thetav)'), xlabel('wt, degree')

Page 8

Page 9
Experiment No. 3

To understand modeling and performance of short transmission

lines using MATLAB

Page 10
Page 11
MATLAB Program

VRLL=220; VR = VRLL/sqrt(3);
Z = (0.15+j*2*pi*60*1.3263e-3)*40;
IR = conj(SR)/(3*conj(VR)); IS = IR;

Page 12
VS = VR + Z*IR;
sqrt(3)*abs(VS) SS =
Eff =
IR = conj(SR)/(3*conj(VR)); IS =
IR; VS = VR + Z*IR;
sqrt(3)*abs(VS) SS =





SS =

3.2280e+02 +

2.8858e+02i REG =


Eff =





SS =

3.2280e+02 -

1.6862e+02i REG =

Page 13
Eff =


Page 14

Experiment No. 4

To underst and modeling and performance of medium t ransmission

line pi model using MATLAB

Page 15
MATLAB Program

% This function returns the pi model's parameters and ABCD constants

% when r, l, c and f are specified.

function [Z, Y, ABCD] = rlc2abcd(r, L, C, g, f, Length);

global resp model par1 par2 linelngt freq
if exist('r')~=1
r = input('Enter line resistance in ohms per unit length, r = ');
else end
if exist('L')~=1
L = input('Enter line inductance in millihenry per unit length, L =
');else end
if exist('C')~=1
C = input('Enter line capacitance in microfarad per unit length, C =
'); else end
if exist('g')~=1
g = input('Enter line conductance in siemens per unit length, g =
'); else end
if exist('f')~=1
f = input('Enter Frequency in Hz = '); freq=f; else end
if exist('Length')~=1
Length = input('Enter Line length = '); linelngt=Length; else end

Page 16
model =-1;
z = r + j*2*pi*f*L/1000; ; Z = z*Length;
R = real(Z); X = imag(Z);
y = g +
j*2*pi*f*C/1000000; Y =
if g== 0 & C==0
fprintf ('\n'), disp(' Short line
model') disp(' ')
fprintf(' Z = %g + j ',real(Z)), fprintf('%g
Y = 0 + j*0; Zc = 0;
Zc = sqrt(Z/Y); Gamal=sqrt(Z*Y);
while model ~=1 & model~=2
model = input('Enter 1 for Medium line or 2 for long line --> ');
if model ~=1 & model~=2
disp(' Enter 1 or 2'), else, end

if model==2
Z = Zc*sinh(Gamal); Y = 2*tanh(Gamal/2) /Zc;
else, end

if model==1, disp(' '), disp(' Nominal pi model'),

disp(' ')
fprintf('\n'), fprintf(' Z = %g + j ',R), fprintf('%g ohms\
fprintf(' Y = %g + j ',real(Y)), fprintf('%g
elseif model==2, disp(' '), disp(' Equivalent pi
model') disp(' ')
fprintf(' Z'' = %g + j ',real(Z)), fprintf('%g ohms\
fprintf(' Y'' = %g + j ',real(Y)), fprintf('%g siemens\
fprintf(' Zc = %g + j ',real(Zc)), fprintf('%g ohms\
fprintf(' alpha l = %g neper', real(Gamal))
fprintf(' beta l = %g radian',
imag(Gamal)) fprintf(' = %gø\n',
imag(Gamal*180/pi)) else, end,

Page 17
if model == -1 | model ==1 |model ==2
% A,B,C,D constants of line
A = 1 + Z*Y/2; B = Z;
C = Y*(1 + Z*Y/4); D =
A; ABCD = [A B; C D];
disp(' ')
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(A)), fprintf(' %-
11.5g', imag(A))
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(B)), fprintf(' %-11.5g \n',
fprintf(' ABCD =
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(C)), fprintf(' %-
11.5g', imag(C))
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(D)), fprintf(' %-11.5g \n',
fprintf(' \n')
else, fprintf(' You must enter 1 or 2. Try again \n'), return, end

r = .036; g = 0; f = 60;
L = 0.8; % milli-Henry
C = 0.0112; % micro-Farad
Length = 130; VR3ph = 325;
VR = VR3ph/sqrt(3) + j*0; % kV (receiving end phase voltage)
[Z, Y, ABCD] = rlc2abcd(r, L, C, g, f, Length);
AR = acos(0.8);
SR = 270*(cos(AR) + j*sin(AR)); % MVA (receiving end power)
IR = conj(SR)/(3*conj(VR)); % kA (receiving end current)
VsIs = ABCD* [VR; IR]; % column vector [Vs; Is]
Vs = VsIs(1);
Vs3ph = sqrt(3)*abs(Vs); % kV(sending end L-L voltage)
Is = VsIs(2); Ism = 1000*abs(Is); % A (sending end current)
pfs= cos(angle(Vs)- angle(Is)); % (sending end power factor)
Ss = 3*Vs*conj(Is); % MVA (sending end power)
REG = (Vs3ph/abs(ABCD(1,1)) - VR3ph)/VR3ph *100;
fprintf(' Is = %g A', Ism), fprintf(' pf = %g\n', pfs)
fprintf(' Vs = %g L-L kV\n', Vs3ph)
fprintf(' Ps = %g MW', real(Ss)),
fprintf(' Qs = %g Mvar\n', imag(Ss))
fprintf(' Percent voltage Reg. = %g\n', REG)

Page 18
Enter 1 for Medium line or 2 for long line --> 1

Nominal pi model

Z = 4.68 + j 39.2071 ohms

Y = 0 + j 0.000548899 Siemens

0.98924 + j 0.0012844 4.68 + j 39.207

= -3.5251e-07 + j 0.00054595 0.98924 + j 0.0012844

Is = 421.132 A pf =
0.869657 Vs = 345.002 L-L kV
Ps = 218.851 MW Qs = 124.23 Mvar
Percent voltage Reg. = 7.30913

Page 19
Experiment No. 5

To underst and modeling and performance of long t ransmission li ne

using MATLAB

MATLAB Program

% This function computes the ABCD constants and the parameters

% of the transmission line pi models from impedance and admittance
% per unit length.

function [Z, Y, ABCD] = zy2abcd(z, y, Length);

global resp model par1 par2 linelngt freq
if exist('z')~=1
z = input('Enter series impedance r + j*x in ohms per unit length, z = ');
else, end
if exist('y')~=1
y = input('Enter shunt admittance g + j*b in siemens per unit length, y = ');
else, end
if exist('Length')~=1
Length = input('Enter Line length = '); linelngt = Length; else, end
%else, end
model =-
Z = z*Length;
Y = y*Length;
if real(Y)== 0 & imag(Y) == 0
ZC = 0;
fprintf(' \n'), disp(' Short line model')
disp(' ')
fprintf('\n'), fprintf(' Z = %g + j ',real(Z)), fprintf('%g ohms\n',imag(Z)),
Zc = sqrt(Z/Y); Gamal = sqrt(Z*Y);
while model ~=1 & model ~=2
model = input('Enter 1 for Medium line or 2 for long line --> ');
if model ~=1 & model ~=2
disp('Enter 1 or 2'), else,end

if model==2
Z = Zc*sinh(Gamal); Y = 2*tanh(Gamal/2) /Zc;
else, end

if model==1, disp(' '), disp(' Nominal pi model'),disp('-----------------')

fprintf('\n'), fprintf(' Z = %g + j ',real(Z)), fprintf('%g
fprintf(' Y = %g + j ',real(Y)), fprintf('%g Siemens\n',imag(Y))
elseif model==2, disp(' '), disp(' Equivalent pi model')
disp(' ')

Page 20
fprintf(' Z'' = %g + j ',real(Z)), fprintf('%g ohms\n',imag(Z)),
fprintf(' Y'' = %g + j ',real(Y)), fprintf('%g siemens\n',imag(Y))
fprintf(' Zc = %g + j ',real(Zc)), fprintf('%g ohms\n',imag(Zc))
fprintf(' alpha l = %g neper', real(Gamal))
fprintf(' beta l = %g radian', imag(Gamal))
fprintf(' = %g degree\n', imag(Gamal*180/pi))
else, end,

% end
if model == -1 | model == 1 | model == 2
% A,B,C,D constants of line
A = 1 + Z*Y/2; B = Z;
C = Y*(1 + Z*Y/4); D = A;

ABCD = [A B; C D];
disp(' ')
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(A)), fprintf(' %-11.5g', imag(A))
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(B)), fprintf(' %-11.5g \n', imag(B))
fprintf(' ABCD =
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(C)), fprintf(' %-11.5g', imag(C))
fprintf(' %-11.5g + j', real(D)), fprintf(' %-11.5g \n', imag(D))

else, fprintf(' You must enter 1 or 2. Tray again \n'), return, end

z = 0.045 + j*.4; y = j*4.0/1000000; Length = 250;

gamma = sqrt(z*y); Zc = sqrt(z/y);
A = cosh(gamma*Length); B = Zc*sinh(gamma*Length);
C = 1/Zc * sinh(gamma*Length); D = A;
ABCD = [A B; C D]
Z = Zc * sinh(gamma*Length)
Y = 2/Zc * tanh(gamma*Length/2)



0.9504 + 0.0055i 10.8778 +98.3624i

-0.0000 + 0.0010i 0.9504 + 0.0055i

Z =

10.8778 +98.3624i

Y =

0.0000 + 0.0010i

Page 21

Experiment 6: Transients on a transmission line

Consider a transmission line model with a simple series RL circuit. Let R=0.125 ohms, L=10mH, and the
source voltage is given by v(t) = 151 sin (377t+α). Determine the current response after closing the switch for
the following cases.
(a) No dc offset
(b) For maximum dc offset

Now create a file name ‘Experiment6.m’ and save the following. Execute it.
i1=40*sin(377*t+alpha1 -gamma)-40*exp(-t/.08).*sin(alpha1-gamma);
i2=40*sin(377*t+alpha2 -gamma)-40*exp(-t/.08).*sin(alpha2-gamma);
subplot(2,1,1), plot(t, i1), grid
xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('i(t)')
subplot(2,1,2), plot(t, i2), grid
xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('i(t)')

The output is

Page 22

Experiment 7: Symmetrical short circuit on a synchronous machine

A 500 MVA, 30-kV, 60 Hz synchronous generator is operating at no-load with a constant excitation voltage of
400V. a three-phase short circuit occurs at the armature terminals. Obtain the transient waveforms for the
current in each phase and the field current. Assume the short circuit is applied at the instant when the rotor
direct axis is along the magnetic axis of phase a, i.e., δ=0. Also assume that the rotor speed remains constant at
the synchronous value. The machine parameters are –
Generator parameters for Experiment 7
Ld = 0.0072 H Lq = 0.0070 H LF = 2.500 H
LD = 0.0068 H LQ = 0.0016 H MF = 0.100 H
MD= 0.0054 H MQ= 0.0026 H MR= 0.1250 H
r =0.0020 Ohms rF =0.400 Ohms rD =0.0150 Ohms
rQ = 0.0150 Ohms LO = 0.0010 H The dc field voltage is VF = 400V

The function iprime = symshort(t, i) defines the differential equations of the synchronous machine during a
balanced three-phase fault. The function returns the state derivatives of the current.
Save the following function in the file name as ‘symshort.m’

function iprime =symfault(t,i)

f=60.; w=2.*pi*f;
d=0.; d=d*pi/180.; theta=w*t+d +pi/2;

% Parameters of a 160 MVA, 15 kV Synchronous Machine

LF = 2.500; LD = 0.0068; LQ = 0.0016; Ld = 0.0072; Lq =


MF = 0.100; MD = 0.0054; MQ = 0.0026; MR = 0.1250;

ra = 0.002; rF = 0.4000; rD = 0.015; rQ = 0.0150;

VF = 400; % DC field voltage

V = [0; -VF; 0; 0; 0]; % Voltage column vector

Page 23
R= [ra 0 0 w*Lq w*k*MQ
0 rF 0 0 0
0 0 rD 0 0
-w*Ld -w*k*MF -w*k*MD ra 0
0 0 0 0 rQ];
L =[Ld k*MF k*MD 0 0
k*MF LF MR 0 0
k*MD MR LD 0 0
0 0 0 Lq k*MQ
0 0 0 k*MQ LQ];
iprime=- Li*V - Li*R*i;

Now create a file name ‘Experiment7.m’ and save the following. Execute it.
fprintf('\n Wait simulation is in process. \n')
VF = 400; rF = 0.4; iF0 = VF/rF;
f = 60; w=2.*pi*f;
d = 0; d=d*pi/180;
t0 = 0 ; tfinal = 0.80;
i0 = [0; iF0; 0; 0; 0 ]; % Initial currents
tspan = [t0, tfinal];
[t, i] = ode45('symshort', tspan, i0);
theta = w*t+d +pi/2;
ia = sqrt(2/3)*(cos(theta).*i(:,1)+sin(theta).*i(:,4));
ib = sqrt(2/3)*(cos(theta-2*pi/3).*i(:,1)+sin(theta-2*pi/3).*i(:,4));
ic = sqrt(2/3)*(cos(theta+2*pi/3).*i(:,1)+sin(theta+2*pi/3).*i(:,4));
iF = i(:,2); % ia = Armature current iF=Field current figure(1),
plot(t,ia), xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('ia, A'), grid
title(['Three-phase short circuit ia, ','delta = ', num2str(d)])
figure(2), plot(t,ib), xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('ib, A'), grid
title(['Three-phase short circuit ib, ','delta = ', num2str(d)])

Page 24
figure(3), plot(t,ic), xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('i c, A'), grid
title(['Three-phase short circuit ic, ','delta = ', num2str(d)])
figure(4), plot(t,iF), xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('iF, A'), grid
title(['Three-phase short circuit iF, ','delta = ',num2str(d)])

Results of the simulation are shown below –

Armature currents in the various phases vary with time in a rather complicated way. Analysis of the waveforms
show that they consists of ,

 A fundamental-frequency component
 A dc component
 A double-frequency component.

Page 25
Page 26
Page 27
Experiment 8: Symmetrical Components from Unbalance Currents
Obtain the symmetrical components of a set of unbalanced currents –
Ia = 1.6 @ 25º, Ib = 1.0 @ 180º and Ic = 0.9 @ 132º.

This function transforms a three-phase unbalanced phasor into its symmetrical components. The Three phasors
can be expressed in a one column array in rectangular complex form or in a two column array in polar form,
with 1st column magnitude and 2nd column phase angle in degree.
The function returns the symmetrical components in rectangular form. The function plots the original
unbalanced phasors and the symmetrical components.
function [symcomp] = abc2sc(fabc)

if rankfabc == 2
mag= fabc(:,1); ang=pi/180*fabc(:,2);
elseif rankfabc ==1
fprintf('\n Three phasors must be expressed in a one column array in

rectangular complex form \n')

fprintf(' or in a two column array in polar form, with 1st column

magnitude & 2nd column \n')

fprintf(' phase angle in degree. \n')

return, end
A = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];

symcomp= fa012;
%scpolar = [abs(fa012) 180/pi*angle(fa012)];
%fprintf(' \n Symmetrical components \n')
%fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.\n')

Page 28
fabc0=fa012(1)*[1; 1; 1];

fabc1=fa012(2)*[1; a^2; a];

fabc2=fa012(3)*[1; a; a^2];


[Px, Py, Vscale]= phasor3(fabcr);
[Px0, Py0, Vscale0]= phasor3(fabc0);
[Px1, Py1, Vscale1]= phasor3(fabc1);
[Px2, Py2, Vscale2]= phasor3(fabc2);
Vscle=max([Vscale, Vscale0, Vscale1, Vscale2]);
plot(Px', Py','r')

title('a-b-c set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);

title('Zero-sequence set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
title('Positive-sequence set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
title('Negative-sequence set')

Page 29
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);

Page 30
% The function returns the symmetrical components in polar form
function Fpol = rec2pol(Frec)
Fpol = [abs(Frec) angle(Frec)*180/pi];

Create the main file by name ‘Experiment8.m’and save the following. Execute it.

Iabc = [1.6 25
1.0 180
0.9 132];
I012 = abc2sc(Iabc); % Symmetrical components of phase a
I012p= rec2pol(I012) % Converts rectangular phasors into polar form

Result in

I012p =
0.4512 96.4529
0.9435 -0.0550
0.6024 22.3157

Page 31

Experiment 9: Unbalanced Voltages from Symmetrical Components

The symmetrical components of a set of unbalanced three-phase voltages are V 0 = 0.6 @ 90º, V1 = 1.0 @ 30º,
and V2 = 0.8 @ 30º.

This function transforms the symmetrical components into its original abc phasors. The symmetrical
components can be expressed in a one column array in rectangular complex form or in a two column array in
polar form, with 1st column magnitude and 2nd column phase angle in degree.
First, second and third rows are Zero-, positives- and negative-sequence components respectively. The function
returns the abc phsors in rectangular form. The function plots the original symmetrical components and the
unbalanced phasors.

function [fabc] = sc2abc(fa012)


if rankf012 == 2
mag= fa012(:,1); ang=pi/180*fa012(:,2);
elseif rankf012 ==1
fprintf('\n Symmetrical components must be expressed in a one column

array in rectangular complex form \n')

fprintf(' or in a two column array in polar form, with 1st column

magnitude & 2nd column \n')
fprintf(' phase angle in degree. \n')
return, end
A = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];
fabc= A*fa012r;

%fabcp= [abs(fabc) 180/pi*angle(fabc)];

%fprintf(' \n Unbalanced phasors \n')
%fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.\n')
fabc0=fa012r(1)*[1; 1; 1];
fabc1=fa012r(2)*[1; a^2; a];

Page 32
fabc2=fa012r(3)*[1; a; a^2];

[Px, Py, Vscale]= phasor3(fabc);
[Px0, Py0, Vscale0]= phasor3(fabc0);
[Px1, Py1, Vscale1]= phasor3(fabc1);
[Px2, Py2, Vscale2]= phasor3(fabc2);
Vscle=max([Vscale, Vscale0, Vscale1, Vscale2]);
plot(Px', Py','r')

title('a-b-c set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);

title('Zero-sequence set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
title('Positive-sequence set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
title('Negative-sequence set')
axis([-Vscle Vscle -Vscle Vscle]);
Page 33

Page 34
% The function returns the symmetrical components in polar form
function Fpol = rec2pol(Frec)
Fpol = [abs(Frec) angle(Frec)*180/pi];

Create the main file by name ‘Experiment9.m’and save the following. Execute it.
V012 = [.6 90
1 30
0.8 -30];
Vabc = sc2abc(V012); % Unbalanced phasors from symmetrical components
Vabcp= rec2pol(Vabc) % Converts rectangular phasors into polar form

Results in
Vabcp =
1.7088 24.1825
0.4000 90.0000
1.7088 155.8175

Page 35

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