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Claudio J. Conti, Editor

Microarrays and Toxicology: The Advent of

Emile F. Nuwaysir,1 Michael Bittner,2 Jeffrey Trent,2 J. Carl Barrett,1 and Cynthia A. Afshari1
Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina
Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, National Human Genome Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland

The availability of genome-scale DNA sequence information and reagents has radically altered life-science
research. This revolution has led to the development of a new scientific subdiscipline derived from a combina-
tion of the fields of toxicology and genomics. This subdiscipline, termed toxicogenomics, is concerned with the
identification of potential human and environmental toxicants, and their putative mechanisms of action, through
the use of genomics resources. One such resource is DNA microarrays or “chips,” which allow the monitoring of
the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. Here we propose a general method by which gene
expression, as measured by cDNA microarrays, can be used as a highly sensitive and informative marker for
toxicity. Our purpose is to acquaint the reader with the development and current state of microarray technol-
ogy and to present our view of the usefulness of microarrays to the field of toxicology. Mol. Carcinog. 24:153–
159, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: toxicology; gene expression; animal bioassay

INTRODUCTION Almost without exception, gene expression is al-

Technological advancements combined with in- tered during toxicity, as either a direct or indirect
tensive DNA sequencing efforts have generated an result of toxicant exposure. The challenge facing
enormous database of sequence information over the toxicologists is to define, under a given set of ex-
past decade. To date, more than 3 million sequences, perimental conditions, the characteristic and spe-
totaling over 2.2 billion bases [1], are contained cific pattern of gene expression elicited by a given
within the GenBank database, which includes the toxicant. Microarray technology offers an ideal plat-
complete sequences of 19 different organisms [2]. The form for this type of analysis and could be the foun-
first complete sequence of a free-living organism, dation for a fundamentally new approach to
Haemophilus influenzae, was reported in 1995 [3] and toxicology testing.
was followed shortly thereafter by the first complete MICROARRAY DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS
sequence of a eukaryote, Saccharomyces cervisiae [4].
The development of dramatically improved sequenc- cDNA Microarrays
ing methodologies promises that complete elucida- In the past several years, numerous systems were
tion of the Homo sapiens DNA sequence is not far developed for the construction of large-scale DNA
behind [5]. arrays. All of these platforms are based on cDNAs
To exploit more fully the wealth of new sequence or oligonucleotides immobilized to a solid sup-
information, it was necessary to develop novel meth- port. In the cDNA approach, cDNA (or genomic)
ods for the high-throughput or parallel monitoring clones of interest are arrayed in a multi-well for-
of gene expression. Established methods such as mat and amplified by polymerase chain reaction.
northern blotting, RNAse protection assays, S1 nu- The products of this amplification, which are usu-
clease analysis, plaque hybridization, and slot blots ally 500- to 2000-bp clones from the 3′ regions of
do not provide sufficient throughput to effectively the genes of interest, are then spotted onto solid
utilize the new genomics resources. Newer methods support by using high-speed robotics. By using
such as differential display [6], high-density filter this method, microarrays of up to 10 000 clones
hybridization [7,8], serial analysis of gene expression can be generated by spotting onto a glass substrate
[9], and cDNA- and oligonucleotide-based microarray
“chip” hybridization [10–12] are possible solutions
to this bottleneck. It is our belief that the microarray *Correspondence to: Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis,
approach, which allows the monitoring of expres- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 111 Alexander
Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
sion levels of thousands of genes simultaneously, is Received 8 December 1998; Accepted 5 January 1999
a tool of unprecedented power for use in toxicology Abbreviations: PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; NIEHS, Na-
studies. tional Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.



[13,14]. Sample detection for microarrays on glass tics, pharmacogenetics, and sequencing by hybrid-
involves the use of probes labeled with fluores- ization as well as gene-expression analysis.
cent or radioactive nucleotides. Fabrication of oligonucleotide chips by photoli-
Fluorescent cDNA probes are generated from con- thography is theoretically simple but technically
trol and test RNA samples in single-round reverse-tran- complex [29,30]. The light from a high-intensity
scription reactions in the presence of fluorescently mercury lamp is directed through a photolitho-
tagged dUTP (e.g., Cy3-dUTP and Cy5-dUTP), which graphic mask onto the silica surface, resulting in
produces control and test products labeled with dif- deprotection of the terminal nucleotides in the illu-
ferent fluors. The cDNAs generated from these two minated regions. The entire chip is then reacted with
populations, collectively termed the “probe,” are then the desired free nucleotide, resulting in selected chain
mixed and hybridized to the array under a glass cov- elongation. This process requires only 4n cycles
erslip [10,11,15]. The fluorescent signal is detected (where n = oligonucleotide length in bases) to syn-
by using a custom-designed scanning confocal mi- thesize a vast number of unique oligos, the total num-
croscope equipped with a motorized stage and lasers ber of which is limited only by the complexity of the
for fluor excitation [10,11,15]. The data are analyzed photolithographic mask and the chip size [29,31,32].
with custom digital image analysis software that de- Sample preparation involves the generation of
termines for each DNA feature the ratio of fluor 1 to double-stranded cDNA from cellular poly(A)+ RNA
fluor 2, corrected for local background [16,17]. The followed by antisense RNA synthesis in an in vitro
strength of this approach lies in the ability to label transcription reaction with biotinylated or fluor-
RNAs from control and treated samples with differ- tagged nucleotides. The RNA probe is then frag-
ent fluorescent nucleotides, allowing for the simul- mented to facilitate hybridization. If the indirect
taneous hybridization and detection of both visualization method is used, the chips are incubated
populations on one microarray. This method elimi- with fluor-linked streptavidin (e.g., phycoerythrin)
nates the need to control for hybridization between after hybridization [12,33]. The signal is detected with
arrays. The research groups of Drs. Patrick Brown and a custom confocal scanner [34]. This method has
Ron Davis at Stanford University spearheaded the been applied successfully to the mapping of genomic
effort to develop this approach, which has been suc- library clones [35], to de novo sequencing by hybrid-
cessfully applied to studies of Arabidopsis thaliana ization [28,36], and to evolutionary sequence com-
RNA [10], yeast genomic DNA [15], tumorigenic ver- parison of the BRCA1 gene [37]. In addition,
sus non-tumorigenic human tumor cell lines [11], mutations in the cystic fibrosis [38] and BRCA1 [39]
human T-cells [18], yeast RNA [19], and human in- gene products and polymorphisms in the human im-
flammatory disease–related genes [20]. The most dra- munodeficiency virus-1 clade B protease gene [40]
matic result of this effort was the first published have been detected by this method. Oligonucleotide
account of gene expression of an entire genome, that chips are also useful for expression monitoring [33]
of the yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae [21]. as has been demonstrated by the simultaneous evalu-
In an alternative approach, large numbers of cDNA ation of gene-expression patterns in nearly all open
clones can be spotted onto a membrane support, al- reading frames of the yeast strain S. cerevisiae [12].
beit at a lower density [7,22]. This method is useful More recently, oligonucleotide chips have been used
for expression profiling and large-scale screening and to help identify single nucleotide polymorphisms in
mapping of genomic or cDNA clones [7,22–24]. In the human [41] and yeast [42] genomes.
expression profiling on filter membranes, two dif-
ferent membranes are used simultaneously for con- THE USE OF MICROARRAYS IN TOXICOLOGY
trol and test RNA hybridizations, or a single
membrane is stripped and reprobed. The signal is Screening for Mechanism of Action
detected by using radioactive nucleotides and visu- The field of toxicology uses numerous in vivo
alized by phosphorimager analysis or autoradiogra- model systems, including the rat, mouse, and rab-
phy. Numerous companies now sell such cDNA bit, to assess potential toxicity and these bioassays
membranes and software to analyze the image data are the mainstay of toxicology testing. However, in
[25–27]. the past several decades, a plethora of in vitro tech-
niques have been developed to measure toxicity,
Oligonucleotide Microarrays many of which measure toxicant-induced DNA dam-
Oligonucleotide microarrays are constructed either age. Examples of these assays include the Ames test,
by spotting prefabricated oligos on a glass support the Syrian hamster embryo cell transformation as-
[13] or by the more elegant method of direct in situ say, micronucleus assays, measurements of sister
oligo synthesis on the glass surface by photolithog- chromatid exchange and unscheduled DNA synthe-
raphy [28–30]. The strength of this approach lies in sis, and many others. Fundamental to all of these
its ability to discriminate DNA molecules based on methods is the fact that toxicity is often preceded
single base-pair difference. This allows the applica- by, and results in, alterations in gene expression. In
tion of this method to the fields of medical diagnos- many cases, these changes in gene expression are a
far more sensitive, characteristic, and measurable tive fold induction or suppression of genes in treated
endpoint than the toxicity itself. We therefore pro- samples versus untreated controls and selecting the
pose that a method based on measurements of the most consistently different signals across the sample
genome-wide gene expression pattern of an organ- set. A different signature may be established for each
ism after toxicant exposure is fundamentally infor- prototypic toxicant class. Once the signatures are de-
mative and complements the established methods termined, gene-expression profiles induced by un-
described above. known agents in these same model systems can then
We are developing a method by which toxicants be compared with the established signatures. A match
can be identified and their putative mechanisms of assigns a putative mechanism of action to the test
action determined by using toxicant-induced gene ex- compound. Figure 2 illustrates this signature method
pression profiles. In this method, in one or more de- for different types of oxidant stressors, PAHs, and
fined model systems, dose and time-course parameters peroxisome proliferators. In this example, the un-
are established for a series of toxicants within a given known compound in question had a gene-expres-
prototypic class (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- sion profile similar to that of the oxidant stressors in
bons (PAHs)). Cells are then treated with these agents the database. We anticipate that this general method
at a fixed toxicity level (as measured by cell survival), will also reveal cross talk between different pathways
RNA is harvested, and toxicant-induced gene expres- induced by a single agent (e.g., reveal that a com-
sion changes are assessed by hybridization to a cDNA pound has both PAH-like and oxidant-like proper-
microarray chip (Figure 1). We have developed a cus- ties). In the future, it may be necessary to distinguish
tom DNA chip, called ToxChip v1.0, specifically for very subtle differences between compounds within
this purpose and will discuss it in more detail below. a very large sample set (e.g., thousands of highly simi-
The changes in gene expression induced by the test lar structural isomers in a combinatorial chemistry
agents in the model systems are analyzed, and the library or peptide library). To generate these highly
common set of changes unique to that class of toxi- refined signatures, standard statistical clustering tech-
cants, termed a toxicant signature, is determined. niques or principal-component analysis can be used.
This signature is derived by ranking across all ex- For the studies outlined in Figure 2, we developed
periments the gene-expression data based on rela- the custom cDNA microarray chip ToxChip v1.0.

Figure 1. Simplified overview of the method for sample trative purposes, samples derived from cell culture are depicted,
preparation and hybridization to cDNA microarrays. For illus- although other sample types are amenable to this analysis.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the method for iden- consistent changes in group A genes (indicated by red and
tification of a toxicant’s mechanism of action. In this method, green circles), but not group B or C genes (indicated by gray
gene-expression data derived from exposure of model sys- circles). The set of gene-expression changes elicited by the
tems to known toxicants are analyzed, and a set of changes suspected toxicant is then compared with these characteristic
characteristic to that type of toxicant (termed the toxicant patterns, and a putative mechanism of action is assigned to
signature) is identified. As depicted, oxidant stressors produce the unknown agent.

The 2090 human genes that comprise this subarray are displayed [11]. This facilitates rapid, visual in-
were selected for their well-documented involve- terpretation of data. We are also developing Tox-
ment in basic cellular processes as well as their re- Chip v2.0 and chips for other model systems,
sponses to different types of toxic insult. Included including rat, mouse, Xenopus, and yeast, for use in
on this list are DNA replication and repair genes, toxicology studies.
apoptosis genes, and genes responsive to PAHs and
dioxin-like compounds, peroxisome proliferators, Animal Models in Toxicology Testing
estrogenic compounds, and oxidant stress. Some of The toxicology community relies heavily on the
the other categories of genes include transcription use of animals as model systems for toxicology test-
factors, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cyclins, ing. Unfortunately, these assays are inherently ex-
kinases, phosphatases, cell adhesion and motility pensive, require large numbers of animals and take a
genes, and homeobox genes. Also included in this long time to complete and analyze. Therefore, the
group are 84 housekeeping genes, whose hybridiza- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
tion intensity is averaged and used for signal nor- (NIEHS), the National Toxicology Program, and the
malization of the other genes on the chip. To date, toxicology community at large are committed to re-
very few toxicants have been shown to have appre- ducing the number of animals used, by developing
ciable effects on the expression of these housekeep- more efficient and alternative testing methodologies.
ing genes. However, this housekeeping list will be Although substantial progress has been made in the
revised if new data warrant the addition or deletion development of alternative methods, bioassays are
of a particular gene. Table 1 contains a general de- still used for testing endpoints such as neurotoxic-
scription of some of the different classes of genes ity, immunotoxicity, reproductive and developmen-
that comprise ToxChip v1.0. tal toxicology, and genetic toxicology. The rodent
When a toxicant signature is determined, the cancer bioassay is a particularly expensive and time-
genes within this signature are flagged within the consuming assay, as it requires almost 4 yr, 1200
database. When uncharacterized toxicants are then animals, and millions of dollars to execute and ana-
screened, the data can be quickly reformatted so that lyze [43]. In vitro experiments of the type outlined
blocks of genes representing the different signatures in Figure 2 might provide evidence that an unknown
Table 1. ToxChip v1.0: A Human cDNA Microarray also be improved by the addition of microarray analy-
Chip Designed to Detect Responses to Toxic Insult sis. The combination of microarrays with traditional
No. of genes bioassays might also be useful for investigating some
Gene category on chip of the more intractable problems in toxicology re-
search, such as the effects of complex mixtures and
Apoptosis 72 the difficulties in cross-species extrapolation.
DNA replication and repair 99
Oxidative stress/redox homeostasis 90 Exposure Assessment, Environmental Monitoring,
Peroxisome proliferator responsive 22 and Drug Safety
Dioxin/PAH responsive 12
Estrogen responsive 63 The currently used methods for assessment of ex-
Housekeeping 84 posure to chemical toxicants are based on measure-
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes 76 ment of tissue toxin levels or on surrogate markers
Cell-cycle control 51 of toxicity, termed biomarkers (e.g., peripheral blood
Transcription factors 131 levels of hepatic enzymes or DNA adducts). Because
Kinases 276 gene expression is a sensitive endpoint, gene expres-
Phosphatases 88 sion as measured with microarray technology may
Heat-shock proteins 23
be useful as a new biomarker to more precisely iden-
Receptors 349
Cytochrome P450s 30 tify hazards and to assess exposure. Similarly,
microarrays could be used in an environmental-
*This list is intended as a general guide. The gene categories are not monitoring capacity to measure the effect of poten-
unique, and some genes are listed in multiple categories.
tial contaminants on the gene-expression profiles
of resident organisms. In an analogous fashion,
agent is (or is not) responsible for eliciting a given microarrays could be used to measure gene-expres-
biological response. This information would help to sion endpoints in subjects in clinical trials. The com-
select a bioassay more specifically suited to the agent bination of these gene-expression data and more
in question or perhaps suggest that a bioassay is not established toxic endpoints in these trials could be
necessary, which would dramatically reduce cost, used to define highly precise surrogates of safety.
animal use, and time. Gene-expression profiles in samples from exposed
The addition of microarray techniques to stan- individuals could be compared to the profiles of the
dard bioassays may dramatically enhance the sen- same individuals before exposure. From this infor-
sitivity and interpretability of the bioassay and mation, the nature of the toxic exposure can be de-
possibly reduce its cost. Gene-expression signatures termined or a relative clinical safety factor estimated.
could be determined for various types of tissue-spe- In the future it may also be possible to estimate not
cific toxicants, and new compounds could be only the nature but the dose of the toxicant for a
screened for these characteristic signatures, provid- given exposure, based on relative gene-expression
ing a rapid and sensitive in vivo test. Also, because levels. This general approach may be particularly
gene expression is often exquisitely sensitive to low appropriate for occupational-health applications, in
doses of a toxicant, the combination of gene-expres- which unexposed and exposed samples from the
sion screening and the bioassay might allow the use same individuals may be obtainable. For example,
of lower toxicant doses, which are more relevant to a pilot study of gene expression in peripheral-blood
human exposure levels, and the use of fewer ani- lymphocytes of Polish coke-oven workers exposed
mals. In addition, gene-expression changes are nor- to PAHs (and many other compounds) is under con-
mally measured in hours or days, not in the months sideration at the NIEHS. An important consideration
to years required for tumor development. Further- for these types of studies is that gene expression can
more, microarrays might be particularly useful for be affected by numerous factors, including diet,
investigating the relationship between acute and health, and personal habits. To reduce the effects
chronic toxicity and identifying secondary effects of these confounding factors, it may be necessary
of a given toxicant by studying the relationship to compare pools of control samples with pools of
between the duration of exposure to a toxicant and treated samples. In the future it may be possible to
the gene-expression profile produced. Thus, a bio- compare exposed sample sets to a national database
assay that incorporates gene-expression signatures of human-expression data, thus eliminating the
with traditional endpoints might be substantially need to provide an unexposed sample from the same
shorter, use more realistic dose regimens, and cost individual. Efforts to develop such a national gene-
substantially less than the current assays do. expression database are currently under way [44,45].
These considerations are also relevant for branches However, this national database approach will re-
of toxicology not related to human health and not quire a better understanding of genome-wide gene
using rodents as model systems, such as aquatic toxi- expression across the highly diverse human popu-
cology and plant pathology. Bioassays based on the lation and of the effects of environmental factors
flathead minnow, Daphnia, and Arabadopsis could on this expression.

Alleles, Oligo Arrays, and Toxicogenetics which data will be collected by different laborato-
Gene sequences vary between individuals, and ries will make large-scale data analysis extremely dif-
this variability can be a causative factor in human ficult. To help circumvent these future problems, a
diseases of environmental origin [46,47]. A new area set of standards to be included on all platforms
of toxicology, termed toxicogenetics, was recently should be established. These standards would facili-
developed to study the relationship between genetic tate data entry into the national database and serve
variability and toxicant susceptibility. This field is as reference points for cross-platform and inter-labo-
not the subject of this discussion, but it is worth- ratory data analysis.
while to note that the ability of oligonucleotide ar- Many issues remain to be resolved, but it is clear
rays to discriminate DNA molecules based on single that new molecular techniques such as microarray
base-pair differences makes these arrays uniquely hybridization will have a dramatic impact on toxicol-
useful for this type of analysis. Recent reports dem- ogy research. In the future, the information gathered
onstrated the feasibility of this approach [41,42]. from microarray-based hybridization experiments will
The NIEHS has initiated the Environmental Genome form the basis for an improved method to assess the
Project to identify common sequence polymor- impact of chemicals on human and environmental
phisms in 200 genes thought to be involved in en- health.
vironmental diseases [48]. In a pilot study on the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
feasibility of this application to the Environmental
Genome Project, oligonucleotide arrays will be used The authors would like to thank Drs. Robert
to resequence 20 candidate genes. This toxicogenetic Maronpot, George Lucier, Scott Masten, Nigel
approach promises to dramatically improve our un- Walker,Raymond Tennant, and Ms. Theodora
derstanding of interindividual variability in disease Deverenux for critical review of this manuscript. EFN
susceptibility. was supported in part by NIEHS Training Grant
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