LB1 Um20e L
LB1 Um20e L
LB1 Um20e L
u EN 54‑24 certified
The Premium‑sound range of cabinets is intended for All models are supplied with a built‑in 70/100 V
clear reproduction of speech, foreground and transformer with taps on the primary winding for
background music to be used in general indoor and full‑power, half‑power, quarter‑power and one‑eighth
outdoor applications. The range comprises two power radiation. These taps are connected to a rotary
models, offering a choice of 20 W or 50 W power vari‑tap switch located in the compartment in the base
handling capacity. The enclosures are made from of the enclosure, to allow simple output power setting.
aluminum with ABS top and bottom covers and are A low ohmic connection is also provided on the
available in charcoal (D) and white (L). vari‑tap switch.
Typical applications for these products are: theme
bars, music restaurants, theme parks, retail outlets, Functions
audio visual, boardrooms and offices, exhibition areas Voice alarm
and presentation environments, fitness centre. Voice alarm loudspeakers are specifically designed for
Its excellent sound reproduction capability is use in buildings, where the performance of Public
attributed the superb to the use of high‑quality driver Address systems is subject to official regulations. The
components and crossover network design. LB1‑UMx0E‑x are designed for voice alarm systems,
A self‑restoring passive element protects the high and are EN 54‑24 certified and compliant with
frequency driver against incidental overload. BS 5839‑8 and EN 60849.
A three‑way ceramic terminal block with screw
connections suitable for loop-through wiring is located Protection
in the compartment in the base of the unit. The loudspeakers have built‑in protection to ensure
An easy to install, sturdy wall mounting bracket is that in the event of a fire damage does not cause
standard supplied. The same bracket can be used in failure of the connected circuit. In this way, system
combination with the universal floor stand integrity is maintained; ensuring loudspeakers in other
LBC 1259/00 for temporary installations. areas can still be used to inform people of the
2 | LB1‑UMx0E Premium‑sound Cabinet Loudspeaker Range
55 mm (2.17")
5W 2.5W
8 ohms
EN 60849
Wind‑force according to Bft11 100
Region Certification 80
Europe CPR 70
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Installation/configuration notes (Hz)
350 0 10
340 5 20
330 30
320 0 40
310 -5 50
300 -10 60
290 -15 70
280 80
270 90
260 100
250 110
240 120
230 130
220 140
210 150
200 160
190 170
350 0 10
340 5 20
Octave band sensitivity *
310 -5 50
Octave SPL Total octave Total octave
300 -10 60
290 70
1W/1m Pmax/1m
280 80
270 90 125 Hz 82.5 - -
260 100
250 Hz 82.5 - -
250 110
8000 Hz 86.3 - -
Polar diagram horizontal
A-weighted - 84.1 96.4
Lin-weighted - 85.0 97.4
350 10
340 5 20
330 30
320 0 40
300 -10 60
240 120
500 Hz 206 360
230 130
1000 Hz 174 127
220 140
210 150
190 170
160 2000 Hz 128 141
320 0 40
310 -5 50
300 -10 60
280 mm
290 -15 70 11.02 in
-20 160 mm 180 mm
280 80
6.29 in 7.08 in 7 mm
270 90
55 mm (2.17")
260 100
250 110
240 120
F 8 ohms
350 0 10
E 6.25W 340 5 20
8 ohms W 330 30
D 12.5W 6.25W
320 0 40
( ) C 25W 12.5W
310 -5 50
B 50W 25W
A 50W
300 -10 60
290 -15 70
100V 70.7V
0 T -20
280 80
F' C
( ) -25
E' 270 90
260 100
230 130
Polar diagram horizontal
60 0
10 100 1000 10000 100000 350 10
(Hz) 340 5 20
330 30
320 0 40
Frequency response 310 -5 50
290 -15 70
0 280 80
350 10
340 5 20 -25
330 30 270 90
320 0 40 -30
250 110
220 140
Polar diagram vertical
210 150
200 160
190 170
350 0 10
340 5 20
330 30
320 0 40
125 250 500 1000
310 -5 50
290 -15 70
280 80
270 90
260 100
250 110
240 120
230 130
220 140
210 150
200 160
190 170
Environmental Accessories
Operating -25 ºC to +55 ºC (-13 ºF to +131 ºF) Universal floor stand lightweight aluminum
temperature construction, foldable, M10 x 12 reducer flange.
Storage and transport -40 ºC to +70 ºC (-40 ºF to +158 ºF) Order number LBC1259/00
Universal Floorstand
Relative humidity <95% Universal floor stand lightweight aluminum
construction, foldable, M10 x 12 reducer flange.
Note: Order number LBC1259/01
• The specification data is measured in an anechoic
chamber, free field
• The reference axis is perpendicular to the center
point of the front grille
• The reference plane is perpendicular to the center of
the reference axis
• The horizontal plane is perpendicular to the center of
the reference plane
Ordering information
Represented by: