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Chapter 3: Satellite Link Design: Basic Transmission Theory

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Satellite Link Design

• Basic transmission theory for satellite
link design
• System noise temperature and G/T ratio
• Design of uplink and downlik
Dr Aslina Abu Bakar
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang
• Design of satellite links for specified C/N
Room No: BKBA 3.3
email: aslina060@uitm.edu.my

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Lesson Outcome

• Be able to learn the basic transmission

theory for satellite link design. Basic Transmission Theory
• Be able to calculate the system noise
temperature and G/T ratio.
• Be able to design satellite communication
link for specified C/N ratio.

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Power Flux Density - 1

We now want to find the power density at the

We know that power is conserved in a
lossless medium
An isotropic source or radiator is an antenna which The power radiated from a transmitter must
radiates in all directions equally pass through a spherical shell on the surface
Antenna gain is relative to this standard of which is the receiver
The area of this spherical shell is 4pR2
Therefore spherical spreading loss is 1/4pR2

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Isotropic Radiator Isotropic Radiator

Consider an Isotropic Source radiating Pt Watts Isotropic Source Area, A
uniformly in all directions into free space.
the area of the spherical shell with center at the Distance, R
source is 4pR2
At distance R meters from the isotropic source Pt Watts
Power Flux
transmitting RF power Pt watts, the Flux density Density(isotropic
Surface Area of
at distance R is given by :
sphere = 4pR2 source only) :
Pt encloses Pt. Pt
F= W/m2 (Eqn. 3.1) F= W/m2
4pR 2 4pR 2
7 8
EIRP - 1
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is the
amount of power the transmitter would have to
produce if it was radiating to all directions equally
Antennas are fundamentally passive
No additional power is generated
Gain is realized by focusing power
Similar to the difference between a lantern and a flashlight

!!!!!Note that EIRP may vary as a function of direction

because of changes in the antenna gain vs. angle

Power flux density (p.f.d.) is a measure of the power

per unit area 9 10

PFD and Received Power for

Isotropic Source
Free Space Transmission
The power available to a receiver antenna of effective
area Ae m2 is:
𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡 𝐴𝑒
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐹 x 𝐴𝑒 =
4𝜋𝑅2 (Eqn. 3.2)
Where Ae = effective aperture area

• Inverting the equation given for gain (Eq. 3.3) gives:

4pAe Inverting…
Gr 2 (Eqn. 3.3)
Gr = 2 Ae =
How about PFD and  4p
  
Received Power for
Pr = Pt Gt Gr   Friis Transmission Formula
Transmitting Antenna
with Gain????
 4pR 
  

Pr = Pt Gt Gr   (Eqn. 3.4)
 4pR 
11 12
2 More complete formulation
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃. 𝐺𝑟
4𝜋𝑅 Demonstrated formula assumes idealized case.
In Decibel notation: 2 Free Space Loss (Lp) represents spherical spreading
𝜆 only.
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 + 𝐺𝑟 +10 𝑙𝑜𝑔
Other effects need to be accounted for in the
(Eqn. 3.5) transmission equation:
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 + 𝐺𝑟 −10 𝑙𝑜𝑔 La = Losses due to attenuation in atmosphere
Lta = Losses associated with transmitting antenna
• The inverse of the term at the right referred to as “Path Loss”, also known as
Lra = Losses associates with receiving antenna
“Free Space Loss” (Lp or FSL):
FSL= 𝐿𝑝 = Therefore… Pt Gt Gr
4𝜋𝑅 2
Pr = 𝑃𝑟 (𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝐵) = EIRP + Gr − 𝐹𝑆𝐿 − Lp − La − Lta − Lra
(Eqn. 3.6) Lp
!!!!ALL the term above is in dB and (Eqn. 3.8)
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 + 𝐺𝑟 − 𝐹𝑆𝐿 (Eqn. 3.7) Applicable to both UPLINK AND DOWNLINK
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Antenna Gain Antenna Gain 2

We need directive antennas to get power to go in Antenna has gain in every direction! Term
wanted direction.
gain may be confusing sometimes.
Define Gain of antenna as increase in power in a given
direction compared to isotropic antenna. Usually “Gain” denotes the maximum gain
P( ) of the antenna.
G ( ) = The direction of maximum gain is called
P0 / 4p
• P() is variation of power with angle.
• G() is gain at the direction .
• P0 is total power transmitted.
• sphere = 4p solid radians
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Antenna Gain
Gain is a ratio: The output power of a transmitter HPA is:
It is usually expressed in Decibels (dB) Pout watts
Some power is lost before the antenna:
G [dB] = 10 log10 (G ratio)
Pt =Pout /Lt watts reaches the antenna EIRP
Pt = Power into antenna Pout Pt

The antenna has a gain of: HPA

The world’s most misused unit ??
(we will see more on dBs later) Gt relative to an isotropic radiator
This gives an effective isotropic radiated power
EIRP = Pt Gt watts relative to a 1 watt
isotropic radiator
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Effective Aperture Effective Aperture - 2

Real antennas have effective flux collecting areas
which are LESS than the physical aperture area. • Antennas have (maximum) gain G related to the
effective aperture area as follows:
Define Effective Aperture Area Ae:
Ae = Aphy x  (Eqn. 3.9) Gain =
Where Aphy is actual (physical) aperture area. Where:
Very good: 75% Ae is effective aperture area.
 = aperture efficiency
Typical: 55%

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Gain for Horn n Reflectors Tutorial Question
• Aperture antennas (horns and reflectors) have a
physical collecting area that can be easily calculated A GEO sat radiates a power of 10W
from their dimensions: D2
Aphy = pr 2 = p from an antenna with a gain of 20 dB in
4 the direction of the observer. Calculate
• Therefore, using Eqn. 3.9 we can obtain the formula
for aperture antenna gain as: the flux density(in dB) at the receiving
4pAe 4pAphy point and the power received by an
Gain = =  (Eqn. 3.10) antenna at this point with an effective
2 2
Typical values of : area of 10m2.
-Reflectors: 50-60%
 pD 
-Horns: 65-80 %
Gain =   
   (Eqn. 3.11)
21 22

Thinking in dB

Its useful to be able to think in dB

Linear Ratio dB Linear Ratio dB Note that 18 is 2*3*3.
Since: 2 = 3 dB
Review of Decibel 0.001
and: 3 = 4.8 dB
0.200 -7.0 5.000 7.0 you can find 18 in dB
0.300 -5.2 6.000 7.8 in your head by adding
0.400 -4.0 7.000 8.5
0.500 -3.0 8.000 9.0 3 + 4.8 + 4.8 = 12.6
0.600 -2.2 9.000 9.5 You don’t even need a
0.700 -1.5 10.000 10.0 calculator!
0.800 -1.0 100.000 20.0
0.900 -0.5 1000.000 30.0 This is really handy for
1.000 0.0 18.000 12.6 checking link budgets

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Using Decibels - 1 References in dB
Rules: 10 log10 ( A x B) dB values can be referenced to a
Multiply A x B: = 10 log10 ( A) + 10 log10 ( B) standard
(Add dB values) = AdB + BdB The standard is simply appended to dB
= ( A + B)dB
Typical examples are:
Units Reference
•Divide A / B: 10 log10 ( A / B) dBi isotropic gain antenna
dBW 1 watt
(Subtract dB values) = 10 log10 ( A) − 10 log10 ( B) dBm 1 milliwatt
dBHz 1 Hertz
= AdB − BdB dBK 1 Kelvin
dBi/K isotropic gain antenna/1 Kelvin
= ( A − B)dB dBW/m
1 watt/m

dB$ 1 dollar
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Link Budget

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Link Power Budget
Link Budget parameters
Transmission: Transmitter power at the antenna
HPA Power
Transmission Losses Antenna gain compared to isotropic radiator
Antenna Pointing Loss
(cables & connectors) Reception:
Antenna Gain Free Space Loss
Antenna gain
Atmospheric Loss
(gaseous, clouds, rain)
Reception Losses
(cables & connectors)
Flux density at receiver
Free space path loss
Rx Antenna Pointing Loss
Noise Temperature
System noise temperature
Rx Pr Figure of merit for receiving system
Carrier to thermal noise ratio
Carrier to noise density ratio,C/N0
29 Carrier to noise ratio,C/N 30

Translating to dBs Link Power Budget

The transmission formula can be written in dB as:
Pr = EIRP − Lta − Lp − La − Lpol − Lra − Lother + Gr − Lr
EIRP Now all factors are accounted for
as additions and subtractions
This form of the equation is easily handled as a + HPA Power
- Transmission Losses
spreadsheet (additions and subtractions!!) (cables & connectors) - Antenna Pointing Loss
+ Antenna Gain - Free Space Loss
+ Antenna gain
- Atmospheric Loss
The calculation of received signal based on transmitted (gaseous, clouds, rain)
- Reception Losses
power and all losses and gains involved until the receiver is - Rx Antenna Pointing Loss
(cables & connectors)
+ Noise Temperature
called “Link Power Budget”, or “Link Budget”. Contribution

The received power Pr is commonly referred to as “Carrier

Power”, C. Rx Pr

31 32
Simple Link Power Budget
Parameter Value Totals Units Parameter Value Totals Units
Frequency 11.75 GHz

Transmitter Receive Antenna

Transmitter Power 40.00 dBm Radome Loss 0.50 dB
Modulation Loss 3.00 dB Diameter 1.5 m
Transmission Line Loss 0.75 dB Aperture Efficiency 0.6 none
Transmitted Power 36.25 dBm Gain 43.10 dBi
Polarization Loss 0.20 dB
Transmit Antenna Effective RX Ant. Gain 42.40 dB
Diameter 0.5 m
Aperture Efficiency 0.55 none Received Power -98.54 dBm
Transmit Antenna Gain 33.18 dBi

Slant Path Summary

Satellite Altitude 35,786 km Transmitted Power 36.25 dBm
Elevation Angle 14.5 degrees Transmit Anntenna Gain 33.18 dBi
Slant Range 41,602 km EIRP 69.43 dBmi
Free-space Path Loss 206.22 dB Path Loss 210.37 dB
Gaseous Loss 0.65 dB Effective RX Antenna Gain 42.4 dBi
Rain Loss (allocated) 3.50 dB Received Power -98.54 dBm
Path Loss 210.37 dB

33 34

Atmospheric Absorption

35 36
Carrier to Noise Ratio[C/N]
Carrier to Noise Ratios
C/N: Carrier/noise power in RX BW (dB)
Allows simple calculation of margin if:
Receiver bandwidth is known
Required C/N is known for desired signal type
C/No: Carrier/noise power density (dBHz)
Allows simple calculation of allowable RX
bandwidth if required C/N is known for desired
signal type
Critical for calculations involving carrier recovery
loop performance calculations

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Carrier to Noise Power Density

System Figure of Merit
G/Ts: RX antenna gain/system
Also called the System Figure of Merit, G/Ts
Easily describes the sensitivity of a receive system
Must be used with caution:
• Some (most) vendors measure G/Ts under ideal
conditions only
• G/Ts degrades for most systems when rain loss increases
– This is caused by the increase in the sky noise component
– This is in addition to the loss of received power flux

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Example Example-solution

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Combining C/N in SAT Links

1 = 1ൗ 𝐶ൗ + 1ൗ 𝐶ൗ
ൗ 𝐶ൗ𝑁 𝑁 𝐷 𝑁 𝑈

−1 −1 −1
𝑪ൗ = 𝑪ൗ𝑵 + 𝑪ൗ𝑵
𝑵0 𝑻 0 𝒖 0 𝑫


GIVEN THE (C/No)UPLINK= 98 dB and (C/No) DOWNLINK =91 dB

−1 1 1
𝑵0 𝑻 = 109.8 + 109.1
= 1.58𝒙10−10 + 7.94𝒙10−10
= 9.52𝒙10−10
43 44
Saturation Flux Density

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Carrier To Noise Ratio
A measure of the performance of a sat link.
• Carrier power to noise power
• Link budget calculation
Denoted by C/N or C/N0
= 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 + 𝐺𝑟 − 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 − 𝑘 − 𝑇𝑠 − 𝐵
= 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 + 𝐺𝑟 − 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 − 𝑘 −Ts
𝐶 𝐺𝑟
= 𝐴0 + 𝜓𝑚 − 𝐵𝑂 + − 𝑘 − 𝑅𝐹𝐿
𝑁0 𝑇𝑠

System Noise Power - 1

Performance of system is determined by C/N
Most systems require C/N > 10 dB.
(Remember, in dBs: C - N > 10 dB)
System Noise Power Hence usually: C > N + 10 dB
We need to know the noise temperature of
our receiver so that we can calculate N, the
noise power (N = Pn).
Tn (noise temperature) is in Kelvins (symbol

 
T K  = T 0C + 273 ( 
T K  = T 0 F − 32 ) 95 + 273
System Noise Power Amplifier Noise Temperature
System noise is caused by thermal noise
External to RX system
• Transmitted noise on link
• Scene noise observed by antenna
Internal to RX system
The power available from thermal noise is:
𝑃𝑁 = 𝑘𝑇𝑠 𝐵 (W)

where k = Boltzmann’s constant

= 1.38x10-23 J/K or (-228.6 dBW/HzK),
Ts is the effective system noise temperature, and
B is the effective system bandwidth
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Example Solution Amplifiers in Cascade

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