AWP Assignment 1
AWP Assignment 1
AWP Assignment 1
a) In power pattern-P[θ, Φ]
in E-field pattern-E[θ, Φ]
i)Solid Angle:It is a measure of the amount of field of view form some particular point that a given
object covers
ii)Steradian: It is the unit of solid angle in the SI units also called as square radian
a) the ratio of transmitted power from the transmitting antenna to the received power of the
receiving antenna will not change even when the modes of the antennas are interchanged.
a) The effective aperture of an antenna is uniquely related to its directivity. By using the
directivity and effective aperture of a short dipole, which are relatively easily calculated, a
general interrelation between effective aperture and directivity, valid for any antenna, will be
13) Find the directivity of antenna having a power gain of 45dB and an efficiency of 90%.
a) 0.81 dB See what the community says and unlock a badge.
a) The efficiency of the antenna in performing this conversion, known as antenna radiation
efficiency, is defined as the ratio of the power dissipated into space to the net power
delivered to the antenna by the transmitter circuits.
15) How the retarded potentials are helped to estimate radiated fields at far field? Justify?
a) The electromagnetic field travels at certain velocity and hence the potentials at the
observation point (due to the changing charge at source) are experienced after a certain
time delay. Such potentials are called retarded potentials.
The retarded potentials at a radial distance r from an antenna source fed with a single
frequency sinusoidal waves, is shown to be
where, the quantity k = ω/c = 2 π/λ is called the free-space wavenumber. Also, ρ is the
charge density, J is the current density, Φ is the electric potential and A is the magnetic
potential that are functions of both radial distance.
a) Length of dipole = λ/2. Directivity = 1.64 or 2.15 dBi. Impedance for half-wave dipole
antenna in free space is 73 Ω
3) Calculate the number of elements required to design a linear array of length 50λ
a) A dipole antenna commonly consists of two identical conductive elements such as metal
wires or rods. The driving current from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas
the output signal to the receiver is taken, between the two halves of the antenna.
a) An antenna array can achieve higher gain (directivity), that is a narrower beam of radio
waves, than could be achieved by a single element.
a) The array factor is the complex-valued far-field radiation pattern obtained for an
array of isotropic radiators located at coordinates , as determined by: where are the
complex-valued excitation coefficients, and is the direction unit vector.
1) What are the various feeds used in reflectors?
a) A variety of different feed techniques can be used with parabolic reflector antennas
including: focal feed, Cassegrain, Gregorian, offset feed. It is possible to use one
of a variety of different feed arrangements when using a parabolic reflector antenna.
a) An optimum horn does not yield maximum gain for a given aperture size. That is
achieved with a very long horn (an aperture limited horn). The optimum horn yields
maximum gain for a given horn length. Tables showing dimensions for optimum horns for
various frequencies are given in microwave handbooks.
a) ➨Its size is large. ➨It incurs relatively large dielectric losses. ➨It is complex to fabricate.
a) The reflected wave forms a colllimated wave front, out of the parabolic shape. The ratio of
focal length to aperture size (ie., f/D) known as “f over D ratio” is an important parameter of
parabolic reflector. Its value varies from 0.25 to 0.50.