Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance
2. The quality characteristics of a particular product, such as functionality and correctness are
_____ to define and test objectively
a. Easy b. Hard c. Moderate d. None
3. The quality characteristics of a particular product, such as usability are _____ to define and
test because they are more subjective
a. Easy b. Hard c. Moderate d. None
5. A good software development process must enable a software organization to deliver quality
products consistently and _____
a. Economically b. Expensive c. Quantify d. None
10. _____ is often such important qualities attribute, many manufactures mention it in their
advertisements and product information sheets as if it were product feature.
a. Ease of use b. documentation c. Defect Tolerance d. Packing
13. _____ is an activity to make sure that quality standards are adhered to and that the quality
plans are being followed.
a. Quality assurance b. Simulation c. Verification d. Validation
14. _____ is also used to build early versions of the software system using independent modules,
subsystems and executive modules to accomplish the same goals.
a. Quality assurance b. Simulation c. Verification d. Validation
16. _____ makes note of the types of data that will be collected for measurement purpose so that
the development process can be continuously monitored and improved
a. Metrics b. Training c. Quality Records d. None
17. _____ type of metric can be identifies, based upon a model of the software development
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d.6
18. The purpose of ______ is to ensure that he metric can be used with confidence
a. Validation b. Verification c. Certification d. Proof
19. A _____ metric is used to make predictions about the software later in the lifecycle.
a. Predictive b. Descriptive c. Analytical d. Expressive
20. A _____ metric describes the state of the software at the time of measurement
a. Predictive b. Descriptive c. Analytical d. Expressive
22. _____ is an extremely important, although often neglected, activity in the software quality
a. Metrics b. Testing c. SRS d. Integration
23. The ____ provides a structure ensure that the process is carried out in a formal and
systematic way
a. QMS b. TQM c. QIP d. None
24. ______ refers to the involvement of all people and all processes within the quality
management exercise.
a. QMS b. TQM c. QIP d. None
26. _____ methods allows use to calculate levels of nonconformity and also provide a strategy
for the reduction of variability.
a. QMS b. TQM c. SPC d. None
27. _____ are generally made up of between three and fifteen people.
a. Quality Circles b. Management Hierarchy c. QIT d. TQM
29. _____ brings together a mixture of knowledge, skills and experience in a multidisciplinary
a. Quality Circles b. Management Hierarchy c. QIT d. TQM
30. An alternative, to Quality circle approach to organizing for quality is the _____ to tackle a
specific problem.
a. Quality Circles b. Management Hierarchy c. QIT d. TQM
31. The purpose of _____ reviews is to assure the quality of a deliverable before the
development process is allowed to continue
a. Quality Assurance b. Cost Assurance c. Code d. Design
32. _____ is an emerging area that aims to address the problem of identifying and managing the
risk associated with a software project
a. Risk Management b. Quality Management
c. Project Management d. Quality Assurance
33. Risk identification is the first step in ____, which identifies all he different risks for a
particular project
a. Risk assessment b. Risk Management
c. Project Management d. Quality Assurance
35. _____ is the degree of uncertainty associated with budgets an outlay for the project and its
impact on the project.
a. Performance Risk b. Cost risk c. Schedule risk d. Risk Management
36. _____ risk are the possibility that the system will be unable to deliver all or some of the
anticipated benefits or will not perform to requirements.
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
37. ____ risk is the degree of uncertainty associated with the project schedule or the ability of the
project to achieve the specified milestones.
a. Performance Risk b. Cost risk c. Schedule risk d. Risk Management
38. _____ comprises active measures that are taken by project management to minimize the
impact of risks.
a. Risk control b. Risk Assessment c. Schedule risk d. None
39. The _____ model employed is not specific to software development but may be applied to a
whole range of applications form architecture to axle manufacture.
a. Generic Management b. Software Engineering
c. Standard Management d. Hierarchical Management
40. The ____ model focuses upon adherence to specific software development methodology and
will often specify particular languages and compliers.
a. Generic Management b. Software Engineering
c. Standard Management d. Hierarchical Management
41. DoD2167A is an example of _____ type of model, prescribed by the US DoD for any
mission critical software and hardware.
a. Generic Management b. Software Engineering*
c. Standard Management d. Hierarchical Management
42. ____ is a specialized world agency that develops, promotes and publishes internationals
standards in the area of quality management and quality assurance.
a. ISO b. ISI c. OSI d. Egg Mark
44. All firms applying for a certification that involves any development/ maintenance or
enhancement of software will be assessed against _____ using ISO 9003
a. ISO 9001 b. ISO 9002 c. ISO 9003 d. None
45. A service firms applying for a certification that does not involves any
development/maintenance or enhancement of software will be assessed against _____ using
ISO 9004-2 guideline.
a. ISO 9001 b. ISO 9002 c. ISO 9003 d. None
46. If the services within the scope does not involve design or it is trivial, _____ is used as
assessment standard using ISO 9004-2 guideline.
a. ISO 9001 b. ISO 9002 c. ISO 9003 d. None
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
47. Training, Consulting and service bureau firms can be accredited, Standard certification ____
using ISO 9004-2 guidelines.
a. ISO 9001 b. ISO 9002 c. ISO 9003 d. None
48. _____ is one of the major concepts that have been used in an attempt to increase quality.
a. ISO 9001 b. ISO 9002 c. Six sigma d. ISI
49.____ is basically a strategy to reduce the number of errors in a software system to less than
3.4 defects per million lines of code.
a. ISO 9001 b. SEI-CMM c. Six sigma d. ISI
50. ____ is the leading organization in the world addresses quality issues related to the software
a. ISO 9001 b. SEI-CMM c. Six sigma d. ISI
51. SEI developed ad introduced the _____ that is based on the concepts of software processes.
a. CMM b. SEI-CMM c. Six sigma d. Software Engineering
52. The ____ model provides the baseline for software development process evaluation and it is
flexible. It does not require any specific life cycle model or software engineering practice.
a. CMM b. SEI-CMM c. Six sigma d. Software Engineering
53. An effective quality system leads to increased ____ and _____ reduced costs, because it
enables management to reduce defect corrections cost by emphasizing prevention.
a. Productivity, permanently b. quality, permanently
c. Cost, permanently d. Productivity, temporary
55. If a ____ becomes intolerable because of a high frequency of incidence, then elimination of
these _____ should become a priority.
a. Defect, Defect b. Ease of use, Defect
c. Defect, Packaging d. Reliability, Performance
56. Then quality is very specific term and has an enormous impact on both the ____ and the
____ through which it is developed.
a. Performance, Process b. Product, process c. Product, Performance d. None
57. Metrics are classified into two types according to whether they are______ or _____
a. Predictive, descriptive b. Analytical, Expressive
c. Prophetic, Evocative d. Extrapolative, Vivid
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
58. The criteria of quality related to product revision. Select all that applies.
a. Maintainability b. Adaptability c. Reusability d. None
59. Error detection involves identifying errors. It also involves ____ and ____ or any other type
of approach to error detection.
a. Inspections b. Walk-through c. Dry Run d. Testing
60. When errors are reported from a customer, they are found because a customer runs a specific
user profile that was not adequately tested. This is one of the most serious types of ____
a. Error removal b. Error Detection c. Error tracking d. Regression testing
61. Besides ensuring the desired behavior of the new “upgraded” services, testing has to ensure
that the desired behaviors of the old services are maintained. This is the task or _____
a. Error removal b. Error Detection c. Error tracking d. Regression testing
62. Standards for quality management within software development are based upon two types of
models, _____ and _____.
a. Generic Management b. Software Engineering
c. Standard Management d. Hierarchical Management
63. In the first stage of assessment proper, the certification body assesses whether the quality
system documentation, including the quality manual and _____ and ____, complies with ISO
9000 requirements.
a. Procedures b. Standards c. Deficiencies d. Discrepancies
64. The _____ model provides the baseline for software development process evaluation and it is
flexible. It does not require any specific life cycle model or _____ practice.
a. CMM b. Software Engineering c. SEI d. SSAD
66. A software product displays quality to the extent that all aspects of the customer’s needs are
satisfies. This is determined by
I. How fully the need is understood and captured by a requirements definition.
II. How well that definition is transformed into software product.
III. How well the product is supported.
a) I, ii only b) ii, iii only c) I, iii only d) All the above
67. Software package vendors and the developers of various embedded software need to beat
their competitors to the market with their product. To achieve this, the software development
process should:
I. Use best software engineering practice
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
70. To build an effective software quality assurance organization, one should consider the
following four components.
i) Quality Assurance ii) Verification & Validation iii) Simulation
iv) Testing v) Inspection vi) International Certification
71. List five activates that have to be addressed while preparing an SQA plan.
i) Resources ii) Document Quality iii) Software Requirement
iv) Design Document v) The validation and Verification plan
a) I, ii, iii, iv & v b) ii, iii, iv, v, vi c) iii, iv, v, vi, I d) iv, v, vi, ii, i
72. List all the record types that are addressed in a SQA plan.
i) Development Plans ii) Test Plan iii) Verification and validation plan
iv) Measurement plan v) Regression test results vi) Minute of various reviews
vii) Audit Results
a) I, ii, iii, iv, & v b) ii, iii, iv, v, vi c) iii, iv, v, vi, I d) All the above
73. Three type of metric can be identifies, based upon a model of the software development
process involving.
i) Products, which are outputs from process ii) Process
iii) Resources, which are input to processes.
a) I, ii only b) ii, iii only c) I, iii only d) All the above
74. Quality metrics must meet the following conditions. List all, which applies
I. Be clearly linked to the quality criterion that it seeks to measure
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
a) I, ii, iii, iv only b) ii, iii, iv, v only c) I, iii, iv, v only d) All the above
76. List the reasons why Errors prone code comes into being?
I. Designer does not followed the software engineering rules
II. Carelessness on the part of the programmers
III. Problem definition is not designed and understands properly.
IV. Testing is not performed correctly
a) I, ii, iv only b) I, iii, iv only c) I, ii, iii only d) All the above
77. Select five appropriate components form the following which ISO definition of a QMS lists.
i) Organization Structure ii) Responsibilities iii) Procedures
iv) Resources v) Process vi) Commitment
a) I, ii, iii, iv& v b) ii, iii, iv, v & vi c) I, ii, iii, iv & vi d) None
78. Each employee must contribute ‘Total’ Quality. This means that
I. First level supervision is vital to educate, encourage and supervise the ‘Worker’ about
II. Many ideas for quality improvement will come from workers themselves. Supervisor
should encourage and facilitate this process.
III. Each and every employee must be committed towards their works and must complete it
whenever they feel.
IV. It is responsibility of each and every employee to supervise his or her work themselves.
a) I, ii, iii, iv & v b) ii, iii, iv, & v c) I, ii, iii, iv & vi d) None
81. What are the four principal aspects to a QMS for software development?
i) Development procedure ii) Quality Control iii) Quality improvement
iv) Quality assurance v) Quality Testing vi) Defect Removal
a. I, ii, iii, iv & v b) ii, iii, iv, v & vi c) I, ii, iii, iv d) None
82. The inclusion of reviews inspections and walkthrough in a development process should
I. Increase project productivity by detecting defects early.
II. Improve the quality of the system.
III. Inform other members of the team about development.
IV. Mark the completion of a stage in the development of the software
V. Produce more maintainable software.
83. The objective of the quality assurance review can be broken down into the following:
I. Identify require improvements in a product
II. Assure that the deliverable is technically correct.
III. Measure the progress of the project
IV. Identify any defects early, thus resulting in cost and timesaving.
85. A basic risk management plan has five components. List all of them
I. Why the risk is important and why it should be managed?
II. What should be delivered regarding risk management and when?
III. Who responsible for performing the different risk management activities?
IV. How will the risk be abated or risk be taken?
V. How many resources are needed?
VI. How well the risk is handled?
VII. How important the functionality is, for assigning priority?
a. I, ii, iii, iv, v b) iii, iv, v, vi, vii c) I, ii, v, vi, vii d) v, vi, iv, I, ii
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
86. It is said that the main component of SQA is successful risk management. Specify various
risks involved in this process.
i) The risk of missing deadlines ii) The risks of poorly defined users
iii) The risk of creeping featurism iv) The risk of new Technology
v) The risk of non-testability vi) The risk of low Reusability
vii) The risk of personnel shortages viii) The risk of poor training
a) All the above b) I, iii, ii , iv, v c) v, vi, viii, viii d) ii, iii, vi, vii, viii
87. What are the various risk that have to be considered while deciding where to utilize the
limited testing resources?
i) Customer Impact ii) New Technology iii) Error History
iv) New or Existing Feature v) Complexity vi) Time available to Test
88. List the actions can be taken to minimize the impact of risks?
i) Creating a schedule ii) Defining users
iii) Changing the corporate culture iv) Hold project postmortems
89. What are the important clauses that have to be fulfilled for a company to be awarded the ISO
900-3 standard?
i) Management responsibility ii) Quality system iii) Contract review
iv) Design control v) Inspection and Testing vi) Quality Records
90. The accreditation process provides a number of potential benefits to the supplier,
I. It provides external validation
II. It gives the supplier and their quality system external credibility
III. It allows the supplier t sell to those customer who insist on accreditation as condition of
IV. It qualifies the supplier to be included in buyer’s guides complied by the accreditation
bodies and circulated to potential customers.
a) All the above b) I, ii, iii only c) iii, iv only d) None
91. The various factors that should be taken into account while selecting a certifying body are:
i) Reputability ii) Costs iii) Relationship
92. List all the important clauses that have to be fulfilled for a company to be awarded the ISO
9000-3 standard.
i) Management Responsibility ii) Quality system iii) Contact review
iv) Design control v) Inspection and testing vi) Quality Records
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
93. The model is based on an analogy with hardware production processes and identifies 5
levels. They are:
i) Optimizing ii) Managed iii) Defined iv) Repeatable v) Initial
94. List the six steps to SIX SIGMA as specified by the Motorola Inc.
I. Determining what your product is
II. Determining who the customer is for that product
III. Identifying the suppliers you need for your product
IV. Mapping out the process you must use to put it together
V. Examining that process to eliminate errors and wasted steps
VI. Establishing measurement means to feed continuous improvement.
96. CMM model is based on an analogy with hardware production processes and identifies 5
levels. They are
i) I, ii, iii, iv, vi only b) I, ii, iii, iv, v only c) All the above d) None
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451
Software Quality Assurance
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451