Business Ethics M1W1 4THQ
Business Ethics M1W1 4THQ
Business Ethics M1W1 4THQ
Module No. 1: Week 1: Fourth Quarter
Learning Competencies
1. Discuss the responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneurs to: a. employees b. government
c. creditors d. suppliers e. consumers f. general public g. other stakeholders
Codes: 1. ABM_ESR12-IVi-l-3.1
After studying this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify the responsibility and accountability of entrepreneurs to employees,
government, creditors and suppliers;
2. Discuss the responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneurs to employees, government,
creditors and suppliers;
3. Appreciate the importance of the responsibilities of entrepreneurs to employees, government,
creditors and suppliers
Let’s Recall
Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each statement below and choose the letter that corresponds the
correct answer.
1. What refers to the duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task (assigned by
someone, or created by one’s own circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent
penalty for failure?
A. Responsibility C. Accountability
B. Transparency D. Fairness
2. What responsibility of an entrepreneur which makes sure that the physical environment of the
workers is well taken-cared of by providing a well illuminated and ventilated workable space for
the employees?
A. Pay wages/salaries and taxes
B. Assignment of right jobs
C. Create and maintain an ergonomic workplace
D. None of the above
3. Businesses must treat their injured employee with respect and file the claim without attempting
to cause a delay in processing or attempt to deter the worker from filing a claim at all.
A. Facilitate employees’ compensation insurance
B. Support career development
C. Train and educate employees
D. Enforce anti-discrimination law
4. The entrepreneur should provide employment security to the employees of his organization,
which will cause the sense of satisfaction among them and they will work with full interest,
dedication, and commitment and will feel free from the apprehensions of losing a job and will
have the higher degree of faith in the employer.
A. Respect human rights
B. Give rewards and Benefits
C. Give security and employment
D. All of the above
5. The following are responsibilities of an entrepreneur to the government EXCEPT for:
A. Compliance of government rules
B. Payment of taxes
C. Give rewards and benefits
D. None of these
6. What responsibility of the entrepreneurs to pay taxes to the government?
A. Payment of taxes
B. Not to seek political patronage by unfair means
C. Cooperate with government for economic development
D. None of the above
7. Loans are obtained for particular objectives. Hence, entrepreneurs should utilize the loan
amount only for the desired objectives.
A. Obtain loans on reasonable conditions
B. Follow mortgage rules
C. Follow business ethics
D. Poor utilization of debt capital
8. The entrepreneurs have the responsibility to provide regular information to the suppliers
regarding changes happening in the demand of the commodities in domestic or in foreign markets.
A. Pay fair prices of Goods at a reasonable time
B. Promote healthy competition
C. Inform about changes in market
D. None of the above
9. Any unhealthy and hostile rivalries among dealers should not be permitted by the entrepreneur.
A. Motivate indigenous supplies
B. Provide technical advice
C. Inform suppliers of future developments
D. Promote healthy competition
10. What is your analysis of the given statements below?
Statement 1: A supplier is an entity (person or institution) that extends credit by giving another entity
permission to borrow money intended to be repaid in the future.
Statement II: Mismatching of jobs with employee’s qualification is encouraged.
A. Both Statements are true C. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement II is true D. Both Statements are false
Let’s Understand
To Employees, Government, Creditors and Suppliers
An entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages and assumes the risk of an enterprise.
An entrepreneur should be aware of the ethics and social standard follow them.
A. Employee
Employees are the true assets of an organization. They are the ones who contribute
effectively towards the success of every business so, in return entrepreneur has responsibilities
and accountabilities to fulfill for the safety and welfare of their employees.
The following are the responsibilities and accountabilities of an entrepreneur to his/her
3. Create and Maintain an Ergonomic Workplace
Entrepreneurs must also make employees aware of areas in their business that have a
high risk for injury and train their employees in safety procedures to minimize the risk of
injury. Working environment that are properly ventilated and illuminated improve employee’s
performance, their health and well-being.
It is also mandated in the Labor Code of the Philippines that entrepreneur should pay
fringe benefits such as PhilHealth, Social Security, PAG-IBIG, taxes out of employees’
wages/salaries for each employee working in their business.
Recognition boosts esteem and morale in which employees feel important, satisfied,
and inspired. Recognizing employees for accomplishments can be an important reason for
employees to stay.
Providing these benefits motivate many employees to stay and do well in the business.
B. Government
In Business, the responsibilities of entrepreneurs towards the government, professional
institutes, and other business institutions are very essential. The government sets the targets
for the balanced and rapid economic development of the country.
Responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneurs to the government are:
1. Compliance of government rules
The rules framed by the government for business should be fully complied with. The
entrepreneur should follow the laws regarding obtaining licenses for a specific business, the
operation of the business determination and production and etc.
2. Payment of Taxes
The government imposes various types of taxes, like, income Taxes, sales tax, excise
tax, tariff duties and wealth tax on the entrepreneur and business, for raising financial
resources. Entrepreneurs should honestly pay these taxes.
C. Creditors
A creditor is an entity (person or institution) that extends credit by giving another entity
permission to borrow money intended to be repaid in the future.
Various plans are prepared for development and expansion of the business and for that
various projects are also formulated. For their completion, capital is the foremost requirement,
which is fulfilled through loans from the individuals, Financial Institutions and Banks.
D. Suppliers
The services of the suppliers are also important for any business because they supply
raw materials, machinery, labor, and other materials. Without hem, the smooth operation of
the business is quite difficult.
Entrepreneurs’ responsibilities and accountabilities towards their suppliers are the
that they may not have to face financial difficulties and may carry out their operations
efficiently and smoothly.
Let’s Apply
True or False. Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and
write FALSE if the statement is false. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. The idea of Milton Friedman that the mission of business is to produce goods
and services at a profit, thus maximizing its contribution to society is associated with.
2. A corporation can be considered a moral agent, it is therefore responsible to
society for its actions.
3. One of the social responsibilities of the business organization towards their
consumer is being honest in advertising and marketing.
4. Unsafe products can improve the company’s reputation.
5. Responsibility refers to the obligation of an individual or an organization to
account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the result in a
transparent manner.
6. An entrepreneur must sell quality products at fair price.
7. As a businessman or entrepreneur he must pay the incorrect amount of taxes to
the government.
8. Equally important is the social responsibility of entrepreneur to his
community in terms of job creation and environment observation.
9. Entrepreneurs must provide goods and services which the society needs at a
price which the society can afford to pay.
10. An entrepreneur must provide fair return of investment.
Let’s Analyze
Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each statement below and choose the letter
that corresponds the correct answer.
1. It refers to the obligation to demonstrate that work has been conducted in compliance
with agreed rules and standards or to report fairly and accurately on performance results
vis-à-vis mandated roles and/or plans
of an individual or an organization to account for its activities, accepts responsibility for them,
and to disclose the results in a transparent manner?
A. Responsibility C. Accountability
B. Transparency D. Fairness
2. What responsibility of an entrepreneur to pay their employees of their business at least
the minimum hourly wage in their locality?
A. Pay wages/salaries and taxes
B. Assignment of right jobs
C. Create and maintain an ergonomic workplace
D. None of the above
3. What responsibility of an entrepreneur in which employees cannot be disadvantaged,
dismissed, or not given employment for any mentioned.
A. Facilitate employees’ compensation insurance
B. Support career development
C. Train and educate employees
D. Enforce anti-discrimination law
4.Reward employees fairly and attractively is one of the responsibilities of an entrepreneur to
his/her employees.
A. Respect human rights
B. Give rewards and Benefits
C. To give security and employment
D. All of the above
5. The following are responsibilities of an entrepreneur to the government EXCEPT for:
A. Compliance of government Rules
B. Payment of taxes
C. Assumption of welfare arrangements
D. None of these
6.What responsibility of the entrepreneurs which is not to seek political patronage by providing
undue economic help to any political party or politicians during elections?
A. Payment of taxes
B. Not to seek political patronage by unfair means
C. To cooperate with government for economic development
D. None of these
7. Loans should always be paid in on the maturity date, which facilitates regular capital
flow in the business society and also saves the Banks and Financial Institutions from
adverse effects.
A. Obtain loans on reasonable conditions
B. Follow mortgage rules
C. Repayment of loan
D. Poor utilization of debt capital
8. The entrepreneurs have the responsibility to provide regular information to the
suppliers regarding changes happening in the demand of the commodities in domestic
or in foreign markets.
A. Pay fair prices of Goods at a reasonable time
B. Inform about Changes in Market
C. Give guarantee of Minimum Price
D. Motivate Indigenous Supplies
9. Any unhealthy and hostile rivalries among dealers should not be permitted by the
A. Motivate Indigenous Supplies
B. Provide technical Advice
C. Inform Suppliers of Future Developments
D. Promote Healthy Competition
10. What is your analysis of the given statements below?
Statement 1: The Entrepreneur should not provide information about possible future
development to the suppliers, in time, so that they mold themselves according to the changing
Statement II: Entrepreneur should provide cooperation to the government by proper
utilization of available resources in accordance with the government targets.
Let’s Try
Direction. Read the given selection and answer the question written below.
Every Starbucks bar counter has a barista who is expert in preparing coffee. A Starbucks
barista is trained in grounding coffee beans, brewing, and serving fresh coffee. He/ She
should know all the regular customers of the store by name and remember their coffee
preferences. He/ She must also be able to pour coffee with one hand and whipped cream
with the other while talking with the customer. This is what later on called the Starbucks
experience. This is a unique way of serving coffee while building a more personal
relationship with patrons.
Today, Starbucks is the number one provider of not only the finest coffee-drinking experience
in the world, specifically in 24,000 stores in 70 countries. True to its mission, “ to inspire and
nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” Starbucks
continue to meet this goal by creating value and satisfaction for its customers.
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