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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421


Dhandhukiya Richa Shaileshbhai1, Dr. Anuradha Pathak2
Dhandhukiya Richa Shaileshbhai Student of BBA, B.V. Patel Institute of management,UKA Tarsadia University,Maliba Campus, Bardoli.
Dr. Anuradha PathakAssociate Professor, B.V. Patel Institute of management,UKA Tarsadia University,Maliba Campus, Bardoli.

Human resource pillories are regarded as formal communication that is focused upon the way, in which employers treat the employees. In order to carry
out various task functions, they need to organized meetings, exchange ideas and suggestion, share viewpoint and work in coordination with each other.
It is apparent that member need to form good terms and relationship with each other. The existing study aims of this research is to the HR policies
implemented in the company and its impact on performance of employees. A total of 100 executive and employee were studied by organized
Questionaries. The data were analyse using SPSS software. It is the descriptive analysis of primary data.From the study it is concluded that overall, the
respondents are satisfied with human resource policies by the organization.

A policy is a guide for repetitive action in major areas of business. It is a statement of commonly accepted understanding of decision-making
criteria. Policies are set up to achieve several benefits. By taking policy decisions on frequently recurring problems, the top management provides the
guidelines to lower-level managers.

It will permit decisions to be made in similar situations without repeating the reasons and expensive analysis required initially to state the policy.
Policies help managers at various levels to act with confidence without the need of consulting the superiors every time. This will also ensure
promptness of action.

The starting point in all managerial relationships with employees is the managerial policies. It incorporates the philosophy of the top management. The
human resource philosophy of DLF, for instance, is stated as the management of people begins with ideas, implicit or explicit, as to the purpose, goals,
and intentions in their employment. On the basis of such objectives, policies outline the courses to be followed.

Oriol Iglesias, Fathima Zahara Saleem (2015) surveyed on the topic, “How to support consumer-brand relationships: The role of corporate
culture and human resource policies and practices” The main contribution of this research is the identification and description of the human
resource management (HRM) policies and practices which enable the development of consumer-brand relationships. The six policies and practices
which this research considers key are: recruitment, promotion, training, communication, evaluation and compensation.

Anastasia A Katou (2012) studied on the topic, “Investigating reverse causality between human resource management policies and
organizational performance in small firms” The purpose of this paper is to test reverse causality between human resource management (HRM)
policies and organizational performance, through the intervening steps of employee attitudes and employee behaviours, which are still relatively
untested in small firms and in a non‐US/UK context such as Greece.

Souad Sherif (2013) studied, “Macroeconomic policy, localization and reducing unemployment: The crucial human resource issues for the
UAE” An effective solution for the UAE unemployment quandary is only possible after the three‐step strategy FPDNHR is applied completely.

Claire Harris, penny Contrived, Paula Hyde (2007)studied on the topic, “Human resource management and performance in healthcare
organisation”the paper finds that relationships have been found between a range of HRM practices, policies systems and performance. Despite being
an important concern for HR professionals, there is little research exploring the link between HRM and performance in the health sector.

Jeffrey Hickman, Karl J Mayer (2003) studied on the topic, “Service quality and human resource practices: a theme park case study” This
article uses a case study approach to examine how human resource practices affect the delivery of guest services at a large theme park. The theme park
uses a four‐pronged approach in managing its human resource function to ensure that service quality standards are maintained. Other hospitality firms
can compare their human resource policies to those outlined in this article to guide their own efforts.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 520

Debarun Chakraborty, Wendrila biswas (2019) studied on the topic, „Evaluation the impact of human resource policies program in addressing
the strategic goal of the firm: An organization perspective‟. The HR policies programs, namely, staffing plan and succession plan, yield a better
result in addressing the strategic goal of the company. Succession plan, staffing plan and talent management strategies augment the efficacious
performance of the firm. Effectual performance aids in gaining a competitive advantage for the firm in a substantial way. Job analysis and design have
no impact in achieving the strategic intent of the organization.



 To study the HR policies followed by the company.

 To study whether employees are satisfied with HR policies or not.

 To study whether HR policies have impact on employee performance.

This study is conducted thought primary data. A structure questionary was created on the basis of that data was collected from 100 employee.
Various tools like Tabular analysis, Pic chart, Chi squareTest of Normality and Reliability and T-test analysis etc were uses. All of the analysis was
done by SPSS software.


H1: - Employee is satisfied with the HR policies.

H2: - HR policies have impact on employee performance.


Any study is incomplete without a detailed outline of demographic profile of respondents. Keeping in mind this fact, an effort has been made to seek
background information of respondents.


Gender Age

Male 17 13 20-30
42 Female 30-40
58 33 40-50
50and above

Experience Marital status

0 1.2

15 less than 1 Married

02-May 33
Oct-15 67
15 or more
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 521

The demographic details collected from respondents have been presented in the form of various graphs. The graphs indication there is a majority of
Male in the company. There are only 42% Females whereas there are 58% Males.

It can also be see that the maximum number of employees in the company 40-50 and least number of employees belong to age group, 50 and above.
There are 37 employees who belong to the age group of 40-50, 33 in 30-40, 17 in 50 and above and only 13 in 20-30.

Most of the employee in the company has experience of 5-10,10-15 and 15 or more, and 15 employees has the experience of less than 1, and only 13
has employees in 2-5.

Most of the 67% employees are married and 33% employees are unmarried in the company.


Gender * Experience Cross tabulation

less than 1 2-5 5-10 10-15 15 or more

Gender Male 11 7 10 15 14 57

Female 6 7 15 7 7 42

3 0 1 0 0 0 1
Total 17 15 25 22 21 100

Gender* Age Cross tabulation


20-30 30-40 40-50 50 and above Total

Gender Male 8 14 23 12 57

Female 5 20 12 5 42

3 1 0 0 0 1
Total 14 34 35 17 100

The cross analysis above is for two categories variables, gender and age. From the table we can see that most of the male in the company belong to the
age group of 40-50 female belong to the age group of 30-40.

Organization has maintained the good combination of experience and gender. From the table we can see that most of the employee have experience of
up to 5-10 and other senior employee have experience of 10-15 year.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 522


N Mean Skewness Kurtosis
Std. Std.
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
Error Error

Company has HRP

100 1.24 .429 1.236 .241 -.482 .478 3

Opinion regarding HRP

of Company.
100 2.07 .769 -.121 .241 -1.287 .478 8

Authority to Frame
HRP in organisation
100 2.48 1.114 .074 .241 -1.342 .478 9

HRP of the company

are communicated 100 1.85 .892 .999 .241 .835 .478 2

HRP are updated

100 2.13 .884 .995 .241 1.350 .478 1

Employee opinion are

taken while framing 100 2.12 1.057 .594 .241 -.634 .478 4

HRP have positive

impact on employee 100 2.34 1.183 .392 .241 -.837 .478 6

HRP do not lead to

100 2.90 1.176 -.068 .241 -.978 .478 7
waste of time.

HRP are effective and

100 3.27 1.278 -.286 .241 -.807 .478 5

Valid N (listwise) 100

In the table mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis was found, and on the basis of all these the final rank was gives.

Mean is the average of data set. Stander deviation is a statistic that measure the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the
square root of the variance. Skewness refers to a distortion or asymmetry that deviates from the symmetrical bell curve, or normal distribution, is a set
of data. If the curve is shifted to the left or to the right, it is said to be skewed. Kurtosis is measure of the combination weight of a distribution‟s tails
relative to the center of the distribution.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 523

According to the organizations human resource policies are frequently updateding and their policies are also communicated clearly to their employees
which can be benefiting for the organizations. Employees also the employees feel that the human policies help in reducing the waste of time. Thus, the
employees in the organization also differs from their different opinions on the human resource policies which are in their organization.


Group Statistics
Std. Std. Error
Gender N Mean Deviation Mean
Clear communication Male 57 1.93 .923 .122
of H.R Policies Female 42 1.71 .835 .129
H.R. policies are Male 57 2.19 .895 .119
updated regularly Female 42 2.02 .869 .134
Opinion taken while Male 57 2.12 1.087 .144
farming H.R policies Female 42 2.07 .997 .154
Impact of H. R. polices Male 57 2.37 1.219 .162
on performance Female 42 2.26 1.127 .174
Human resouce policies Male 57 2.86 1.231 .163
do not lead to waste of Female
42 2.93 1.113 .172
Human resource Male 57 3.23 1.323 .175
policies of the company Female
are effective and 42 3.31 1.239 .191

According to the table there are 100 respondents. The mean table shows that highest mean is 3.31 for the statement „human resource polices of
company are effective and meaningful‟. Standard deviation for opinions of male vs. female is 1.323. Standard error mean shows that .191 human
resource policies effective and meaningful. Overall, the mean score suggests that opinions are quite negative. However, there is not much variation in
standard deviation and standard mean error.


Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t

Equal variances assumed .293 .590 1.195

Clear communication of H.R Policies
Equal variances not assumed 1.214

Equal variances assumed .392 .533 .941

H.R. policies are updated regularly
Equal variances not assumed .945

Equal variances assumed 1.189 .278 .241

Opinion taken while farming H.R
Equal variances not assumed .244

Equal variances assumed .234 .629 .443

Impact of H. R. polices on
Equal variances not assumed .449

Equal variances assumed 1.124 .292 -.287

Human resouce policies do not lead
to waste of time
Equal variances not assumed -.291

Human resource policies of the Equal variances assumed .355 .553 -.311
company are effective and
meaningful Equal variances not assumed -.314
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 524

According to the table that Equal variances assumed highest frequency is 1.189 farming human resourcce policies and highest significant is 0.590 and
highest Equality of Means is 1.195. The significant values as depicted in above table are less than 0.05 stating that the association between the variables
in not much significant.


According to the table we can see that highest df is 92.944 and significant 2-tailed is Equal variances assumed.810 and Equal variances not assumed
.808 is mean difference for the variable „human resource policies of your company are communicated to you clearly‟. Equal variances assumed .216
and Equal variances not assumed .216. The significant values as depicted in above table are less than 0.05 stating that the association between the
variables in not much significant.

t-test for Equality of Means

df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference

Equal variances assumed 97 .235 .216

Clear communication of H. R. Policies
Equal variances not assumed 92.932 .228 .216

Equal variances assumed 97 .349 .169

H. R. Policies are updated regularly
Equal variances not assumed 89.919 .347 .169

Equal variances assumed 97 .810 .051

Opinion of employees taken while
framing H. R. Policies
Equal variances not assumed 92.362 .808 .051

Equal variances assumed 97 .658 .107

Impact of H. R. Policies on
Equal variances not assumed 92.061 .655 .107

Equal variances assumed 97 .775 -.069

Human resouce policies do not lead to
waste of time.
Equal variances not assumed 92.944 .772 -.069

Equal variances assumed 97 .757 -.081

Human resource policies of the
company are effective and meaningful
Equal variances not assumed 91.522 .754 -.081


 There are less 58% male and 42% female in the organization.

 Most of the employee belong age group of 40-50 and there is list number of employee who belong to age group 20-30.

 Most of the employee in company has experience of 5-10 year.

 76% of employee agreed that the company is having the human resource policies.

 56% of employee are highly agreed that Human resouce policies are while update frequently.

 35% of employee are agree that employee opinion is taken while human resource policies.

 33% employee agrees that human resource policies are positive impact in company.

 28% employee disagree that human resource policies do not west of time.

 35% Neutral that employee are human resource policies are effective and meaningful.

 Chief executive officer authority to farm H.R policies in your organization.

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp 519-525, March 2022 525


 The performance appraisal of employee should be evaluated at regular intervals.

 The organization should conduct psychometric test for employees.

 The training should be mandatory for all level of employees.

 H.R policies should be framed with the consultation of senior staff members. Policies framed and implemented by competitors should also
be kept in mind.


According to the study, it is concluded that HR policies followed by the company and the measure undertaken by the organization for employee
satisfaction are quite satisfactory. The HR policies of the company provide facilities for all round growth of individual by training and self-motivation
through self-motivation. However, more steps should be taken in future to make it more effective.


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