Dragonbane RPG - DM SCREEN
Dragonbane RPG - DM SCREEN
Dragonbane RPG - DM SCREEN
Guard Awareness 10 — STR +D4 12 — Broadsword, studded leather ROLLING A DRAGON ROLLING A DEMON
Swords 12 armor
✦ You impress everyone around you. The roll cannot be pushed.
Cultist Evade 14 — AGL +D4 12 — Dagger ✦ You achieve more than intended. ✦ You damage yourself, someone else, or an item.
Knives 14 ✦ e action is performed faster than usual. ✦ You make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
Thief Evade 12 — AGL +D4 10 — Knife around you.
Knives 12 ✦ You make a lot of noise.
Villager Brawling 8 — — 8 — Wooden club
Can only be dodged if the opponent also rolls a MELEE COMBAT
Hunter Awareness 12 — AGL +D4 13 — Longbow, leather armor
dragon. Choose one:
Bows 13 D6 EFFECT
✦ Roll double the amount of dice for the weapon’s
Bandit Bows 12 — — 12 — Short sword, short bow damage, before adding any damage bonus and 1 You drop your weapon at your feet. Picking it up
Evade 10 other bonuses. is an action.
Swords 12 ✦ You can immediately perform a second attack 2 You expose yourself to the enemy, who gets a
against another enemy. is additional attack is a free attack (page 43) that cannot be dodged or
Adventurer Awareness 10 — STR +D4 13 — Broadsword, studded leather
Swords 12 armor
free action. parried.
✦ Armor has no effect against the attack, as it finds a
Scholar Languages 13 — — 7 — A good book gap or weak spot. is effect can only be chosen 3 Your weapon cuts so deep into an object that
Myths & Legends 13 if the attack deals piercing damage (optional rule). it gets stuck. Pulling it free requires a STR roll
Staves 8 (counts as an action)
Bandit Chief Awareness 12 Berserker STR +D6 30 16 Heavy warhammer, chainmail, 4 You accidentally toss your weapon D3+3 meters.
(Boss) Brawling 15 Robust × 6 open helmet To pick it up you must move and then perform an
Hammers 15 Veteran action.
Knight Brawling 14 Defensive STR +D6 28 26 Longsword, large shield, plate 5 You slam your weapon into something hard and
Champion Swords 16 Double Slash armor, great helm, combat- Can only be dodged if the opponent also rolls a damage it. Any use of the weapon gets a bane
(Boss) Focused × 6 trained horse dragon. Choose one: until it is repaired by an artisan.
Robust × 6 ✦ Your weapon’s damage is doubled, excluding the da- 6 You hit yourself by mistake. Roll for damage as
mage bonus and other bonuses. Roll twice as many
usual, but without any damage bonus.
Archmage Magic School 15 Focused × 6 — 22 30 Sta , grimoire dice as normal and add them up.
(Boss) Staves 13 Master Spellcaster ✦ Armor and natural armor have no effect against the
Robust × 4 attack, as it hits a gap or weak spot. is effect can RANGED COMBAT
only be chosen if the attack deals piercing damage
NPCS AND SKILLS (optional rule). D6 EFFECT
Non-player characters use skills in the same way as player character, the GM can simply decide what 1 You drop your weapon at your feet. Picking it up
player characters. The GM rolls dice for them, but happens. is an action.
only for actions that a ect a player character direc- NPC stat blocks don’t list all skills - when rolling 2 You run out of arrows and must get more before
tly - for exemple, if the NPC is attacking a player for an NPC against an unlisted skill, the GM uses a you can use the weapon again. Re-roll for sling or
character or attempting to save them. When an NPC default skill level of 5. throwing weapons.
performs an action that does not directly a ect a
3 You hit a valuable or important item nearby. The
GM decides what it is.
ATTRIBUTES FOR NPCS 4 You break your weapon. Any use of the weapon
Round 10 seconds Perform an action in combat,
gets a bane until it is repaired by an artisan.
take a round rest (page 52).
In adventures for Dragonbane, attribute scores for CON: Roll against maximum HP, reduced by 2 for 5 You accidentally hit a random player character or
NPCs are not listed as they are very rarely used. If each level of the Robust heroic ability. Stretch 15 minutes Explore a room, take a
friendly NPC. Roll for damage as usual, including
you at some point would need to roll against an exact WIL: Roll against maximum WP if this is listed, stretch rest (page 52).
damage bonus.
attribute score for an NPC, use the guidelines below: reduced by 2 for each level of the Focused heroic Shift 6 hours Hike for 15 kilometers, take a 6 You hit yourself by mistake. Roll for damage as
STR & AGL: Use the damage bonus. At +D6, roll ability. If WP is not listed, roll against 10. shift rest (page 52). usual, but without damage bonus.
against an attribute score of 17. At +D4, roll against INT & CHA: Roll against 10.
14. At no bonus, roll against 10.
✦ Dash: This action doubles your movement rate in ✦ First Aid: The HEALING skill is used to save the ✦ Draw Weapon: Draw, exchange, or put away
the round. life of someone who has had their HP reduced to a weapon kept at hand. 1 Enfeebled. The fear drains your energy and
✦ Melee Attack: These can be performed against zero and is at risk of dying. ✦ Change Position: Throw yourself to the determination. You lose 2D6 WP (to a minimum
an enemy within 2 meters (4 meters for long ✦ Rally: You can PERSUADE another player charac- ground or get up. of zero) and become Disheartened.
weapons). ter at zero HP to rally and keep fighting. ✦ Drop Item: Drop an item on the ground.
✦ Ranged Attack: Attacks with a ranged weapon ✦ Break Down Door: Doors can take a certain ✦ Shout: Say or shout a few words. 2 Shaken. You su er the Scared condition.
can be made against targets within the weap- amount of damage before they break down.
3 Panting. The intense fear leaves you out of
on’s range. ✦ Pick Lock: Picking a lock requires a SLEIGHT
OF HAND roll. Doing so without lockpicks gives
breath and makes you Exhausted.
you a bane. SNEAK ATTACK
Prone Targets: Makes the roll with a boon and 4 Pale. Your face turns white as a sheet. You and all
inflict an extra D6 damage. ✦ Use Item: Use a potion or some other item Sneak Attack: When you sneak up on someone unde- player characters within 10 meters and in sight of
Obscured Targets: Makes the roll with a bane. within 2 meters. tected and perform an attack, it is called a sneak attack. you become Scared.
✦ Activate Ability: Use an innate or heroic ability. First you make a SNEAKING roll. Moving close enough to
✦ Parry: Both melee and ranged attacks can be attack in melee combat (within 2 meters) gives you a bane.
✦ Cast Spell: In most cases, casting a spell counts 5 Scream. You scream in horror, which causes all
parried, but the latter requires a shield. Parrying If you fail, the enemy notices you – draw initiative.
as an action. This includes magic tricks. Some player characters who hear the sound to imme-
is a reaction that takes place outside your turn If you succeed your attack counts as surprising, which
spells are reactions and do not require an action, diately su er a fear attack as well. Each person
and replaces your regular action in the round. means that you can choose any initiative card you want.
while others are more time-consuming. For more only ever needs to make one WIL roll to resist the
✦ Dodge: Dodging melee or ranged attacks is also on magic, see chapter 5. You also get a boon on the attack, and the target can nei-
same fear attack.
a reaction. ther dodge nor parry. Using a Subtle weapon increases the
✦ Helping: Helping another character gives them a
✦ Pick Up Item: Pick up an item from the ground damage by one die (for example 2D8 instead of D8). Sneak 6 Rage. Your fear turns to anger, and you are
boon to a roll in the same round.
within 2 meters, or from your Inventory. attacks are always performed individually, by one attacker forced to attack its source on your next turn –
✦ Round Rest: You rest and recover D6 WP. This against one target.
✦ Equip/Unequip Armor/Helmet: Suits of armor can only be done once per shift. in melee combat if possible. You also become
and helmets protect you from damage, but also Ambush: A special kind of sneak attack is an ambush – Angry.
restrict your movement. lying in wait for an enemy and attacking as it passes by. In
this case, each victim makes an AWARENESS roll to spot 7 Paralyzed. You are petrified with terror and
the ambush, with a bane if the attackers are well prepared. unable to move. You cannot perform any action or
All those who fail get the bottom cards (counting from #10 movement on your next turn. Make another WIL
SPECIAL ATTACKS and up), randomly drawn.
roll on each subsequent turn (not an action) to
break the paralysis.
Find Weak Spot: If your weapon is piercing, you direction of your choice. Picking up a weapon from
can try to find a gap in the enemy’s armor or natu- the ground is an action. Disarm does not work on TERRAIN 8 Wild Panic. In a fit of utter panic, you flee the
ral armor. You get a bane on the attack, but if it hits, shields or natural weapons. Cramped: ere is little space or a low ceiling. All melee scene as fast as you can. On your next turn you
the enemy counts as armorless. weapons except piercing weapons (page 73) and Subtle must dash away from the source of your fear.
Grapple: You try to grapple a humanoid enemy weapons get a bane on all rolls. Make another WIL roll on each subsequent turn
Topple: You try to topple an enemy to the ground instead of inflicting damage. This is handled with Rough: e terrain is difficult to traverse. Whenever (not an action) to stop running and act normally
instead of inflicting damage. This is handled with an an opposed roll between your BRAWLING and the you move, you must make an ACROBATICS roll (not an again.
opposed roll between your skill level in the weapon enemy’s BRAWLING. The attack counts as an action action). Failure means that you fall over and lose the rest
you are using and the enemy’s EVADE. If your for you, but not for your opponent. It cannot be of your movement this round.
weapon has the toppling feature, you get a boon. dodged or parried. Dimly Lit: Imposes a bane on all ranged attacks.
The attack counts as an action for you, but not for If your attempt fails, you fall to the ground. If
your opponent. It cannot be dodged or parried. it succeeds, both of you fall to the ground and
An e ective way of using this special attack the enemy is trapped in your grip. As long as you
is to work together with another person – if you maintain your grip the enemy can neither move nor
If the optional rule for damage types (page
topple the opponent, your friend can attack the perform any action that requires body movement,
If you hit an enemy with a melee attack and 45) is used, the following rules apply:
prone enemy before they can get up. except trying to break free. Doing so is an opposed
your STR damage bonus is equal to or higher
roll between your BRAWLING and the enemy’s
Disarm: You try to disarm your enemy instead of BRAWLING. The roll count as a action for the
than your opponent’s damage bonus, you can ✦ Leather and studded leather gain a
choose to shove the enemy up to 2 meters in +2 bonus to their armor rating against blud-
inflicting damage. This is handled with an opposed enemy, but not for you.
any direction (to an adjacent square, if you are geoning damage.
roll between your and the enemy’s skill level in the While maintaining your grip, you are also
weapons you are using. The attack counts as an unable to move or perform any action that requires
using a grid map) in addition to doing damage. ✦ Chainmail gets a +2 bonus to its armor
This movement does not count toward the rating against slashing damage.
action for you, but not for your opponent. It cannot body movement, except break – this counts as an
enemy’s total movement in the round and does
be dodged or parried. If the enemy is holding the unarmed attack with a boon that cannot be dodged
not trigger free attacks from anyone. Monsters If the type of damage is not stated, the armor
weapon with both hands, you get a bane. If you or parried. Releasing the enemy is a free action.
cannot shove or be shoved. has its normal e ect.
succeed, the weapon lands D6 meters away in a
Player characters who follow a road or clear path are not D6 CONSEQUENCES
If you have been reduced to zero HP but survived, The healing time is halved if you rest and get med-
at risk of getting lost, but such luxuries are rarely available.
you risk severe injuries that can take a long time ical care for at least a shift per day from a person When they are out in the wilderness, navigation is more 1 Enemies at the site follow the player characters
to heal and even have permanent e ects. Make a who makes a HEALING roll. Skill levels that are difficult, and all sorts of mishaps can occur. and attack at an opportune moment.
roll against CON. If you fail, roll on the table below. reduced by permanent injuries can be re-learned. When traveling through pathless terrain, the player
2 Enemies at the site get reinforcements. Fallen
characters must appoint a path nder who leads the way
enemies are replaced twofold.
for the group. is person must make a BUSHCRAFT roll
every shi to find their way. If the pathfinder has no map, 3 Someone else arrives at the site and clears it of
the roll gets a bane. A spyglass gives a boon. treasure before the player characters return.
On a failure, the group suffers a mishap – roll on the
D20 INJURY EFFECT table on page 102. You can adjust the mishap to better fit 4–6 Nothing happens.
1–2 Broken nose You get a bane on all AWARENESS rolls. Healing time: D6 days. the area.
Rolling a Dragon: A pathfinder who rolls a Dragon finds
3–4 Scarred face Bane on all PERFORMANCE and PERSUASION rolls. Healing time: 2D6 days.
a shortcut – the distance covered this shi is doubled.
5–6 Teeth knocked Your PERFORMANCE and PERSUASION skills levels are permanently reduced by 2 Di cult Terrain: If the terrain is particularly difficult,
out (to a minimum of 3). you can add a bane to the BUSHCRAFT roll.
7–8 Broken ribs Bane on all skills based on STR or AGL. Healing time: D6 days.
9–10 Concussion Bane on all skills based on INT. Healing time: D6 days. MISHAPS
11–12 Deep wounds Bane on all skills based on STR or AGL, and every roll against such skill inflicts D6
points of damage. Healing time: 2D6 days.
1 Fog. The player characters are caught unawares by a thick fog. The distance covered this shift
13 Broken leg Your movement rate is halved. Healing time: 3D6 days.
is reduced by half.
14 Broken arm You cannot use two-handed weapon, nor dual wield, and get a bane on all other actions
2 Blocking Terrain. The way ahead is blocked by rocks, fallen trees, thick shrubs, or flooding.
normally using both arms, such as climbing. Healing time: 3D6 days.
Each player character must make an ACROBATICS roll to keep moving forward. Anyone who
15 Severed toe Movement rate permanently reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 4). succeeds can help the others. A player character who fails makes no progress this shift.
16 Severed finger Your skill levels in all weapon skills are permanently reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 3). 3 Torn Clothes. The pathfinder leads the group into a thorny thicket, rocky ravine, or swampy
17 Gouged eye Your skill level in SPOT HIDDEN is permanently reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 3). marsh. The clothes of a random player character are damaged and now count as rags.
18 Nightmares Roll to resist fear (page 52) each shift you sleep. If you fail, the shift doesn’t count as 4 Lost. The player characters realize that they are walking in circles and do not make any prog-
slept. Healing time: 2D6 days. ress on the map this shift. The pathfinder must also make a BUSHCRAFT roll to find the right
way again. Others cannot help.
19 Changed Randomly generate a new weakness (optional rule, page 26).
personality 5 Dropped Item. A random player character drops or breaks an item of your choice.
20 Amnesia You cannot remember who you or the other player characters are. The e ect must be 6 Mosquito Swarm. A large swarm of mosquitoes or gnats attacks the group, driving everyone
roleplayed. Healing time: D6 days. crazy with their biting and buzzing. All player characters without a cloak become Angry.
7 Sprained Ankle. A random player character falls or missteps and su ers D6 damage. Armor
has no e ect but boots reduce the damage by two.
8 Downpour. A massive rainfall or blizzard (depending on the season) catches the group
unawares. All player characters without a cloak must roll to withstand the cold (page 54).
Lost HP and WP are recovered by resting. ere are three During a stretch rest, you also recover D6 Willpower They must also seek shelter until the storm passes and cannot make any progress on the map
kinds of rest – round rest, stretch rest, and shi rest. While Points and heal a condition of your choice. If something this shift.
resting, you cannot perform any actions that require die dramatic interrupts your rest, the effects are lost. You can only
rolls or WP . have a stretch rest once per shi. 9 Wasps. The pathfinder steps right into a nest of wasps. A swarm of angry wasps attacks the
entire group. All player characters must make an EVADE roll, and those who fail su er D6
Round Rest: A quick rest that lasts just a single round. Shift Rest: A shi rest lasts one full shi of time and damage and a condition of their choice.
During a round rest you recover only D6 WP , no HP. You can only take place in a safe location where there are no 10 Landslide. The player characters are walking in rough terrain when the ground suddenly
can only have a round rest once per shi. enemies nearby. During a shi rest you recover all your
gives way under their feet. Everyone must make an EVADE roll – anyone who fails su ers D10
lost HP and WP and heal all conditions. If a shi rest is
Stretch Rest: A short rest that only lasts for one stretch interrupted by combat or hard work it has no effect.
of time. During a stretch rest you heal D6 HP, or 2D6 11 Savage Animal. A wolf, bear, or other savage animal feels threatened and attacks the adven-
HP if someone else is tending to you and succeeds with a Magic: Spells can allow you to heal HP more quickly turers. Choose an animal from the table on page 99.
HEALING roll. e caregiver cannot rest during the same than usual.
12 Quicksand. The ground collapses! Each player character must make a BUSHCRAFT roll. Anyone
stretch and can only heal one person during the rest.
who fails su ers a condition and must roll again. A character who already has all conditions
and fails the roll is swallowed by the quicksand and disappears for good. Whoever is free can
help those who are stuck.