Lec 60
Lec 60
Lec 60
Lecture - 58
The NMAP Tool: A Relook (Part – III)
We continue with our discussion on NMAP. In the previous two lectures we have talked
about specifically host discovery and the port scanning options.
So, we continue with the discussion in this third part of this lecture, where we shall be
mainly talking about how to detect services, version and OS detection options. We shall
be looking at how to use the so called in NMAP scripts and lastly we shall be looking at
some of the very common example options that we typically use in NMAP.
So, the first thing we talk about is how to detect services, version and the type of
operating system that is running on a machine.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:08)
Before that let us try to understand how this kind of scanning is carried out? For instance,
how do we detect, what version of operating system is running on a particular host? The
idea is like this. Specific operating systems, they respond with specific messages in
response to certain kind of requests. Like let us say, I am sending a particular kind of
request to a machine; if the machine is running windows, the kind of response I get back
will be something; if it is running Linux, the kind of response would be different; if it is
running Mac, it can be again different.
So, by looking at the kind of response I get back, I can guess what kind of operating
system is being run, is running on the particular host and this helps in identifying the
operating system and also possibly version of the operating system which is running;
because responses can be different, ok.
So, we refer to this as TCP/IP fingerprinting; like when you send requests to different
operating systems, TCP/IP stack implementation is slightly different across OS versions.
So, by looking at the stack implementation, TCP/IP implementation, the response will
vary slightly from one version to the other. Depending on that you can identify which
version is running; that will give us some clue about identifying the services and the
operating systems, ok.
There are various different kinds of requests you can send and the response can be
different; like you can try sending a FIN probe; a bogus flag that means, some wrong or
incorrect packet you are trying to send. TCP initial sequence numbers sampling, window,
value of the ACK and there are various other ICMP related issues also, which can vary
from one system to other, one operating system to another. Related to IP also do not
fragment, type of service, fragmentation, there are a number of different things which
can vary from one version to another and these are mainly used or tried to be used for
identification, ok.
Some specific examples I am showing here; with respect to TCP you think of ACK;
suppose we are sending FIN, PSH, URG, urgent data, push, finish all these flag set to a
closed port. What will happen is that most of the operating system will send back an
acknowledgment packet with the same sequence number. But in windows what
happened? Windows handle it slightly differently; it sends back an acknowledgment
alright; but this sequence number is also incremented by one.
So, if you look at this sequence number of the packet which is coming back, if it is same,
you can conclude that it is a non-windows operating system; if it is incremented by one,
you can infer that it is windows; the host is running on some version of windows
operating system. Similarly, if you are probing with ICMP PORT UNREACHABLE
message and you get back a response, you look at the type of service; for most operating
systems the type of service will be returned as 0; but if it is Linux, the type of service is
returned as the hexadecimal code C0. C means, in binary, this is C; this is 0; this will be
the 8 bit type of service code that will return by typical Linux systems.
So, if you look at the TOS of the response, you can clearly identify whether it is a Linux
or some other operating system. This is usually the way you try and guess the type of
operating system and the services which are running, ok.
Some examples here, here we are giving an option -o; -o is the OS discovery option. We
will here say, we are scanning a particular host If you see the report, the
first thing is mentioned; host is up and what are the ports which are of open and that is
also shown, and finally, it also shows that it is running Microsoft windows 10. Because,
it has obtained some unique fingerprint response which is unique to Microsoft windows
also version 10; it has uniquely identified that. So, you can also specify some OS details,
Microsoft windows 10 release number also 1507 to 1607; some other details also you
can obtain ok, fine. This is one thing.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:21)
Let us take another example, where we are trying to look at the different versions of the
applications that are running on a particular host; we are using the -sV option. sV means
the different services which are running, what are the versions? For example, I am
running telnet; which telnet version is running?
Now, the question is why do you need to know the version? You see, for many services
certain versions have known vulnerabilities; the later versions have tried to plug the
vulnerabilities. So, you are trying to find out whether this service which is running, is
one of the vulnerable versions; if so, then may be a readymade exploit is available for
that; you can try to run that exploit and try to break into the system; try to hack into the
system, ok. So, here we are running NMAP with the -sV option on a particular host.
Here it again says host is up; it talks about the open ports; well, it also, these open ports
correspond to these Microsoft remote procedure call, netbios, microsoft-ds, these
services running on these port numbers 135, 139, 445 and also it has obtained some
information about the version, which version it is running.
Like for example, for RPC, it was not able to obtain a version; netbios-ssn, it is
Microsoft windows and for this microsoft-ds, it is windows 7 to 10, Microsoft-ds
workgroup and the other one 5357, it is Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 with some details.
So, you can get some version information also, which can help you to mount further
attacks based on this information, ok, service detection performed, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:46)
So, some specific NMAP commands that are used for this operating system detection or
service detection are as follows. This sV already we have seen with an example; - -
version-intensity with some level, you can start from 0 which is the lightest to 9 try all
probes; that means, how exhaustive will be your discovery process; you can specify by
giving a number from 0 to 9; 0 means, least effort; 9 means, maximum effort.
Well, you can directly specify instead of specifying the intensity, you can say version-
light; that means, you are trying to scan with a low intensity value 2. version-all, you
scan with an intensity value 9; but in version-intensity you can do a fine tuning specify
the exact value. version-trace, you show detailed version scan activity; what is
happening; all entire details will be logged; so that you can use it for debugging purpose;
what is actually happening.
For OS detection we have seen that we can use the -o option; you can have - - osscan-
limit; that means, you only limit your scan to promising targets; do not scan all the
machines, all the hosts; only some of the important or notable hosts will be scanned;
osscan-guess, here you are using more aggressive scan; aggressive mechanisms are there
where you can try to guess OS in a more aggressive way which usually will take less
time; but the chance of errors will be more obviously, ok.
Now, another very important and useful feature that is available in NMAP, I should not
say feature, but utilities that are available is the use of scripts. In NMAP, you have learnt
about the commands; but using this commands you can build application, scripts; there is
a scripting language available under NMAP; you can develop scripts on that for specific
applications, ok.
Now, in NMAP there are 1000 of such scripts which are available; someone has written
it and there is a repository where all the scripts are available. Some various useful
operations, scanning operations, the corresponding scripts are already available and there
is a feature in NMAP so that you can run a specific script which is actually a collection
of many NMAP commands in some particular sequence.
But, the thing is that when you run a particular script, some specific requirements may be
there for the scripts for it to run successfully; like for example, you may need that some
specific services must be running; otherwise the scripts will not run; some particular
ports must be open; otherwise the script will not run.
So, you need to understand that and if the requirements are satisfied, only then this script
can run successfully, ok. Like for example, if you run a script called vulnerability, the
vuln, the command is like that - - script name of the script. So, this is already a script
written by someone which will check vulnerability in a system. It will do a lot of
different kinds of scan; in general the command is like this - - script, you specify the
name of the script, then you may specify some port numbers if required, then you may
specify the target IP address which target to scan for the, this particular script
vulnerability to scanned. So, you can specify one or more targets, IP addresses or host
names, ok.
So, let us look at some specific examples; here I am showing an example where we are
running the script vulnerability, vuln; you see - - script vuln and you are running it on
this particular IP address. So, we are running a vulnerability scan; the script is already
available, ok. So, discovered hosts here, some hosts; NMAPs scans report for this host is
up; it says host is up; these are the 4 services which are up, MAC result so, and script
execution field, this is one option; it has been; because one of the ports which are
required to run the script was not open.
So, it did this scan to some extent; but finally, it was not complete; of course, here the
entire report I am not showing; it generates a long report; a part of the report I am
showing here in the screen; this is just a screenshot, ok. So, here you will get a detailed
exhaustive scan report, vulnerability scan report; what are the vulnerabilities that the
scan was able to detect, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:35)
Similarly, there is another script called http-malware-host. So, this is a script which is
already written for detecting malwares in the system. Like here I am just running this
script and you have to give the flag -sV set and this is the particular host which you want
to scan. Here again you are seeing the ports which are open; then malware host, http-
malware-host, host appears to be clean. So, malware was not detected on this host, ok.
So, there are some other messages you can see, the MAC address of the target, an http
server; what kind of http server version is running, ok. Service detection performed. So,
you can scan the host for malware; well what kind of malware; how it is detected;
already those scripts someone is written for you; you are just running it blindly; but when
if you are informed hacker, if you want to do it by understanding what you are doing,
you need to look at this script and make modifications as and when necessary, ok.
Because, you really do not know what the script is; you were running it as a black box;
you need to see what is there inside, fine.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:13)
There is another example here, where you are running a script called http-methods,
where you also specify the port number on which your http server is running; let us say
you are saying it is running on port number 80, -p80; you are scanning this particular
host which is the web server. So, host is up; on 80/tcp, the http port is open and here
what you are trying to see this script; it is, you see, in http, http is a protocol right,
hypertext transfer protocol; there are many http basic commands which are available,
GET, POST, etc.
Now, here you are trying to find out what are the http methods that the web server is
supporting? It says supported methods GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, all these
commands are available. So, you can send an http request GET, HEAD, POST,
OPTIONS and the server responds back. So, these are also some information you need
with respect to the web server so that you can later on mount some attacks on the web
servers. Because, some of those attacks are based on some http commands; you need to
know that what are the commands that are presently acceptable by the web server; the
web server supports these commands, ok.
So, here you can also see what kind of web server, Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC that is
running, ok. So, you get some additional information also.
So, you are checking that port number 445, the microsoft directory service is running;
because it needs to access that; MAC address and after this brute force attack, it was able
to find only two; this msfadmin, username and password is also a msfadmin; there is one
user:user, password was also user; only these two were detected, ok. But this is just an
example where not too many users were there on this machine. So, only two obvious
vulnerabilities were found; but if there are many users in the system, most likely many
other passwords would be cracked through these tools, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:27)
So, there are some issues here; you need to understand and remember; let us talk from
system administrator point of view; suppose you are a system administrator. So, what
you would like to know? You would like to know, whether your network is subject to
some attack, whether someone from outside is running NMAP and creating a map of
your network, is scanning your network. How to detect those things; obviously, logs are
the best place to look at.
Logs usually record lot of information from outside who is logging in, what kind of
packet is being, what kind of connection requests are coming; lot of information are there
in the log. But, it is a huge data; you need to spend a lot of time in analyzing the log;
carry out data mining from there and get some interesting information which might lead
you to suspect or something wrong is going on, ok. You should try to identify
connections that are not properly terminated; a connection was made, but no request for
connection termination was carried out.
So, maybe this was an attempt to detect a particular port is open or not; that is why while
doing the connection you got that information and you did not care to close the
connection later. Analyze port usage, some ports well, you are some request is coming
on that port, but after that there are no packets on that port. So, if you analyze port use,
you can suspect something; whenever something is, some connection is established on a
particular port number, most likely there will be a number of packets which will be
exchanged after that; but if you see that is missing, that may be another suspect, another
reason to suspect, ok.
Now, from the other side, this is from the system administrator; now, you think from the
point of view of an ethical hacker or not so ethical hacker, but the person who is
scanning the network. So, to avoid detection what are the things that you need to do,
need to look at? First is that you never scan sequence of ports, 1, 2, 3, 4 sequentially;
because in the log it will be recorded and someone can easily see that someone is
scanning your port in sequential order. So, you will try to randomize the order of port
numbers which you scan; it will be more difficult to guess that a scan is going on.
Another very important thing is slow scan; normally, scans are carried out very fast; but
let us say, two packets per day per site; if it is so slow, in whole day only two packets
you are sending to get some information. Maybe you will be collecting information over
1 month, 2 months, 6 months and then you will be mounting the attack; but this kind of
slow packet requests will normally not get detected; even the ideas, intrusion detection
systems will not get triggered with so slow packet rates, ok.
And, always use spoofed address in attack; obviously, so, that your identity will not get
disclosed and coordinated scan, instead of the scans coming from one source, if multiple
hosts can mount this scanning simultaneously, then just identifying a single target will
become difficult; many people are trying to do it at the same time. So, these are some of
the, you can say guidelines.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:34)
Now, before we end our discussion, let us have a quick recall of some of the common
NMAP scan options which mostly people use; let us look at one by one. Scanning a
single target with default options; this is what we call as the basic scan. In the basic scan,
we use the default options; we do not specify this, the different flags; we do not specify
which particular flag to use; we leave it to the default; whatever NMAP takes as default,
let NMAP scan according to that. So, you can give a command as simple as that, NMAP
followed by just the IP address.
So, NMAP will scan the host as par it default flags, default options; it will create a report
for you or you can give an IP address or you can also give a host name, either way.
Multiple hosts you can specify; you can scan at the same time; you can specify multiple
IP addresses separated by spaces or sometimes separated by commas also. You can
specify a range of IP addresses, as we have specified, shown in some examples;
144.16.192; the last byte can be anything from 100 to 150; using dash you can specify a
Or you can specify some kind of a subnet, all the hosts in a subnet; say like this, this, you see 144 is a class B network and by specifying /24, I am specifying
that there is a subnet; so, we are trying to scan this subnet corresponding to 192 in the
third byte. So, all 254 hosts inside that subnet let us scan that, ok. So, by this, using this
CIDR notation you can specify the entire subnet that you want to scan, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:04)
Let us take this example; scan a list of target; but I am not specifying it; rather I have
stored it in a file. So, whatever IP address or hostname you want to scan, suppose I store
it in a file first and then using the -iL option, I specify the name of the file. So, whatever
IP address or hosts names are there in that file, that will get scanned one by one. Then
you can specify in random, a number of random internet hosts; you can specify how
many; let us say 5 and -iR indicates that random. So, randomly the hosts will be selected
and that many 5 number of hosts will scanned one by one; this is one.
Sometimes you may want that you do not want to scan some specific hosts; scan others,
but do not scan some. So, you can exclude some particular targets from a scan and that
you can use using the - - exclude command. Like here what I am saying, we are scanning
a subnet; let us say, that same example, but you are excluding all these
IP addresses., exclude them; you can either specify them by IP
addresses or you can use a special version of exclude, excludefile; here you can specify a
file name. So, the IP addresses or the host to be excluded, they will be stored in this file.
So, from that file it will read; it will not scan those, right.
And, lastly perform an aggressive scan; aggressive scan means, the most commonly used
action, commonly used options that are used by my typical hackers; use only those
options, do not use all; because all will take more time naturally; if you give this -A
option; this is aggressive; only use the aggressive options for scanning, which most of
the time we will give you the intended information, ok. If you need more information
about this NMAP, the command, as I said in that nmap.org website there is a nice
documentation kind of a book which is available.
In addition there are text books also available on NMAP; there will get all the details; so,
it is not possible to cover all commands and all details in the short period of time; but we
have tried to give you some kind of a comprehensive overview of the different features
available. And, NMAP is a very powerful tool; many people most of the ethical hackers,
they use NMAP in the backend to develop their complete penetration testing tool or
So, with this we come to the end of this lecture; over the last 3 lectures, we have talked
about the NMAP tool, some of the commands; we also showed you some examples. So, I
believe so whatever doubts you may be having, at least some of them might have got
cleared through these discussions.
Now, in the next lecture we shall be talking about another very important tool which you
have also seen in some of the demonstrations, the Wireshark tool; Wireshark, we shall be
showing you how to use it, what are the main purposes and main commands and we shall
also be seeing some examples there.
Thank you.