2nd Quarter - MAPEH
2nd Quarter - MAPEH
2nd Quarter - MAPEH
TEST I: Directions:
1. Start writing descriptions by saying “ I believe . . .”
2. Give at least three (3) descriptions of the picture below then give the name of the product/ picture. Follow the given
answer below to complete your table of answers.
Product Answer
CORDILLERA I believe it is made out of special thread,
I believe it can be machine or hand made
I believe it is colored red, white and black.
I believe it is a “BAHAG”.
TEST II: Answer the following questions by true or false. Write your answer before the number.
_____1. Badminton can help me improve my heart and lungs.
_____2. If I would like to improve my jumping ability in high jump, I should be doing push up exercise.
_____3. Playing Table Tennis can help me improve the sahpe of my abs.
_____4. The biceps and triceps muscles of my arms are used in playing Lawn Tennis therefore I need to engage myself
more on jogging exercises.
_____5. Brisk walking is a good exercise for my heart and lungs.
1. English word of SUHA: _ _ _ _ _ O 1. Duck and chicken are example of _______.
2. Apples, oranges, and bananas fit into this food group. 2. Eat variety of ______ from all the groups.
5. This sweet, smooth food comes in different flavors and 3. Eggplant and Gumbo or Okra are examples of __________.
is a great way 4. These are a great sources of protein and can be mixed with
to get calcium for your bones. cereals
7. ________ is an orange vegetable. and dried fruits for “on-the-go” snack.
8. Try fat-free or low ______ foods when you can. 6. Monggo and soya belong to the group of _________ and they
9. Use whole-grain ______ for your sandwiches. can be
11. Cheddar, Eden, and mozzarella are examples of eaten in lots of different ways.
______. 10. Vegetable or Olive __________ are often used for cooking
14. Fits into the grains group; goes great on stir-fry with and are part
garlic in the of a healthful diet.
morning. 11. This makes a quick and easy “ready-to-eat” breakfast with
15. Food pyramid is a _________ to help you eat fruit and
nutritious foods. milk.
17. Spaghetti is a type of ____________. 12. You can hard-boil, scramble, fry, or eat them as an omelet.
How do
you like your _______?
13. Salmon and Milkfish or Bangus are examples of _________.
16. Lean ______ is an excellent source of protein, iron, and zinc.
TEST III: ESSAY. Write your answer at the back of this page.
1. Are the musical instruments of Mindoro, Palawan, and the Visayas similar to those of the Cordilleras? Explain
2. Look for a photo of different arts and crafts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas. Paste it at the back of this page and
explain the characteristics of those arts and crafts.
3. List all the foods and drinks you used to eat in a day. List them in the table provided below and check it from the food
pyramid guide where the column of food group where each food belongs.
Vegetable group
(milk and other
Dairy products
milk products)
Bread, cereal,
Meat, poultry
rice products,
List of foods
Fruit group
Fats, oil &
nuts group
TEST IV: You are task to perform the selected culture and arts of the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, and Visayas. You
can choose the following options on how you are going to present your output
a)collage making
b)poster making
c) slogan
Deadline will be this coming December 13, 2021.
Prepared by:
Checked by: