Alignment Map4
Alignment Map4
Alignment Map4
Curriculum Map
Subject: MAPEH 7
Grade Level: Grade 7
Teacher: Dante JR R. Bitoon
4th Quarter, A.4. Explains the A.4. Essay A. 4. 5E Inquiry-based A. 4. Worksheet: Short
Week 1-week distinguishing Learning Constructed Response/ Essay
8 characteristics of Situation Analysis
Philippine Festivals
and theatrical
forms. (MU7FT-Iva- Social
h-5) responsi
4th Quarter, A.5. Describes how A.5. FORMATIVE A.5. Short Film Viewing A.5.a. YOUTUBE
week 8 contributes to the NG/GRADED A.5.b. Worksheets
performance of the
music production.
A.6. Describes how A.6. PARTNER A.6. Short Film Viewing A.6.a. YOUTUBE
a specific idea or QUIZ/GRADED
story is A.6.b. Worksheets Social
communicated responsi
through music in a bility
Philippine musical
theatre. (MU7FT-
Scaffold 1:
A.7. Sing A.7. PERFORMANCE A.8.1. Select music suited to
selection/s from TASK musical theater Social
chosen Philippine responsi
musical theatre. SINGING Scaffold 2:
(MU7FT-IVe-h-7) COMPETETION/GROUPI A.8.2. Singing rehearsal bility
Scaffold 3:
A.6. Improvises A.6. let the students put A.6. Lyrics Composition A.6. a. Musical Instruments
simple rhythm and melody to A.6.b. Analytic Rubric
4TH Quarter, rhythmic/melodic the lyrics composed
Week 3-week accompaniments Social
8 to selected music responsi
from Mindanao. bility
A.6. Dabakan Making
A.6. Performs (groupings) A.6. lay-outing of a Dabakan A.6. Analytic rubric
instruments/impro instruments
vised instruments
from Mindanao,
alone and/or with Social
others. (MU7LV- responsi
IIIc-h-6) bility
A.8. PERFORMANCE discipline
A.8. Creates TASK: Scaffold 1:
appropriate A.8.1. Select music from A.8.a. Music of Cordillera,
movements to RHYTHM and different regions Mindoro, Palawan, and
accompany music MOVEMENT Visayas
selections of Scaffold 2:
Mindanao. A.8.2. Rehearsal of steps of
(MU7LV-IIIc-8) selected music
Scaffold 3:
A.8.b. Analytic rubric
I. Elements of Art A.6. Describes how A.6. PARTNER A.6. Short Film Viewing A.6.a. YOUTUBE
as Applied to a specific idea or QUIZ/GRADED
Philippine story is A.6.b. Worksheets Social
Theater and communicated responsi
Festivals: through music in a bility
17. Sound and Philippine musical
Music theatre. (MU7FT-
18. Gesture, IVe-h-6)
Movement, and Scaffold 1:
Dance A.7. Sing A.7. PERFORMANCE A.8.1. Select music suited to
19. Costume, selection/s from TASK musical theater Social
Mask, Makeup chosen Philippine responsi
and Accessories musical theatre. SINGING Scaffold 2: bility
20. Spectacle (MU7FT-IVe-h-7) COMPETETION/GROUPI A.8.2. Singing rehearsal
II. Principle of Scaffold 3:
A.6. Improvises A.6. let the students put A.6. Lyrics Composition A.6. a. Musical Instruments
21. Rhythm, simple rhythm and melody to A.6.b. Analytic Rubric
4 Quarter, Movement
rhythmic/melodic the lyrics composed Social
Week 3-week 22. Balance accompaniments responsi
8 23. Emphasis to selected music bility
24. Harmony, from Mindanao.
Unity, Variety (MU7LV-IIIc-h-5)
25. Proportion A.6. Dabakan Making
A.6. Performs (groupings) A.6. lay-outing of a Dabakan A.6. Analytic rubric
III. Process instruments/impro instruments
vised instruments
26. Designing for from Mindanao, Social
stage, costume, alone and/or with responsi
and props for others. (MU7LV- bility
theatrical play or IIIc-h-6)
Choreographing A.8. Provides A.8. let the students sing
movement accompaniment to a song of Mindanao A.8. the students will A.8. Analytic rubric
patterns and selected music of accompanied with the practice the song of Palawan
figures Mindanao. available instruments in entitled “Pok-Pok Alimpako”
28. Recreating a (MU7LV-IIIc-h-9) the local
Philippine festival
or staging a Self-
theatrical form. discipline
A.8. Creates TASK: Scaffold 1:
appropriate A.8.1. Select music from A.8.a. Music of Cordillera,
movements to RHYTHM and different regions Mindoro, Palawan, and
accompany music MOVEMENT Visayas
selections of Scaffold 2:
Mindanao. A.8.2. Rehearsal of steps of
(MU7LV-IIIc-8) selected music
Scaffold 3:
A.8.b. Analytic rubric