Main File For Peer Review aRTICLE sAMPLE
Main File For Peer Review aRTICLE sAMPLE
Main File For Peer Review aRTICLE sAMPLE
A favourable link between perceived trust and platform acceptance has been found in previous
research on Fintech adoption (Yang et al., 2021; Knas & Tanova, 2022; Roh et al., 2021;
Shahzad et al., 2022; Al Nawayseh, 2020). Therefore, based on the aforementioned empirical
investigations, the following hypotheses are developed in this study:
Perceived Trust H8
(TR) Usefulness (US) Intention to use
H4 (IU)
Service and System
Quality (SSQ) H9
Social Influence
Adoption of
Wealthtech (AW)
Discriminant validity test was performed using the Hetriot-Monotrait ratio (HTMT). The test
confirms that the constructs are distinct and unrelated. This model was found to have
discriminant validity since the construct's value for HTMT was less than 0.90 (Table 2).
Table 2: Discriminant Validity (HTMT)
EU 0.380
IQ 0.406 0.274
IU 0.494 0.373 0.369
SI 0.272 0.057 0.196 0.189
SSQ 0.271 0.216 0.327 0.176 0.097
TR 0.440 0.225 0.236 0.342 0.072 0.308
US 0.242 0.249 0.367 0.316 0.071 0.579 0.318
7. Conclusion
This study points out the importance of trust and convenience in the adoption of wealthtech
platforms by Malaysian consumers. The study findings suggest that the Information Systems
Success model and the Technology Acceptance Model are relevant in explaining the usage of
wealthtech platforms. The study contributes to the existing literature as well as to the practical
field. The results of this study can help wealthtech companies increase customer loyalty and
develop a more sustainable business model.
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Annex 1:
Construct Items
Wealthtech provides me with accurate information
Wealthtech provides sufficient information
Information Quality (IQ)
Wealthtech provides relevant information
Wealthtech provides up-to-date information
Wealthtech is visually attractive
System and Service Wealthtech is easy to navigate
Quality (SSQ) Wealthtech is easy to access
Wealthtech provides dependable service
Wealthtech keeps its promise
Wealthtech services meet my needs
Perceived Trust (TR)
Wealthtech is concerned with the needs of the user
Overall, I trust wealthtech
The use of wealthtech makes it easier to conduct daily
Usefulness (US) The use of wealthtech makes me more efficient
The use of wealthtech improves my productivity
Wealthtech is more useful than traditional ways of payment
Learning the use of wealthtech is easy for me
Interaction with wealthtech is clear and understandable
Ease of Use (EU)
Wealthtech is easy to use
Payment with wealthtech requires minimum effort
My family and friends will value the use of Wealthtech
I expect the people who influence me would use wealthtech
Social Influence (SI) I expect the use of wealthtech would be trendy
I expect the use of wealthtech would make me look
professional in managing my finances
I intend to use wealthtech if the cost is reasonable for me
I intend to use wealthtech in the future
Intention to use (IU)
I intend to increase the use of Wealthtech in the future
I intend to use wealthtech in my daily life
I often use wealthtech to make payment
I often use wealthtech to transfer and remit money
Adoption of wealthtech I subscribe to financial products related to mobile banking
On average, how often do you use wealthtech per month?
(Never, 1 -5 times, 6-10 times, 11-15 times, more than 15