Fyp Progress-1-1
Fyp Progress-1-1
Fyp Progress-1-1
YEAR: 2023/2024
Dr. DEWA ………
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ............................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Overview................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.3.1 Main objective ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2 Specific objective ........................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Project Significance .............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Project Scope ......................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Definition of Key Terms ....................................................................................................... 4
2.3Theoretical Framework ......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Related (Similar) Work ........................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Innovation/Research Gap..................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................ 8
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Research Approach ............................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Research Method .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Study Area/ Location ............................................................................................................ 9
3.5 Data Collection ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.1 Data Collection Techniques/Methods .......................................................................... 9
3.5.2 Data Collection Tools ....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.6 System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 10
3.7 System Architecture .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.7.1 Logical Architecture .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.7.2 Physical Architecture .................................................................................................. 17
3.8 System Implementation ...................................................................................................... 17
3.8.1 Coding ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.8.2 Testing/Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 19
3.9 System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 21
3.9.1 Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................. 21
3.9.2 Software Tools Requirements ..................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................ 22
PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND MILESTONES ........................................................................ 22
(WORK DONE) ............................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 1:Comparison Table ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2:Agile Method ..................................................................................................................
Figure 3:Flow Chart for Instructor............................................................................................. 14
Figure 4:Flow Chart For Student ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 5:Context Diagram ........................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6:Use Case ........................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 7: Level 0 Diagram ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 8:System Architecture ...................................................................................................... 20
1.3 Objectives
1.5 Project Scope
The scope of this AI-based plagiarism detector for academic works is to identify and
flag any instances of plagiarism in the submitted works. The detector uses artificial
intelligence to compare the submitted works with a vast database of previously
published works, academic papers, and other sources to identify any similarities. The
plagiarism detector can be used by students and instructors to verify the originality and
authenticity of a text. The detector can also help prevent academic misconduct and
protect academic integrity.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on plagiarism detection software. We'll look into how it
works, what it can and can't do, and how it's changing to keep things original. We'll
check out the ethics and technical side, exploring algorithms, big databases, and the
small ways plagiarism can happen. By studying current research, we'll see how these
tools affect school and work, and what it means for staying original in the digital world.
The goal is not just to point out problems but also to start a conversation about using
these tools responsibly and ethically.
2.2 Definition of Key Terms
Machine learning - is a type of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn and
improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It involves the development
of algorithms that allow systems to automatically learn and make predictions or decisions
based on data.
Artificial Intelligence - refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think and learn. AI systems can perform tasks that typically require human
intelligence, such as problem-solving, speech recognition, and decision-making.
Plagiarism - is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property without
proper attribution or permission, presenting it as one's own. It is considered a form of
academic or intellectual dishonesty.
Text match algorithm - is a set of rules or procedures used to identify similarities between
pieces of text. It compares one piece of text to another, highlighting matches or similarities
based on predefined criteria. Text match algorithms are commonly used in plagiarism
checkers to identify and flag potential instances of plagiarism.
• Year: 2020
• Key idea: Tracks student activities in a cloud-based IDE to create "developer profiles" for
plagiarism detection and identifying students needing extra attention.
• Strengths:
B. Online Assignment plagiarism checking using Data mining & NLP:
• Authors: Taresh Bokade, Tejas Chede, Dhanashri Kuwar, Prof. Rasika Shintre
• Year: 2021
• Key idea: Combines text mining and NLP to detect plagiarism in submitted assignments,
including paraphrased content and semantic similarities.
• Strengths:
o User-friendly web interface with login and document upload.
• Weaknesses:
o May not handle advanced plagiarism techniques like code reuse or structural
Approach Developer profiling from IDE Text mining and NLP analysis
Cloud-based, requires student May not handle advanced plagiarism,
consent, high-resolution log relies on reference links and website
analysis crawling
• Accuracy beyond keyword matching: Current tools often struggle with sophisticated
forms of plagiarism like paraphrasing, structural mimicking, and semantic similarity.
Our project can address this by implementing advanced AI techniques like natural
language processing, sentence embedding.
• Relying only to online sources: most plagiarism checkers scan submitted documents
against vast database of academic sources and flag it and not considering the fact that
someone can copy from colleagues. Therefore, the need of having plagiarism checker
which can submitted against each is important.
3.1 Introduction
A methodology is a formalized approach to develop an online academic plagiarism
checker to check the student’s assignment/IPT reports where the data will be collected and
analyzed by the system.
-It help us to conduct Qualitative and quantitaive data collectintitative which will lead to qualitative
and quantitative data analysis
- By combining quantitative and qualitative data, you gain a richer and more complete
understanding of plagiarism and the needs of stakeholders. This leads to a more accurate,
user-friendly, and impactful online plagiarism checker system, promoting wider adoption
and successful implementation.
Figure 2:Agile Method
For both qualitative and quantitative data collection we will use a google form questionare
tool because it is easy to implement,less expensive,it save time and its good for remote access
Number of open ended and close-ended questions will be structured then the google form
questionaire guide is sent to the to the stakeholders and the responses will be saved at aa real
Literature review and Competitive analysis
In this tool studies will be conducted on others' works to gain insights which will help in
development of our project like how different authors have written about the online
plagiarism checker. Number of Current working system will be critically analysed to check
the gap that will help in analysing the system requirement
Functional Requirements:
1. The system should allow administrators to manage user accounts, including registration,
login, password management, and user roles (e.g., student, instructor, administrator)
3. The system should maintain a history of submitted documents and plagiarism reports,
allowing users to track changes over time and access previous reports as needed
4. The system should generate detailed plagiarism reports for each submitted document,
highlighting detected similarities and providing information on the original sources
5. The system should analyse submitted documents to identify similarities with existing
sources from databases
6. The system should generate detailed plagiarism reports for each submitted document,
highlighting detected similarities and providing information on the original sources
7. The system should provide feedback to users on the originality of their work
Non-Functional Requirements:
Accessibility: User-friendly interface accessible to users with diverse technical skills and
Security: Secure storage and transmission of user data and submitted text.
Privacy: Protection of user privacy and compliance with relevant data protection
3.5 System/Model Design/Architecture
The system/model will be designed …….. (Modularization details, Data integrity and
constraints, Database design/Procedural Design/Object Oriented Design, User Interface
How it Works:
➢ Students submit assignments/IPT documents through the frontend, which are stored in
MongoDB collections.
➢ The scheduler within the API server triggers document processing after deadlines or within a
processing window.
➢ Documents are retrieved from MongoDB (source materials) and preprocessed documents are
sent to the comparison service.
➢ The comparison service analyzes documents against source materials
➢ Plagiarism report data is stored in the MySQL database.
➢ Reports are generated and potentially made available through the frontend.
Level 0 diagram
3.5.2 Physical Architecture
ensure unbiased evaluation and avoid overfitting the model to the
training data
ii. Feature Extraction
This is the process of transforming raw data into numerical features that the machine
learning model can understand and use for making predictions. Text representation
techniques to be applied are Bag-of-Words, TF-IDF, and word embeddings (e.g.,
Word2Vec, GloVe) are widely used and effective for capturing word frequency,
importance, and semantic relationships.
iii. Machine Learning Algorithms
Supervised learning: Training models for classification (plagiarism vs. original)
provides a direct and efficient approach.
Algorithms like SVMs, Naive Bayes, and Random Forests: These are established and
reliable choices for text classification tasks.
Neural networks: Their ability to learn complex patterns makes them
suitable for advanced plagiarism detection, especially for paraphrasing and
subtle plagiarism.
3.6.1 Coding
The proposed project will be implemented using the following tools, techniques and methods;
i. Front-End:
• JavaScript - Makes things move and interact, works with popular frameworks for
smooth UI.
• HTML5/CSS3 - The building blocks, HTML structures the content, CSS styles it
• Back-End
• Python - Easy to read and powerful, great for machine learning and web development.
ii. Tools:
• Database - Store all the information about documents and plagiarism scores.
• Frameworks/Libraries - Bootstrap/jQuery for UI enhancements, MySQL for a reliable
3.6.2 Testing/Evaluation
The proposed project will be tested using the following testing and evaluation techniques;
i. Unit Testing
ii. Integration Testing
• Test document submission and processing: Verify seamless flow from upload
to analysis.
• Test user authentication and authorization: Verify only authorized users can
access and submit assignments
• Test different file formats and languages: Ensure compatibility with diverse
assignment types.
• Security testing: Conduct thorough penetration testing to uncover
• Memory at least 4 GB
• Monitor
• SQL Server
• Web Browser
Objectives One
To perform system requirement gathering
S/N Activities Output Progress Status
1 Perform literature review Research gap 100%
Objectives Two
To design system model and information flow
S/N Activities Output Progress Status
1 100%
To system architectural design System architecture
2 datasets 0%
To obtain and preprocessing
datasets and train a model for
3 Trained model 0%
To train and test the model
using datasets obtained
4 Unit Testing and System 0%
Accurate model