Lesson Plan 20
Lesson Plan 20
Lesson Plan 20
Sources Family and Friends 1; Class Book; Workbook; Teacher’s Book; CD; Family and Friends Alphabet Book; Reading
and writing; Grammar Friends 1Testing and Evaluation Book
Aims and objectives To practise greetings and introductions
To read and understand a description of a family
Short term To identify people by their jobs
To listen for specific information
Long term To ask and answer questions about jobs
To identify and write capital letters and full stop
To develop pupil’s skills
To develop love to English language
Class management
Individual part Pair work Whole class
T- S,S,S S,S-S,S S,S,S
Teaching aids, materials Board, Chalk, Coloured chalk, Notebook, Pen, Felt tips, flashcards 47,49,51, Phonics card 14, red, blue,
and equipment green and yellow pencils for each group of four children, PMB finger puppets from Lesson 3
Additional plan Optional activity – Teacher’s Book page 48 or 49
working in pairs different jobs in the pictures. Then they take use with a 6’
To develop pupil’s skills turns to point to the pictures and say the jobs questions partner. She
words. and also helps
T goes through each picture in turn. Children answers. them if it is
say the job word for each one. necessary.
To improve pupil’s Teacher asks them to look at the exercise 2- Class Book Some Teacher
vocabulary Listen and read. She says that they are going CD pupils reminds
to read and listen to Milly who talks about her CD don't them that
To develop pupil's skills family. T plays the recording for children to player understand they should
listen and follow the text in their books. She all the listen and
To listen and read the text plays the recording a second time and answer words. follow
Main part
She invites pupils to read the text again. She Class Book None. None.
To answer on the asks them more questions about the family. Pen
questions Is Dad a fireman? Is Joe a pupil? The answers
To develop pupil’s are: YES NO
conclusions Children look at the exercise3 and read the
Main part
To develop writing skills Circle the capital letters and full stops. Class Book None. None..
To identify and write Teacher copies the example sentence from Chalk
capital letters and full exercise 3 onto the board. She circles the Pen
stop capital letters at the beginning of the sentence 7'
and the full stop at the end.
Final part