Non Teaching Syllabus 01-02-24 - 20240201 - 0001
Non Teaching Syllabus 01-02-24 - 20240201 - 0001
Non Teaching Syllabus 01-02-24 - 20240201 - 0001
Sch eme of Exami nation and Svlla bi for Rec ruitmen t of N on-Teach
P ositions Vide N otifi cation No.3 4t2024 Dt.09
l0u2 24
1. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45oh for
the posts reserved for oBc category
the unreserved and EWS category and 40o/ofor
test i'e', Paper- II shall be
2. The answer scripts of the candidates for the descriptive
evaluated orfy l'n respect of those candidates
who secure the minimum qualifying
marks in PaPer- I'
shall be 50 and the
3. The marks allocated for the Skill Test, wherever applicable'
not add up to deiermine the relative merit of the
I. for I
Max. Marks Duration
ect 2 Hrs.
led ge General Engli sh, N umerlc al Apt1 tude, General
General Know
and Basic Kno w of Com
I &
knowledge tn
will be designed to test the candidate's
General Knowledge: Questions Indian HistorY &
& International current events/affairs, Science &TechnologY, wi th
Indian & World EconomY-, Indian PolitY
Culture, Indian &. World GeograPhY,
India and functionarY
of India & International Affairs, Scientific Re search in
funding in
system including research organisations & their
organizations of higher education
tndia. National Education Policy,2020
tested to know the level
interest and knowledge on the above matters will be
T'he candidate's
and understanding'
ofhis/her every daY observation
understand English language ,
its sentence structure,
: Candidate's abilitY to
General English etc' , would be tested.
vo cabularY, their corect usage
writing abilitY, basic comprehension,
1. Vocabulary, Spellings, Antonyms.and
afticles' verbs' prepositions etc'
2. Fill in the blanks u-ti-* "o""ti
identification of errors in sentences'
3. Grammar, ,"r,,.""t io"tmation' active-passive voice'
4. parls of speech, degrees of
speech, air..i-i"atect speech,
5. Idioms and Phrases'
l. Co*, of a given passage in English' of whole
Aptitudg: Scope of the test will be computation
Quantitative/l\umerical ]he betw-een numbers, Percentage'
Ratio &
n",,, and relation.hip,
numbers, decimals, prfrrt and Loss, Discount' Partnership Business'
proporlion, Square ,";1;, Averages, rnt.r.ri,
work, c.rpr*, riiu"gr. *a its various kinds of centres' Heights
Time and Distance, Time &
polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart'
and Distances, Histogram, Frequency
Basics of
Statistics, Elements of Averages, Mean, Median and Mode, Ogives' Study of
Graphs, Charts and Tables etc.
and non-verbal type' This
General Intelligence: it would include questions of both verbal
and differences'
component may include questions on syllogism, analogies, similarities
orientation, problem
missing numbers, characteri and sequen..r, .pu.. visualization,
discrimination, observation'
solving, analysis, judgment, decision maLi.rg, visual memory,
figure classification, arithmetic
relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoninglnd verbal and
number series, non-verbal series.
Basic computer skills: characteristics of computers, computer
Output Devices,-Computer Software-
including RAM, ROM, File and Folder Systems, Input/
and licensed), Operating System,
Relationship between Hardware and Software (Open source
Conversion of Word file to
MS Oflice (exposure to Word, Excel/Spread sheet, Power Point),
pDF file, Search Engines, Browsers, internet, Mail, Servers, Computer Peripherals' Tally'
ERP, ICT in pouJaton, Technology and Society-Indian IT Act,
Digital Signatures'
Application of information technology in Government for E-Governance'
Sv llabi for P aner All the p aDers are descriptive with
marks of 100 and the duration of the tion is 3
and awaleness on
i. The questions will be designed to test the candidate's knowledge
in the
highei education system in lndia, its regulatory bodies and recent developments
field, basic concepts and principlei of Institutional Administration including
godies and Authorities and their Responsibilities, Co-
organization, Hierarlhy, Statutory
ordination. Centr alization and Decentralization, Dele gation of Powers'
ii. General Conditions of Service; Pay and Addition to pay; Confirmation of Appointment;
Lien; TA Rules; LTC
Dismissal, Removal and Suspension; Foreign Service; Deputation,
(Conduct) Rules' 1964;
Rules; Leave Rules; Medical Attendance R.rt. accHS; CCS
ccs (ccA) Rules 1965, CCS (Pension) Rules; New Pension Scheme and code of
iii. Office Procedure; Parliamentary Procedures; Record Management; Public
iv. Application of information communication Technology (ICT) and other modern
technologies in the University system'
Skill Test: Stenography and Type writing'
cz+ 3
ii. Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures:
Strength of Materials: Simple stresses and strains, elastic constants and relationship
between them; Compound bars; Temperature stresses; Shear forses and bending moment
diagrams for beams; Theory of Structures: Direct and bending stresses; Columns and
iii. RCC and Steel Structures:
Concrete Structures: Materials, permissible stresses and IS Specifications; Working stress
methods; Limit State Method Stress Blocks parameters, design of Beams, Slabs,
Columns and Footing.
Steel Structures: Properties of steel sections, permissible stresses, IS Specifications;
Riveted and welded joints and connections.
iv. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:
Soil Mechanics: Physical properties of soils, Classification and identification,
Permeability, Capillarity, Seepage, Compaction, Consolidation, Shear Strength, Earth
pressure, Slope stability.
Foundation Engineering: Site investigations, stress distribution in soils, bearing capacity,
Settlement analysis, Types of Foundation.
v. Estimation, Costing and Construction Management:
Abstract estimate: Detailed estimate-centre line, long & short wall method, various items
of Civil Engineering works as per Indian Standard, General Specifications - Earth Work,
Brick / Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar, RCC, Plaster in gin Cement Mortar, Floor
finishes, whitewash, colourwash; Standard schedule of rates, lead and lift, preparation of
lead statement; Computation of earth work, approximate estimate 'Plinth area and cubic
rate estimate.
vi. Surveying:
Principle and classification of surveying, chain surveying; Compass surveying; Levelling
and contouring; Theodolite surveying; curves; Introduction and Fundamental concepts of
electronic measuring instruments - EDM, Total station, GIS & GPS.
vii. Town Planning:
Land use planning, building bye-laws, Development Plan or Master Plan, IP Schemes,
Concepts of Zoning.
xii. Legal Aspects:
a) Development related and other Acts.
b) Right to Information Act.
c) Land Acquisition and R & R Act 2013 with Kamataka amendments.
xiii. Estate Management Practices:
a) Water Supply: Rain Water Harvesting, Percolating well, Water Conservation System.
b) Sanitary Engineering: Grey water Recycling/portable &, Small-scale Sewage
Treatment Plant (STP), dual flushing system and Swatch Bharath Mission.
c) Solid Waste management: Dustbin Provision (Dry & Wet Waste segregation), Organic
Waste Convertor.
d) Solar energy and Energy efficient Buildings, Building Construction.
e) Building Construction: Civil Engineering Drawings and Measurements, Building and
their classification functional components and requirements of a building loads on a
structure, Foundations, Earthquakes and Earthquake resistant structures etc.
f) Valuation, Standard Rent.
Kx 4
g) E-Govemance: AutoCAD, Computer skills etc'
Syllabus same as prescribed for the post of Private Secretary
iii. Transmission:
line conductors, conductor sizes commonly used for different voltage levels, Types of line
supports, factors influencing the selection, cross-arms; spans, conductor spacing's and ground
clearances. Sag calculations and stringing charts.
TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS: Determination of inductance and capacitance of
round and parallel conductors in single phase and three-phase symmetrically spaced lines.
PERFORMANCE OF LINES: Choice of voltage; short, medium and long lines; calculation
of sending-end voltage, regulation and efficiency for shorl lines; nominal and nominal-T
methods; Fer:ranti effect; corona: critical voltages and factors affecting corona.
1NSULATORS AND SUBSTATIONS: Different types of insulators: Pin type, strain type,
suspension type and relative merits; voltage distribution across string of suspension
insulators, string efficiency and methods of improving arcing homs. Equipment used in
substations, bus-bar ar"rangements.
CABLE AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS: Comparison between overhead lines and
underground cable. Types of cables, insulation resistance; localization of cable faults.
Primary and secondary distribution; Feeders and service mains; radial and ring systems of
'gz+. 6
iv. Measuring Instruments and Electric Circuits:
ecting, controlling and damping
MEASURING INSTRUMENTS : Indicating instruments : defl
torques, pointers and scales; ammeters= and voltmeters:
moving coil' moving iron'
dynamometer, induction types; instrument transformers:
C'T and P'T'' Wattmeter and
method; measurement of
measulement of power in three phase systems by two-wattmeter
energy: Energy meters; M.D. indicators; trivector meter'
quantities, sinusoidal
ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: Fundamentals of alternating current
waveform; avelage and effectir. ,ulr.r; J-notation for
A'C quantities; polar form; single
phase, power factor' Active and
phase series and parallel circuits;. impedarrce triangle,
Three- phase star and delta
reactive components of power; series and parallel rlsonance'
balanced systems.
v.Utilization of electrical energy:
matching of motors with given
ELECTRIC DRIVES: Factors gor.*itg selection of motors;
motors for particular drive'
loads; electric braking; rating of motor; iypes of enclosures;
|LLUMINATION: Def,rnitions ofcommonly used terms and units; types of lamps;
requirements of good lighting; laws of illumination; terms
like: depreciation factor' utilization
consumption' space height
factor, waste light factor, luminous efficiency, specific enelgy
i. Office Procedure & Office Management
ii. Medical Attendance Rules
iii. LTC Rules
iv. Travelling Allowance Rules
v^ CCS Leave Rules
r i. CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
rii. CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964
viii. Joining Time Rules.
ix. Provident Fund Rules & New Pension Scheme
x. Secretarial Practice
Skill Test:
i. Dictation: 10 minutes @ 60 wPm
iii. Typing Speed Test: 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi'
tendency Mean'
Analysis of Quantitative Data: Univariate data - Measures of central
(definitions and
Median and Mode *iat simple applications), Measures of Dispersion
Sheppard's corrections
simple examples). Moments,-Cenfral and Non-central Moments,
for moments for grouped data. Skewness and Kurtosis-their measures'
probability and Random Experiment: - Definition of Probability, classical and
sample point and
Relative fiequency approach to probability. Random experiment,
Properties of probability based
sample space, definitiin of an event, operation of events.
on axiomatic approach, Addition theorem for 'n' events, conditional
Independence of
Multiplication rule of probability for 'n' events, Boole's inequality,
of real life)'
events, Baye's theorem'and its applications (with examples
Random Variables: Notion of a Random variable, Distribution function and its
properties. Discrete random variable, Probability Mass function, Continuous
random variable, Probability Density function Transformation of one-dimensional
random variable.
Mathematical Expectation: Mathematical expectation of random variable and its
properlies. Definition of Moment generating function (m.g.|, Cumulant generating
function (c.g.fl. Probability generating function (p.g.| and Characteristic function"
Chebychev's inequality and its applications.
Discrete Distributions: Standard discrete distributions and their properties such as
m.g.l c.g.f, p.g.f., Characteristic function of Uniform, Binomial, Poisson, Negative
Binomial, Geometric and Hyper-Geometric distributions. Binomial approximation to
Hyper-Geometric, Poisson approximation to Binomial and Negative Binomial
Distributions. Applications of these distributions in real life.
Large Sample Tests: Use of central limit theorem for testing and interval
estimation of a single mean and a single proportion and difference of two means
and two proportions.
Tests of significance based on t, tr2andF distributions,y2test for goodness of fit, test for
independence of attributes, Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric tests, their
advantages and disadvantages.
Non-parametric tests: - One Sample Run test. Sign test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank
tests for one sample and two related samples, Median test, Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney
U-test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs test. (Small and Large samples).
Designs of Experiments: Analysis variance of one way and two way
classifications. Expectation of varitus sums of squares. Importance and-applications
of designs of experiments, principal of Experimentation' Analysis of completely
Randomized Design (cRD); Randomized Block Design (RBD) and Latin
Design (LSD).
Designs of Sample Surveys: Random Numbers, drawing random samples'
surveys versus census surveys. Planning and execution of large scale sample
,,r-.yr, notion of non-sampiit g errors, sources and treatment of non-sampling
errors. Sampling Procedures of
1; Simile Random sampling with and without replacements.
ii) Stratified Random samPling and
Systematic samPling
Time Series Analysis: bomponents of Time Series, Determination of trend by
semi- average, least squares and moving average methods'
Vital Statistics and tndian Official Statistics: Functions and organization of CSO
and NSSO, National Income and its computation. Utilities and difficulties in
estimation of National Income.
Computer Skills: Operating computer, MS office, understanding word processing' Excel'
using a spreadsheet, introduction to the internet, web browsets, communications
collaboration, making presentations, terms and abbreviations used in IT'
Skill Test: Applicable as Per job.
circuits consisting of R, L., C. RL. RC RLC combinations (series and parallel), resonance.
Three-phase balaiced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and
delta connections.
iii. Components of LT Switchgear Switch FuseUnit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB' Types
of Wires and Cables, EarthingTypes of Batteries, Important Characteristics for Batteries.
Elementary calculations for energy consumption, power factor improvement and battery
backup. Lamps- fluorescent, CFL, LED. Eiectrical measuring instruments
principle and
applications- irr"rgy meter, megger, tong tester. Electrical Wiring
iv. Semiconductors: Bonding forces in solids, Energy bands, Metals, Semiconductors and
Insulators. Direct and Indirect semiconductors. Electrons and Holes. Intrinsic and
Extrinsic materials. Conductivity and Mobility, Drift and Resistance. Effects of
temperature and doping on mobility, Hall Effect'
( 9
v. Forward and Reverse biased Junctions: Qualitative description of Current flow at a
junction, Reverse bias, Reverse bias breakdown- Zener breakdown, avalanche breakdown.
Rectifiers Optoelectronic Devices, Photodiodes. Current and Voltage in an Illuminated
Junction. Solar Cells, Photo-detectors. Light Emitting Diode
vi. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Fundamentals of BJT operation, Amplification with BJTS,
BJT Fabrication. The coupled Diode model (Ebers-Moll Model), Switching operation of a
transistor. Cut-off, saturation, switching cycle, specif,rcations, Drift in the base region'
Base namowing. Avalanche breakdown.
ix. Digital Voltmeters: Introduction. Ramp type. Dual slope integrating type (V-T),
integrating type (V-F) and Successive approximation type (relevant problems).
xii. Special Oscilloscopes: Delayed time-base oscilloscopes: Need for a time delay &
delayed-time base system. Analog storage oscilloscopes: Need for trace storage, bi-stable
storage CRT, Variable persistence storage CRT. Digital storage oscilloscopes: Basic DSO
operation only.
xiii. Signal Generators, Introduction. Fixed and variable AF oscillator. Standard signal
generator, Modern laboratory signal generator, AF sine and square wave generator,
Function generator, Square and Pulse generator'
xv. Display Devices and Recorders: Introduction, electrical indicating instruments, digital
instruments, digital display methods, digital display unit. Segmental Displays: Seven
segmental display, dot matrices, LED, LCD. Decade counting assemblies, display
systems. Recorders Recording requirements, analogue recorders- Graphic recorders, strip
chaft recorders & its types, X-Y recorder, Magnetic & Digital tape recorders'
Skill Test: Applicable as per Job.
ll Basic knowledge of Reservation and Concessions for SC, ST, OBC, EWS, PWD,
Defence Personnel etc.; of Central Civil Services (CCS) rules; RTI Act.
I11. Awareness on the University Act and Administration and Finances in Institutions of
Higher Education"
1V. General Rules on Pay and Allowances
Knowledge and application of Office Procedures, Rules & Regulations
i'i. English with special reference to skill in noting/drafting
i'ii . Situation Test essay, where the candidate's reaction would be sought on a given
situation test case.
viii. Knowledge of computers with special reference to knowledge of MS Word
processing, D ata analysis packages.
SKILL TEST: Computer Skill Test: Qualifying Speed 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm
in Hindi
i. Knowledge of laboratory safety practices, Preparation of normal and molar solutions,
sample preparation: wet digestion & dry - ashing'
ii. Analytical analysis of important parameters: pH, Turbidity, Electrical Conductivity,
Alkalinity. Acidity, Total Solid, Total Dissolved Solid, Total Suspended Solid,
Hardness, Free CO2, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Oxygen Demand, Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, Sulphate, Iron.
iii" Microbial media: Bacterial &Fungal, Pure Culture Technique, Sterilization, Staining
& Sampling techniques for vegetation, Soil, Water, &Air Measurement techniques for
Weather Parameters, Radiation, Aerosols, Black Carbon, Soil moisture, Upper Air
Profiling, Laboratory Safety, Preparation of Lab manuals'
gml?u / nHG|STHAFi
qmies ffi fBqqR'ercq
Central University of l(arnatak-