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Assessment of Water Supply and Sanitation: The Case of Embacho Town,

Gidan Woreda, Northern Ethiopia

Article · June 2020

DOI: 10.4314/star.v4i2.00


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1 author:

Mulatu Kassa
Woldia University


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/star.v4i2.00
ISSN: 2226-7522(Print) and 2305-3372 (Online)
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., April-June 2015, 4(2): 000-000
Journal Homepage: http://www.starjournal.org/

Original Research

Assessment of Water Supply and Sanitation: The Case of Embacho Town,

Gidan Woreda, Northern Ethiopia
Mulatu Kassa*

Department of Water Resource Engineering and Management, Wollega University, Shambu Campus,
Post Box No: 38, Shambu, Ethiopia
Abstract Article Information
Embacho Town has undergone through various social and economic developments Article History:
since its establishment. Population growth and urbanization which are confronting the Received : 12-05-2014
Town has called for the expansion and improvement of water supply and sanitation
services. Therefore, detailed study is necessary for the decision making on upgrading of Revised : 13-09-2014
the existing water sources, future water sources selection and designing for the future Accepted : 18-11-2014
water demand and management options .To achieve this goal, household survey,
Pressure map, population growth rate, Water quality samples were undertaken based Keywords:
on purposive sampling method. The pressure result showed that the water was not Water Supply
distributed equally at higher locations of the supply reservoir than lower elevations due
Water Demand
to pressure variations. Based on population growth rate formula, the total water demand
including domestic and non domestic uses was found to be 78liters per day which does Water Quality
not able to meet the United Nation recommendation of 50 liters per day. The demand Sanitation
was able to be increased to 210240 m3/year in the year 2022 while average domestic
water consumption of the households excluding nondomestic uses was 8.6 liters per Pressure map
person per day, which is less than half of the 20 l/p/d recommended by the WHO. The
*Corresponding Author:
sanitary survey of 138 households showed also that Forty percent of the respondents
use simple pit latrine while Sixty percent use open defecation and the laboratory result Mulatu Kassa
indicated that from 15 household water storage containers, all of those have shown from
medium to very high risks of contamination by faecal matters. Therefore, the result leads
to the conclusion that the water supply system of Embacho Town was not adequate E-mail:
interms of quantity and quality and did not satisfying the consumers’ water demand. mulugetakassa004@gmail.com
Copyright@2015 STAR Journal, Wollega University. All Rights Reserved.

Ethiopia is naturally endowed with abundant water that water-related disease is expanding and the incidence
resources that help to fulfill domestic requirements, of water-related microbial diseases is increasing (WHO,
irrigation and hydropower. Its current per-capita fresh 2003). Diarrhea remains a major killer in children and it is
3 -1
water resources estimated at 1,924 m year and the estimated that 80% of all illness in developing countries is
groundwater potential of the country is estimated to be 2.8 related to water and sanitation (WHO, 2004). Ministry of
BM (Ethiopian Geological Survey, 2012). Health of Ethiopia estimated that 6000 children die each
day from diarrhea (FDRE, 2004). Amhara region
Even if the country is endowed with abundant water especially northern part of Ethiopia is not out of this
sources, the problem of getting adequate and reliable reality. This study was conducted in Embacho Town,
water supply still is the most challenging issue of the Gidan Woreda, Amhara Regional State in which
country. The problems are exacerbated by high accessibility to potable water and basic sanitation is the
population growth and mushrooming Towns in Ethiopia. biggest challenge which negatively impacting the
For instance, in 1984 there were 629 locations classified economic, environmental and social condition of people
as Towns and by 2000 the number had increased to 925, and still are untouched and unsolved problems.
all in need of water supply and sanitation services (Birhan, Therefore, this research work was aimed to examine the
2011). existing water supply and sanitation status and predict the
water demand for the next ten years.
The UNICEF (2012) stated the coverage of water in
Ethiopia to be 64.2%for country level, 61.8% for rural and MATERIALS AND METHODS
90.4% for urban. The MoWR (2008) stated that water Description of the Study Area
coverage of Amhara region is 69.31% and the per capita Embacho Town is located in Gidan woreda, North
per day water consumption ranged from 3 to 20 liters with Wolo Zone of Amhara Regional State which was
median of 8.5 liters. Several studies have aso confirmed
A Peer-reviewed Official International Journal of Wollega University, Ethiopia 1
Mulatu Kassa Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., April-June 2015, 4(1): 000-000
established in 1955 previously known as Aregash the Town is 6585 in the year 2012 with a total number of
Ketema. It is located at a distance of about 581km from 850 with 4 persons per households (ANRSPB, 2010).
Addis Ababa; 360 km from the regional capital of Bahir
Dar; and about 180 km from the tourist attraction site, Spring water is the major source of Embacho Town.
Lalibella (Figure 1). The current water source of pipe water system is supplied
only from Rufael spring water. Water from Rufael spring is
The area under study has an average altitude of 2921 supplied through the pipe to the reservoir by gravity. The
meters above sea level. The total population number of Town is geographically located between 12 55’49’’N-
0 0 0
13 56’87’’N and 39 21’17’’E-39 24’17’’E.

Figure 1: Location map of the study area

Type and Sources of Data n

 r 
To get relevant information about qualitative and P  Po 1  
quantitative data both primary and secondary sources  100  (1)
have been employed. The primary data about water use
habit, existing sanitation condition, type of water source Where,
and the problems related with water quality were P= projected population
collected from, laboratory test, household survey, key P0= base population
informant interview, formal and informal discussions. r= annual growth rate in percent
Geographical positioning system (GPS) instrument was n= number of years (annual rate of growth)
used to collect geographical coordinate data about,
Reservoir, pipes and nodes which were missed from the Water Quality Sampling Points
water design map of the town. To analyze the water quality in the laboratory, samples
were taken from, water sources, main distribution
Secondary data for quantitative study such as data systems, and sub-main distribution systems and from
about water pressure map, waredemand and distribution household water containers. Out of the six spring water
system , location and pressure map ,water source and sources, samples were taken from two sources (n=2),
discharge rate, and number of population description reservoir (n=1), tap (n=4) and household water containers
about the study area, location, topography, climate, (n=15). Therefore, a total of 22 water samples were
population, and others data were collected from considered for physico-Chemical and bacteriological
unpublished documents of Zone and District water offices. examination. The samples were purposely five Small
Kebeles called “GOTs” based on the current water supply
Method of Data Collection and Sampling Procedures sources and their geographical location. Water samples
Water Demand Projection were collected labeled and transported to the North Wolo
The quantity of water supplied, the total volume of Water Resource Development Microbiological Water
water consumed, water production data, development Quality Laboratory. To transport the samples to the
activities of the Town were all collected from GWWDB. laboratory, sterile glass bottles in a cold box containing ice
Based on the, ten year’s past data the existing and future freezer packs were used.
water demand of Embacho Town were analyzed by using
geometric growth rate method(Chatterjee, 2005; Data Analysis and Presentation
Abreham, 2011 and Bryman, 2008). The geometric The existing water distribution was analyzed by using
growth method is given by. EPANET-2 SOFTWARE and to generate the pressure
map SURFER-8 SOFTWARE was applied.

Mulatu Kassa Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., April-June 2015, 4(1): 000-000
The location of sampling points was analyzed by Arc data were presented using tables, percentages, graphs
map 10.1 GIS SOFTWARE. Analysis of variance and mean values.
(ANOVA) was used to test the average counts of physico-
chemical and bacteriological water quality parameters at RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
5% level of significance.LSD were used to identify among The blue colour (Figure 2) at node 17 indicated
which water samples the significant is occurred. Pearson Negative pressure value (-2.02m) which does not meet
Correlation method was used to see the relationship the standard water pressure of >15m (MoWR, 2006). This
between parameters at 1% significance level. Qualitative indicated that water is not adequately reaching to the
data collected from community, technical staff members, households at those water supply points. The pressure
and water committees using questionnaire interviews and map (Figure3) proved that more satisfactory pressure is
discussions were entered and analyzed in Statistical produced at lower elevations while low water pressure is
Package for Social Science (SPSS version 16.0). The generated at relatively higher locations.

Figure 2: Water distribution network, EPANET result

Figure 3: Pressure map, SURFER-output

When the height of the reservoir increased by 4m the inner surfaces may also offer a suitable medium for
(from 2870m to 2874m), the distribution network indicates contaminating good quality water.TC, FC and Turbidity
pressure between 15m and 70m and the negative were significant among water sources samples (P<0.05).
pressure (-2.02m) was improved to (15.63m) which is These might be because of lack of controlling temperature
satisfactory pressure to supply water (Table 1). at disinfection points, which leads to the re-growth
bacteria and no regular chlorination was adopted. The
Water Quality increased TC and FC counts in stored water may be due
There were no significant difference of temperature to bacterial re-growth or recontamination of water through
and PH among all the water sources (F calculated < F dipping with hands and stored water container. The
(ratio) tabulated, P<0.05). The increased TC and FC presence of Biofilm on the inner surfaces may also offer a
counts in stored water may be due to bacterial re-growth suitable medium for contaminating good quality water
or recontamination of water through dipping with hands (Table 1).
and stored water container. The presence of biofilm on

Mulatu Kassa Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., April-June 2015, 4(1): 000-000
Table 1: Water quality Analyses results of sampled water Sources
Zewudu Rufael Disinfection Tap WHO Ethiopian
Parameters Containers
Spring Spring point waters Guide line Standard
Temp( c) 20.1± 18.45± 19.4± 20.2± 23.9 <15 <15
Turb(NTU) 7.5± 2.71± 1.02± 1.2± 3.4 <5 <7
PH 6.95± 7.3± 7.0± 8.2± 6.59 6.5-8.5
Fluoride (mg/l) 0 0 0 0 0 <1.5
TC cfu/100ml 15± 0 0 0 46 <10
FC cfu/100ml 11± 0 0 0 34 0 /100
FCR(mg/l) 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.5

Water Demand Projection CONCLUSION

The projected total water demand will increase The result of this work showed that the water supply
by108m /day from2012 to 2017 and it will be increased by system of Embacho Town has now serious problem to
168 m /day during 2017 to 2022 period. In order to reach give satisfactory service to the community. Topographic
the water supply coverage of the Town at least 75% by variation and pipe damages were the underlined causes
2022, the water supply should be 157680 m /year (Figure for inadequacy of water pressure to supply the required
4). demand at the current condition. Therefore,
exploration/searching of new water sources and
increasing the water supply efficiency is necessary
engagements of concerned bodies and voluntary service
providers to minimize the problem.

The total coli form and Faecal coliforms counts were

higher in household water samples compared to that of
tap water. High counts of total coliform and faecal coliform
at the house hold drinking water indicates that the water
has been faecal contaminated. Poor sanitation and poor
hygiene in household were the main factors for the
contamination water during transportation and after
storage at home. The average per capita domestic water
consumption of more than 75% of the sample households
is less than 20 l/c/d. Compared to WHO standard for basic
access (20 l/c/d), this is low.

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.: First and for most, my sincere and deepest thanks
projections of water demand by category (2022) goes to my academic advisor Dr. Brook Abate for his
constructive comments, valuable advices and unreserved
Water and Sanitation Accessibility
assistance from the inception of research proposal to the
With regarded to sanitation, 40 %of the respondents write up of the final work. My special thanks go to the
use simple pit latrine, these is due to the enforcement of manager of GidanWoreda Water Development Bureau.
health extension workers,60% of the respondents use
open defecation. Public toilets and privet toilets are
Conflict of Interest
common in the study area. About 30 people use in one
Conflict of interest none declared
common public toilet. Three types of latrines were
constructed in the study area. Pit latrine with closed wall
and roof, Open pit latrine/without house and Pit latrine REFERENCES
with walls but without roof. All the latrines were not clean Abreham M. (2011). Water Supply and Demand Analysis of
and safe for defecation aggravated by water supply Hawassa Town: M.Sc. Thesis (Unpublished), Hawassa
service problems. Water for hygienic activities like wash University.
their hands (65%), washing of clothes (79%), washing of Birhan, A. (2011). Causes and Consequences of Rural-Urban
body (66%), washing their children’s body (24%), washing Migration: The case of Woldiya Town, North Ethiopia,
their children’s hand (11%) and 10% washing utensils and Master of Arts, Thesis, University of South Africa.
washing hands after defecating(0.2%) but 70% wash
hands after defecation . More than 50% of respondents Chatterjee, A. K. (2005). Water Supply, Water Disposal and
were neither using soap nor ash for hand washing. Environmental Engineering. Khanna publishers, Nai
Sarak, Delhi-110006.

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