Patent US3801634
Patent US3801634
Patent US3801634
It is advantageous to use catalysts which contain, in ad
3,801,634 dition to oxygen, molybdenum, tungsten and iron and/or
MANUFACTURE OF ACRYLCACD nickel and/or manganese and/or copper and, optionally,
Richard Krabetz, Kirchheim, Carl-Heinz Willersinn, Lud vanadium. The manufacture of these catalysts and their
wigshafen, Heinz Engelbach, Limburgerhof, Hermann use in the oxidation of acrolein to acrylic acid is described
Wistuba, Mannheim, Ulrich Lebert, Ludwigshafen, and in British Pat. 1,213,325 and Canadian Pat, 868,940.
Walter Frey, Mannheim, Germany, assignors to
Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft, The ultimate object of the teachings given in said
Ludwigshafen (Rhine), Germany literature is to obtain acrylic acid in an absolute yield
No Drawing. Filed Nov. 18, 1971, Ser. No. 200,178 which is as high as possible on the propylene intro
Claims priority, application Germany, Nov. 18, 1970, O duced, whilst other factors or significance in carrying out
P 20 56 614.7 these processes are not considered to a desirable extent.
Int, C. C07c57/04, 51/32 One of the most important criteria is the space-time
U.S. C. 260-533N 6 Claims yield and the concentration of the acrylic acid in the
condensate obtained. Considerable difficulties have been
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 5 met in attempts to obtain high space-time yields and high
The oxidation of propylene to acrylic acid in two stages condensate concentrations in industrial apparatus. In
via acrolein using conventional oxidation catalysts pro dustrial single-stage or multistage processes for the syn
ceeds particularly well when the activity of the catalysts thesis of acrylic acid by gas-phase oxidation in the prior
in the two stages increases in the direction of flow of the art are only capable of removing the locally occurring
reaction gases and the off-gases from the second stage are 20 heat of reaction with the rapidity necessary for high con
recycled to the first stage as diluting gases. versions in a single pass when very uneconomical meas
ures are adopted. For example, it is necessary to use
tubes of narrow cross-section or to operate at low tem
This invention relates to a process for the manufacture peratures and thus with small amounts of catalyst and
of acrylic acid by oxidation of propylene in two stages 25 low throughputs (linear gas velocities) and, moreover,
via acrolein as intermediate, using oxidic catalysts. the gas to be oxidized must be protected from explosive
It is known to oxidize propylene to acrylic acid in the combustion at the catalysts or at least from over-oxida
gas phase in the presence of oxygen-containing gases and tion leading to undesirable by-products by dilution with
steam and at an elevated temperature in contact with large amounts of steam (up to 40% by volume). Rela
solid catalysts in two stages. In the first stage, the propyl 30 tively good absolute yields of acrylic acid, which may be
ene is mainly converted to acrolein, and the resulting gas as high as 50% of theory or more based on propylene in
mixture is passed to the second stage without separation troduced, are obtained, but an uneconomically high energy
of the acrolein, where it is oxidized to acrylic acid in con input and high investment costs are incurred because it is
tact with a second catalyst. necessary to use low space velocities (long residence
Catalyst systems proposed for the first stage contain 35 times) and the resulting acrylic acid is obtained in very
elements in Groups IVa to VIa, VIII and IVb to VIIb. Of dilute aqueous solution.
these catalyst systems, tellurium-containing catalysts (cata It has thus been desirable to make the entire process
lysts containing tellurium dioxide or telluric acid or cata more economical by improving the space-time yield whilst
lysts which contain bismuth or antimony with or without 40
having recourse to the previously worked-out methods of
phosphorus) are distinguished by their particularly high obtaining high absolute yields in a single pass. It is an
selectivity in the formation of acrolein at a relatively low object of the invention to provide a safe oxidation process
temperature of the saltpeter bath usually used for this in which over-oxidation of the kind mentioned above is
reaction. Suitable catalysts are those containing oxides of minimized and explosive combustion processes are re
molybdenum, tungsten and tellurium or the oxides of liably obviated.
cobalt, molybdenum and tellurium. Other catalysts which 45 These and other objects are achieved in a process for
have been proposed contain, for example, iron, tin, anti the manufacture of acrylic acid by oxidation of propylene
mony, vanadium, or nickel, cobalt, iron, bismuth, phos with elementary oxygen and gas mixtures containing inert,
phorus and molybdenum in addition to oxygen, optionally steam-containing diluting gases in reaction tubes packed
with additions of samarium oxide and tantalum oxide. with catalysts in a first stage, in which propylene is sub
The manufacture and use of the first-mentioned catalyst 50 stantially oxidized to acrolein, and in a second stage, in
systems for the oxidation of propylene to acrolein is de which further oxidation to acrylic acid occurs, the initial
scribed, for example, in British Pats, 1,193,489 and 1,243,- propylene concentration being above 2% molar based on
Catalysts which have been found satisfactory for use the initial gas mixture and the space velocity in both
in the second stage are also oxidic catalysts in the afore stages being greater than 60 liters propylene per hour per
55 liter of catalyst per stage, in which process the activity of
mentioned groups but with the restriction that generally
no elements in Groups Va and VIa may be used, and in the catalysts in the two stages is varied so that the activity
particular no or only very little selenium or tellurium at the inlet end of the reaction tubes is less than 100% and
may be used, in order that the acrolein may be further increases steadily or stepwise to 100% at the outlet end,
oxidized to acrylic acid as completely as possible. Known 60 and the off-gases obtained at the outlet of the second reac
catalysts contain, for example, cobalt and molybdenum or tion stage are substantially freed from condensible gases
molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium, or tin, antimony and recycled to the first stage as inert diluting gases which
and molybdenum in addition to oxygen. partly or completely replace the steam.
3 4
The acrylic acid does not occur in an unduly dilute state, mainly consisting of propylene, air and possibly steam,
so that subsequent working up to pure acrylic acid re the mixing rate being such that, taking into consideration
quires considerably less time and energy. There was a the unreacted propylene and the oxygen contained in the
prejudice against such measures, as one would have recycled off-gas, the total propylene concentration of the
thought that the absolute yield would fall markedly on gases entering the first catalyst bed is more than 2% and
account of the dilution of the active catalyst composition. preferably from 4 to 8% molar of the total gas mixture
Surprisingly, this is not the case. The meaures of the in and the molar ratio of propylene to oxygen to water is
Vention enable a system of the kind under consideration 1:1.5 to 4:0 to 3 and preferably 1:2-3:0-2.
to be operated at substantially higher space velocities, In the process of the invention the catalysts used in the
which means that the throughput may be raised consider 10 first stage advantageously contain molybdenum, tungsten
ably without danger, the absolute yield obtained in the and tellurium in addition to oxygen, the atomic ratio of
process of the invention being, as hitherto, about 50% molybdenum to tungsten being from 0.03 to 40:1 and
on propylene introduced. Another advantage gained in preferably from 0.2 to 25:1, and the content of tellurium
diluting the catalyst is that when the synthesis gas is re being from 0.2 to 2% and preferably from 0.5 to 1.8%
placed by recycled reaction gases, which are known to 5 by weight, and the catalysts used in the second stage advan
have a substantially lower heat capacity than steam, the tageously contain molybdenum, tungsten and iron and/or
risk of over-oxidation and local overheating is dispelled. nickel and/or manganese and/or copper in addition to oxy
The process of the invention constitutes a big economi gen and optionally vanadium, the atomic ratio of molyb
cal improvement over conventional processes, since this denum to tungsten to iron (nickel, manganese, copper) be
second measure enables acrylic acid to be obtained in con 20 ing from 1 to 20:0.01 to 10:1 and preferably from 2 to
densate concentrations of up to 50% by weight. 10:0.1 to 2:1 and the ratio of molybdenum to vanadium
The process of the invention is carried out as follows: being 6:0.2 to 6 and preferably 6:0.5 to 4. Other catalysts
Irrespective of any particular catalyst system, propylene Suitable for the first and second stages of the process are
concentrations of more than 2% molar based on the start those commonly used for the oxidation of propylene to
ing mixture are used at space velocities of more than 60 25 acrolein or of acrolein to acrylic acid as described, for ex
liters of propylene per hour, and the bath temperatures ample, in German printed applications 1,924,496 and
used are those required for a propylene or acrolein con 2,000,425, Belgian Pats. 689,720; 746,202 and 738,250,
version of more than 80-85% molar. the published Dutch patent application 7011603 and Jap
The reaction of this gas mixture is carried out in the anese patent application 4.5/22,525 published in 1970.
presence of a catalyst of which the active composition is 30 The measures proposed by the invention make it possible
diluted with inert material so that the activity of the cata to carry out the process at high throughputs of more than
lyst is reduced. This dilution is effected in such a manner 100 liters of propylene (STP) per liter of catalyst per stage
that the activity of the catalyst rises steadily or stepwise and linear gas Velocities of more than 60 and preferably
from the inlet end to the outlet end of the reaction tubes more than 100 cm./s. (STP) calculated for the reaction
to reach a final value of 100%, which value is conveniently 35 tube without packing, and bath temperatures associated
reached at Some distance from the outlet end of the reac With conversions of more than 80 and preferably more
tion tube. Advantageously, from 5 to 50% by weight of than 85% and with acrylic acid yields of more than 45
the total catalyst composition is diluted in the manner pro 50% molar based on propylene introduced.
posed by the invention. Of particular industrial interest is 40 Examples 1-9
a dilution of from 10 to 30% by weight. In other words,
the activity of the catalyst reaches 100% at a point up The following examples clearly show that the space-time
stream of the half-way point of the reaction tube. The yield is approximately 2 to 3 times higher when the re
amount of dilution in the diluted part of the catalyst bed
decreases at a rate dependent on the linear gas velocity.
action gases are passed over a catalyst which is initially
highly diluted and then shows a steady or stepwise in
The amount of reduction of catalyst activity must be 45 crease in concentration in the manner proposed by the in
greater the higher the linear gas velocity, if the occurrence vention than when undiluted catalysts are used. Recycling
of uncontrollable hot spots is to be avoided. According to of the off-gases or part thereof to the process (Example
the present invention, at linear gas velocities of more than 9) to replace the steam produces no further increase in
60 cm./s. (calculated for a reaction tube without pack the space-time yield but doubles the concentration of
ing), the activity of the catalyst, i.e. the proportion of 50 acrylic acid in the aqueous solution obtained.
active catalyst composition, in the diluted portion of the The experiments were carried out as follows: A mix
catalyst bed conveniently rises from 0 to 100%. Advan ture of propylene (98%), air, steam and optionally nitro
tageously, the initial dilution is such that the amount of gen and containing 1.8% v./v. of carbon monoxide was
actiye composition is from 25 to 75%, this being raised passed through a two-stage apparatus consisting of two
until it reaches 100%. The catalyst may be diluted with 55 Series-connected steel tubes of 4 m. in length and 25 mm.
any material which is inert to the reaction, is stable at in diameter. The tubes were electrically heated, stirred
temperatures of at least 600 C. and preferably at least salt baths. The gases entering the tubes were passed over
700 C., is substantially non-porous and does not com heat exchangers to be preheated or cooled as necessary
bine with the components of the catalyst under the condi to reach the temperature of the particular salt bath. The
tions of the reaction. Suitable materials are, for example, 60 reaction gas leaving the second stage at a temperature of
highly calcined oxides of aluminum, Zirconium, titanium, from 200 to 300° C. was cooled in a two-stage quencher
magnesium and silicon, the higher-melting silicates and system with the condensate produced. The catalyst pack
aluminosilicates, electrode graphite, cement compositions, ing used in the first stage was a molybdenum/tungsten/
high-melting sintered compositions, preferably steatite, ox tellurium catalyst, and in the second stage it was a molyb
alumina and silicon carbide. denum/tungsten/vanadium/iron catalyst, both catalysts
Dilution is conveniently effected by mechanically mix being in the form of 3 x 3 mm. pellets. The initial layers
ing catalyst moldings with moldings of inert material of of the catalysts were diluted with steatite spheres having a
Substantially the same shape or by mixing catalyst and in diameter of 3 mm.
ert material both in finely powdered form followed by The following table gives details of the amount of cata
shaping. 70 lyst used, the degree of dilution, the gas rates, bath tem
The reaction gases obtained at the end of the second re peratures and conversions, acrylic acid yields, yields of
action stage are freed from acrylic acid, steam and other residual acrolein at the end of the second stage (in each
condensible products by cooling and are mixed with the case based on the 98% propylene introduced to the first
starting gas mixture entering the first reaction stage and Stage, the space-time yields and the condensate concentra
75 tion of the acrylic acid product.
tration of
- Con- Yields (percent acrylic acid
Bath temperature version molar) of - in
Catalyst packing (ml.) Gas rates (?hr.) (C.) for- of CH - condensate
------arearramama -- - -- (percent Acrylic Residual (percent
Tube I Tube 2 CH Air HO NICO Tube I Tube II molar) acid acrolein STYi ww.)
600 2 (100) 300 2 (100) 36 420 196 ---------- 340 250 92 45 4 l. 18-20
1: 3. : 33 60 720 336 ---- are up 340 250 88 30140 3 1.2/8
38 g : 9. 60 720 336 ---------- 325 260 94 55 1.6 2.2 ------- was a
: g 39 '99, 60 720 336 ---------- 330 270 95 58 1. 2,3--------------
1.88 8.8 90 1,080 504 .......... 325 27 92 56 1.1 3.4 ------------
88 7002
100 (50) (100) 120 1,440 660 ------...- 255 94 60 5 5, 6 24.5
1,050 2 (100) 700 2 (100)
1,050 2 (100) 700 2 (100) 120 1,440 390 ---- 256 89 53 1.3 4.4 30
1402 (50) E383
140 2 (50) 120 1,440 820 ---------- 272 95 53 1.4 4.4 20.3
1,030 (100) 6302 (100)
9---------- 1,030 (100) 6302 (100) 120 1,440 47 272 92 53 1.5 4.4 43.6
1 Space-time yield expressed askg. of acrylic acid pertube per day.
These percentages are percentages by volume of active composition.
Examples 10-17 catalyst is 0.91 part by volume of the catalyst given in
Using catalysts manufactured by known methods, a Example 1 of German printed application DOS 2,038,763
mixture of fresh propylene, freshai and recycle gas and
containing 100 E.s volume per hour : t
25 parts
and having an activity of 100%. A gas nitre of 190
by volume per hour of propylene, 1,200 parts by
252 parts by Wome per hour of oxygen, so parts by vol. Yolume per hor of air and 89, parts by Volume per
ume per hour of steam and 1,728 parts by volume per hour of steam is passed through the series-connected re
hour of inert gases (mainly nitrogen and small amounts action tubes. The bath temperature for the first tube is
carbon oxides) is oxidized in two series connected re. 30 32 ad for second tube 10 CT, PPyle
tubes in two stages at the temperatures given in conversion is 92% molar, the space-time yield is 1.9 parts
the following Table 2. The composition of the catalysts by weight per tube per day. and the yield of acrylic acid is
is given in Table 2. The catalysts used in the first stage 25% molar on propylene introduced. The acrylic acid is
have an activity of 25% over the first 0.091 part by contained in the condensate in a concentration of only
volume, as considered in the direction of flow of the gas 35 1% y weight.
mixture, an activity of 50% over the following 0.12 part aim: .
by volume and an activity of 100% over the remaining In a continuous process for the manufacture of
09 part by volume, whilst the catalysts used in these acrylic acid by catalytic Oxidation of propylene With ele
ond stage have an activity of 50% over the first 0.091 mentary oxygen and an inert gas mixture normally con
part by volume and an activity of 100% over the remain- 40
ing 0.73 part by volume. The activity of the catalysts was
SS". diluting gas in reaction tubes
packed with catalysts in two stages including a first stage,
lues by diluti ith inert soli in which propylene is substantially oxidized to acrolein,
E. their YlyAE).it. tri and a second stage, in which further oxidation to acrylic
themselves were in the form of 3 x 3 mm. pellets. The acid occurs, at elevated temperatures sufficient to provide
recycled gas is off-gas from the second stage from which 45 85%
the condensible reaction products have been virtually com-
Conversion of propylene or acolein of more than 80
molar, the improvement which comprises:
pletely washed out. continuously carrying out said catalytic oxidation with
The following Table 2 lists the proportion of acrylic an initial propylene concentration of above 2%
acid in the condensate, the yield of acrylic acid, the con- molar based on the initial gas mixture and a rate of
version of the propylene and the space-time yield of the 50 flow of the propylene in both stages of greater than
acrylic acid in each case. 60 liters per hour of catalyst per stage, the activity
acid Conver- Yield
in sion of
conden- of acrylic
Catalyst Bath temp. (C.) sate CH acid
- - - - (percent (mol (mol
Ex. Stage I Stage 2 Stage I Stage 2 w.fw.) percent) percent) STYi
10----- MooNiz.5Cr1Fe0.3Bioss Snos on 30%. Si2O2---- MoWVFe1.5 -------------------- 362 260 52 91 52 4.0
11--------- gigstreatlessnes on vess - - - - - - Mo12W3.3Sb n alumina pellets.-- 390 420 39 76 39 3.0
12----- MooNiz. Creo.33Bio-88 Ge1 on 30%. SiO ---. MoWVFeis -------------------. 360 260 5. 94 53 4.
13----- MgSEEB; -- 1% Smi2Os on MoWWFes--- - 390 260 50 79 50 3.9
-Silicate. ...,
14----- MŠišoffiPK, on 30% SiO, 7 - MoWWFe15. 390 260 52 62 44 4.3
15.---- MorNio-7CrTe0-35-------------------- MoWWFe1.5- 400 270 47 79 38 2.9
16----- MoWsTe0.2s------ -- MosWWFes--- 365 250 53 94 54 4.2
7---------- do."------------------------------------- MosV. Sb, on alumina pellets --- 365 40 51 90 52 4,0
1 Space-time yield expressed in parts by weight of acrylic acid per tube DOS 2,000,425, Example 6.
ay. Belgian Patent 738,250, Example 1.
2 DOS 2,000,425, Example 1. i56S 302676i, Emile?.
Belgian Patent 746,202. British Patent 1,243,794.
DOS 2,038,763, Example 1.
Comparative example (cf. Example 11) O of the catalysts in each of the two stages being varied
The same apparatus is used as that employed in Ex- by dilution with inert material so that the activity at
amples 10 to 17 but in the first stage the catalyst used is the inlet end of each reaction tube is reduced to about
1.12 parts by volume of the catalyst given in Example 1 25 to 75% and then gradually increases steadily or
of German printed application DOS 2,000,425 and hav- stepwise up to 100% at a spaced interval from the
ing an activity of 100%, whilst in the second stage the 75 outlet end of each reaction tube;
and then freeing the off-gases obtained at the outlet of ene concentration entering the first stage is about 4 to
the second reaction stage from condensible gases and 8% molar of the total gas mixture and the molar ratio of
recycling the non-condensed gas to the first stage as propylene:oxygen: water is 1:1.5 to 4:0 to 3.
an inert diluting gas which at least partly replaces 6. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the through
Steam. put of propylene is more than 100 liters (STP) per liter
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the activity of catalyst per stage and the linear gas velocity based
of the catalyst reaches 100% upstream of the mid-way upon a reaction tube without packing is more than 60
point of the reaction tube. cm./sec. (STP).
3. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein 5 to 50% References Cited
by weight of the total catalyst composition in each stage O FOREIGN PATENTS
is diluted to the required extent.
4. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein 10 to 30% 738,087 3/1970 Belgium --------- 260-533 N.
by weight of the total catalyst composition in each stage
is diluted to the required extent. LORRAINE A. WEINBERGER, Primary Examiner
5. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the propyl- 5 R. D. KELLY, Assistant Examiner
Patent No. 3.8Ol.634 - Pete April 2, 1974
rvents - Richard Krabetz et al
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent
and that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown below: