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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,658,823 B2

Peterson et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 25, 2014

(54) PROCESSES FOR PRODUCING ACRYLIC s: E: 358 Sidi eungetetalal.

ACDS AND ACRYLATES 7,115,772 B2 10/2006 Picard et al.
7,208,624 B2 4/2007 Scates et al.
(75) Inventors: Craig Peterson, Houston, TX (US); 7,842,844 B2 11/2010 Se
Josefina Chapman, Houston, TX (US); 2012, 0071688 A1 3/2012 Herzog et al.
Ilias Kotsianis, Houston, TX (US); Sean
Nagaki. The Woodlands, TX (US); EP 1741692 1, 2007
Tianshu Pan, Houston, TX (US) EP 1904426 4/2008
EP 1907344 4/2008
(73) Assignee: Celanese International Corporation, EP 1914219 4/2008
Dallas, TX (US) EP 1923380 5, 2008
EP 2060553 5, 2009
c -r EP 2060555 5, 2009
(*) Notice: Stil tO E. distic th t
patent 1s extended or adjusted under
6, 2009
6, 2009
U.S.C. 154(b) by 205 days. EP 2O72488 6, 2009
EP 2O72490 6, 2009
(21) Appl. No.: 13/251,623 EP 2O72492 6, 2009
EP 2O76480 T 2009
1-1. EP 2186787 5, 2010
(22) Filed: Oct. 3, 2011 WO WO 2007/OO3909 1, 2007
(65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2013/OO85294 A1 Apr. 4, 2013 M. Ali., J. Catal., 107, 201 (1987).
M. Ali., J. Catal., 124, 293 (1990).
(51) Int. Cl. M. Ai. Appl. Catal., 36, 221 (1988).
CD7C5L/42 (2006.01) M. Ai. Shokubai, 29, 522 (1987).
C07C 5 L/353 (2006.01) International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed Feb. 1, 2013
(52) U.S. Cl in corresponding International Application No. PCT/US2012/
A W. O583.09.

USPC - - - - - - - - - - - grgrrr. 562/600; 562/599 Mamoru All et al., “Production of methacrylic acid by vapor-phase
(58) Field of Classification Search aldol condensation of propionic acid with formaldehyde over silica
CPC .............................. C07C 51/353; C07C 51/46 Supported metal phosphate catalysts'. Applied Catalysis A: General,
See application file for complete search history. vol. 252, 2003, XP 002689805, pp. 185-191.
(56) References Cited * cited by examiner
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Primary Examiner — Paul A Zucker
4,040,913 A * 8/1977 Clovis et al. .................. 562/598 (57) ABSTRACT
4,165,438 A * 8/1979 Schneider ..................... 560,211
4,581,471. A * 4, 1986 Barlow et al. ................. 560,210 In one embodiment, the invention is to a process for produc
4,994,608 A 2f1991 Torrence et al. ing an acrylate product. The process comprises the step of
5,001,259 A 3, 1991 Smith et al. providing a crude product stream comprising the acrylate
5,026,908 A 6, 1991 Smith et al.
5,144,068 A 9, 1992 Smith et al. product and an alkylenating agent. The process further com
5,364,824 A 11/1994 Andrews et al. prises the step of separating at least a portion of the crude
RE35,377 E 1 1/1996 Steinberg et al. product stream to form an alkylenating agent stream and an
5,599.976 A 2f1997 Scates et al. intermediate product stream. The alkylenating agent stream
5,821,111 A 10/1998 Gaddy et al. comprises at least 1 wt % alkylenating agent and the interme
6,143,930 A 1 1/2000 Singh et al. diate product stream comprises acrylate product.
6,232,352 B1 5, 2001 Vidalin et al.
6,627,770 B1 9/2003 Cheung et al.
6,657,078 B2 12/2003 Scates et al. 24 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Feb. 25, 2014 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,658,823 B2




U.S. Patent Feb. 25, 2014 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,658,823 B2
US 8,658,823 B2
1. 2
PROCESSES FOR PRODUCING ACRYLC schemes that may be employed to effectively provide purified
ACDS AND ACRYLATES acrylic acid from the aldol condensation crude product.
Thus, the need exists for processes for producing purified
FIELD OF THE INVENTION acrylic acid and, in particular, for separation schemes to effec
tively purify unique aldol condensation crude products to
The present invention relates generally to the production of form the purified acrylic acid.
acrylic acid. More specifically, the present invention relates to The references mentioned above are hereby incorporated
the production of crude acrylic acid via the condensation of by reference.
acetic acid and formaldehyde and the Subsequent purification 10

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention is described in detail below with reference to
the appended drawings, wherein like numerals designate
C.f3-unsaturated acids, particularly acrylic acid and meth similar parts.
acrylic acid, and the ester derivatives thereof are useful
15 FIG. 1 is a process flowsheet showing an acrylic acid
organic compounds in the chemical industry. These acids and reaction/separation system in accordance with an embodi
esters are known to readily polymerize or co-polymerize to ment of the present invention.
form homopolymers or copolymers. Often the polymerized FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an acrylic acid reaction/
acids are useful in applications such as Superabsorbents, dis separation system in accordance with one embodiment of the
persants, flocculants, and thickeners. The polymerized ester present invention.
derivatives are used in coatings (including latex paints), tex SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
tiles, adhesives, plastics, fibers, and synthetic resins.
Because acrylic acid and its esters have long been valued In one embodiment, the invention is to a process for pro
commercially, many methods of production have been devel 25 ducing acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, and/or the salts and
oped. One exemplary acrylic acid ester production process esters thereof. Preferably, the inventive process yields an
utilizes: (1) the reaction of acetylene with water and carbon acrylic acid product. The process comprises the step of pro
monoxide; and/or (2) the reaction of an alcohol and carbon viding a crude product stream comprising acrylic acid and/or
monoxide, in the presence of an acid, e.g., hydrochloric acid, other acrylate products and an alkylenating agent. The crude
and nickel tetracarbonyl, to yield a crude product comprising 30 product stream may comprise at least 1 wt % alkylenating
the acrylate ester as well as hydrogen and nickel chloride. agent. The alkylenating agent may be, for example, formal
Another conventional process involves the reaction of ketene dehyde. In preferred embodiments, the crude product stream
(often obtained by the pyrolysis of acetone or acetic acid) is formed by contacting acetic acid and formaldehyde over a
with formaldehyde, which yields a crude product comprising catalyst and under conditions effective to form the crude
acrylic acid and either water (when acetic acid is used as a 35 product stream. In one embodiment, the inventive process
pyrolysis reactant) or methane (when acetone is used as a further comprises the step of separating at least a portion of
pyrolysis reactant). These processes have become obsolete the crude product stream to forman alkylenating agent stream
for economic, environmental, or other reasons. and an intermediate acrylic product stream. Preferably, the
More recent acrylic acid production processes have relied alkylenating stream comprises at least 1 wt % alkylenating
on the gas phase oxidation of propylene, via acrolein, to form 40 agent and the intermediate acrylic product stream comprises
acrylic acid. The reaction can be carried out in single- or acrylic acid and/or other acrylate products in high concentra
two-step processes but the latter is favored because of higher tions.
yields. The oxidation of propylene produces acrolein, acrylic
acid, acetaldehyde and carbon oxides. Acrylic acid from the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
primary oxidation can be recovered while the acrolein is fed 45
to a second step to yield the crude acrylic acid product, which Introduction
comprises acrylic acid, water, Small amounts of acetic acid, as Production of unsaturated carboxylic acids such as acrylic
well as impurities such as furfural, acrolein, and propionic acid and methacrylic acid and the ester derivatives thereof via
acid. Purification of the crude product may be carried out by most conventional processes have been limited by economic
azeotropic distillation. Although this process may show some 50 and environmental constraints. In the interest of finding a new
improvement over earlier processes, this process Suffers from reaction path, the aldol condensation reaction of acetic acid
production and/or separation inefficiencies. In addition, this and an alkylenating agent, e.g., formaldehyde, has been
oxidation reaction is highly exothermic and, as such, creates investigated. This reaction may yield a unique crude product
an explosion risk. As a result, more expensive reactor design that comprises, interalia, a higher amount of (residual) form
and metallurgy are required. Also, the cost of propylene is 55 aldehyde, which is generally known to add unpredictability
often prohibitive. and problems to separation schemes. Although the aldol con
The aldol condensation reaction of formaldehyde and ace densation reaction of acetic acid and formaldehyde is known,
tic acid and/or carboxylic acid esters has been disclosed in there has been little if any disclosure relating to separation
literature. This reaction forms acrylic acid and is often con schemes that may be employed to effectively purify the
ducted over a catalyst. For example, condensation catalysts 60 unique crude product that is produced. Other conventional
consisting of mixed oxides of vanadium and phosphorus were reactions, e.g., propylene oxidation or ketene/formaldehyde,
investigated and described in M. Ai, J. Catal., 107, 201 do not yield crude products that comprises higher amounts of
(1987); M. Ai, J. Catal., 124, 293 (1990); M. Ai, Appl. Catal., formaldehyde. The primary reactions and the side reactions in
36, 221 (1988); and M. Ai, Shokubai, 29, 522 (1987). The propylene oxidation do not create formaldehyde. In the reac
acetic acid conversions in these reactions, however, may leave 65 tion of ketene and formaldehyde, a two-step reaction is
room for improvement. Although this reaction is disclosed, employed and the formaldehyde is confined to the first stage.
there has been little if any disclosure relating to separation Also, the ketene is highly reactive and converts Substantially
US 8,658,823 B2
3 4
all of the reactant formaldehyde. As a result of these features, Also, furfural and/or acrolein are known to have adverse
very little, if any, formaldehyde remains in the crude product effects on the color of purified product and/or to subsequent
exiting the reaction Zone. Because no formaldehyde is present polymerized products.
in crude products formed by these conventional reactions, the In addition to the acrylic acid and the alkylenating agent,
separation schemes associated therewith have not addressed 5 the crude product stream may further comprise acetic acid,
the problems and unpredictability that accompany crude water, propionic acid, and light ends such as oxygen, nitro
products that have higher formaldehyde content. gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methanol, methyl
In one embodiment, the present invention is to a process for acetate, methyl acrylate, acetaldehyde, hydrogen, and
producing acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, and/or the salts and 10 acetone. Exemplary compositional data for the crude product
stream are shown in Table 1. Components other than those
esters thereof. As used herein, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, listed
and/or the salts and esters thereof, collectively or individu Stream.in Table 1 may also be present in the crude product
ally, may be referred to as “acrylate products.” The use of the
terms acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, or the salts and esters TABLE 1
thereof, individually, does not exclude the other acrylate 15
products, and the use of the term acrylate product does not CRUDE ACRYLATE PRODUCT STREAM COMPOSITIONS
require the presence of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, and the Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc.
salts and esters thereof. Component (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %)
The inventive process, in one embodiment, includes the Acrylic Acid 1 to 75 1 to SO 5 to SO 10 to 40
step of providing a crude product stream comprising the 20 Alkylenating Agent(s) OS to SO 1 to 45 1 to 25 1 to 10
acrylic acid and/or other acrylate products. The crude product Acetic Acid 1 to 90 1 to 70 S to SO 10 to SO
stream of the present invention, unlike most conventional Water 1 to 60 S to SO 10 to 40 15 to 40
acrylic acid-containing crude products, further comprises a Propionic Acid O.O1 to 10 O.1 to 10 O.1 to 5 0.1 to 1
Oxygen O.O1 to 10 O.1 to 10 O.1 to 5 0.1 to 1
significant portion of at least one alkylenating agent. Prefer Nitrogen O.1 to 20 O.1 to 10 OS to 5 0.5 to 4
ably, the at least one alkylenating agent is formaldehyde. For 25 Carbon Monoxide O.O1 to 10 O.1 to 10 O.1 to 5 0.5 to 3
example, the crude product stream may comprise at least 0.5 Carbon Dioxide
Other Light Ends
O.O1 to 10
O.O1 to 10
O.1 to 10
O.1 to 10
O.1 to 5
O.1 to 5
0.5 to 3
0.5 to 3
wt % alkylenating agent(s), e.g., at least 1 wt %, at least 5 wt
%, at least 7 wt %, at least 10 wt %, or at least 25 wt %. In
terms of ranges, the crude product stream may comprise from The unique crude product stream of the present invention
0.5 wt % to 50 wt % alkylenating agent(s), e.g., from 1 wt % 30 may be separated in a separation Zone to form a final product,
to 45 wt %, from 1 wt % to 25 wt %, from 1 wt % to 10 wt %, e.g., a final acrylic acid product. In one embodiment, the
or from 5 wt % to 10 wt.%. In terms of upper limits, the crude inventive process comprises the step of separating at least a
product stream may comprise less than 50 wt % alkylenating portion of the crude product stream to form an alkylenating
agent(s), e.g., less than 45 wt %, less than 25 wt %, or less than 35 agent
stream and an intermediate product stream. This sepa
step may be referred to as an “alkylenating agent split.”
10 wit 9/6.
In one embodiment, the crude product stream of the present significantone embodiment, the alkylenating agent stream comprises
amounts of alkylenating agent(s). For example,
invention further comprises water. For example, the crude the alkylenating agent stream may comprise at least 1 wt %
product stream may comprise less than 60 wt % water, e.g., alkylenating agent(s), e.g., at least 5 wt %, at least 10 wt %, at
less than 50 wt %, less than 40 wt %, or less than 30 wt.%. In 40 least 15 wt %, or at least 25 wt %. In terms of ranges, the
terms of ranges, the crude product stream may comprise from alkylenating stream may comprise from 1 wt % to 75 wt %
1 wt % to 60 wt % water, e.g., from 5 wt % to 50 wt %, from alkylenating agent(s), e.g., from 3 to 50 wt %, from 3 wt % to
10 wt % to 40 wt %, or from 15 wt % to 40 wt %. In terms of 25 wt %, or from 10 wt % to 20 wt %. In terms of upper limits,
upper limits, the crude product stream may comprise at least the alkylenating stream may comprise less than 75 wt %
1 wt % water, e.g., at least 5 wt %, at least 10 wt %, or at least 45 alkylenating agent(s), e.g. less than 50 wt % or less than 40 wit
15 wt %. %. In preferred embodiments, the alkylenating agent is form
In one embodiment, the crude product stream of the present aldehyde.
invention comprises very little, if any, of the impurities found As noted above, the presence of alkylenating agent in the
in most conventional acrylic acid crude product streams. For crude product stream adds unpredictability and problems to
example, the crude product stream of the present invention 50 separation schemes. Without being bound by theory, it is
may comprise less than 1000 wppm of such impurities (either believed that formaldehyde reacts in many side reactions with
as individual components or collectively), e.g., less than 500 water to form by-products. The following side reactions are
wppm, less than 100 wppm, less than 50 wppm, or less than exemplary.
10 wppm. Exemplary impurities include acetylene, ketene,
beta-propiolactone, higher alcohols, e.g., C2, Cs, or C, 55 CHO+HO->HOCH-OH
and combinations thereof. Importantly, the crude product
stream of the present invention comprises very little, if any, HO(CHO), H+HOCH-OH->HO(CHO).H+HO for
furfural and/or acrolein. In one embodiment, the crude prod
uct stream comprises Substantially no furfural and/or Without being bound by theory, it is believed that, in some
acrolein, e.g., no furfural and/or acrolein. In one embodiment, 60 embodiments, as a result of these reactions, the alkylenating
the crude product stream comprises less than less than 500 agent, e.g., formaldehyde, acts as a “light’ component at
wppm acrolein, e.g., less than 100 wppm, less than 50wppm, higher temperatures and as a "heavy component at lower
or less than 10 wppm. In one embodiment, the crude product temperatures. The reaction(s) are exothermic. Accordingly,
stream comprises less than less than 500wppm furfural, e.g., the equilibrium constant increases as temperature decreases
less than 100 wppm, less than 50 wppm, or less than 10 65 and decreases as temperature increases. At lower tempera
wppm. Furfural and acrolein are known to act as detrimental tures, the larger equilibrium constant favors methylene glycol
chain terminators in acrylic acid polymerization reactions. and oligomer production and formaldehyde becomes limited,
US 8,658,823 B2
5 6
and, as such, behaves as a heavy component. At higher tem the alkylenating agent split is performed. In other embodi
peratures, the Smaller equilibrium constant favors formalde ments, at least a portion of the intermediate acrylate product
hyde production and methylene glycol becomes limited. As stream may be further treated after the alkylenating agent
Such, formaldehyde behaves as a light component. In view of split. As one example, the crude product stream may be
these difficulties, as well as others, the separation of streams 5 treated to remove light ends therefrom. This treatment may
that comprise water and formaldehyde cannot be expected to occur either before or after the alkylenating agent split, pref
behave as a typical two-component system. These features erably before the alkylenating agent split. In some of these
contribute to the unpredictability and difficulty of the sepa cases, the further treatment of the intermediate acrylate prod
ration of the unique crude product stream of the present uct stream may result in derivative streams that may be con
invention. 10 sidered to be additional purified acrylate product streams. In
The present invention, Surprisingly and unexpectedly, other embodiments, the further treatment of the intermediate
achieves effective separation of alkylenating agent(s) from acrylate product stream results in at least one finished acrylate
the inventive crude product stream to yield a purified product product stream.
comprising acrylate product and very low amounts of other In one embodiment, the inventive process operates at a high
impurities. 15 process efficiency. For example, the process efficiency may
In one embodiment, the alkylenating split is performed be at least 10%, e.g., at least 20% or at least 35%. In one
Such that a lower amount of acetic acid is present in the embodiment, the process efficiency is calculated based on the
resulting alkylenating stream. Preferably, the alkylenating flows of reactants into the reaction Zone. The process effi
agent stream comprises little or no acetic acid. As an example, ciency may be calculated by the following formula.
the alkylenating agent stream, in some embodiments, com Process Efficiency-2NH4Niro +Nuctio+Napo
prises less than 50 wt % acetic acid, e.g., less than 45 wt %,
less than 25 wt %, less than 10 wt %, less than 5 wt %, less where:
than 3 wt %, or less than 1 wt %. Surprisingly and unexpect N is the molar production rate of acrylate products:
edly, the present invention provides for the lower amounts of and
acetic acid in the alkylenating agent stream, which, benefi 25 Note, Nacio, and Naro are the molar feed rates of acetic
cially reduces or eliminates the need for further treatment of acid, formaldehyde, and water.
the alkylenating agent stream to remove acetic acid. In some Production of Acrylate Products
embodiments, the alkylenating agent stream may be treated to Any suitable reaction and/or separation scheme may be
remove water therefrom, e.g., to purge water. employed to form the crude product stream as long as the
In some embodiments, the alkylenating agent split is per 30 reaction provides the crude product stream components that
formed in at least one column, e.g., at least two columns or at are discussed above. For example, in Some embodiments, the
least three columns. Preferably, the alkylenating agent is per acrylate product stream is formed by contacting an alkanoic
formed in a two column system. In other embodiments, the acid, e.g., acetic acid, or an ester thereof with an alkylenating
alkylenating agent split is performed via contact with an agent, e.g., a methylenating agent, for example formalde
extraction agent. In other embodiments, the alkylenating 35 hyde, under conditions effective to form the crude acrylate
agent split is performed via precipitation methods, e.g., crys product stream. Preferably, the contacting is performed over
tallization, and/or azeotropic distillation. Of course, other a suitable catalyst. The crude product stream may be the
Suitable separation methods may be employed either alone or reaction product of the alkanoic acid-alkylenating agent reac
in combination with the methods mentioned herein. tion. In a preferred embodiment, the crude product stream is
The intermediate product stream comprises acrylate prod 40 the reaction product of the aldol condensation reaction of
ucts. In one embodiment, the intermediate product stream acetic acid and formaldehyde, which is conducted over a
comprises a significant portion of acrylate products, e.g., catalyst comprising Vanadium and titanium. In one embodi
acrylic acid. For example, the intermediate product stream ment, the crude product stream is the product of a reaction in
may comprise at least 5 wt % acrylate products, e.g., at least wherein methanol with acetic acid are combined to generate
25 wt %, at least 40 wt %, at least 50 wt %, or at least 60 wt %. 45 formaldehyde in situ. The aldol condensation then follows. In
In terms of ranges, the intermediate product stream may one embodiment, a methanol-formaldehyde Solution is
comprise from 5 wt % to 99 wt % acrylate products, e.g. from reacted with acetic acid to form the crude product stream.
10 wt % to 90 wt %, from 25 wt % to 75 wt %, or from 35 wt The alkanoic acid, or an ester of the alkanoic acid, may be
% to 65 wt %. The intermediate product stream, in one of the formula R CH COOR, where R and Rare each,
embodiment, comprises little if any alkylenating agent. For 50 independently, hydrogen or a saturated or unsaturated alkyl or
example, the intermediate product stream may comprise less aryl group. As an example, R and R' may be a lower alkyl
than 1 wt % alkylenating agent, e.g., less than 0.1 wt % group containing for example 1-4 carbon atoms. In one
alkylenating agent, less than 0.05 wt %, or less than 0.01 wt embodiment, an alkanoic acid anhydride may be used as the
%. In addition to the acrylate products, the intermediate prod Source of the alkanoic acid. In one embodiment, the reaction
uct stream optionally comprises acetic acid, water, propionic 55 is conducted in the presence of an alcohol, preferably the
acid and other components. alcohol that corresponds to the desired ester, e.g., methanol.
In some cases, the intermediate acrylate product stream In addition to reactions used in the production of acrylic acid,
comprises higher amounts of alkylenating agent. For the inventive catalyst, in other embodiments, may be
example, in one embodiment, the intermediate acrylate prod employed to catalyze other reactions.
uct stream comprises from 1 wt % to 50 wt % alkylenating 60 The alkanoic acid, e.g., acetic acid, may be derived from
agent, e.g., from 1 wt % to 10 wt % or from 5 wt % to 50 wt any Suitable source including natural gas, petroleum, coal,
%. Interms of limits, the intermediate acrylate product stream biomass, and so forth. As examples, acetic acid may be pro
may comprise at least 1 wt % alkylenating agent, e.g., at least duced via methanol carbonylation, acetaldehyde oxidation,
5 wt % or at least 10 wt %. ethylene oxidation, oxidative fermentation, and anaerobic
In one embodiment, the crude product stream is optionally 65 fermentation. As petroleum and natural gas prices fluctuate,
treated, e.g. separated, prior to the separation of alkylenating becoming either more or less expensive, methods for produc
agent therefrom. In such cases, the treatment(s) occur before ing acetic acid and intermediates Such as methanol and car
US 8,658,823 B2
7 8
bon monoxide from alternate carbon Sources have drawn alkanoic acid, e.g., acetic acid, to form an unsaturated acid,
increasing interest. In particular, when petroleum is relatively e.g., acrylic acid, or an alkyl acrylate. In preferred embodi
expensive compared to natural gas, it may become advanta ments, the alkylenating agent comprises a methylenating
geous to produce acetic acid from Synthesis gas (“syngas) agent Such as formaldehyde, which preferably is capable of
that is derived from any available carbon source. U.S. Pat. No. adding a methylene group (=CH-) to the organic acid. Other
6,232,352, which is hereby incorporated by reference, for alkylenating agents may include, for example, acetaldehyde,
example, teaches a method of retrofitting a methanol plant for propanal, butanal, aryl aldehydes, benzyl aldehydes, alco
the manufacture of acetic acid. By retrofitting a methanol hols, and combinations thereof. This listing is not exclusive
plant, the large capital costs associated with carbon monoxide and is not meant to limit the scope of the invention. In one
generation for a new acetic acid plant are significantly 10
embodiment, an alcohol may serve as a source of the alky
reduced or largely eliminated. All or part of the Syn gas is lenating agent. For example, the alcohol may be reacted in
diverted from the methanol synthesis loop and supplied to a situ to form the alkylenating agent, e.g., the aldehyde.
separator unit to recover carbon monoxide and hydrogen, The alkylenating agent, e.g., formaldehyde, may be
which are then used to produce acetic acid.
In some embodiments, at least some of the raw materials 15 derived from any Suitable source. Exemplary sources may
for the above-described aldol condensation process may be include, for example, aqueous formaldehyde solutions, anhy
derived partially or entirely from Syngas. For example, the drous formaldehyde derived from a formaldehyde drying pro
acetic acid may be formed from methanol and carbon mon cedure, trioxane, diether of methylene glycol, and paraform
oxide, both of which may be derived from syngas. For aldehyde. In a preferred embodiment, the formaldehyde is
example, the methanol may be formed by Steam reforming produced via a methanol oxidation process, which reacts
syngas, and the carbon monoxide may be separated from methanol and oxygen to yield the formaldehyde.
syngas. In other embodiments, the methanol may be formed In other embodiments, the alkylenating agent is a com
in a carbon monoxide unit, e.g., as described in EP2076480; pound that is a source of formaldehyde. Where forms of
EP1923.380; EP2072490, EP1914219; EP1904426; formaldehyde that are not as freely or weakly complexed are
EP2072487; EO2072492; EP2072486; EP2060553; 25 used, the formaldehyde will form in situ in the condensation
EP1741692; EP1907344; EP2060555; EP2186787; reactor or in a separate reactor prior to the condensation
EP2072488; and U.S. Pat. No. 7,842,844, which are hereby reactor. Thus for example, trioxane may be decomposed over
incorporated by reference. Of course, this listing of methanol an inert material or in an empty tube at temperatures over
Sources is merely exemplary and is not meant to be limiting. 350° C. or over an acid catalyst at over 100° C. to form the
In addition, the above-identified methanol sources, interalia, 30 formaldehyde.
may be used to form the formaldehyde, e.g., in situ, which, in In one embodiment, the alkylenating agent corresponds to
turn may be reacted with the acetic acid to form the acrylic Formula I.
acid. The Syngas, in turn, may be derived from variety of
carbon Sources. The carbon Source, for example, may be
selected from the group consisting of natural gas, oil, petro 35 XR5 X
leum, coal, biomass, and combinations thereof. C
Methanol carbonylation processes suitable for production $1. R6
of acetic acid are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,208,624,
7,115,772, 7,005,541, 6,657,078, 6,627,770, 6,143,930,
5,599,976, 5,144,068, 5,026,908, 5,001,259, and 4,994,608, 40 In this formula, Rs and R may be independently selected
all of which are hereby incorporated by reference. from C-C2 hydrocarbons, preferably, C-C alkyl, alkenyl
U.S. Pat. No. RE 35,377, which is hereby incorporated by oraryl, or hydrogen. Preferably, Rs and Rare independently
reference, provides a method for the production of methanol C-C alkyl or hydrogen, with methyl and/or hydrogen being
by conversion of carbonaceous materials such as oil, coal, most preferred. X may be either oxygen or sulfur, preferably
natural gas and biomass materials. The process includes 45 oxygen; and n is an integer from 1 to 10, preferably 1 to 3. In
hydrogasification of Solid and/or liquid carbonaceous mate Some embodiments, m is 1 or 2, preferably 1.
rials to obtain a process gas which is steam pyrolized with In one embodiment, the compound of formula I may be the
additional natural gas to form syngas. The Syngas is con product of an equilibrium reaction between formaldehyde
verted to methanol which may be carbonylated to acetic acid. and methanol in the presence of water. In Such a case, the
U.S. Pat. No. 5,821,111, which discloses a process for con 50 compound of formula I may be a suitable formaldehyde
Verting waste biomass through gasification into syngas, as Source. In one embodiment, the formaldehyde source
well as U.S. Pat. No. 6,685,754 are hereby incorporated by includes any equilibrium composition. Examples of formal
reference. dehyde sources include but are not restricted to methylal (1.1
In one optional embodiment, the acetic acid that is utilized dimethoxymethane); polyoxymethylenes —(CH-O),
in the condensation reaction comprises acetic acid and may 55 wherein i is from 1 to 100; formalin; and other equilibrium
also comprise other carboxylic acids, e.g., propionic acid, compositions such as a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol,
esters, and anhydrides, as well as acetaldehyde and acetone. and methyl propionate. In one embodiment, the source of
In one embodiment, the acetic acid fed to the condensation formaldehyde is selected from the group consisting of 1.1
reaction comprises propionic acid. For example, the acetic dimethoxymethane; higher formals of formaldehyde and
acid fed to the reaction may comprise from 0.001 wt % to 15 60 methanol; and CH-O-(CH2—O), CH where i is 2.
wt % propionic acid, e.g., from 0.001 wt % to 0.11 wt %, from The alkylenating agent may be used with or without an
0.125 wt % to 12.5 wt %, from 1.25 wt % to 11.25 wt %, or organic or inorganic solvent.
from 3.75 wt % to 8.75 wt %. Thus, the acetic acid feed stream The term “formalin.” refers to a mixture of formaldehyde,
may be a cruder acetic acid feed stream, e.g., a less-refined methanol, and water. In one embodiment, formalin comprises
acetic acid feed stream. 65 from 25 wt % to 65% formaldehyde; from 0.01 wt % to 25 wt
As used herein, “alkylenating agent’ means an aldehyde or % methanol; and from 25 wt % to 70 wt % water. In cases
precursor to an aldehyde suitable for reacting with the where a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol, and methyl pro
US 8,658,823 B2
9 10
pionate is used, the mixture comprises less than 10 wt % of alkylenating agent, e.g., at least 20% higher or at least 30%
water, e.g., less than 5 wt % or less than 1 wt %. higher. In other embodiments, the reaction of the alkanoic
In some embodiments, the condensation reaction may acid and the alkylenating agent is conducted with a stoichio
achieve favorable conversion of acetic acid and favorable metric excess of alkylenating agent.
selectivity and productivity to acrylates. For purposes of the The condensation reaction may be conducted at a tempera
present invention, the term “conversion” refers to the amount ture of at least 250° C., e.g., at least 300° C., or at least 350°
ofacetic acid in the feed that is converted to a compound other C. In terms of ranges, the reaction temperature may range
than acetic acid. Conversion is expressed as a percentage from 200° C. to 500° C., e.g., from 250° C. to 400° C., or from
based on acetic acid in the feed. The conversion of acetic acid
may beat least 10%, e.g., at least 20%, at least 40%, or at least 10
250° C. to 350° C. Residence time in the reactor may range
50%. from 1 second to 200 seconds, e.g., from 1 second to 100
Selectivity, as it refers to the formation of acrylate product, seconds. Reaction pressure is not particularly limited, and the
is expressed as the ratio of the amount of carbon in the desired reaction is typically performed near atmospheric pressure. In
product(s) and the amount of carbon in the total products. one embodiment, the reaction may be conducted at a pressure
This ratio may be multiplied by 100 to arrive at the selectivity. 15 ranging from 0 kPa to 4100 kPa, e.g., from 3 kPa to 345 kPa,
Preferably, the catalyst selectivity to acrylate products, e.g., or from 6 to 103 kPa. The acetic acid conversion, in some
acrylic acid and methyl acrylate, is at least 40 mol%, e.g., at embodiments, may vary depending upon the reaction tem
least 50 mol %, at least 60 mol %, or at least 70 mol%. In perature.
some embodiments, the selectivity to acrylic acid is at least 30 In one embodiment, the reaction is conducted at a gas
mol %, e.g., at least 40 mol%, or at least 50 mol%; and/or the hourly space velocity ("GHSV) greater than 600 hr', e.g.,
selectivity to methyl acrylate is at least 10 mol%, e.g., at least greater than 1000 hr' or greater than 2000 hr'. In one
15 mol %, or at least 20 mol%. embodiment, the GHSV ranges from 600 hr' to 10000 hr',
The terms “productivity” or “space time yield' as used e.g., from 1000 hr' to 8000 hr' or from 1500 hr' to 7500
herein, refers to the grams of a specified product, e.g., acrylate hr'. As one particular example, when GHSV is at least 2000
products, formed per hour during the condensation based on 25 hr', the acrylate product STY may be at least 150 g/hr/liter.
the liters of catalyst used. A productivity of at least 20 grams Water may be present in the reactor in amounts up to 60 wt
of acrylate product per liter catalyst per hour, e.g., at least 40 %, by weight of the reaction mixture, e.g., up to 50 wt % or up
grams of acrylates per liter catalyst per hour or at least 100 to 40 wt %. Water, however, is preferably reduced due to its
grams of acrylates per liter catalyst per hour, is preferred. In negative effect on process rates and separation costs.
terms of ranges, the productivity preferably is from 20 to 500 30 In one embodiment, an inert or reactive gas is Supplied to
grams of acrylates per liter catalyst per hour, e.g., from 20 to the reactant stream. Examples of inert gases include, but are
200 grams of acrylates per liter catalyst per hour or from 40 to not limited to, nitrogen, helium, argon, and methane.
140 grams of acrylates per liter catalyst per hour. Examples of reactive gases or vapors include, but are not
In one embodiment, the inventive process yields at least limited to, oxygen, carbon oxides, Sulfur oxides, and alkyl
1,800 kg/hr of finished acrylic acid, e.g., at least 3,500 kg/hr, 35 halides. When reactive gases such as oxygen are added to the
at least 18,000 kg/hr, or at least 37,000 kg/hr. reactor, these gases, in Some embodiments, may be added in
Preferred embodiments of the inventive process demon stages throughout the catalyst bed at desired levels as well as
strate a low selectivity to undesirable products, such as carbon feeding with the other feed components at the beginning of
monoxide and carbon dioxide. The selectivity to these unde the reactors. The addition of these additional components
sirable products preferably is less than 29%, e.g., less than 40 may improve reaction efficiencies.
25% or less than 15%. More preferably, these undesirable In one embodiment, the unreacted components such as the
products are not detectable. Formation of alkanes, e.g., alkanoic acid and formaldehyde as well as the inert or reactive
ethane, may below, and ideally less than 2%, less than 1%, or gases that remain are recycled to the reactor after Sufficient
less than 0.5% of the acetic acid passed over the catalyst is separation from the desired product.
converted to alkanes, which have little value other than as 45 When the desired product is an unsaturated ester made by
fuel. reacting an ester of an alkanoic acid ester with formaldehyde,
The alkanoic acid or ester thereof and alkylenating agent the alcohol corresponding to the ester may also be fed to the
may be fed independently or after prior mixing to a reactor reactor either with or separately to the other components. For
containing the catalyst. The reactor may be any suitable reac example, when methyl acrylate is desired, methanol may be
tor or combination of reactors. Preferably, the reactor com 50 fed to the reactor. The alcohol, amongst other effects, reduces
prises a fixed bed reactor or a series of fixed bed reactors. In the quantity of acids leaving the reactor. It is not necessary
one embodiment, the reactor is a packed bed reactor or a that the alcohol is added at the beginning of the reactor and it
series of packed bed reactors. In one embodiment, the reactor may for instance be added in the middle or near the back, in
is a fixed bed reactor. Of course, other reactors such as a order to effect the conversion of acids Such as propionic acid,
continuous stirred tank reactor or a fluidized bed reactor, may 55 methacrylic acid to their respective esters without depressing
be employed. catalyst activity. In one embodiment, the alcohol may be
In some embodiments, the alkanoic acid, e.g., acetic acid, added downstream of the reactor.
and the alkylenating agent, e.g., formaldehyde, are fed to the Catalyst Composition
reactor at a molar ratio of at least 0.10:1, e.g., at least 0.75:1 The catalyst may be any suitable catalyst composition. As
or at least 1:1. In terms of ranges the molar ratio of alkanoic 60 one example, condensation catalyst consisting of mixed
acid to alkylenating agent may range from 0.10:1 to 10:1 or oxides of Vanadium and phosphorus have been investigated
from 0.75:1 to 5:1. In some embodiments, the reaction of the and described in M. Ai, J. Catal., 107, 201 (1987); M. Ai, J.
alkanoic acid and the alkylenating agent is conducted with a Catal., 124, 293 (1990); M. Ai, Appl. Catal., 36, 221 (1988);
Stoichiometric excess of alkanoic acid. In these instances, and M. Ai, Shokubai, 29, 522 (1987). Other examples include
acrylate selectivity may be improved. As an example the 65 binary vanadium-titanium phosphates, Vanadium-silica
acrylate selectivity may be at least 10% higher than a selec phosphates, and alkali metal-promoted silicas, e.g., cesium
tivity achieved when the reaction is conducted with an excess or potassium-promoted silicas.
US 8,658,823 B2
11 12
In a preferred embodiment, the inventive process employs titanium, oxide additive, and optionally phosphorous and
a catalyst composition comprising Vanadium, titanium, and oxygen, in the amounts indicated above (wherein the molar
optionally at least one oxide additive. The oxide additive(s), if ranges indicated are without regard to the moles of catalyst
present, are preferably present in the active phase of the Support, including any Vanadium, titanium, oxide additive,
catalyst. In one embodiment, the oxide additive(s) are phosphorous or oxygen contained in the catalyst Support).
selected from the group consisting of silica, alumina, Zirco The total weight of the support (or modified support), based
nia, and mixtures thereof or any other metal oxide other than on the total weight of the catalyst, preferably is from 75 wt.%
metal oxides of titanium or vanadium. Preferably, the molar to 99.9 wt.%, e.g., from 78 wt.% to 97 wt.% or from 80 wt.
ratio of oxide additive to titanium in the active phase of the % to 95 wt.%. The support may vary widely. In one embodi
catalyst composition is greater than 0.05:1, e.g., greater than 10 ment, the Support material is selected from the group consist
0.1:1, greater than 0.5:1, or greater than 1:1. In terms of ing of silica, alumina, Zirconia, titania, aluminosilicates,
ranges, the molar ratio of oxide additive to titanium in the Zeolitic materials, mixed metal oxides (including but not lim
inventive catalyst may range from 0.05:1 to 20:1, e.g., from ited to binary oxides such as SiO Al-O, SiO, TiO,
0.1:1 to 10:1, or from 1:1 to 10:1. In these embodiments, the SiO, ZnO, SiO, MgO, SiO, ZrO. Al-O, MgO,
catalyst comprises titanium, Vanadium, and one or more 15 Al-O. TiO, Al2O, ZnO, TiO, MgO, TiO ZrO2.
oxide additives and have relatively high molar ratios of oxide TiO, ZnO, TiO, SnO) and mixtures thereof, with silica
additive to titanium. being one preferred Support. In embodiments where the cata
In other embodiments, the catalyst may further comprise lyst comprises a titania Support, the titania Support may com
other compounds or elements (metals and/or non-metals). For prise a major or minor amount of rutile and/or anatase tita
example, the catalyst may further comprise phosphorus and/ nium dioxide. Other Suitable Support materials may include,
or oxygen. In these cases, the catalyst may comprise from 15 for example, stable metal oxide-based Supports or ceramic
wt % to 45 wt % phosphorus, e.g., from 20 wt % to 35 wt % based supports. Preferred Supports include silicaceous Sup
or from 23 wt % to 27 wt %; and/or from 30 wt % to 75 wt % ports, such as silica, Silica/alumina, a Group IIA silicate Such
oxygen, e.g., from 35 wt % to 65 wt % or from 48 wt.% to 51 as calcium metasilicate, pyrogenic silica, high purity silica,
wt %. 25 silicon carbide, sheet Silicates or clay minerals such as mont
In Some embodiments, the catalyst further comprises addi morillonite, beidellite, saponite, pillared clays, other
tional metals and/or oxide additives. These additional metals microporous and mesoporous materials, and mixtures
and/or oxide additives may function as promoters. If present, thereof. Other supports may include, but are not limited to,
the additional metals and/or oxide additives may be selected iron oxide, magnesia, Steatite, magnesium oxide, carbon,
from the group consisting of copper, molybdenum, tungsten, 30 graphite, high Surface area graphitized carbon, activated car
nickel, niobium, and combinations thereof. Other exemplary bons, and mixtures thereof. These listings of Supports are
promoters that may be included in the catalyst of the invention merely exemplary and are not meant to limit the scope of the
include lithium, Sodium, magnesium, aluminum, chromium, present invention.
manganese, iron, cobalt, calcium, yttrium, ruthenium, silver, In some embodiments, a Zeolitic Support is employed. For
tin, barium, lanthanum, the rare earth metals, hafnium, tanta 35 example, the Zeolitic Support may be selected from the group
lum, rhenium, thorium, bismuth, antimony, germanium, Zir consisting of montmorillonite, NH ferrierite, H-mordenite
conium, uranium, cesium, Zinc, and silicon and mixtures PVOx, vermiculite-1, H-ZSM5, NaY, H-SDUSY, Y Zeolite
thereof. Other modifiers include boron, gallium, arsenic, sul with high SAR, activated bentonite, H-USY, MONT-2, HY,
fur, halides, Lewis acids such as BF, ZnBr, and SnCl4. mordenite SAR 20, SAPO-34, Aluminosilicate (X), VUSY,
Exemplary processes for incorporating promoters into cata 40 Aluminosilicate (CaX), Re Y, and mixtures thereof.
lyst are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,364,824, the entirety of H-SDUSY, VUSY, and H-USY are modified Y Zeolites
which is incorporated herein by reference. belonging to the faujasite family. In one embodiment, the
If the catalyst comprises additional metal(s) and/or metal Support is a Zeolite that does not contain any metal oxide
oxides(s), the catalyst optionally may comprise additional modifier(s). In some embodiments, the catalyst composition
metals and/or metal oxides in an amount from 0.001 wt % to 45 comprises a Zeolitic Support and the active phase comprises a
30 wt %, e.g., from 0.01 wt % to 5 wt % or from 0.1 wt % to metal selected from the group consisting of Vanadium, alu
5 wt %. If present, the promoters may enable the catalyst to minum, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, tungsten, Zinc,
have a weight/weight space time yield of at least 25 grams of copper, titanium cesium bismuth, Sodium, calcium, chro
acrylic acid/gram catalyst-h, e.g., least 50 grams of acrylic mium, cadmium, Zirconium, and mixtures thereof. In some of
acid/gram catalyst-h, or at least 100 grams of acrylic acid/ 50 these embodiments, the active phase may also comprise
gram catalyst-h. hydrogen, oxygen, and/or phosphorus.
In some embodiments, the catalyst is unsupported. In these In other embodiments, in addition to the active phase and a
cases, the catalyst may comprise a homogeneous mixture or a Support, the inventive catalyst may further comprise a Support
heterogeneous mixture as described above. In one embodi modifier. A modified Support, in one embodiment, relates to a
ment, the homogeneous mixture is the product of an intimate 55 Support that includes a Support material and a Support modi
mixture of Vanadium and titanium oxides, hydroxides, and fier, which, for example, may adjust the chemical or physical
phosphates resulting from preparative methods such as con properties of the Support material Such as the acidity or basic
trolled hydrolysis of metal alkoxides or metal complexes. In ity of the Support material. In embodiments that use a modi
other embodiments, the heterogeneous mixture is the product fied Support, the Support modifier is present in an amount
of a physical mixture of the Vanadium and titanium phos 60 from 0.1 wt.% to 50 wt.%, e.g., from 0.2 wt.% to 25 wt.%,
phates. These mixtures may include formulations prepared from 0.5 wt.% to 15 wt.%, or from 1 wt.% to 8 wt.%, based
from phosphorylating a physical mixture of preformed on the total weight of the catalyst composition.
hydrous metal oxides. In other cases, the mixture(s) may In one embodiment, the Support modifier is an acidic Sup
include a mixture of preformed Vanadium pyrophosphate and port modifier. In some embodiments, the catalyst Support is
titanium pyrophosphate powders. 65 modified with an acidic support modifier. The support modi
In another embodiment, the catalyst is a Supported catalyst fier similarly may be an acidic modifier that has a low vola
comprising a catalyst Support in addition to the Vanadium, tility or little volatility. The acidic modifiers may be selected
US 8,658,823 B2
13 14
from the group consisting of oxides of Group IVB metals, 200° C. to 600° C., e.g., from 250° C. to 500° C. or from 340°
oxides of Group VB metals, oxides of Group VIB metals, iron C. to 425°C. Alternatively, a vaporizer may not be employed
oxides, aluminum oxides, and mixtures thereof. In one and the reactants may be fed directly to reactor 106.
embodiment, the acidic modifier may be selected from the Any feed that is not vaporized may be removed from vapor
group consisting of WO, MoC), FeOs, CrOs. V-Os, 5 izer 112 and may be recycled or discarded. In addition,
MnO, CuO, CoO, BiO, TiO, ZrO, NbOs, Ta-Os. although line 114 is shown as being directed to the upper half
Al-O. B.O. P.O.s, and SbO. of reactor 106, line 114 may be directed to the middle or
In another embodiment, the Support modifier is a basic bottom of first reactor 106. Further modifications and addi
Support modifier. The presence of chemical species such as tional components to reaction Zone 102 and alkylenating
alkali and alkaline earth metals, are normally considered 10 agent split Zone 132 are described below.
basic and may conventionally be considered detrimental to Reactor 106 contains the catalyst that is used in the reaction
catalyst performance. The presence of these species, how
ever, Surprisingly and unexpectedly, may be beneficial to the to form crude product stream, which is withdrawn, preferably
catalyst performance. In some embodiments, these species continuously, from reactor 106 via line 116. Although FIG. 1
may act as catalyst promoters or a necessary part of the acidic 15 shows the crude product stream being withdrawn from the
catalyst structure such in layered or sheet silicates Such as bottom of reactor 106, the crude product stream may be
montmorillonite. Without being bound by theory, it is postu withdrawn from any portion of reactor 106. Exemplary com
lated that these cations create a strong dipole with species that position ranges for the crude product stream are shown in
create acidity. Table 1 above.
Additional modifiers that may be included in the catalyst 20 In one embodiment, one or more guard beds (not shown)
include, for example, boron, aluminum, magnesium, Zirco may be used upstream of the reactor to protect the catalyst
nium, and hafnium. from poisons or undesirable impurities contained in the feed
As will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art, or return/recycle streams. Such guard beds may be employed
the Support materials, if included in the catalyst of the present in the vapor or liquid streams. Suitable guard bed materials
invention, preferably are selected Such that the catalyst sys- 25 may include, for example, carbon, silica, alumina, ceramic, or
tem is suitably active, selective and robust under the process resins. In one aspect, the guard bed media is functionalized,
conditions employed for the formation of the desired product, e.g., silver functionalized, to trap particular species such as
e.g., acrylic acid or alkyl acrylate. Also, the active metals Sulfur or halogens.
and/or pyrophosphates that are included in the catalyst of the The crude product stream in line 116 is fed to alkylenating
invention may be dispersed throughout the Support, coated on 30 agent split unit 132. Alkylenating agent split unit 132 may
the outer Surface of the Support (egg shell) or decorated on the comprise one or more separation units, e.g., two or more or
surface of the support. In some embodiments, in the case of three or more. In one example, the alkylenating agent split
macro- and meso-porous materials, the active sites may be unit contains multiple columns, as shown in FIG. 3. Alky
anchored or applied to the surfaces of the pores that are lenating agent split unit 132 separates the crude product
distributed throughout the particle and hence are surface sites 35 stream into at least one intermediate acrylate product stream,
available to the reactants but are distributed throughout the which exits via line 118 and at least one alkylenating agent
Support particle. stream, which exits via line 120. Exemplary compositional
The inventive catalyst may further comprise other addi ranges for the intermediate acrylate product stream are shown
tives, examples of which may include: molding assistants for in Table 2. Components other than those listed in Table 2 may
enhancing moldability; reinforcements for enhancing the 40 also be present in the intermediate acrylate product stream.
strength of the catalyst; pore-forming or pore modification Examples include methanol, methyl acetate, methyl acrylate,
agents for formation of appropriate pores in the catalyst, and dimethyl ketone, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen,
binders. Examples of these other additives include stearic nitrogen, and acetone.
acid, graphite, starch, cellulose, silica, alumina, glass fibers,
silicon carbide, and silicon nitride. Preferably, these additives 45 TABLE 2
do not have detrimental effects on the catalytic performances, INTERMEDIATEACRYLATE PRODUCT
e.g., conversion and/or activity. These various additives may STREAM COMPOSITION
be added in Such an amount that the physical strength of the
catalyst does not readily deteriorate to Such an extent that it Conc. (wt %) Conc. (wt %) Conc. (wt %)
becomes impossible to use the catalyst practically as an 50 Acrylic Acid at least 5 S to 99 35 to 65
industrial catalyst. Acetic Acid less than 95 S to 90 20 to 60
Separation Water less than 25 O.1 to 10 O.S to 7
As discussed above, the crude product stream is separated Alkylenating Agent
Propionic Acid
O.O1 to 5
O.O1 to 1
to yield an intermediate acrylate product stream. FIG. 1 is a
flow diagram depicting the formation of the crude product 55
stream and the separation thereof to obtain an intermediate In other embodiments, the intermediate acrylate product
acrylate product stream. Acrylate product system 100 com stream comprises higher amounts of alkylenating agent. For
prises reaction Zone 102 and alkylenating agent split Zone example, the intermediate acrylate product stream may com
132. Reaction Zone 102 comprises reactor 106, alkanoic acid prise from 1 wt % to 10 wt % alkylenating agent, e.g., from 1
feed, e.g., acetic acid feed, 108, alkylenating agent feed, e.g., 60 wt % to 8wt % or from 2 wt % to 5 wt.%. In one embodiment,
formaldehyde feed 110, and vaporizer 112. the intermediate acrylate product stream comprises greater
Acetic acid and formaldehyde are fed to vaporizer 112 via than 1 wt % alkylenating agent, e.g., greater than 5 wt % or
lines 108 and 110, respectively, to create a vapor feed stream, greater than 10 wt %.
which exits vaporizer 112 via line 114 and is directed to Exemplary compositional ranges for the alkylenating
reactor 106. In one embodiment, lines 108 and 110 may be 65 agent stream are shown in Table 3. Components other than
combined and jointly fed to the vaporizer 112. The tempera those listed in Table 3 may also be present in the purified
ture of the vapor feed stream in line 114 is preferably from alkylate product stream. Examples include methanol, methyl
US 8,658,823 B2
15 16
acetate, methyl acrylate, dimethyl ketone, carbon dioxide, azeotropic distillation, which employs an azeotropic agent. In
carbon monoxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and acetone. these cases, the azeotropic agent may be selected from the
group consisting of methyl isobutylketene, o-Xylene, toluene,
TABLE 3 benzene, n-hexane, cyclohexane, p-Xylene, and mixtures
thereof. This listing is not exclusive and is not meant to limit
the scope of the invention. In another embodiment, the alky
Conc. (wt %) Conc. (wt %) Conc. (wt %) lenating agent split is performed via a combination of distil
Acrylic Acid less than 15 O.O1 to 10 O.1 to 5 lation, e.g., standard distillation, and crystallization. Of
Acetic Acid 10 to 65 20 to 65 25 to 55
course, other Suitable separation devices may be employed
Water 15 to 75 25 to 65 30 to 60 either alone or in combination with the devices mentioned
Alkylenating Agent at least 1 1 to 75 10 to 20 herein.
Propionic Acid <10 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
In FIG. 2, alkylenating agent split unit 232 comprises first
column 244 and second column 246. Alkylenating agent split
In other embodiments, the alkylenating stream comprises 15 unit 232 receives crude acrylic product stream in line 216 and
lower amounts of acetic acid. For example, the alkylenating separates same into at least one alkylenating agent stream,
agent stream may comprise less than 10 wt % acetic acid, e.g., e.g., stream 248, and at least one purified product stream, e.g.,
less than 5 wt % or less than 1 wt %. stream 242. Alkylenating agent split unit 232 performs an
As mentioned above, the crude product stream of the alkylenating agent split, as discussed above.
present invention comprises little, if any, furfural and/or In operation, as shown in FIG. 2, the crude product stream
acrolein. As such the derivative stream(s) of the crude product in line 216 is directed to first column 244. First column 244
streams will comprise little, if any, furfural and/or acrolein. In separates the crude product stream a distillate in line 240 and
one embodiment, the derivative stream(s), e.g., the streams of a residue in line 242. The distillate may be refluxed and the
the separation Zone, comprises less than less than 500wppm residue may be boiled up as shown. Stream 240 comprises at
acrolein, e.g., less than 100 wppm, less than 50wppm, or less 25 least 1 wt % alkylenating agent. As such, stream 240 may be
than 10 wppm. In one embodiment, the derivative stream(s) considered an alkylenating agent stream. The first column
comprises less than less than 500 wppm furfural, e.g., less residue exits first column 244 in line 242 and comprises a
than 100 wppm, less than 50 wppm, or less than 10 wippm. significant portion of acrylate product. As such, stream 242 is
FIG. 2 shows an overview of a reaction/separation scheme an intermediate product stream. Exemplary compositional
in accordance with the present invention. Acrylate product 30
ranges for the distillate and residue of first column 244 are
system 200 comprises reaction Zone 202 and separation Zone shown in Table 4. Components other than those listed in Table
204. Reaction Zone 202 comprises reactor 206, alkanoic acid 4 may also be present in the residue and distillate.
feed, e.g., acetic acid feed, 208, alkylenating agent feed, e.g.,
formaldehyde feed, 210, vaporizer 212, and line 214. Reac TABLE 4
tion Zone 202 and the components thereof function in a man 35
ner similar to reaction Zone 102 of FIG. 1. FIRST COLUMN
Reaction Zone 202 yields a crude product stream, which
exits reaction Zone 202 via line 216 and is directed to sepa Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%)
ration Zone 204. The components of the crude product stream Distillate
are discussed above. Separation Zone 204 comprises alky 40
lenating agent split unit 232, acrylate product split unit 234, Acrylic Acid
Acetic Acid
O.1 to 20
25 to 65
1 to 10
35 to 55
1 to 5
40 to SO
acetic acid split unit 236, and drying unit 238. Separation Water 15 to 55 25 to 45 30 to 40
Zone 204 may also comprise an optional light ends removal Alkylenating Agent at least 1 1 to 75 10 to 20
unit (not shown). For example, the light ends removal unit Propionic Acid <10 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
may comprise a condenser and/or a flasher. The light ends 45 Residue
removal unit may be configured either upstream or down Acrylic Acid at least 5 S to 99 35 to 65
stream of the alkylenating agent split unit. Depending on the Acetic Acid less than 95 S to 90 20 to 60
configuration, the light ends removal unit removes light ends Water less than 25 O.1 to 10 O.S to 7
from the crude product stream, the alkylenating stream, and/ Alkylenating Agent <1 <O.S <0.1
Propionic Acid <10 O.O1 to 5 O.O1 to 1
or the intermediate acrylate product stream. In one embodi 50
ment, when the light ends are removed, the remaining liquid
phase comprises the acrylic acid, acetic acid, alkylenating In one embodiments, the first distillate comprises smaller
agent, and/or water. amounts of acetic acid, e.g., less than 25 wt %, less than 10 wit
Alkylenating agent split unit 232 may comprise any Suit %, e.g., less than 5 wt % or less than 1 wt.%. In one embodi
able separation device or combination of separation devices. 55 ment, the first residue comprises larger amounts of alkylena
For example, alkylenating agent split unit 232 may comprise ting agent, e.g.,
a column, e.g., a standard distillation column, an extractive In other embodiments, the intermediate acrylate product
distillation column and/or an azeotropic distillation column. stream comprises higher amounts of alkylenating agent, e.g.,
In other embodiments, alkylenating agent split unit 232 com greater than 1 wt % greater than 5 wt % or greater than 10 wt
prises a precipitation unit, e.g., a crystallizer and/or a chiller. 60 %.
Preferably, alkylenating agent split unit 232 comprises two For convenience, the distillate and residue of the first col
standard distillation columns. In another embodiment, the umn may also be referred to as the “first distillate' or “first
alkylenating agent split is performed by contacting the crude residue.” The distillates or residues of the other columns may
product stream with a solvent that is immiscible with water. also be referred to with similar numeric modifiers (second,
For example alkylenating agent split unit 232 may comprise 65 third, etc.) in order to distinguish them from one another, but
at least one liquid-liquid extraction columns. In another Such modifiers should not be construed as requiring any par
embodiment, the alkylenating agent split is performed via ticular separation order.
US 8,658,823 B2
17 18
In one embodiment, polymerization inhibitors and/or anti In one embodiment, the alkylenating agent split is achieved
foam agents may be employed in the separation Zone, e.g., in via one or more liquid-liquid extraction units. Preferably, the
the units of the separation Zone. The inhibitors may be used to one or more liquid-liquid extraction units employ one or more
reduce the potential for fouling caused by polymerization of extraction agents. Multiple liquid-liquid extraction units may
acrylates. The anti-foam agents may be used to reduce poten be employed to achieve the alkylenating agent split. Any
tial for foaming in the various streams of the separation Zone. suitable liquid-liquid extraction devices used for multiple
The polymerization inhibitors and/or the anti-foam agents equilibrium stage separations may be used. Also, other sepa
may be used at one or more locations in the separation Zone.
Returning to FIG. 2, at least a portion of stream 240 is ration devices, e.g., traditional columns, may be employed in
directed to second column 246. Second column 246 separates 10
conjunction with the liquid-liquid extraction unit(s).
the at least a portion of stream 240 into a distillate in line 248 In one embodiment (not shown), the crude product stream
and a residue in line 250. The distillate may be refluxed and is fed to a liquid-liquid extraction column where the crude
the residue may be boiled up as shown. The distillate com product stream is contacted with an extraction agent, e.g., an
prises at least 1 wt % alkylenating agent. Stream 248, like organic solvent. The liquid-liquid extraction column extracts
stream 240, may be considered an alkylenating agent stream. 15 the acids, e.g., acrylic acid and acetic acid, from the crude
The second column residue exits second column 246 in line product stream. An aqueous stage comprising water, alky
250 and comprises a significant portion of acetic acid. At least lenating agent, and some acetic acid exits the liquid-liquid
a portion of line 250 may be returned to first column 244 for extraction unit. Small amounts of acylic acid may also be
further separation. In one embodiment, at least a portion of present in the aqueous stream. The aqueous phase may be
line 250 is returned, either directly or indirectly, to reactor further treated and/or recycled. An organic phase comprising
206. Exemplary compositional ranges for the distillate and
residue of second column 246 are shown in Table 5. Compo acrylic acid, acetic acid, and the extraction agent also exits the
nents other than those listed in Table 5 may also be present in liquid-liquid extraction unit. The organic phase may also
the residue and distillate. comprise water and formaldehyde. The acrylic acid may be
separated from the organic phase and collected as product.
25 The acetic acid may be separated then recycled and/or used
elsewhere. The solvent may be recovered and recycled to the
SECOND COLUMN liquid-liquid extreaction unit.
The inventive process further comprises the step of sepa
Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) rating the intermediate acrylate product stream to form a
Distillate 30 finished acrylate product stream and a first finished acetic
acid stream. The finished acrylate product stream comprises
Acrylic Acid 0.01 to 10 O.OS to 5 O.1 to OS acrylate product(s) and the first finished acetic acid stream
Acetic Acid 10 to SO 20 to 40 25 to 35
Water 35 to 75 45 to 65 SO to 60 comprises acetic acid. The separation of the acrylate products
Alkylenating Agent at least 1 1 to 75 10 to 20 from the intermediate product stream to form the finished
Propionic Acid O.O1 to 10 O.O1 to 5 O.O1 to 0.05 35 acrylate product may be referred to as the “acrylate product
Residue split.”
Acrylic Acid O.1 to 25 O.OS to 15 1 to 10 Returning to FIG. 2, purified product stream 242 exits
Acetic Acid 40 to 80 SO to 70 SS to 65 alkylenating agent split unit 232 and is directed to acrylate
Water 1 to 40 S to 35 10 to 30 product split unit 234 for further separation, e.g., to further
Alkylenating Agent
Propionic Acid
at least 1
1 to 75
O.001 to 5
10 to 20
O.OO1 to 1
40 separate the acrylate products therefrom. Acrylate product
split unit 234 may comprise any suitable separation device or
combination of separation devices. For example, acrylate
In cases where any of the alkylenating agent split unit product split unit 234 may comprise at least one column, e.g.,
comprises at least one column, the column(s) may be oper a standard distillation column, an extractive distillation col
ated at Suitable temperatures and pressures. In one embodi 45 umn and/or an azeotropic distillation column. In other
ment, the temperature of the residue exiting the column(s) embodiments, acrylate product split unit 234 comprises a
ranges from 90° C. to 130° C., e.g., from 95°C. to 120° C. or precipitation unit, e.g., a crystallizer and/or a chiller. Prefer
from 100° C. to 115° C. The temperature of the distillate ably, acrylate product split unit 234 comprises two standard
exiting the column(s) preferably ranges from 60° C. to 90°C., distillation columns as shown in FIG. 2. In another embodi
e.g., from 65° C. to 85° C. or from 70° C. to 80° C. The 50 ment, acrylate product split unit 234 comprises a liquid-liquid
pressure at which the column(s) are operated may range from extraction unit. Of course, other Suitable separation devices
1 kPa to 300 kPa, e.g., from 10 kPa to 100 kPa or from 40 kPa may be employed either alone or in combination with the
to 80 kPa. In preferred embodiments, the pressure at which devices mentioned herein.
the column(s) are operated is kept at a low level e.g., less than In FIG. 2, acrylate product split unit 234 comprises third
100 kPa, less than 80 kPa, or less than 60 kPa. In terms of 55 column 252 and fourth column 254. Acrylate product split
lower limits, the column(s) may be operated at a pressures of unit 234 receives at least a portion of purified acrylic product
at least 1 kPa, e.g., at least 20 kPa or at least 40 kPa. Without stream in line 242 and separates same into finished acrylate
being bound by theory, it is believed that alkylenating agents, product stream 256 and at least one acetic acid-containing
e.g., formaldehyde, may not be sufficiently volatile at lower stream. As such, acrylate product split unit 234 may yield the
pressures. Thus, maintenance of the column pressures at 60 finished acrylate product.
these levels surprisingly and unexpectedly provides for effi As shown in FIG. 2, at least a portion of purified acrylic
cient separation operations. In addition, it has Surprisingly product stream in line 242 is directed to third column 252.
and unexpectedly been found that be maintaining a low pres Third column 252 separates the purified acrylic product
Sure in the columns of alkylenating agent split unit 232 may stream to form third distillate, e.g., line 258, and third residue,
inhibit and/or eliminate polymerization of the acrylate prod 65 which is the finished acrylate product stream, e.g., line 256.
ucts, e.g., acrylic acid, which may contribute to fouling of the The distillate may be refluxed and the residue may be boiled
column(s). up as shown.
US 8,658,823 B2
19 20
Stream 258 comprises acetic acid and some acrylic acid. TABLE 7-continued
The third column residue exits third column 252 in line 256
and comprises a significant portion of acrylate product. As FOURTH COLUMN

such, stream 256 is a finished product stream. Exemplary Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%)
compositional ranges for the distillate and residue of third Water O.O1 to 10 O.O1 to 5 0.1 to 1
column 252 are shown in Table 6. Components other than Alkylenating Agent less than 1 O.001 to 1 0.1 to 1
those listed in Table 6 may also be present in the residue and Propionic Acid <10 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1

TABLE 6 10 In cases where the acrylate product split unit comprises at

least one column, the column(s) may be operated at Suitable
THIRD COLUMN temperatures and pressures. In one embodiment, the tempera
ture of the residue exiting the column(s) ranges from 90° C. to
Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) 130° C., e.g., from 95°C. to 120° C. or from 100° C. to 115°
Distillate 15 C. The temperature of the distillate exiting the column(s)
preferably ranges from 60° C. to 90° C., e.g., from 65° C. to
Acrylic Acid O.1 to 40 1 to 30 S to 30
Acetic Acid 60 to 99 70 to 90 75 to 85
85° C. or from 70° C. to 80° C. The pressure at which the
Water O.1 to 25 O.1 to 10 1 to 5 column(s) are operated may range from 1 kPa to 300 kPa, e.g.,
Alkylenating Agent less than 1 O.001 to 1 0.1 to 1 from 10 kPa to 100 kPa or from 40 kPa to 80 kPa. In preferred
Propionic Acid
<10 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1 embodiments, the pressure at which the column(s) are oper
ated is kept at a low level e.g., less than 50 kPa, less than 27
Acrylic Acid at least 85 85 to 99.9 95 to 99.5 kPa, or less than 20 kPa. In terms of lower limits, the
Acetic Acid less than 15 O.1 to 10 O.1 to 5 column(s) may be operated at a pressures of at least 1 kPa,
Alkylenating Agent
less than 1
less than 1
less than 0.1
O.001 to 1
less than 0.01
0.1 to 1
e.g., at least 3 kPa or at least 5 kPa. Without being bound by
Propionic Acid O.1 to 10 O.1 to 5 O.S to 3
25 theory, it has Surprisingly and unexpectedly been found that
be maintaining a low pressure in the columns of acrylate
product split unit 234 may inhibit and/or eliminate polymer
Returning to FIG. 2, at least a portion of stream 258 is ization of the acrylate products, e.g., acrylic acid, which may
directed to fourth column 254. Fourth column 254 separates contribute to fouling of the column(s).
the at least a portion of stream 258 into a distillate in line 260 30 It has also been found that, Surprisingly and unexpectedly,
and a residue in line 262. The distillate may be refluxed and maintaining the temperature of acrylic acid-containing
the residue may be boiled up as shown. The distillate com streams fed to acrylate product split unit 234 attemperatures
prises a major portion of acetic acid. In one embodiment, at below 140° C., e.g., below 130° C. or below 115° C., may
least a portion of line 260 is returned, either directly or indi inhibit and/or eliminate polymerization of acrylate products.
rectly, to reactor 206. The fourth column residue exits fourth 35 In one embodiment, to maintain the liquid temperature at
column 254 in line 262 and comprises acetic acid and some these temperatures, the pressure of the column(s) is main
acrylic acid. At least a portion of line 262 may be returned to tained at or below the pressures mentioned above. In these
third column 252 for further separation. In one embodiment, cases, due to the lower pressures, the number of theoretical
at least a portion of line 262 is returned, either directly or column trays is kept at a low level, e.g., less than 10, less than
indirectly, to reactor 206. In another embodiment, at least a 40 8, less than 7, or less than 5. As such, it has surprisingly and
portion of the acetic acid-containing stream in either or both unexpectedly been found that multiple columns having fewer
oflines 260 and 262 may be directed to an ethanol production trays inhibit and/or eliminate acrylate product polymeriza
system that utilizes the hydrogenation of acetic acid form the tion. In contrast, a column having a higher amount of trays,
ethanol. In another embodiment, at least a portion of the e.g., more than 10 trays or more than 15 trays, would suffer
acetic acid-containing stream in either or both of lines 260 45 from fouling due to the polymerization of the acrylate prod
and 262 may be directed to a vinyl acetate system that utilizes ucts. Thus, in a preferred embodiment, the acrylic acid split is
the reaction of ethylene, acetic acid, and oxygen form the performed in at least two, e.g., at least three, columns, each of
vinyl acetate. Exemplary compositional ranges for the distil which have less than 10 trays, e.g. less than 7 trays. These
late and residue of fourth column 254 are shown in Table 7. columns each may operate at the lower pressures discussed
Components other than those listed in Table 7 may also be 50 above.
present in the residue and distillate. The inventive process further comprises the step of sepa
rating an alkylenating agent stream to form a purified alky
TABLE 7 lenating stream and a purified acetic acid stream. The purified
alkylenating agent stream comprises a significant portion of
FOURTH COLUMN 55 alkylenating agent, and the purified acetic acid stream com
Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%)
prises acetic acid and water. The separation of the alkylenat
ing agent from the acetic acid may be referred to as the "acetic
Distillate acid split.”
Acrylic Acid O.O1 to 10 O.OS to S 0.1 to 1
Returning to FIG. 2, alkylenating agent stream 248 exits
Acetic Acid SO to 99.9 70 to 99.5 80 to 99 60 alkylenating agent split unit 232 and is directed to acetic acid
Water O.1 to 25 O.1 to 15 1 to 10 split unit 236 for further separation, e.g., to further separate
Alkylenating Agent less than 10 O.001 to 5 O.O1 to 5 the alkylenating agent and the acetic acid therefrom. Acetic
Propionic Acid
OOOO1 to 10 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to O.OS acid split unit 236 may comprise any Suitable separation
device or combination of separation devices. For example,
Acrylic Acid S to SO 15 to 40 20 to 35 65 acetic acid split unit 236 may comprise at least one column,
Acetic Acid SO to 95 60 to 8O 65 to 75 e.g., a standard distillation column, an extractive distillation
column and/or an azeotropic distillation column. In other
US 8,658,823 B2
21 22
embodiments, acetic acid split unit 236 comprises a precipi Returning to FIG. 2, fifth residue 268 exits acetic acid split
tation unit, e.g., a crystallizer and/or a chiller. Preferably, unit 236 and is directed to drying unit 238 for further separa
acetic acid split unit 236 comprises a standard distillation tion, e.g., to remove water from the acetic acid. Drying unit
column as shown in FIG. 2. In another embodiment, acetic 238 may comprise any Suitable separation device or combi
acid split unit 236 comprises a liquid-liquid extraction unit. nation of separation devices. For example, drying unit 238
Ofcourse, other suitable separation devices may be employed may comprise at least one column, e.g., a standard distillation
either alone or in combination with the devices mentioned column, an extractive distillation column and/or an azeotro
herein. pic distillation column. In other embodiments, drying unit
In FIG. 2, acetic acid split unit 236 comprises fifth column 10
238 comprises a dryer and/or a molecular sieve unit. In a
264. Acetic acid split unit 236 receives at least a portion of preferred embodiment, drying unit 238 comprises a liquid
alkylenating agent stream in line 248 and separates same into liquid extraction unit. In one embodiment, drying unit 238
a fifth distillate comprising alkylenating agent in line 266, comprises a standard distillation column as shown in FIG. 2.
e.g., a purified alkylenating stream, and a fifth residue com Ofcourse, other suitable separation devices may be employed
prising acetic acid in line 268, e.g., a purified acetic acid 15
either alone or in combination with the devices mentioned
stream. The distillate may be refluxed and the residue may be herein.
boiled up as shown. In one embodiment, at least a portion of In FIG. 2, drying unit 238 comprises sixth column 270.
line 266 and/or line 268 are returned, either directly or indi Drying unit 238 receives at least a portion of second finished
rectly, to reactor 206. At least a portion of stream in line 268 acetic acid stream in line 268 and separates same into a sixth
may be further separated. In another embodiment, at least a distillate comprising a major portion of water in line 272 and
portion of the acetic acid-containing stream in line 268 may a sixth residue comprising acetic acid and Small amounts of
be directed to an ethanol production system that utilizes the
hydrogenation of acetic acid form the ethanol. In another water in line 274. The distillate may be refluxed and the
embodiment, at least a portion of the acetic acid-containing residue may be boiled up as shown. In one embodiment, at
stream in either or both of lines 260 and 262 may be directed least a portion of line 274 is returned, either directly or indi
to a vinyl acetate system that utilizes the reaction of ethylene, 25 rectly, to reactor 206. In another embodiment, at least a por
acetic acid, and oxygen form the vinyl acetate. tion of the acetic acid-containing stream in line 274 may be
The stream in line 266 comprises alkylenating agent and directed to an ethanol production system that utilizes the
water. The stream in line 268 comprises acetic acid and water. hydrogenation of acetic acid form the ethanol. In another
Exemplary compositional ranges for the distillate and residue 30
embodiment, at least a portion of the acetic acid-containing
of fifth column 264 are shown in Table 8. Components other stream in either or both of lines 260 and 262 may be directed
than those listed in Table 8 may also be present in the residue to a vinyl acetate system that utilizes the reaction of ethylene,
and distillate. acetic acid, and oxygen form the vinyl acetate.
Exemplary compositional ranges for the distillate and resi
due of sixth column 270 are shown in Table 9. Components
other than those listed in Table 9 may also be present in the
residue and distillate.
Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%)
Acrylic Acid less than 1 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
Acetic Acid less than 1 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1 Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%) Conc. (wt.%)
Water 40 to 80 SO to 70 SS to 65
Alkylenating Agent 20 to 60 30 to SO 35 to 45 Distillate
Propionic Acid less than 1 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
Residue 45 Acrylic Acid less than 1 O.OO1 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
Acetic Acid less than 1 O.O1 to 5 O.O1 to 1
Acrylic Acid less than 1 O.O1 to 5 0.1 to 1 Water 90 to 99.9 95 to 99.9 95 to 99.5
Acetic Acid 25 to 65 35 to 55 40 to SO Alkylenating Agent less than 1 O.O1 to 5 O.O1 to 1
Water 35 to 75 45 to 65 SO to 60 Propionic Acid less than 1 O.OO1 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
Alkylenating Agent less than 1 O.O1 to 5 0.1 to 1 Residue
Propionic Acid less than 1 O.001 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
Acrylic Acid less than 1 O.O1 to 5 O.O1 to 1
Acetic Acid 7S to 99.9 85 to 99.5 90 to 99.5
In cases where the acetic acid split unit comprises at least Water 25 to 65 35 to 55 40 to SO
one column, the column(s) may be operated at Suitable tem Alkylenating Agent less than 1 less than 0.001 less than 0.0001
Propionic Acid less than 1 O.OO1 to 5 O.OO1 to 1
peratures and pressures. In one embodiment, the temperature
of the residue exiting the column(s) ranges from 90° C. to 55
130° C., e.g., from 95°C. to 120° C. or from 100° C. to 115° In cases where the drying unit comprises at least one col
C. The temperature of the distillate exiting the column(s) umn, the column(s) may be operated at Suitable temperatures
preferably ranges from 60° C. to 90° C., e.g., from 65° C. to and pressures. In one embodiment, the temperature of the
85°C. or from 70° C. to 80° C. The pressure at which the residue exiting the column(s) ranges from 90° C. to 130°C.,
column(s) are operated may range from 1 kPa to 500 kPa, e.g., 60 e.g., from 95° C. to 120° C. or from 100° C. to 115° C. The
from 25 kPa to 400 kPa or from 100 kPa to 300 kPa. temperature of the distillate exiting the column(s) preferably
The inventive process further comprises the step of sepa ranges from 60° C. to 90° C., e.g., from 65° C. to 85°C. or
rating the purified acetic acid stream to form a second finished from 70° C. to 80°C. The pressure at which the column(s) are
acetic acid stream and a water stream. The second finished operated may range from 1 kPa to 500 kPa, e.g., from 25 kPa
acetic acid stream comprises a major portion of acetic acid, 65 to 400 kPa or from 100 kPa to 300 kPa. FIG. 2 also shows tank
and the water stream comprises mostly water. The separation 276, which, collects at least one of the process streams prior
of the acetic from the water may be referred to as dehydration. to recycling same to reactor 206. Tank 276 is an optional
US 8,658,823 B2
23 24
feature. The various recycle streams that may, alternatively, prising acrylate product comprising from 1 wt % to 75
be recycled directly to reactor 206 without being collected in wt % acrylic acid, alkylenating agent, acetic acid, and
tank 276. propionic acid;
(b) separating at least a portion of the crude product stream
EXAMPLES 5 to forman alkylenating agent stream comprising at least
1 wt % alkylenating agent and an intermediate product
Example 1 stream comprising acrylic acid and acetic acid; and
(c) separating the intermediate product stream to form a
A simulation of a process in accordance with FIG. 2 was finished acrylate product stream comprising at least 85
conducted using ASPENTM software. The compositions of 10 wt % acrylic acid and a first finished acetic acid stream
the various process streams are shown in Table 10. comprising from 50 wt % to 99.9 wt % acetic acid.
2. The process of claim 1, wherein the alkylenating agent
TABLE 10 stream comprises at least 5 wt % alkylenating agent.
SIMULATED COMPOSITIONAL DATA FOR 15 3. The process of claim 1, wherein the crude product stream
PROCESS STREAMS comprises at least 0.5 wt % alkylenating agent.
First First Second Second Third Third Fourth
4. The process of claim 1, wherein the intermediate acry
Comp. dist. res. dist. (S. dist. res. dist. late product stream comprises at least 5% wt % acrylic acid.
5. The process of claim 1, wherein the intermediate acry
Acrylic 3.5 53.8 O.2 6.6 17.7 97.8 0.5 2O late product stream further comprises less than 25 wt % water
Acetic 46.0 41.9 29.9 60.8 78.8 O.8 91.6
and less than 95 wt % acetic acid.
Acid 6. The process of claim 1, wherein step (b) is performed in
Water 36.6 3.3 56.0 18.8 3.1 trace 7.3 at least one column.
Alkylenating 13.7 O.3 13.8 13.6 0.3 trace 0.6
Agent 7. The process of claim 1, wherein step (b) is performed in
Propionic Acid 0.1 0.7 0.0355 0.2 0.2 1.3 0.0067 a two column system.
8. The process of claim 1, wherein step (b) is performed by
Fourth Fifth Fifth Sixth Sixth Combined
Comp. (S. dist. (S. dist. (S. recycle
contacting the crude product stream with a solvent immis
cible with water.
Acrylic 28.6 O.O359 O.3 O.O621 O.6 0.4 9. The process of claim 1, wherein step (c) is performed in
Acid 30 at least one column.
Acetic 70.7 O.O77O 45.2 0.4 94.8 642
Acid 10. The process of claim 9, wherein step (b) is performed in
Water O.3 59.4 54.2 99.0 4.6 22.6 a two column system.
Alkylenating Trace 40.0 O.3 O.S Trace 12.6 11. The process of claim 1, wherein step (c) is performed
Propionic O.3 O.O142 O.O465 O.O321 O.O624 Trace 35 via azeotropic distillation.
Acid 12. The process of claim 1, wherein step (c) is performed in
at least two columns, each of which has less than 10 theoreti
As shown by the simulation, a unique crude product stream cal trays.
may be formed via the aldol condensation of acetic acid and 13. The process of claim 1, wherein the crude product
formaldehyde. This formaldehyde-containing product stream 40 stream is formed by contacting an alkanoic acid and the
can be effectively separated in accordance with the present alkylenating agent in a reactor and at least a portion of the first
invention to achieve a finished acrylic acid product compris finished acetic acid stream is recycled to the reactor.
ing over 97 wt % acrylic acid. 14. The process of claim 1, further comprising the step of:
While the invention has been described in detail, modifi- 45 (d) separating the alkylenating agent stream to form a
cations within the spirit and scope of the invention will be purified alkylenating stream comprising at least 1 wt %
readily apparent to those of skill in the art. In view of the alkylenating agent and a purified acetic acid stream
foregoing discussion, relevant knowledge in the art and ref comprising acetic acid and water.
erences discussed above in connection with the Background in at least one column. 14, wherein step (d) is performed
15. The process of claim
and Detailed Description, the disclosures of which are all 50 16. The process of claim 14, wherein the crude product
incorporated herein by reference. In addition, it should be stream is formed by contacting an alkanoic acid and the
understood that aspects of the invention and portions of vari alkylenating agent in a reactor and at least a portion of the
ous embodiments and various features recited below and/or in
the appended claims may be combined or interchanged either purified alkylenating agent stream is recycled to the reactor.
in whole or in part. In the foregoing descriptions of the vari 55 17. The process of claim 14, further comprising the step of:
ous embodiments, those embodiments which refer to another (e) separating the purified acetic acid stream to form a
embodiment may be appropriately combined with other second finished acetic acid stream and a water stream.
embodiments as will be appreciated by one of skill in the art. 18. The process of claim 17, wherein step (e) is performed
Furthermore, those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate in at least one column.
that the foregoing description is by way of example only, and 60 19. The process of claim 17, wherein step (e) is performed
is not intended to limit the invention. via liquid-liquid extraction.
20. The process of claim 17, wherein step (e) is performed
We claim: via azeotropic distillation.
1. A process for producing an acrylate product, the process 21. The process of claim 17, wherein the crude product
comprising the steps of 65 stream is formed by contacting an alkanoic acid and the
(a) reacting an alkanoic acid comprising acetic acid and an alkylenating agent in a reactor and at least a portion of the
alkylenating agent to form a crude product stream com second finished acetic acid stream is recycled to the reactor.
US 8,658,823 B2
25 26
22. The process of claim 17, wherein step (b) comprises
adding a polymerization inhibitor and/or an anti-foam agent
to at least one derivative stream derived from the crude prod
uct Stream.
23. The process of claim 1, wherein the crude product 5
stream comprises from 0.1 wt % to 5 wt % propionic acid.
24. The process of claim 1, wherein the intermediate prod
uct stream comprises less than 10 wt % propionic acid.
k k k k k

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