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Faculty of Engineering Savitribai Phule

Pune University

Second Year of Computer
(2019 Course)

Course: Project Based Learning-II

MET’s Institute of Engineering,

Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon, Nashik-03
Department of Computer Engineering
(Academic Year : 2023-24)

Project Based Learning-II

(Guidelines and Work Book)
Course Code: 210258
(2019 Course)

Second Year Engineering

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Group No (ID):

Team Members: 1. Malode Om Kondaji

2. Malode Tejaswi Raosaheb
3. Neve Sujal Rajesh
4. Aher Mayur Anil

Project Title : Object Detection and Recognition

Name of Mentor : Prof. Kanchan Pekhale, Computer Engg.

This is to certify that Mr.(OM KONDAJI MALODE , TEJASWI


Group No. ( ), Division - A of Second Year Computer Engineering has successfully

completed the work associated with Project Based Learning II 210258 titled as

(OBJECT DETECTION AND RECOGNITION) and has submitted the Work Book

associated under the Supervision of Prof. Kanchan Pekhale, in the partial fulfillment

of Second Year Computer Engineering (2019 course) of Savitribai Phule Pune


Date: / / 2024

Supervisor /Mentor Head Principal

(Prof. Kanchan Pekhale) (Dr. P .M. Yawalakar) (Dr. V. P. Wani)
With deep sense of gratitude, we would like to thanks all the people who have lit out path with
their kind guidance for our Project Selection, Design and Development. We are very grateful to these
intellectuals, experts who did their best to help during our completion of Project work.
It is proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to Dr. V. P. Wani, Principal, MET’s
Institute of Engineering, Nashik for his kind permission and providing infrastructure to complete this
project. We remain indebted to Dr. P.M. Yawalakar, Professor and Head, Department of Computer
Engineering, for his timely suggestions and valuable guidance.
Internal Faculty Mentor Ms. Kanchan Pekhale , staff members, technical staff members of
Department of Computer Engineering for his/her technical, timely, excellent and coercive guidance
in completion of this project work. We thanks to all the classmates for their appreciable, encouraging
help for completion of our project.
With various industry owners or lab technicians to help, it has been our endeavor to throughout
our work to cover the entire project work.
We are also thankful to our parents who providing their wishful support for our project
completion successfully. Lastly, we thanks to our all friends and the people who are directly or
indirectly related to our project work.
PBL Lab Workflow

Week-I Activities: Formation of Group and Identify Problem Statement.

• Formation of Students Group (4 to 5 maximum).

• Allocation of Mentor/Guide/Supervisor.
• PBL is Student Centric Activity; involvement of each student is must.
• Students have freedom to work on choice of domain/area.
• Students should identify at least 3 to 4 real-life problem statements by its own.

Week-II Activities: Literature Review.

• Discussion of each problem statement with Guide/Mentor/Supervisor.

• Formulate problem statement with literature review.
• Group will carry out literature review.
• Group will present it to facilitator.
• Guide/Mentor/Supervisor will help students to fine tune problem statement.
• Finalization of problem statement.

Week-III Activities: Requirement Collection/Analysis and Feasibility Study.

• Group will gather all the specific details required for a system.
• Group will determine the first ideas for prototypes.
• Define any prototype system requirements.
• Evaluate alternatives to existing prototypes.
• Perform research and analysis to determine the needs of end-users.
• Create a software requirement specification or SRS document.
• Group will perform feasibility study for a system like, Economic, Legal, Operational
Feasibility, Technical and Schedule.

Week-IV Activities: Design System Architecture.

• Group will outline the details for the overall application along with specific aspects like, User
Interfaces, System Interfaces, Network and its requirements, Databases.
• Group will prepare work flow diagram /block diagram as a proposed system.
• Group will find tools and technologies required.
• Decide Software Development Programming Language.

Week-V & VI Activities: Coding/Implementation.

• Group will start building the entire system by writing code using chosen Programming
• Tasks are divided into units or modules and assigned to the various developers.
• Group needs to follow certain predefined coding guidelines.
• Also need to use programming tools like compiler, interpreters, debugger to generate and
implement the code.
Week-VII & VIII Activities: Testing.

• Group will test a system by Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Manual Test cases.
• Final testing takes into consideration top concerns including scale, network connectivity, and
overall software reliability.
• Software testing involves logging product defects as reported, then tracking resolution and
ultimately verifying that the change made is working correctly
• Group will chick that both customer expectations and quality standards are met or not.

Week- IX & X Activities: Report Generation, Presentation.

• Group will write a project report by considering a Software Development Life Cycle.
• Group will also create a PowerPoint Presentation Slides.
• Group should be ready with Final Project Report, Workbook, PowerPoint Presentation Slides
for demonstration of a system.
• Presentation Template

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Problem Statement
• Motivation
• Scope of the Project
• Objectives
• Requirement Analysis
• S/W Requirement Specification
• Methodology/ Proposed System Block
• Software and Hardware Requirements
• Implementation
• Results/Test Cases
• Challenges Faced
• Conclusion and Future Scope
• References
Table of Contents

Sr. No. Description Page No.

1 Abstract 1

2 Introduction 2

3 Literature Survey 3

4 Problem Statement 6

5 Motivation 7

6 Scope of the Project 8

7 Objectives 9

8 Requirement Analysis 10

9 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 11

10 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 12

11 Methodology & Proposed System Block Diagram 14

12 UML Diagrams 15

13 Implementation 20

14 Results & Test Cases 22

15 Challenges Faced 25

16 Advantages and Disadvantages 26

17 Conclusion 27

18 Future Scope

19 References 28

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