Research Article: Dynamic Modeling and Characteristic Analysis of Floating Raft System With Attached Pipes
Research Article: Dynamic Modeling and Characteristic Analysis of Floating Raft System With Attached Pipes
Research Article: Dynamic Modeling and Characteristic Analysis of Floating Raft System With Attached Pipes
Research Article
Dynamic Modeling and Characteristic Analysis of Floating Raft
System with Attached Pipes
Copyright © 2017 Longlong Ren et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The vibration transmission performance of a floating raft system with attached pipes is investigated in this paper. The
frequency response function-based (FRF-based) substructure synthesizing method whose accuracy has been verified by numerical
simulations and experiment is applied for modeling the system. The power flow through the transmission paths is used for exploring
the additional vibration transmission path provided by the attached pipes. The results show that the existence of the additional
transmission paths caused by the pipes breaks the symmetries of the system, which leads to the enhancement of the coupling
between each substructure. Consequently, it degrades the vibration isolation performance of the raft system. Moreover, a parametric
study is performed to investigate the effects on the mean-square velocity of the hull of the attached pipes, which gives a brief
guideline for designing the attached pipes.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Sketch of the FRF coupling of the synthesis; (b) synthesizing process.
In this paper, a FRF-based substructure synthesizing isolators. x̃1 , x̃2 , ̃f1 , ̃f2 denote the displacement and force
method is chosen for modeling the floating raft system vector at both ends of the isolators. Taking the effects of the
with attached pipes. The whole system can be divided into mounting angles into account, then
five substructures: the base-hull 𝐴, the floating raft 𝐵, the
machineries 𝐷, the attached pipes 𝑃, and the vibration ̃ 𝑆 (T𝐴) , −1
isolators. The correlation of these substructures is shown Z𝑆11 = T𝐴Z 11
in Figure 2(a). And the following part is the synthesizing −1
process on the basis of the general joint description method ̃ 𝑆 (T𝐵 ) ,
Z𝑆12 = T𝐴Z 12
developed by Liu and Ewins [21]. As shown in Figure 2(b), the (3)
̃𝑆 𝐴 −1
FRF-based substructure synthesizing method is used three Z𝑆21 = T𝐵 Z21 (T ) ,
times to synthesize 𝐴 and 𝐵 with the participation of the
lower isolators at first, and then synthesize A-B and 𝐷 with −1
̃ 𝑆 (T𝐵 ) ,
Z𝑆22 = T𝐵 Z
the participation of upper isolators, and lastly synthesize A-B- 22
D and 𝑃 with the participation of corresponding isolators. As
a consequence, the FRF representation of the entire floating where T denotes the transformation matrix; its elements are
raft system can be obtained, which brings about the force the direction cosines of the axes of the isolators. If the isolators
or displacement expressions. Before synthesizing, the FRF are mounted vertically, T is an identity matrix.
representation of the substructures A, B, D, and 𝑃 can be The FRF representation of base-hull 𝐴 and raft 𝐵 which
expressed as follows: are connected through the lower isolators after the first
synthesizing process is [9]
x𝑖sub Hsub
𝑖𝑖 Hsub
𝑖𝑐 f𝑖sub
{ sub } = [ sub sub ] { sub } , (1) 𝐴
{ X𝐼,1 }
} 𝐼𝐼,1 H𝐼𝐼,1 H𝐼𝐶,1 𝐼𝐶,1 { 𝐼,1 }
x𝑐 H𝑐𝑖 H𝑐𝑐 f𝑐 {
{ 𝐵 }
} [ 𝐵𝐵 ] {
]{ 𝐵 } }
{ X𝐼,1 }
} [ H𝐵𝐼𝐼,1 H𝐵𝐴 {
H𝐼𝐶,1 ] { F𝐼,1 }}
[ 𝐼𝐶,1
{ 𝐴 }
= [ ]
𝐴𝐵 ] { 𝐴 }
, (4)
where H is the FRF matrix of the substructures. x and f, {
{ }
X𝐶,1 } [ 𝐴
H𝐶𝐶,1 H𝐶𝐶,1 ] {{ F𝐶,1 }
{ } [ { }
respectively, denote the displacement vectors and the force { 𝐵 }
{ } {
{ }
{X𝐶,1 } [ sym H𝐵𝐶𝐶,1 ] {F𝐵𝐶,1 }
vectors. The superscript subrepresents the substructures A,
B, D, and 𝑃. The subscript 𝑖 represents the internal points
including the excited points and the inspection points before where the subscript 1 after comma denotes the results after the
synthesizing. The subscript 𝑐 represents the coupling points first synthesizing process. The subscripts 𝐼 and 𝐶 represent
which are coupled with isolators before the corresponding the internal points and coupling point after synthesizing,
synthesizing process. respectively. And
The isolators are analytically described as impedance
matrix H𝐴
̃f 𝑆 ̃𝑆 Z
Z ̃𝑆 x̃1𝑆 = H𝐴
1 11 12
{ }=[ 𝑆 ] { }, (2)
̃f 𝑆 ̃ Z
Z ̃𝑆 x̃ 𝑆
+ H𝐴 + 𝐵 1 𝐵 1 1+ 1 1+ 1 𝐴
2 21 22 2 𝑖𝑐 D1 (H𝑐𝑐 Z21 − H𝑐𝑐 Z22 Z12 Z11 − Z12 Z11 ) H𝑐𝑖 ,
𝐼𝐶,1 = −H𝑖𝑐 D1 H𝑐𝑐 , H𝐴𝐵 𝐴 + 𝐵
𝐶𝐶,1 = −H𝑐𝑐 D1 H𝑐𝑐 ,
= H𝐵𝑖𝑖 D+1
+ H𝐵𝑖𝑐 D+𝑇 𝐴 1 𝐴 1 1+ 1 1+ 1 𝐵
1 (H𝑐𝑐 Z12 − H𝑐𝑐 Z11 Z21 Z22 − Z21 Z22 ) H𝑐𝑖 , = H𝐵𝑐𝑐 (Z22 Z+12 Z11 − Z21 ) H𝐴
𝐼𝐶,1 = −H𝑖𝑐 D1 H𝑐𝑐 ,
+ (H𝐵𝑐𝑐 Z22 Z+12 + Z+12 Z11 H𝐴 +
𝑐𝑐 ) + Z12 .
H𝐵𝐵 𝐵 +𝑇 𝐴 1 1+
𝐼𝐶,1 = H𝑖𝑐 D1 (H𝑐𝑐 Z11 + I) Z21 ,
And continuing the synthesizing process twice, one can
H𝐴 𝐴 + 𝐵 1 1+
𝐶𝐶,1 = H𝑐𝑐 D1 (H𝑐𝑐 Z22 + I) Z12 , obtain the whole FRF representation of the system as follows:
X𝐼,3 } 𝑃𝑃
H𝐼𝐼,3 { F
{ }
sym { 𝐼,3 } }
{ }
} [ ]{{
{ 𝐷 }
{ X𝐼,3 } [ 𝐷𝑃 ]{{F }𝐷 }
[ H𝐼𝐼,3
]{{ 𝐼,3 }
{ }
} [ ]{{ }
{ 𝐵 } } [ 𝐵𝑃 ]{{ 𝐵 } }
{ X }
]{{ F }
𝐼,3 } [
[ 𝐼𝐼,3 𝐼𝐼,3 H𝐼𝐼,3 ]{{ 𝐼,3 }
{ }
} ]{{ }
{ 𝐴 } }
[ 𝐴𝑃 ]{{ 𝐴 } }
{ X𝐶,3 } [H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐴𝐷 𝐴𝐵 𝐴𝐴 { F }
} [ 𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 ]{
]{{ 𝐶,3 }}
{ 𝐵 } } [ 𝐵𝑃 ]{{ }
{ }
} [ ]{{ 𝐵 } }
{X𝐶,3 }
𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 ]{{ 𝐶,3 }
{ F }
{ }
} [ ]{ }
{ 𝐷 } } [ 𝐷𝑃 ]{{ 𝐷 } }
X [H
𝐶,3 } = [ 𝐶𝐼,3
𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 ] F
𝐶,3 } , (6)
{ } ]{
{ }
} [ ]{{ }
{ 𝐴 } } [ ]{{
{ X𝐼,3
{ } [ H𝐴𝑃
𝐴 }
{ }
} [ 𝐼𝐼,3 𝐼𝐼,3 𝐼𝐼,3 𝐼𝐶,3 𝐼𝐶,3 𝐼𝐶,3 𝐼𝐼,3 ]{ }
{ }
} [ ]{{
{ 𝑃 } } [H𝑃𝑃 ]{ 𝑃 }
H𝑃𝐷 ]{ F𝐶,3 }
{ X𝐶,3 }
} [ 𝐶𝐼,3 𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 H𝐶𝐼,3 H𝐶𝐶,3 {
{ }
{ }
} [ ]{{ }
{ }
} [ ]{{ }
{X𝑄,3 }
𝐷 }
} [ 𝐷𝑃
{ } [H𝑄𝐼,3 𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 ]{{
𝑄,3 }
{ }
} [ ]{ }
{ } [ 𝐴𝑃 ]{{ }
{ 𝐴 } } [H 𝐴𝐴 ]{{ 𝐴 }
{X }
𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 ]{{F }
{ 𝑄,3 }
[ 𝑄𝐼,3
[ ]{{ 𝑄,3 } }
{ 𝐵 } } {
{ }
𝐵𝑃 𝐵𝐴 𝐵𝐵 { 𝐵 } }
𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝐼,3 H𝑄𝐶,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 H𝑄𝑄,3 F
] { 𝑄,3 }
where the subscripts 2 and 3 after comma represent the results (b) The response of coupling points on raft
after the second and third synthesizing process, respectively. 𝐵
The subscript 𝑄 represents the coupling points which connect X𝐶,3 = H𝐵𝐷 𝐷
𝐶𝐼,3 F𝐼,3 , (8)
𝑃 and A, B, and D.
Since the FRF matrix of the whole system has been where H𝐵𝐷 𝐵𝐷 𝐵 +𝑇 𝑃 3 𝑃 3 3+ 3
𝐶𝐼,3 = H𝐶𝐼,2 +H𝑖𝑐 D3 (H𝑐𝑐 Z12 −H𝑐𝑐 Z11 Z21 Z22 −
obtained, locating the external force to the corresponding Z3+ 3 𝐷
21 Z22 )H𝑐𝑖 .
position in the FRF matrix, then we can get the vibration
response of arbitrary coupling points. Taking the coupling (c) The response of coupling points on attached pipes
points of base-hull, raft, and attached pipes, for example, 𝑃
X𝐶,3 = H𝑃𝐷 𝐷
𝐶𝐼,3 F𝐼,3 , (9)
when the external force is exerted on the centroids of
machineries, these vibration response expressions are given
as follows: where H𝐷𝑃 𝑃 +𝑇 𝑃 𝑃𝑃 3 3+ 3
𝐼𝐶,3 = −H𝑖𝑐 D3 H𝑐𝑐 , D3 = H𝐶𝐶,2 (Z22 Z12 Z11 −
Z21 )H𝐶𝐶,3 + (H𝐼𝐼,2 Z22 Z12 + Z12 Z11 H𝐶𝐶,3 ) + Z3+
3 𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃 3 3+ 3+ 3 𝑃𝑃
12 .
(a) The response of coupling points on base-hull
After obtaining the vibration response of the coupling
points, one can get the isolator transmission force by using
X𝐶,3 = H𝐴𝐷 𝐷
𝐶𝐼,3 F𝐼,3 , (7) the upper and lower vibration response of the isolator and its
impedance matrix. The transmitted force on the base via the
lower isolator of the floating raft can be expressed as
where H𝐴𝐷 𝐶𝐼,3 = H𝐴𝐷 𝐴𝐷 +𝑇 𝑃 3
𝐶𝐼,2 + H𝐶𝑃,2 D3 (H𝑐𝑐 Z12 −
H𝑃𝑐𝑐 Z311 Z3+ 3 3+ 3 𝐷𝐷
21 Z22 − Z21 Z22 )H𝑃𝐼,2 . F𝐵𝐶,3 = − (Z221 X𝐶,3
+ Z222 X𝐶,3
). (10)
Shock and Vibration 5
Pipeline z x
vibration isolator y
Hull x
Upper Machines
Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3
Floating raft
isolator Attached pipes
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Sketch of the floating raft system: (a) front view, (b) sectional view.
And the transmitted force on the hull via the attached and usually is used to judge the structural acoustic radiation
pipes can be expressed as ability.
It should be noted that the calculated results subsequent
F𝐵𝑄,3 = − (Z21,3 X𝐶,3
+ Z22,3 X𝑄,3 ). (11) are represented as decibel (dB). The physical quantities such
as displacement, velocity, and acceleration can be expressed
Based on the obtained force and vibration response, the as
transmitted power flow on base-hull via supporting path and
nonsupporting path can be written as |𝑎|
20 log10 ( ) (dB) , (15)
= Re (F𝐵∗ 𝐵
𝐶,3 (𝑗𝜔X𝐶,3 )) and the physical quantities such as mean-square velocity and
(12) power flow can be expressed as
= Re (F𝐵∗ 𝐵
𝑄,3 (𝑗𝜔X𝑄,3 )) .
2 |𝑏|
10 log10 ( ) (dB) , (16)
In addition, based on the transmission force, one can get 𝑏ref
the vibration response on the surface of the hull which can be where when 𝑎 represents displacement, 𝑎ref = 10−12 m; when
expressed as 𝑎 represents acceleration, 𝑎ref = 10−6 m/s2 . When 𝑏 represents
F𝐵𝐶,3 mean-square velocity, 𝑏ref = (10−9 m/s)2 ; when 𝑏 represents
X𝑓 = H𝐵𝐶𝑓 [ ], (13) power flow, 𝑏ref = 10−12 W.
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
−40 −80
Mean-square velocity (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
−100 −40
0 250 500 750 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4: Comparison of the synthesized FRFs and the simulated results excited by single-sourced single-direction force: (a) displacement
of the lower isolator in 𝑧-direction; (b) displacement of the lower isolator in 𝑥-direction; (c) displacement of point between hull and attached
pipes in 𝑧-direction; (d) mean-square velocity of hull surface.
connected between machine and hull. The dimensions of method proposed by this paper, which obtains the FRF matrix
the pipe are 0.06 m × 0.0475 m (outer diameter × inner of the system by combining the FRF of the substructures;
diameter). The stiffness, the structural damping coefficients the second one is FEM which solves the vibration response
of the upper isolator and pipe isolator are 5.5 × 104 N/m, 6 of the system by building the FEM model. What comes into
× 104 N/m, 1.45 × 104 N/m, 6 × 105 Nm/rad, 6 × 105 Nm/rad, notice is that when modeling the system by using FRF-base
6 × 105 Nm/rad, and 0.01, respectively. The stiffness and the synthesizing method, the FRF matrices of the substructures
structural damping coefficients of the lower isolator are 2.22 can also be obtained by FEM method. Based on the FRF
× 104 N/m, 2.42 × 104 N/m, 5.8 × 104 N/m, 2.42 × 105 Nm/rad, matrices of the substructures, the FRF matrix of the floating
2.42 × 105 Nm/rad, 2.42 × 105 Nm/rad, and 0.01, respectively. raft system is obtained by the FRF-based synthesis method.
The masses of the three machines are 65 kg, 50 kg, and 65 kg, Firstly, considering the operating condition that the exter-
respectively. nal force is single-sourced and single-direction, the vertical
The dynamic model of the floating raft system is built unit force is applied on the centroid of machine 2 which is
towards two methods. First one is FRF-based synthesizing also the centroid of whole system. Secondly, in consideration
Shock and Vibration 7
120 120
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
0 250 500 750 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
150 150
Mean-square velocity (dB)
100 120
Amplitude (dB)
50 90
0 60
Figure 5: Comparison of the synthesized FRFs and the simulated results excited by multisourced multidirection forces: (a) displacement of
the lower isolator in 𝑧-direction; (b) displacement of the lower isolator in 𝑥-direction; (c) displacement of point between hull and attached
pipes in 𝑧-direction; (d) mean-square velocity of hull surface.
of the operating condition that the external forces are multi- 4. Experiment Verification
sourced and multidirection, the three machines are all excited
by an 𝑥-direction unit force, a 𝑦-direction unit force, and In this section, two kinds of test models are established to
a unit moment around 𝑧-axis. Some displacement response verify the correctness of the method proposed in this paper.
results are demonstrated in Figures 4 and 5. As shown in these The first one includes floating raft, hull with base, and rigid
figures, the results obtained by the FRF-based substructure body mass and based on that the second one includes the
synthesizing method are in good agreement with the results attached pipes.
obtained by FEM, which means the FRF-based substructure
synthesizing method is with sufficient accuracy and can 4.1. Experimental Floating Raft System without Attached Pipes.
accurately predict the vibration transmission characteristics For the test model with no attached pipes shown in Figure 6,
of the floating raft system. the parameters are as follows. The mass ratio of the machine,
8 Shock and Vibration
(a) (b)
Mass 3
Mass 2
Mass 1
Figure 6: (a) Test model of the raft; (b) test model of the hull with base; (c) test model of the floating raft system without attached pipes.
raft, and the base-hull is 1 : 0.4 : 3. The rubber isolators are pipe and the machine and hull are usually flexible adapters
used as the elastic connection. The size of floating raft shown and elastic clamps. And they are all replaced by isolators of
in figure is 1.2 m × 0.86 m × 0.12 m, and its weight is 72.783 kg. type BE-15 in this experiment as shown in Figure 8(b).
The base-hull shown in Figure 6(b) is a semicylindrical shell; A vertical exciting force was applied at the center of mass
its length, radius, and wall thickness are 1.52 m, 0.75 m, and 3. Other test conditions are the same with previous test. The
0.006 m, respectively. The base on the hull is discrete and the mobility of the connecting points on the hull was tested. There
number is 4, each base is constituted by two vertical panels are two connecting points: point 1 connects attached pipe
and a triangular bracket. The mass of the base-hull is about and hull; point 2 connects attached pipe and hull. The tested
528 kg. Three rigid blocks are used for representing machines results are shown in Figure 9; it is shown that reasonable
and these masses are 65 kg, 50 kg, and 65 kg, respectively. agreement is obtained for the measured and synthesis results.
During the following synthesizing process, the FRF matrix of
each substructure is obtained through the test data.
A vertical exciting force was applied at the center of mass 5. Effect Study of the Attached Pipes
2. It can be observed from Figure 7 that the driving and
transfer FRF curves of the machine 2 obtained by the FRF- 5.1. Transmission of the Energy Influenced by Attached Pipes.
based substructure synthesizing method are consistent with Figure 10(a) illustrates the comparison of total input power
the test data of the assembly system in the whole frequency flow of the hull with and without attached pipes when
range, and the key resonance peaks are predicted accurately. machine 2 is excited by a unit vertical force. As shown in this
figure, the total energy transmitted to the hull increases from
4.2. Experimental Floating Raft System with Attached Pipes. 28.8 dB to 67.9 dB in the frequency range of 57 Hz∼450 Hz
Besides that, a floating raft system with attached pipes was and from −7.05 dB to 27.9 dB in the frequency range of
also tested to verify the validity of this synthesized method. 530 Hz∼900 Hz when considering the attached pipes. There
In the experimental model, a circular pipe is taken as the are two transmission paths in the floating raft system: via
attached pipes, and its outer diameter is 0.06 m, and its inner supporting structure such as upper and lower isolators and
diameter is 0.0475 m. The experimental model is shown in via attached pipes. Figure 10(b) shows the power flow via
Figure 8(a); mass 2 and mass 3 are connected with hull by these two paths. As shown in the figure, the transmission path
attached pipes, respectively. The isolators among the attached via attached pipes becomes the key energy transmission path
Shock and Vibration 9
120 120
100 100
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
80 80
60 60
40 40
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Experiment Experiment
Present method Present method
(a) (b)
Amplitude (dB)
0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency (Hz)
Present method
Figure 7: Comparison of the measured FRFs and the synthesis results for floating raft system without attached pipes: (a) driving FRF of the
exciting point; (b) transfer FRF from exciting point to one point on top surface of the raft; (c) transfer FRF from exciting point to one point
on bottom surface of the raft.
Mass 1
Mass 2
Mass 3 2
Attached pipes
(a) (b)
Figure 8: (a) FRF test setup of the floating raft system with attached pipes; (b) a close view of pipes and masses connection.
10 Shock and Vibration
100 100
80 80
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Experiment Experiment
Present method Present method
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Comparison of the measured FRFs and the synthesis results for floating raft system with attached pipes: (a) transfer FRF from
exciting point to point 1; (b) transfer FRF from exciting point to point 2.
50 40 463 Hz
Power (dB)
Power (dB)
Figure 10: Effects of the attached pipes on power flow transmitted to the hull: (a) power flow with/without attached pipes; (b) power flow via
different transmission paths.
in the frequency ranges of 57 Hz∼450 Hz and 530 Hz∼900 Hz, 5.2. Parametric Study of the Attached Pipes. Based on the
which means the vibration isolation performance of the research on the influence rule of the attached pipes in the
system is weakened, and when in other frequency ranges, raft floating system, a parametric study was performed in
the path via supporting structure dominates the power flow. this section targeting at the primary design variables of
For example, from the modal results one can know that the the attached pipes (e.g., mass and connecting stiffness).
frequency 463 Hz is dominated by the vibration of the raft Then the vibration performance of the system is analyzed
and the harsh vibration of the raft significantly enhances the quantitatively by comparing the results under different
power flow via the supporting structure. parameters.
Shock and Vibration 11
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (Hz)
5% 10%
20% 40%
Figure 11: Effects of the mass of attached pipes on the synthesized results.
Figure 11 shows that the normal mean-square velocity of stiffness between the attached pipes and the floating raft. The
the hull surface varies with the attached pipes mass. In this figure shows that the response of the hull surface is barely
study the attached pipes masses are specified as 5%, 10%, affected by the change of the stiffness except some resonance
20%, and 40% of the mass of machine 2, respectively. As peaks. It is indicated that the elastic connection between
shown in the Figure 11, with the varying of the attached mass the attached pipes and floating raft only plays a supporting
in the low frequency range (below 50 Hz), the mean-square role and barely affects the transmissibility via the attached
velocity of the hull surface has little change. In the middle pipes.
frequency range (50 Hz∼450 Hz), the transmissibility of the
system is very sensitive to the variation of the mass, and as
the attached pipes mass decreases, the amplitude of the mean- 6. Conclusion
square velocity increases. In the high frequency range the In this paper, the FRF-based substructure synthesizing
transmissibility is basically impregnable and the magnitudes
method is used to model the complex dynamic system
of the mean-square velocity under these four conditions are
with multiple transmission paths. The whole FRF matrix of
a representative floating raft system is built by using the
Figure 12 shows the normal mean-square velocity of
the hull surface varies with the connecting stiffness. In developed method. The vibration responses of the system
this calculated model, the attached pipe has connections considering six degrees of freedom under different exciting
with machine 2, floating raft, and the hull, so the research conditions are obtained. Numerical simulations and exper-
on the influence of these three types connecting stiffness iment study have been carried out to verify this method
is conducted in the following. The connecting stiffness is which is applicable to model floating raft system. Then a
specified as 0.1, 1, and 10 times of the upper isolator stiffness; research on the influence of attached pipes is developed on
in the meantime, the conditions of nonconnection and rigid the basis of transfer path analysis. After the parametric study
connection are also considered in the comparison. As shown on the vibration transmission and response of the design
in Figures 12(a) and 12(b), the stiffness of isolators connecting parameters of the attached pipes, some conclusions which can
the attached pipes and machine 2, the attached pipes, and be drawn from this work are summarized as follows. Firstly,
hull, respectively, has significant influence on the normal the attached pipes can not only change the symmetry of the
mean-square velocity of the hull surface. When the ratio of system, but also add the mass and stiffness to power plant.
stiffness is less than 0.1, the curve changes little compared This can enhance the coupling effect of the substructures.
with the nonconnection condition. When the ratio is between Secondly, the attached pipe is the second transmission path
0.1 and 10, the amplitudes of the mean-square velocity of the system; the vibration energy can also be transmitted
increase with the stiffness in the middle frequency range. to the hull via them. The vibration isolation performance will
And when the ratio further increases till the rigid connection be significantly deteriorated by the short-circuiting. Accord-
condition, the response amplitudes dramatically increase in ing to that, a reasonable mass and connecting stiffness of
the frequency range above 50 Hz; that means the vibration attached pipes should be chosen through parameter design to
isolation effect of the system gets worse severely. Figure 12(c) diminish the transmitted vibration in the required frequency
illustrates the normal mean-square velocity influenced by the range.
12 Shock and Vibration
100 100
Mean-square velocity (dB)
0 0
−50 −50
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Mean-square velocity (dB)
Nonconnection 10k1
0.1k1 Rigid connection
Figure 12: Effects of the connection stiffness of attached pipes on the synthesis results: (a) the stiffness of isolator between attached pipes and
machine; (b) the stiffness of isolator between attached pipes and hull; (c) the stiffness of isolator between attached pipes and raft.
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