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Enhanced mathematical modeling of the displacement amplification ratio for piezoelectric

compliant mechanisms

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2016 Smart Mater. Struct. 25 075022


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Smart Materials and Structures

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 (11pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/7/075022

Enhanced mathematical modeling of the

displacement amplification ratio for
piezoelectric compliant mechanisms
Mingxiang Ling1,2, Junyi Cao1, Minghua Zeng1, Jing Lin1 and
Daniel J Inman3
State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049,
People’s Republic of China
Institute of Systems Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, People’s
Republic of China
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2140, USA

E-mail: caojy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Received 20 November 2015, revised 10 May 2016

Accepted for publication 11 May 2016
Published 10 June 2016

Piezo-actuated, flexure hinge-based compliant mechanisms have been frequently used in
precision engineering in the last few decades. There have been a considerable number of
publications on modeling the displacement amplification behavior of rhombus-type and bridge-
type compliant mechanisms. However, due to an unclear geometric approximation and
mechanical assumption between these two flexures, it is very difficult to obtain an exact
description of the kinematic performance using previous analytical models, especially when the
designed angle of the compliant mechanisms is small. Therefore, enhanced theoretical models of
the displacement amplification ratio for rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms
are proposed to improve the prediction accuracy based on the distinct force analysis between
these two flexures. The energy conservation law and the elastic beam theory are employed for
modeling with consideration of the translational and rotational stiffness. Theoretical and finite
elemental results show that the prediction errors of the displacement amplification ratio will be
enlarged if the bridge-type flexure is simplified as a rhombic structure to perform mechanical
modeling. More importantly, the proposed models exhibit better performance than the previous
models, which is further verified by experiments.
Keywords: piezoelectric actuator, compliant mechanism, flexure hinge, displacement amplifier

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction advantages of no wear, no backlash, no friction and a compact

structure, amplified piezoelectric actuators provide tre-
Benefiting from characteristics of large output force, high mendous potential in many fields.
resolution and fast response, piezoelectric actuators have As shown in figure 1, compliant mechanisms can be
received considerable interest in many fields such as ultra- generally classified into a lever type and a flextensional type
precision positioning [1], vibration suppression [2], energy with various flexure hinges such as corner-filleted, circular,
harvesting [3], active shape control [4], and so on. However, a elliptic, etc. With the merits of compact structure and high
major drawback of the piezoelectric actuator is its small stiffness, the flextensional mechanism has been widely
deformation range. For many applications where a large range developed from the early compliant mechanisms, Moonie [5],
is required, flexure-based compliant mechanisms are often Rainbow [6] and cymbal [7], to the second generation of
used to amplify the stroke of piezoelectric actuators. With the rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms. Now,

0964-1726/16/075022+11$33.00 1 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 1. Topology of several types of compliant mechanisms.

many derivative compliant mechanisms such as nested cel- especially under small designed angles (see figure 2(b)),
lular [8], three-dimensional [9] and compound [10] compliant which has frequently emerged in the numerical results of
mechanisms with higher performance are being developed. some past studies and has been repeated in much of the
However, rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechan- literature.
isms are still the basis and core of these complex compliant In this paper, the confusion of kinematic and static
mechanisms and have always been popular in engineering modeling between rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant
applications. For example, many precision positioning stages mechanisms will be illustrated and clarified. In particular, an
[11–13], active vibration isolators [14], and some energy exact analytical solution of the displacement amplification
harvesters [15] are designed based on a variety of rhombus- ratio will be presented to enhance the prediction accuracy of
type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms. the output displacement for these two compliant mechanisms
When designing these compliant mechanisms, simple in section 2. Then, a finite element analysis and experimental
and sufficiently accurate static and dynamical models are verification will be respectively reported in sections 3 and 4.
often required to predict and optimize the performance con- Finally, concluding remarks will be given in section 5.
sidering the fact that the finite element method (FEM) gives
little insight into the intrinsic mechanism of a flexure and on
how to choose a geometric parameter to get closer to the 2. Theoretical modeling
design goals. Therefore, since Paros and Weisbord [16] first
established a basis for the mathematical modeling of flexure 2.1. Force analysis of the two compliant mechanisms
hinges, and subsequent research on compliance matrix mod- The schematic and geometric parameters of rhombus-type
eling of various flexure hinges by Lobontiu and other and bridge-type compliant mechanisms are depicted in
researchers [17], many modeling methods have been pre- figure 3. A right-angle flexure hinge is used in the bridge-type
sented to design a better compliant mechanism. To sum up, compliant mechanism as an illustration although other types
the current modeling methods can be generalized into three of flexure hinges can be used to achieve similar results.
categories termed as Castigliano’s second theorem [18–20], Meanwhile, a rhombus-type compliant mechanism with
the matrix method [12, 21–25] and the elastic beam theory flexure hinges located at the both ends of the flexure arms can
[26–31]. also be used to achieve similar results to that of figure 3(a).
It should be noted, however, that many of these studies Once driven by an input displacement/force from the
implemented force analysis exclusively, in which a bridge- elongation of the internal piezo-stacks in the transverse
type structure was equivalent to a rhombic model [18, 27– direction, the compliant mechanisms will produce a long-
29, 32–34], while a constant moment was applied in the force itudinal output displacement. Since the symmetrical structure
analysis for a rhombus-type flexure [30], as shown in is of both compliant mechanisms, only a quarter of the
figure 2(a). This inappropriate approximation may lead to structures is needed to establish the static models, as shown in
inaccurate kinematic prediction of the compliant mechanisms, figure 4.

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 2. Approximate modeling and corresponding results of the bridge-type compliant mechanism in some of the literature.

Figure 3. Topology of rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms.

Figure 4. Static models of one flexure arm of the compliant mechanisms.

For the bridge-type compliant mechanism, this can be obtained for both rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant
simplified as a rigid link connecting two elastic flexure hin- mechanisms:
ges. Deformation mainly occurs in the domain of flexure
fA = fB = f = fPZT 4 (1 )
hinges and the piezo-actuating force is along the axis of the
flexure hinges. However, the rhombus-type compliant 2M = fL sin q (2 )
mechanism is a full flexure, in which longitudinal displace-
ment is mainly attributed to the bending deformations of the where M is a supplemented moment to ensure that the
whole arms and, noteworthily, the piezo-actuating force on deflection angles at the both ends of link AB remain zero. L
the flexure arms is along the transverse direction, which forms and θ are structural parameters of the compliant mechanisms
an angle with the flexure arm AB. as shown in figure 3. L = Lr in the rhombus-type compliant
Considering the force equilibrium along the x-axis and mechanism, and L = (lb + Lb )2 + w 2 in the bridge-type
the moment equilibrium, the following relations can be compliant mechanism.

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 5. Free-body diagram of one flexure arm.

2.2. Analytical modeling of the displacement amplification ratio can be obtained, respectively:
According to the principle of conservation of energy, work LrMr2 (x )
done by the force fPZT is transformed into the bending potential ò0 2EI (x )
energy and the tensile deformation energy. Then, the following L r ( fL sin q 2 - fx sin q )2
= ò
r (6 a )
equations (3a) and (3b) can be obtained for rhombus-type and dx
0 2EI
bridge-type compliant mechanisms, respectively:
f 2 L r 2 sin2 q
1 Lr flr 2 (x ) Lr Mr2 (x ) 24Kqr
f Dxr = ò0 2EA (x )
dx + ò0 2EI (x )
dx (3 a )
lb Mb2 (x ) ( f tan q (lb + Lb) 2)2

1 lb flb2 (x ) lb Mb2 (x )
ò0 2EI (x )
dx = ò0 2EI

f Dxb = 2 ò0 2EA (x )
dx + 2 ò0 2EI (x )
dx (3 b )
f 2 (lb + Lb )2 tan2 q
(6 b )

where Δxr and Δxb, Mr(x) and Mb(x), flr(x) and flb(x) denote
the input displacements, the moments in the elastic beam, and where Kθr and Kθb are, respectively, the rotational stiffness of
the axial tension, respectively, in the rhombus-type and rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms and can
bridge-type compliant mechanisms. A(x) and I(x) are the area be calculated according to [9].
and moment of inertia of the corresponding cross-section By substituting equations (4a) and (6a) into (3a) and
about the neutral axis. E is Young’s modulus. similarly by substituting equations (4b) and (6b) into (3b), the
Based on Hooke’s law, the following relations are relationship between the input displacement and input force
obtained: of rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms can
be respectively obtained:
flr = f cos q = Klr Dlr (4 a )
⎛ cos2 q L 2 sin2 q ⎞
Dxr = ⎜ + r ⎟f (7 a )
flb = f = Klb Dlb (4 b ) ⎝ Klr 12Kqr ⎠

where Klr and Klb, Δlr and Δlb are, respectively, the ⎛ 2 (l + Lb )2 tan2 q ⎞
Dxb = ⎜ + b ⎟f . (7 b )
translational stiffness, and the axial tensile displacements of ⎝ Klb 2Kqb ⎠
rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms.
For the rhombus-type compliant mechanism, the free-
From the force analysis above, it can be concluded that
body diagram of one flexure arm is shown in figure 5(a). The
due to the different mechanical characteristics between
moment in the elastic beam at the end point x changes along
rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms, there
the neutral axis and can be modeled as:
is a large discrepancy between the kinematic and static
Mr (x ) = M - fx sin q = f sin q (L r 2 - x ) . (5 a ) characteristics of these two mechanisms, which has been
confused in some of the previous literature.
From the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, the bending
While for the bridge-type compliant mechanism, the equation of a flexure element is:
moment in the flexure hinge is constant at any point x along
the neutral axis of the flexure hinge (see figure 5(b)): d2h M (x )
= (8 )
dx EI (x )
Mb (x ) = M = f tan q (Lb + lb) 2. (5 b )
where η denotes the perpendicular deflection with respect to
the neutral axis.
Then, the strain energy produced by bending deformation Then, the perpendicular deflection for rhombus-type and
in the rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms bridge-type compliant mechanisms can be respectively

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 6. Relationship between output displacement and deflection.

Figure 7. Deformation results using the FEM.

deduced as: respectively:

Mr (x ) Lr x M - fu sin q 2Dyr Klr L r 2 sin q cos q
hr = ò ò EI (x) dx = ò0 ò0 EI
dudx R amp _ r =
12Kqr cos2 q + Klr L r 2 sin2 q
(9 a )
L r 2f sin q
12Kqr 2Dyb Klb (lb + Lb )2 tan q
R amp _ b = = . (11b)
Lb lb
2Dxb 4Kqb + Klb (lb + Lb )2 tan2 q
Mb (x ) Mb (u)
hb = 2 òòEI (x )
dx + ò0 ò0 EI (u)
(9 b )
(l + Lb )2 f tan q Moreover, if the output displacement caused by the
= b .
2Kqb tensile deformation in the rhombus-type compliant mech-
anism and the deformation of rigid links in the bridge-type
compliant mechanism are considered, the displacement
As shown in figure 6, the output displacement Δyr in the amplification ratio of the rhombus-type and bridge-type
rhombus-type compliant mechanism, which is vertical to the compliant mechanisms can be further deduced as:
input displacement (direction of the elongation of piezo-
stacks), is the normal component of the perpendicular (Klr L r 2 - 12Kqr ) sin q cos q
R amp _ r = (12a)
deflection ηr. While the output displacement Δyb in the 12Kqr cos2 q + Klr L r 2 sin2 q
bridge-type flexure is equal to the deflection ηb:
L r 2f sin q cos q R amp _ b=
Dyr = hr cos q = (10a) ⎛ Lb + lb
12Kqr Lb ⎞
⎜ + ⎟ (Lb + lb) tan q
⎝ 2Kqb1 4Kqb2 ⎠
(lb + Lb )2 f tan q ⎛ 1
Dyb = hb = . (10b) 2 1 1 ⎞
2Kqb + +⎜ + ⎟ (Lb + lb )2 tan2 q
Klb KLb ⎝ 2Kqb1 4Kqb2 ⎠

In view of equations (7a) and (10a), (7b) and (10b), the where Klb and KLb, Kθb1 and Kθb2 are, respectively, the
displacement amplification ratio of the rhombus-type and translational stiffness, the rotational stiffness of the flexure
bridge-type compliant mechanisms can be obtained, hinge and rigid link in the bridge-type compliant mechanism.

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Table 1. Summary of analytical models for the displacement amplification ratio.

Modeling methods Reference Rhombus-type Bridge-type

Ideal model (geometric model) [28] Ramp = cot q
[18] Ramp =
L2 sin2 q - 2L Dx cos q - Dx 2 + L sin q
[34] sin q - sin (q - Dq )
Ramp = cos q - cos (q - Dq)
[31] òq -Dq cot udu
Ramp = Dq
= ln ( sin q
sin (q - Dq ) ) Dq

Kl L2 sin q cos q Kl L2 tan q

The elastic beam method This paper Ramp = 12Kq cos2 q + Kl L2 sin2 q
Ramp = 4Kq + Kl L2 tan2 q
[30] Ramp = 1 sin q —
Kl Lw
[31] — Ramp = 4Kq + Kl w 2
(w = L tan q)
Kl L2 sin q cos q
[28] — Ramp = 2K cos2 q + K L2 sin2 q
q l
K L2 sin q cos3 q
[29] — Ramp = 2K +l K L2 cos2 q sin2 q
q l

The matrix method [21–25] Versatile for complex compliant mechanisms

Castigliano’s second theorem [18–20] Versatile for complex compliant mechanisms

Table 2. Key geometric and material parameters for the FEM.

Parameters Values Parameters Values

d (mm) 5 hr (mm) Variable, for others 1
Lr (mm) Variable, for others 18/cos θ w (mm) Variable
θ (°) Variable, for others 4 H (mm) 5.5
lb (mm) 3 E (GPa) 206
Lb (mm) 12.5 Density ρ (kg m3) 7850
hb (mm) 0.6 Poisson’s ratio b 0.27

2.3. Summary and comparison of different models verification and experiments, it will be demonstrated that the
prediction accuracy of these models is poor no matter whether
Typical modeling methods and corresponding analytical they are used for rhombus-type or bridge-type compliant
models of displacement amplification ratio for rhombus-type mechanisms.
and bridge-type compliant mechanisms in the existing lit- The model of the displacement amplification ratio in [31]
erature and this paper are summarized in table 1. In geometric and that in this paper (equation (11b)) for the bridge-type
models, compliant mechanisms are simplified as an ideal compliant mechanism are the same. It will be seen in the
multi-rigid body mechanism with all flexure hinges con- following that the prediction accuracy of this bridge-type
sidered as ideal pivots. Although the expressions for geo- model is not perfect and can be further enhanced by con-
metric models are different, they are approximately equivalent sidering the compliance of rigid links (see equation (12b)) and
and can be reduced to cotθ under small deformation condi- the stress concentration effects of flexure hinges.
tions. Obviously, the prediction accuracy of these geometric
models is poor due to too much simplification without regard
to structure dimensions and properties.
3. Comparison of different models
By considering the translational and rotational stiffness,
the prediction accuracy of the analytical models based on the In this section, the established models for rhombus-type and
elastic beam theory can be improved. However, great dis- bridge-type compliant mechanisms will be comparatively
crepancy can be found in these models. It should be noted that verified by the FEM. Geometric modeling and static analysis
the models of Ramp that are dedicated to the bridge-type of these two compliant mechanisms were carried out using the
compliant mechanism in much of the literature [28, 29, 32, commercial software package ANSYS14.0. Solid45 element
33] are similar but not the same as the model of rhombus-type is chosen to build the models and the element size is 0.5 mm.
flexure in this paper (see table 1). This is due to the fact that The material and geometric parameters needed in these
the bridge-type mechanism is improperly simplified as a models are all shown in figure 3 and listed in table 2. One of
rhombus-type structure for static modeling in these studies, as the deformation results is shown in figure 7. In the simulation,
illustrated in figure 2. From the following finite element 4 MPa pressure is imposed on the inner surface of links 3 and

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 8. Computed results of the rhombus-type compliant mechanism.

4 along the direction of the x-axis. Displacements of links 1 model 3 [31] and the presented rhombic model equation (11a)
and 2 along the direction of the y-axis are the output are shown in figure 8.
displacement. From figure 8(a), it can be seen that all elastic models and
the results of the FEM have the same shape. The largest
displacement amplification ratio predicted by all elastic
3.1. Calculation results of rhombus-type flexure models and the FEM appears in the range of small flexure
To compare the prediction accuracy of different analytical angle θ, except the ideal geometric model, which mono-
models shown in table 1 when used for the rhombus-type tonically decreases with the increase of angle θ. Importantly,
compliant mechanism, the displacement amplification ratio for small flexure angle θ, there are large prediction errors with
with angle θ, thickness hr and length Lr changing, while these elastic models while the proposed rhombic model
keeping other geometric parameters constant, is calculated. equation (11a) matches well with the results of the FEM.
The results calculated using the FEM can be regarded as true Misguided prediction and overestimation may be made if
values when the model and boundary conditions are properly these elastic models are used at the small flexure angle
prepared. The results calculated using the ideal geometric domains, which is of special concern for designing a com-
model, elastic model 1 [28], elastic model 2 [29], elastic pliant mechanism with large displacement amplification ratio

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 10. Stress distributions of the flexure hinge under the axial
Figure 9. Computed results of the bridge-type compliant mechanism. load and moment.

in engineering applications. Moreover, from figures 8(b) and other elastic models. Obviously, the influence of the com-
(c), not only does the presented rhombus-type model describe pliance of rigid links on numerical results depends on the
well the change trend of the displacement amplification ratio thickness ratio of the flexure hinge to the rigid link. More
with the change in geometric parameters, but also provides a importantly, the prediction accuracy deteriorates tre-
high-accuracy magnitude. mendously when the presented rhombus-type model
From the above modeling process, we can attribute the (equation (11a)) is used for the bridge-type flexure, even
better accuracy of the presented rhombus-type model to two though it presents good accordance with the FEM for rhom-
reasons: the first is that a varying moment acting on the bus-type compliant mechanism. As a conclusion, an inap-
flexure arms is established according to the exact mechanical propriate approximation in which the bridge-type compliant
characteristics of the rhombus-type compliant mechanism. mechanism was simplified and equivalent to a rhombic
Second, the approximate geometric relationship between the structure to perform mechanical modeling in some previous
output displacement and the input force that was frequently studies actually leads to inaccurate kinematic prediction under
used in the previous literature is abandoned and a strict elastic small designed angles of a compliant mechanism.
beam bending theory is adopted in this paper. Further, it can be seen from the results in figure 9 that
Moreover, as can be seen from figure 8(a), the elastic even though the compliance of rigid links in the bridge-type
model 3 ([31] or equation (11b)), which has a relatively high compliant mechanism is considered, there are still some
prediction accuracy for the bridge-type compliant mechanism, prediction deviations between the improved model
shows a large prediction error when used for the rhombus- equation (12b) and the FEM, especially when the flexure
type flexure. Since this model and the rhombus-type model angle is small. A possible reason is the stress concentration
(equation (11a)) are deduced by the same method, the con- effects of flexure hinges, which is not modeled in the analy-
clusion can be reached that the mechanical characteristics of tical formula but exists in the real structure.
rhombus-type and bridge-type flexures are different and dis- The stress distributions of the right-angle flexure hinge
tinguishing models should be allocated to these two com- under axial load and moment are analyzed further to inves-
pliant mechanisms for predicting Ramp. This view was tigate the stress concentration effects and formulate empirical
confused in some of the previous literature. translational and rotational stiffness. As shown in figure 10,
the stress distribution of the flexure hinge is complicated and
intensified sharply at the boundary of the flexure hinge and
3.2. Calculation results of the bridge-type flexure
rigid link. This will lead to a larger strain, which affects the
The relationship between the displacement amplification ratio accuracy of the translational and rotational stiffness. Based on
and the offset w (w = (Lb + lb)tanθ) of the bridge-type the theoretical stiffness formulas of the right-angle flexure
compliant mechanism calculated by the following five models hinge [9], the empirical formulas of translational and rota-
are all shown in figure 9. They are: elastic model 1 [28], tional stiffness are respectively modeled as equation (13), in
elastic model 3 [31] (same as equation (11b)), the presented which factors δ1 and δ2 can be fitted by the results of the FEM
rhombus-type model (equation (11a)), the presented bridge- under different input geometric parameters l/h. When an axial
type model with consideration of the compliance of rigid links load of 400 N and moment of 1 N m are applied to the flexure
(equation (12b)), and the FEM. hinge, by calculating the axial strain and bending angle at the
It can be seen that the results of all analytical models are end of the flexure hinge (‘output point’ in figure 10), the fitted
larger than that of the FEM. However, the prediction accuracy results of δ1 and δ2 are, respectively, about 0.05 and 0.21
of the presented bridge-type model with consideration of the under the selected geometric parameters shown in table 2. The
compliance of rigid links (equation (12b)) is superior to the displacement amplification ratio, by considering the

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

displacement of the compliant mechanism can be further

calculated by multiplying the displacement amplification ratio
equation (11a).

2f 2
Kin = =
Dxr cos q
2 L 2 sin2 q
+ r
Klr 12Kqr (14)
24Klr Kqr
= .
12Kqr cos2 q + L r 2Klr sin2 q

Based on the parameters shown in figure 12, the input

stiffness of the prototype using equation (14) and [28] are
Figure 11. Enhanced results by considering the stress concentration 9.12 N μm−1 and 1.75 N μm−1, respectively. The corresp-
effects. onding theoretical displacement amplification ratios of the
prototype are 13.05 and 15.00. The experimental and theor-
compliance of rigid links and the stress concentration effects etical output displacements of the prototype under different
of flexure hinges in the bridge-type compliant mechanism, is input voltages are shown in figure 13. From the experimental
shown in figure 11. It can be seen that the prediction accuracy results, about 10% hysteresis error of the piezoelectric mat-
of the theoretical model is further enhanced. erial can be observed. However, hysteresis is ignored in this
study. The elastic model in [28] shows a large error of
⎧ Edh approximately 50% for predicting the output displacement of
⎪ K = (1 + d1)
⎪ l l the prototype, while errors between the experiments and the
⎨ (13)
⎪ K = (1 + d ) Edh .
3 presented model are below 10% over the entire voltage ran-

q 2 ges. Since the FEM analysis and the presented model show a
strong similarity, these deviations seem to come from errors
in measurement noises, installation of the piezo-stacks or
machining of the prototype.

4. Experimental verification
5. Conclusions
To verify the feasibility of the proposed models, a prototype
of a rhombus-type amplifier was manufactured by a wire Similarities and differences between the kinematic and static
electrical discharge machining process. Spring steel with characteristics of rhombus-type and bridge-type compliant
206 GPa elastic modulus and 7850 kg m−3 density was used mechanisms are analyzed and clarified, which have been
as the material. The structure and detailed parameters are confused in some previous studies. For the rhombus-type
shown in figure 12. Two commercial piezoelectric actuators compliant mechanism, the piezo-actuating force is not along
(Pickelmann) connected in series with epoxy were used to the direction of the flexure arm, which causes a variational
drive the rhombus-type compliant mechanism. A laser dis- moment in the flexure arm. However, the piezo-actuating
placement meter (ILD1401-50, MICRO-EPSILON) with a force in the bridge-type compliant mechanism is along the
50 nm resolution was used for measuring the output dis- axis of the flexure hinge and a constant moment should be
placement of the mechanism. Specifications of the piezo- established in the flexure hinge.
electric actuator are listed in table 3. Based on the above conditions, two enhanced analytical
A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown models of the displacement amplification ratio for rhombus-
in figure 12. Before installing the piezo-stacks into the com- type and bridge-type compliant mechanisms are deduced by
pliant mechanism, output displacement Δx of the piezo-stacks employing the principle of energy conservation and the elastic
operated freely was measured first under the input voltages beam theory, in which approximate geometric relationships
u = 0–120 V, and the piezoelectric constant Kv relating to the frequently used in past studies are abandoned. In particular,
strain was fitted by the least square method. Then the piezo- the stress concentration effect of the flexure hinges in the
stacks were installed into the compliant mechanism. As is bridge-type compliant mechanism is considered for further
well known, the output displacement of the piezo-stacks improving the prediction accuracy of the theoretical model.
under a preload from the input stiffness Kin of the compliant Compared with the existing models by finite element analysis
mechanism will be reduced compared with the case when and experiments, a better prediction accuracy of the proposed
operated freely. This reduced output displacement of the models is demonstrated, especially in the domain of the small
piezo-stacks can be calculated (see figure 12) by combining designed angle of compliant mechanisms where a large dis-
the following input stiffness formula equation (14), which is placement amplification ratio appears of importance in
deduced from equation (7a). Then, the theoretical output applications.

Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 075022 M Ling et al

Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

Additionally, the bridge-type compliant mechanism

should not be simply equated to a rhombic model when
conducting force analysis. Also, distinguishing kinematic
models should be used for rhombus-type and bridge-type
compliant mechanisms in order to have accurate performance
predictions and design formulations.


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foun-

dation of China (Grant Nos. 51575426 and 51421004),
National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Develop-
Figure 13. Experimental and theoretical results.
ment Project (Grant No. 2012YQ03026101), Program for
New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No.
NCET-12-0453). Also, a special thanks to Wei Wang for his
Table 3. Specifications of the piezoelectric actuator. great advice on experiments.
Order number PSt/5 5/20 L
Dimensions (mm) 5 × 5 × 18
Nominal displacement (μm) 20 ± 15%
Blocking force (N) 1600
Stiffness (N μm−1) 60 [1] Ouyang P R, Tjiptoprodjo R C, Zhang W J and Yang G S 2008
Electrical capacitance (μF) 1.8 Micro-motion devices technology: the state of arts review
Resonant frequency (kHz) 50 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology 38 463–78

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