Seismic Analysis of Building Using Staad-Pro
Seismic Analysis of Building Using Staad-Pro
Seismic Analysis of Building Using Staad-Pro
Abstract-The earthquake is a nature phenomenon which Multistoried buildings are designed for the basic
can generate the most destructive forces on structure. need of people. These buildings are the shelter for
Therefore, building should be safe for lives by proper all the human beings and help grown up the
design and detailing of structural members in order to infrastructure to the city. So, we need a residential
have a ductile form a failure, so structure in wellbeing
building to serve the people. The main object of the
against seismic power of multistoried working. There is
need of seismic examination study and planning to project is to modify the general design of multi
earthquake protection structure. The goal of seismic storied building with seismic effect. Seismology is
resistance construction is to erect structures that fare the study of vibration of earth mainly caused by
better during seismic activity than their conventional earthquakes and seismic waves that move through
counterparts. The project report comprises of seismic and around the earth. A seismic wave causesthe
analysis and design of G+7 RCC building. A G+7 sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an
storied structure for the seismic investigation and it is explosion. They are the energy in the form of
situated in zone-II district in India. The present project waves that travels through the beneath of earth and
deals with seismic analysis of multistoried residential is recorded on seismographs. The study of these
building G+7. The dead load and live load applied and
waves by various techniques, understanding there
design for beam, column, slab and footing are obtained.
Total structure was analyzed by computer by using nature and various physical processes that generate
STAAD-PRO software. Various software now-a-day are there from the major part of the seismology. A
available & STAAD-PRO is most common used for seismic design of high-rise building has assumed
analysis and designing of a building by considering the considerable important in recent times. In
earthquake forces and to review & study the behavior of traditional method adopted based on fundamental
multistoried building by Equivalent Static Lateral Force mode of the structure and distribution of earthquake
Method. forces as static forces at various stories may be
adequate for structure of small height subjected to
earthquake of very low intensity but as the number
Key-Words: STAAD-Pro, base Shear Equivalent, of the stories increases the seismic design demand
load, assign, property, definition, seismic analysis, more rigorous.
design, earthquake behavior, modeling, seismic
1.1 Stages in Structural Design
Each components of building follows their own
1. INTRODUCTION specific path from its initiation to ultimate design as
Day-by-day increase in population growth in Structural Planning of building
cities of India for several acceptable reasons and Applied load calculations
deficiency of land area so that there is a Structural analysis of building
requirement of design and seismic analysis of As per analysis design of building
multistoried building before construction work Detailing and drawing of structural
starts. members
Preparation of schedule
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Engineering & Technology”
Organized by Manoharbhai PatelInstitute Of Engineering& Technology Shahapur, Bhandara
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2019
1.3 Getting Started Step-4: Create and Assign Support & Member
In this paper, methodology of structural analysis
and design on STAAD-Pro and step by step After column definition at supports have been
procedure of has been explained with the help of provided as fixed below each column by selecting
diagrams. Further, load calculations have been columns using Node Curser and its cross-section
explained in depth/thickness and manual seismic assigning based on load calculations and property
load calculations have also been included in this definition.
paper. Step-5:3-DRendering:
2. OBJECTIVES After assigning the member property to structure
the 3-D view of the structure can be shown using #-
The main objective is to estimate and check D Rendering command.
seismic response of building and analyze &
design it on that basis using STAAD-Pro Step-6: Load Assignment:
Design and seismic analysis of multistoried i. Dead load
building before construction work using
STAAD-Pro Software using. The dead load contains of the weight of walls,
Modeling of 7-storey building and partitions floor finishes, false ceilings, floors and
application of different loadsonSTAAD- the other permanent standing construction in the
Pro, load calculations due to different buildings. The dead load loads are estimated from
loading combinations, analysis and design the dimensions of various members of building and
of structure on STAAD-Pro. their unit weights. The unit weights of plain
concrete and reinforced concrete taken as
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Engineering & Technology”
Organized by Manoharbhai PatelInstitute Of Engineering& Technology Shahapur, Bhandara
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2019
25kN/m3.The unit weight of masonry taken as Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method of analysis
19kN/m3. As per IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016, the dead is chosen for the following structure. This approach
load have been assigned on the basis of member defines a series of forces acting on the building to
load, floor load, self-weight of the beams exhibit the effect of earthquake vibrations, defined
definition. by a seismic design response spectrum. It is
considering that the building vibrates in its
ii. Live Load fundamental mode. For this to be true, the building
must be low-rise and must not twist meaningfully
As per IS:875 (part 2)-1987, live load 2kN/m has when the ground moves. There is four seismic zone
been assigned to the members. divided in India are given below categorizing every
iii. Seismic Load zone as zone I, II, III and IV. For this seismic
analysis we are considering zone II.
After defining the seismic load as per requirement
of IS: 1893 (Part 1): 2016, the seismic load has
been assigned with respect to +X, -X, +Z, and –Z
directions with their respective appropriate seismic
The design is undertaken as per IS 456:2000 for 4.1 EQUIVALENT STATIC LATERAL
RCC. M25 concrete and Fe415 is used as design FORCE METHOD
parameters. Percentage steel of 3% has been
Step 1: Seismic Weight of Building (Manual
specified as per IS Code standards and the design
parameters have been assigned to respective every Calculations)
beam and column to get the final design.
Load Calculation:
Step-12:Output Generation. Dead load, Live load, Seismic load and Wind load
are calculated and applied into STADD-Pro model
After that output file is generated which containing as give below:
the structural design of each individual beam and
column member of structure.
Deal Load-
G+7 BUILDING (AS PER IS 1893 i. Dead load due to self wt. of slab :
(PART 1) : 2016
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Engineering & Technology”
Organized by Manoharbhai PatelInstitute Of Engineering& Technology Shahapur, Bhandara
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2019
𝑊𝑖ℎ𝑖 2
Qi= VB 𝑛
𝑊𝑖ℎ𝑖 2
I=1; Importance factor given in IS 1893 (part1-
5) for the corresponding structures; when not Where,
specified, the minimum value of I shall be,
Qi= Design lateral forces at floor i,
a) 1.5 for critical and lifeline structure,
Wi = Seismic weights of the floor i,
b) 1.2 for business continuity structures,
c) 1.0 for the rest. hi = height of the floor, measured from
base, and
R=3; response reduction factor given in IS
1893 (Table-9) for the corresponding n = Number of stories.
= The design acceleration coefficient considered
as per Indian Standards for design, as per IS 1893
(Part 1): 2016. Floor Wi hi Wi hi2 Qi Shear
(in kN) (in (in kN)
∑= 9269.7
Design seismic base shear,
VB =0.0416x56297.25
= 2345.71kN
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Engineering & Technology”
Organized by Manoharbhai PatelInstitute Of Engineering& Technology Shahapur, Bhandara
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2019
Seismic Zone – II
Floor Height = 3m
Fig: Bending
Fig: Reactions
Fig: Displacement
Fig: Shear-Z
Ta = 0.73574 sec.,
= 1.848.
Load Factor =1,
Total Weight=53052.25kN,
VB= 1634.43kN