MCB 405 Dr. M-1-1
MCB 405 Dr. M-1-1
MCB 405 Dr. M-1-1
Principles of Infection
Understanding the basic principles of infection is essential for any health care worker in any field of
health care.
1. Disease transmission
2. Prevention of disease transmission
Nature of Microorganisms
Microorganisms (microbes) are small, living organisms that are not visible to the
naked eye
Pathogens (germs) are microorganisms that cause disease
Non-pathogens are microorganisms that do not cause disease; can be beneficial
At times, a microorgansism that is beneficial in one body system can become
pathogenic when it is present in another body system.
- Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria:
* large intestine: beneficial, part of the natural flora.
* Urinary system: causes an infection
Non Pathogens
Types of Microorganisms
- Simple, one celled microorganisms that are classified according to their shape and
- Cause diseases such as strep throat, pneumonia, meningitis and tuberculosis.
- Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria – however some strains have become resistant
- Less than 1% of bacteria are harmful
- There are more bacteria in our mouths than human living on the planet.
Types of Bacteria
Streptococci (chains)
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Staphylococci (clusters)
Dipplococci (pairs)
Micrococci (tiny)
Flagellated forms (tails)
Bacilli (rod-shaped)
Spirilla (spiral)
Spirochetes (comma)
- One-celled animal like organisms often found in decayed materials and contaminated water
- Many contain flagella which allow them to move freely
- Cause diseases such as malaria, trichomonas, and amoebic dysentery.
Causing an infection
Chain of infection
Body Defenses
If defense mechanisms are intact and the human system is functioning, a human can frequently
fight off the causative agent and not contract disease.
- Mucous membranes (traps pathogens)
- Cilia (Propel pathogens out of respiratory tract)
- Coughing and sneezing
- Hydrochloric acid (stomach)
- Tears in the eyes (con tain bacteriocidal chemicals)
- Fever
- Inflammation (wbc’s destroy pathogens)
- Immune response (Produce antibodies)
Red streaks leading away from wound