T T T T G L K: Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T T T T G L K: Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T T T T G L K: Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-43C For a medium in which the finite difference formulation of a general interior node is given in its
g& l2
simplest form as Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + node = 0 :
(a) Heat transfer is steady, (b) heat transfer is two-dimensional, (c) there is heat generation in the medium,
(d) the nodal spacing is constant, and (e) the thermal conductivity of the medium is constant.
5-44C For a medium in which the finite difference formulation of a general interior node is given in its
simplest form as Tnode = ( Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom ) / 4 :
(a) Heat transfer is steady, (b) heat transfer is two-dimensional, (c) there is no heat generation in the
medium, (d) the nodal spacing is constant, and (e) the thermal conductivity of the medium is constant.
5-45C A region that cannot be filled with simple volume elements such as strips for a plane wall, and
rectangular elements for two-dimensional conduction is said to have irregular boundaries. A practical
way of dealing with such geometries in the finite difference method is to replace the elements bordering the
irregular geometry by a series of simple volume elements.
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-46 A long solid body is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures and the rate of heat loss from the bottom surface through a 1-m long section are to be
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 Heat is
generated uniformly in the body. 3 Radiation heat transfer is negligible.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 45 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.05 m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction is expressed as
• • • •
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + =0
k 350
260 305
where 200°C • • • •
g& node l 2 g& 0 l 2 (8 × 10 6 W/m 3 )(0.05 m) 2 Insulated
= = = 93.5°C 3 290 2
k k 214 W/m ⋅ °C • • • •
Q& = ∑ Q&
element, m = ∑ hA
surface,m (Tm − T∞ )
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-47 A long solid body is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no
heat generation in the body.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 45 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.01 m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction for the case of no heat generation is expressed as
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + = 0 → Tnode = (Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom ) / 4
There is symmetry about the horizontal, vertical, and
diagonal lines passing through the midpoint, and thus 150 180 200 180 150
we need to consider only 1/8th of the region. Then, • • • • •
T1 = T3 = T7 = T9
T2 = T4 = T6 = T8 1 2 3
180 • • • • • 180
Therefore, there are there are only 3 unknown nodal
temperatures, T1 , T3 , and T5 , and thus we need only 3 •4 •5 •6
200 • • 200
equations to determine them uniquely. Also, we can
replace the symmetry lines by insulation and utilize the
mirror-image concept when writing the finite difference 7 8 9
180 • • • • • 180
equations for the interior nodes.
Node 1 (interior) : T1 = (180 + 180 + 2T2 ) / 4
• • • • •
Node 2 (interior) : T2 = ( 200 + T5 + 2T1 ) / 4 150 180 200 180 150
Node 3 (interior) : T5 = 4T2 / 4 = T2
Discussion Note that taking advantage of symmetry simplified the problem greatly.
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-48 A long solid body is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no
heat generation in the body.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 20 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.02 m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction for the case of no heat generation is expressed as
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + = 0 → Tnode = (Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom ) / 4
(a) There is symmetry about the insulated surfaces as well as about the diagonal line. Therefore T3 = T2 ,
and T1 , T2 , and T4 are the only 3 unknown nodal temperatures. Thus we need only 3 equations to determine
them uniquely. Also, we can replace the symmetry lines by insulation and utilize the mirror-image concept
when writing the finite difference equations for the interior nodes.
Node 1 (interior) : T1 = (180 + 180 + T2 + T3 ) / 4
150 180 200
Node 2 (interior) : T2 = (200 + T4 + 2T1 ) / 4 • • •
Node 4 (interior) : T4 = (2T2 + 2T3 ) / 4
1 2 Insulated
Also, T3 = T2 180 • • •
(b) There is symmetry about the insulated surface as well as the diagonal line. Replacing the symmetry
lines by insulation, and utilizing the mirror-image concept, the finite difference equations for the interior
nodes can be written as
Node 1 (interior) : T1 = (120 + 120 + T2 + T3 ) / 4 120 120
100 • • • • 100
Node 2 (interior) : T2 = (120 + 120 + T4 + T1 ) / 4
Node 3 (interior) : T3 = (140 + 2T 1 + T4 ) / 4 = T2
1 2
Node 4 (interior) : T4 = ( 2T2 + 140 + 2T3 ) / 4 120 • • • • 120
Discussion Note that taking advantage of symmetry simplified the problem greatly.
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-49 Starting with an energy balance on a volume element, the steady two-dimensional finite difference
equation for a general interior node in rectangular coordinates for T(x, y) for the case of variable thermal
conductivity and uniform heat generation is to be obtained.
Analysis We consider a volume element of size ∆x × ∆y × 1 centered about a general interior node (m, n) in
a region in which heat is generated at a constant rate of g& and the thermal conductivity k is variable (see
Fig. 5-24 in the text). Assuming the direction of heat conduction to be towards the node under
consideration at all surfaces, the energy balance on the volume element can be expressed as
∆E element
Q& cond, left + Q& cond, top + Q& cond, right + Q& cond, bottom + G& element = =0
for the steady case. Again assuming the temperatures between the adjacent nodes to vary linearly and
noting that the heat transfer area is ∆y × 1 in the x direction and ∆x × 1 in the y direction, the energy
balance relation above becomes
Tm −1,n − Tm, n Tm,n +1 − Tm, n Tm +1, n − Tm,n
k m,n (∆y × 1) + k m,n (∆x × 1) + k m,n (∆y × 1)
∆x ∆y ∆x
Tm, n −1 − Tm, n
+ k m, n (∆x × 1) + g& 0 (∆x × ∆y × 1) = 0
Dividing each term by ∆x × ∆y × 1 and simplifying gives
g& 0 l 2
Tm −1,n + Tm +1, n + Tm, n −1 + Tm,n −1 − 4Tm,n + =0
k m,n
g& 0 l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + =0
k node
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-50 A long solid body is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures and the rate of heat loss from the top surface are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 Heat is
generated uniformly in the body.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 180 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis (a) The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.1 m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node equation for steady two-dimensional heat conduction for the case of constant heat generation
is expressed as
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + =0
There is symmetry about a vertical line passing through the middle of the region, and thus we need to
consider only half of the region. Then,
T1 = T2 and T3 = T4
Therefore, there are there are only 2 unknown nodal temperatures, T1 and T3, and thus we need only 2
equations to determine them uniquely. Also, we can replace the symmetry lines by insulation and utilize
the mirror-image concept when writing the finite difference equations for the interior nodes.
g&l 2
Node 1 (interior) : 100 + 120 + T2 + T3 − 4T1 + =0
g&l 2
Node 3 (interior) : 150 + 200 + T1 + T4 − 4T3 + =0
k 100 100 100 100
• • • •
Noting that T1 = T2 and T3 = T4 and substituting,
1 2
(10 7 W/m 3 )(0.1 m) 2 120 • • • • 120
220 + T3 − 3T1 + =0 g
180 W/m ⋅ °C
(10 7 W/m 3 )(0.1 m) 2 3 4
350 + T1 − 3T3 + =0 150 • • • • 150
180 W/m ⋅ °C
0.1 m
The solution of the above system is
• • • •
T1 = T2 = 411.5°C 200 200 200 200
T3 = T4 = 439.0°C
(b) The total rate of heat transfer from the top surface Q& top can be determined from an energy balance on
a volume element at the top surface whose height is l/2, length 0.3 m, and depth 1 m:
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
k=180 "[W/m-C], parameter to be varied"
g_dot=1E7 "[W/m^3], parameter to be varied"
DELTAx=0.10 "[m]"
DELTAy=0.10 "[m]"
d=1 "[m], depth"
"Temperatures at the selected nodes are also given in the figure"
T_1=T_2 "due to symmetry"
T_3=T_4 "due to symmetry"
"Using the finite difference method, the two equations for the two unknown temperatures are
determined to be"
"The rate of heat loss from the top surface can be determined from an energy balance on a
volume element whose height is l/2, length 3*l, and depth d=1 m"
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
6000 285000
5000 280000
temperature 275000
T 1 [C]
Q top [W ]
1000 255000
0 250000
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
k [W /m -C]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T 3 [C]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
k [W /m -C]
3000 3.0 x 10
2500 2.5 x 10
2000 2.0 x 10
tem perature
T 1 [C]
Q top [W ]
1500 heat 1.5 x 10
1000 1.0 x 10
500 5.0 x 10
0 0.0 x 10
2.2 x 10 7 4.4 x 10 7 6.6 x 10 7 8.8 x 10 7
g [W /m ^3]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T 3 [C]
0 2.200 x 10 7 6.600 x 10 7 1.100 x 10 8
g [W /m ^3]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-52 A long solid body is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no
heat generation in the body.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 20 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.01m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction for the case of no heat generation is expressed as
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + = 0 → Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode = 0
(a) There is symmetry about a vertical line passing through the nodes 1 and 3. Therefore, T3 = T2 ,
T6 = T4 , and T1 , T2 , T4 , and T5 are the only 4 unknown nodal temperatures, and thus we need only 4
equations to determine them uniquely. Also, we can replace the symmetry lines by insulation and utilize
the mirror-image concept when writing the finite difference equations for the interior nodes.
Node 1 (interior) : 150 + 150 + 2T2 − 4T1 = 0 100
Node 2 (interior) : 200 + T1 + T5 + T4 − 4T2 = 0
Node 4 (interior) : 250 + 250 + T2 + T5 − 4T4 = 0 150 150
Node 5 (interior) : 4T2 − 4T5 = 0
200 1 200
Solving the 4 equations above simultaneously gives •
2 3
T1 = 175°C 250 • • 250
T2 = T3 = 200°C 300 4 5 6 300
T4 = T6 = 225°C • • •
T5 = 200°C Insulated
(b) There is symmetry about a vertical line passing through the middle. Therefore, T3 = T2 and T4 = T1 .
Replacing the symmetry lines by insulation and utilizing the mirror-image concept, the finite difference
equations for the interior nodes 1 and 2 are determined to be
Node 1 (interior) : 100 + 200 + 2T2 − 4T1 = 0
100 100 100 100
Node 2 (interior) : 100 + 100 + 200 + T1 − 4T4 = 0 • • • •
Solving the 2 equations above Insulated
simultaneously gives 1 2 3 4
• • • • •
T1 = T4 = 143°C
T2 = T3 = 136°C
Discussion Note that taking advantage of 200 200 200 200 200
symmetry simplified the problem greatly.
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-53 Heat conduction through a long L-shaped solid bar with specified boundary conditions is considered.
The unknown nodal temperatures are to be determined with the finite difference method. √
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 Thermal
conductivity is constant. 3 Heat generation is uniform.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to h, T∞
be k = 45 W/m⋅°C. 1 2
• • •3
Analysis (a) The nodal spacing is given to be
∆x=∆x=l=0.015 m, and the general finite qL Insulated
difference form of an interior node for steady
•4 •5 •6 •7 8•
two-dimensional heat conduction for the case of
constant heat generation is expressed as
g& 0 l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + =0
k 120
We observe that all nodes are boundary nodes except node 5 that is an interior node. Therefore, we will
have to rely on energy balances to obtain the finite difference equations. Using energy balances, the finite
difference equations for each of the 8 nodes are obtained as follows:
l l l T2 − T1 l T4 − T1 l2
Node 1: q& L + h (T∞ − T1 ) + k +k + g& 0 =0
2 2 2 l 2 l 4
l T1 − T2 l T3 − T2 T − T2 l2
Node 2: hl (T∞ − T2 ) + k +k + kl 5 + g& 0 =0
2 l 2 l l 2
l T2 − T3 l T6 − T3 l2
Node 3: hl (T∞ − T3 ) + k +k + g& 0 =0
2 l 2 l 4
l T1 − T4 l 120 − T4 T − T4 l2
Node 4: q& L l + k +k + kl 5 + g& 0 =0
2 l 2 l l 2
g& 0 l 2
Node 5: T4 + T2 + T6 + 120 − 4T5 + =0
l T3 − T6 T − T6 120 − T6 l T7 − T6 3l 2
Node 6: hl (T∞ − T6 ) + k + kl 5 + kl +k + g& 0 =0
2 l l l 2 l 4
l T6 − T7 l T8 − T7 120 − T7 l2
Node 7: hl (T∞ − T7 ) + k +k + kl + g& 0 =0
2 l 2 l l 2
l l T7 − T8 l 120 − T8 l2
Node 8: h (T∞ − T8 ) + k +k + g& 0 =0
2 2 l 2 l 4
where g& 0 = 5 × 10 6 W/m 3 , q& L = 8000 W/m 2 , l = 0.015 m, k = 45 W/m⋅°C, h = 55 W/m2⋅°C, and T∞
=30°C. This system of 8 equations with 8 unknowns is the finite difference formulation of the problem.
(b) The 8 nodal temperatures under steady conditions are determined by solving the 8 equations above
simultaneously with an equation solver to be
T1 =163.6°C, T2 =160.5°C, T3 =156.4°C, T4 =154.0°C, T5 =151.0°C, T6 =144.4°C,
T7 =134.5°C, T8 =132.6°C
Discussion The accuracy of the solution can be improved by using more nodal points.
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-54E A long solid bar is subjected to steady two-dimensional heat transfer. The unknown nodal
temperatures and the rate of heat loss from the bar through a 1-ft long section are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 Heat is
generated uniformly in the body. 3 The heat transfer coefficient also includes the radiation effects.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 16 Btu/h.ft⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.2 ft, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction is expressed as
g& node l 2 h, T∞
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + =0
k 1 2 3
• • •
(a) There is symmetry about the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal
lines passing through the center. Therefore, T1 = T3 = T7 = T9 and
4 5 6
T2 = T4 = T6 = T8 , and T1 , T2 , and T5 are the only 3 unknown nodal h, T∞ • • • h, T∞
temperatures, and thus we need only 3 equations to determine them
uniquely. Also, we can replace the symmetry lines by insulation and 8 7
utilize the mirror-image concept for the interior nodes. • • •
h, T∞
The finite difference equations for boundary nodes are obtained by applying an energy balance on
the volume elements and taking the direction of all heat transfers to be towards the node under
l T2 − T1 l g& l 2
Node 1 ( convection) : 2k + 2h (T∞ − T1 ) + 0 = 0
2 l 2 4
l T1 − T2 T − T2 g& l 2
Node 2 ( convection) : 2k + kl 5 + hl (T∞ − T2 ) + 0 = 0
2 l l 2
g& l
Node 5 (interior) : 4T2 − 4T5 + 0 = 0
where g& 0 = 0.19 × 10 5 Btu/h ⋅ ft 3 , l = 0.2 ft, k = 16 Btu/h.ft⋅°F, h =7.9 Btu/h.ft2⋅°F, and T∞ =70°F. The 3
nodal temperatures under steady conditions are determined by solving the 3 equations above
simultaneously with an equation solver to be
T1 = T3 = T7 = T9 =304.85°F,
T2 = T4 = T6 = T8 =316.16°F, T5 =328.04°F
(b) The rate of heat loss from the bar through a 1-ft long section is determined from an energy balance on
one-eight section of the bar, and multiplying the result by 8:
l l l
Q& = 8 × Q& one − eight section, conv = 8 × h (T1 − T∞ ) + h (T2 − T∞ ) (1 ft) = 8 × h [T1 + T2 − 2T∞ )](1 ft)
2 2 2
= 8(7.9 Btu/h ⋅ ft 2 ⋅ °F)(0.2/2 ft)(1 ft)[304.85 + 316.16 - 2 × 70]°F
= 3040 Btu/h (per ft flength)
Discussion Under steady conditions, the rate of heat loss from the bar is equal to the rate of heat
generation within the bar per unit length, and is determined to be
Q& = E& gen = g& 0V = (0.19 × 10 5 Btu/h.ft 3 )(0.4 ft × 0.4 ft × 1 ft) = 3040 Btu/h (per ft length)
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-55 Heat transfer through a square chimney is considered. The nodal temperatures and the rate of heat loss
per unit length are to be determined with the finite difference method.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and two-dimensional since the height of the chimney is
large relative to its cross-section, and thus heat conduction through the chimney in the axial direction is
negligible. It is tempting to simplify the problem further by considering heat transfer in each wall to be one
dimensional which would be the case if the walls were thin and thus the corner effects were negligible.
This assumption cannot be justified in this case since the walls are very thick and the corner sections
constitute a considerable portion of the chimney structure. 2 There is no heat generation in the chimney. 3
Thermal conductivity is constant.
Properties The thermal conductivity and emissivity Tsurr
are given to be k = 1.4 W/m⋅°C and ε = 0.9. ho, To
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
where l = 0.1 m, k = 1.4 W/m⋅°C, hi = 75 W/m2⋅°C, Ti =280°C, ho = 18 W/m2⋅°C, T0 =15°C, Tsurr =250 K, ε
= 0.9, and σ = 5.67×10-8 W/m2.K4. This system of 10 equations with 10 unknowns constitutes the finite
difference formulation of the problem.
(b) The 10 nodal temperatures under steady conditions are determined by solving the 10 equations above
simultaneously with an equation solver to be
T1 =94.5°C, T2 =93.0°C, T3 =82.1°C, T4 =36.1°C, T5 =250.6°C,
T6 =249.2°C, T7 =229.7°C, T8 =82.3°C, T9 =261.5°C, T10 =94.6°C
(c) The rate of heat loss through a 1-m long section of the chimney is determined from
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-56 Heat transfer through a square chimney is considered. The nodal temperatures and the rate of heat loss
per unit length are to be determined with the finite difference method.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and two-dimensional since the height of the chimney is
large relative to its cross-section, and thus heat conduction through the chimney in the axial direction is
negligible. It is tempting to simplify the problem further by considering heat transfer in each wall to be one
dimensional which would be the case if the walls were thin and thus the corner effects were negligible.
This assumption cannot be justified in this case since the walls are very thick and the corner sections
constitute a considerable portion of the chimney structure. 2 There is no heat generation in the chimney. 3
Thermal conductivity is constant. 4 Radiation heat transfer is negligible.
Properties The thermal conductivity of chimney is
given to be k = 1.4 W/m⋅°C. ho, To
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
"We consider only one-fourth of the geometry whose nodal network consists of 10 nodes. Using
the finite difference method, 10 equations for 10 unknown temperatures are determined to be"
(T_1+273)^4)=0 "Node 1"
(T_2+273)^4)=0 "Node 2"
(T_3+273)^4)=0 "Node 3"
"Node 4"
h_i*l/2*(T_i-T_5)+k*l/2*(T_6-T_5)/l+k*l/2*(T_1-T_5)/l=0 "Node 5"
h_i*l*(T_i-T_6)+k*l/2*(T_5-T_6)/l+k*l/2*(T_7-T_6)/l+k*l*(T_2-T_6)/l=0 "Node 6"
h_i*l*(T_i-T_7)+k*l/2*(T_6-T_7)/l+k*l/2*(T_9-T_7)/l+k*l*(T_3-T_7)/l+k*l*(T_8-T_7)/l=0 "Node 7"
(T_8+273)^4)=0 "Node 8"
h_i*l*(T_i-T_9)+k*l/2*(T_7-T_9)/l+k*l/2*(T_10-T_9)/l=0 "Node 9"
(T_10+273)^4)=0 "Node 10"
"Right top corner is considered. The locations of nodes are as follows:"
"Node 1: Middle of top surface
Node 2: At the right side of node 1
Node 3: At the right side of node 2
Node 4: Corner node
Node 5: The node below node 1, at the middle of inner top surface
Node 6: The node below node 2
Node 7: The node below node 3, at the inner corner
Node 8: The node below node 4
Node 9: The node below node 7,at the middle of inner right surface
Node 10: The node below node 8, at the middle of outer right surface"
"The rate of heat loss through a unit depth d=1 m of the chimney is"
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
47.5 5000
tem perature
39.5 heat
T corner [C]
Q [W ]
27.5 2000
200 240 280 320 360 400
T i [C]
T inner,m iddle [C]
200 240 280 320 360 400
T i [C]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
52.5 3200
T corner [C]
Q [W ]
36.5 tem perature
32.5 2800
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-58 The exposed surface of a long concrete damn of triangular cross-section is subjected to solar heat flux
and convection and radiation heat transfer. The vertical section of the damn is subjected to convection with
water. The temperatures at the top, middle, and bottom of the exposed surface of the damn are to be
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the damn is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no
heat generation within the damn. 3 Heat transfer through the base is negligible. 4 Thermal properties and
heat transfer coefficients are constant.
Properties The thermal conductivity and solar absorptivity are given to be k = 0.6 W/m⋅°C and αs = 0.7.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=1 m, and all nodes are boundary nodes. Node 5 on the
insulated boundary can be treated as an interior node for which Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode = 0 .
Using the energy balance approach and taking the direction of all heat transfer to be towards the node, the
finite difference equations for the nodes are obtained to be as follows:
l l T2 − T1 l/2
Node 1: hi (Ti − T1 ) + k + [α s q& s + h0 (T0 − T1 )] = 0
2 2 l sin 45
l T1 − T2 l T4 − T2 T − T2
Node 2: hi l (Ti − T1 ) + k +k + kl 3 =0
2 l 2 l l
T2 − T3 T − T3 l 1•
Node 3: kl + kl 5 + [α s q& s + h0 (T0 − T3 )] = 0 ho, To
l l sin 45
Water 2 3 qs
l l T 2 − T4 l T5 − T4 • •
Node 4: hi (Ti − T4 ) + k +k =0
2 2 l 2 l hi, Ti
Node 5: T4 + 2T3 + T6 − 4T5 = 0 •4 •5 •6
l T5 − T6 l/2
Node 6: k + [α s q& s + h0 (T0 − T6 )] = 0 Insulated
2 l sin 45
where l = 1 m, k = 0.6 W/m⋅°C, hi =150 W/m2⋅°C, Ti =15°C, ho = 30 W/m2⋅°C, T0 =25°C, αs = 0.7, and
q& s = 800 W/m 2 . The system of 6 equations with 6 unknowns constitutes the finite difference formulation
of the problem. The 6 nodal temperatures under steady conditions are determined by solving the 6
equations above simultaneously with an equation solver to be
T1 = Ttop =21.3°C, T2 =15.1°C, T3 = Tmiddle =43.2°C, T4 =15.1°C, T5 =36.3°C, T6 = Tbottom =43.6°C
Discussion Note that the highest temperature occurs at a location furthest away from the water, as
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-59E The top and bottom surfaces of a V-grooved long solid bar are maintained at specified temperatures
while the left and right surfaces are insulated. The temperature at the middle of the insulated surface is to
be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the bar is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no heat
generation within the bar. 3 Thermal properties are constant.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆y=l=1 ft, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node for steady two-dimensional heat conduction with no heat generation is expressed as
g& node l 2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + = 0 → Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode = 0
There is symmetry about the vertical plane passing through the center. Therefore, T1 = T9, T2 = T10, T3 = T11,
T4 = T7, and T5 = T8. Therefore, there are only 6 unknown nodal temperatures, and thus we need only 6
equations to determine them uniquely. Also, we can replace the symmetry lines by insulation and utilize
the mirror-image concept when writing the finite difference equations for the interior nodes.
The finite difference equations for boundary nodes are obtained by applying an energy balance on
the volume elements and taking the direction of all heat transfers to be towards the node under
l 32 − T1 32 − T1 l T2 − T1 212°F
Node 1: k + kl +k =0
2 l l 2 l 1 9
• • • •
(Note that k and l cancel out)
Node 2: T1 + 2T4 + T3 − 4T2 = 0 2 3 7 10
• • • • •
Node 3: T2 + 212 + 2T5 − 4T3 = 0
3 5 6 8 11
Node 4: 2 × 32 + T2 + T5 − 4T4 = 0 • • • • •
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T_top=32 "[F], parameter to be varied"
T_bottom=212 "[F], parameter to be varied"
DELTAx=1 "[ft]"
DELTAy=1 "[ft]"
T_1=T_9 "due to symmetry"
T_2=T_10 "due to symmetry"
T_3=T_11 "due to symmetry"
T_4=T_7 "due to symmetry"
T_5=T_8 "due to symmetry"
"Using the finite difference method, the six equations for the six unknown temperatures are
determined to be"
"k*l/2*(T_top-T_1)/l+k*l*(T_top-T_1)/l+k*l/2*(T_2-T_1)/l=0 simplifies to for Node 1"
1/2*(T_top-T_1)+(T_top-T_1)+1/2*(T_2-T_1)=0 "Node 1"
T_1+2*T_4+T_3-4*T_2=0 "Node 2"
T_2+T_bottom+2*T_5-4*T_3=0 "Node 3"
2*T_top+T_2+T_5-4*T_4=0 "Node 4"
T_3+T_bottom+T_4+T_6-4*T_5=0 "Node 5"
T_top+T_bottom+2*T_5-4*T_6=0 "Node 6"
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T 2 [F]
25 65 105 145 185 225
T top [F]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
T 2 [F]
25 65 105 145 185 225
T bottom [F]
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-61 The top and bottom surfaces of an L-shaped long solid bar are maintained at specified temperatures
while the left surface is insulated and the remaining 3 surfaces are subjected to convection. The finite
difference formulation of the problem is to be obtained, and the unknown nodal temperatures are to be
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the bar is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no heat
generation within the bar. 3 Thermal properties and heat transfer coefficients are constant. 4 Radiation
heat transfer is negligible.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 12 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis (a) The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.1 m, and all nodes are boundary nodes. Node 1
on the insulated boundary can be treated as an interior node for which
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode = 0 . Using the energy balance approach and taking the direction of all
heat transfer to be towards the node, the finite difference equations for the nodes are obtained to be as
Node 1: 50 + 120 + 2T2 − 4T1 = 0
l 50 − T2 l T3 − T2 T −T 120 − T2
Node 2: hl (T∞ − T2 ) + k +k + kl 1 2 + kl =0 50°C
2 l 2 l l l
h, T∞
l T2 − T3 l 120 − T3
Node 3: hl (T∞ − T3 ) + k +k =0
2 l 2 l
Insulated 1 2 3
• • •
where l = 0.1 m, k = 12 W/m⋅°C, h =30 W/m2⋅°C, and T∞ =25°C.
This system of 3 equations with 3 unknowns constitute the finite
difference formulation of the problem.
(b) The 3 nodal temperatures under steady conditions are
determined by solving the 3 equations above simultaneously with
an equation solver to be
T1 = 85.7°C, T2 =86.4°C, T3 =87.6°C
Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
5-62 A rectangular block is subjected to uniform heat flux at the top, and iced water at 0°C at the sides.
The steady finite difference formulation of the problem is to be obtained, and the unknown nodal
temperatures as well as the rate of heat transfer to the iced water are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be steady and two-dimensional. 2 There is no
heat generation within the block. 3 The heat transfer coefficient is very high so that the temperatures on
both sides of the block can be taken to be 0°C. 4 Heat transfer through the bottom surface is negligible.
Properties The thermal conductivity is given to be k = 23 W/m⋅°C.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be ∆x=∆x=l=0.1 m, and the general finite difference form of an
interior node equation for steady 2-D heat conduction is expressed as
6 kW heater Insulated
g& l2
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode + node = 0
Tleft + Ttop + Tright + Tbottom − 4Tnode = 0 • • •
1 5 5
There is symmetry about a vertical line passing
through the middle of the region, and we need to 2 6 6 10 0°C
consider only half of the region. Note that all 0°C • • •
side surfaces are at T0 = 0°C, and there are 8
nodes with unknown temperatures. Replacing the 3 7 7
symmetry lines by insulation and utilizing the • • •
mirror-image concept, the finite difference
equations are obtained to be as follows: 4 8 8
• • •
l T0 − T1 l T5 − T1 T2 − T1
Node 1 (heat flux): q& 0 l + k +k + kl Symmetry=0 Insulated
2 l 2 l l
Node 2 (interior): T0 + T1 + T3 + T6 − 4T2 = 0
Node 3 (interior): T0 + T2 + T4 + T7 − 4T3 = 0
Node 4 (insulation): T0 + 2T3 + T8 − 4T4 = 0
l T1 − T5 T − T5
Node 5 (heat flux): q& 0 l + k + kl 6 +0 = 0
2 l l
Node 6 (interior): T2 + T5 + T6 + T7 − 4T6 = 0
Node 7 (interior): T3 + T6 + T7 + T8 − 4T7 = 0
Node 8 (insulation): T4 + 2T7 + T8 − 4T8 = 0
where l = 0.1 m, k = 23 W/m⋅°C, T0 =0°C, and q& 0 = Q& 0 / A = (6000 W)/(5 × 0.5 m 2 ) = 2400 W/m 2 . This
system of 8 equations with 8 unknowns constitutes the finite difference formulation of the problem.
(b) The 8 nodal temperatures under steady conditions are determined by solving the 8 equations above
simultaneously with an equation solver to be
T1 =13.7°C, T2 =7.4°C, T3 =4.7°C, T4 =3.9°C, T5 =19.0°C, T6 =11.3°C, T7 =7.4°C, T8 =6.2°C
(c) The rate of heat transfer from the block to the iced water is 6 kW since all the heat supplied to the
block from the top must be equal to the heat transferred from the block. Therefore, Q& = 6 kW .
Discussion The rate of heat transfer can also be determined by calculating the heat loss from the side
surfaces using the heat conduction relation.