CHE Pack 4
Pack contents:
A. Teacher’s Guide
B. Students Guide
C. Assessment – Student’s sheet
D. Extensions to experiments
E. Useful Links
F. Health and Safety
G. Evaluation pack
Produced as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
Learning outcomes:
These are the learning outcomes expected after students have gone through this Pack
2. Key Skills
KS1 separate magnetic substances from non-magnetic substances
3. Practical skills
PS1 use a bar magnet to separate other similar mixtures
PS2 observe and record what happens
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
A. Teacher’s Guide
Assessment Questions
Separating a mixture of iron filings, sand and saw dust involves two processes
a. add water and stir to float the saw dust and decant
b. apply the use of the magnetic bar to separate the iron filings from the sand
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
B. Student Guide
The ultimate objective of this experiment is for students to know that magnetic separation of
mixtures can be done on mixtures of magnetic and non-magnetic substances.
Background to experiment
Magnetic separation is one of the ways of separating heterogeneous solid mixtures. This is done
by the use of a bar magnet. A bar magnet is an object made of certain materials which can attract
metals like iron.
The use of a bar magnet is one of the simplest and easiest ways of physical separation of
magnetic substances from non-magnetic substances. This is done by passing the magnet over the
mixture when it will pick the magnetic substance out of the mixture (see Figure 1).
Magnetic impurities are removed from their ores by the use of magnetic separation. This can also
be applied in the laboratory, e.g. to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur.
Fig. 1. Separating a mixture of iron filings and sand using a magnetic bar
Equipment/ Materials
Magnetic bar
Iron fillings, iron chippings, or metal scraps
Petri dish/ plastic plate/bowl
Plastic bag/wrapper
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
Other requirements
Working bench/table, Open space, Laboratory coat, Eye goggles, Nose mask, Hand gloves.
Experimental Procedure
1. Mix the sand with the iron filings in the plastic plate as shown in Figure 1
2. wrap the plastic bag around the bar magnet
3. suspend the bar magnet over the plate
4. the iron would be collected / attracted to the surface of the magnetic bar
5. carefully remove the plastic bag around the magnetic bar and scrape off the iron filings
6. Repeat the procedure from step 2 until all the iron fillings are removed.
7. This will help separate the iron filings from the sand
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
1. Agnes was sent by his mother to buy a box of sewing pins from the supermarket. On her
way back she toppled and fell. All the pins poured into the sand and she started crying.
How would you help her to recover the pins back?
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK
CHE Pack 4 – Magnetic Separation
D. Extensions to experiment
How will you separate a mixture of iron filings, sand and sawdust?
E. Useful links
Tidy working
Keep your working area tidy. A cluttered bench is a common contributory factor to accidents.
Cleaning after use should be done immediately.
H. Evaluation
a. Was it difficult/easy to have access to the experimental materials listed?
b. Were the experimental procedures easy to follow? Explain.
c. Suggest other methods and materials which can be included in this pack.
Produced by the Chemistry Group, UCC, as part of DelPHE-funded collaboration between University of Cape
Coast and The Open University, UK