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Navidfar 2016

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Influence of processing condition and carbon nanotube on mechanical

properties of injection molded multi-walled carbon nanotube/

poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites
Amir Navidfar, Taher Azdast, Ayub Karimzad Ghavidel
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Correspondence to: A. Navidfar (E - mail: navidfar@itu.edu.tr and a.navidfar@gmail.com)

ABSTRACT: In this work, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) pellets were com-
pounded via corotating twin-screw extruder. The produced MWCNT/PMMA nanocomposite pellets were injection molded. The effect
of MWCNT concentration, injection melt temperature and holding pressure on mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were
investigated. To examine the mechanical properties of the MWCNT/PMMA nanocomposites, tensile test, charpy impact test, and
Rockwell hardness are considered as the outputs. Design of experiments (DoE) is done by full factorial method. The morphology of
the nanocomposites was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed when MWCNT concentration
are increased from 0 to 1.5 wt %, tensile strength and elongation at break were reduced about 30 and 40%, respectively, but a slight
increase in hardness was observed. In addition, highest impact strength belongs to the nanocomposite with 1 wt % MWCNT. This
study also shows that processing condition significantly influence on mechanical behavior of the injection molded nanocomposite. In
maximum holding pressure (100 bar), the nanocomposites show highest tensile strength, elongation, impact strength and hardness.
According to findings, melt temperature has a trifle effect on elongation, but it has a remarkable influence on tensile strength. In the
case of impact strength, higher melt temperature is favorable. V
C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016, 133, 43738.

KEYWORDS: composites; graphene and fullerenes; mechanical properties; molding; nanostructured polymers; nanotubes

Received 9 November 2015; accepted 4 April 2016

DOI: 10.1002/app.43738

INTRODUCTION influential parameters, such as size, fabrication method, process-

ing conditions, polymer characteristics, dispersion, and alignment
The superior properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT), such as
of nanotubes, it is very difficult to generalize the results.4 How-
their low density, high aspect ratio, tensile strength, and extra-
ever, most of the works showed significant improvement in the
ordinary elastic modulus make them favorable fillers for the
properties of CNT-loaded composites compared to those of pure
reinforcement of polymers. Polymeric CNT nanocomposites are polymers. Several studies investigated the tensile strength and elas-
applicable as the structural materials for automobiles and air- ticity modulus of nanocomposites with MWCNT as a filler and
planes, due to their high strength to weight ratios. In addition, polyethylene (PE), polycarbonate (PC) poly(methyl methacrylate)
their high electrical conductivity makes them appropriate mate- (PMMA), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and polypropylene (PP) as
rials for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and anti- matrix.1 PMMA is a glassy amorphous polymer with favorable
static packaging. mechanical properties, outstanding climate resistance, and excel-
There have been numerous reports on how addition of CNT fillers lent hardness. There have been several studies on PMMA/CNT
to polymer forms nanocomposites with enhanced properties in nanocomposites prepared by in situ polymerization,5 solution
mechanical, thermal, and electrical aspects.1 For effective rein- mixing,6 and melt blending.7,8 Jia et al.5 have stated that the
forcement of polymers through the addition of nanotubes, four tensile strength of PMMA/CNTs were significantly increased by
main system requirements are needed, namely a large aspect ratio, the incorporation of CNTs.
good dispersion, alignment, and interfacial stress transfer.2 In Unlike other techniques, melt mixing is the preferred method in
addition, a large aspect ratio helps to transfer load to the reinforc- industry. The nanocomposite preparation can affect its proper-
ing fibers.3 An extensive amount of experimental and theoretical ties through changing alignment and dispersion of CNTs within
works in the literature has been devoted to investigating the effec- polymer matrix. Low temperature and high shear mixing may
tive properties of CNT/polymer composites. Because of many enhance the dispersion of CNTs and minimize aggregates in the

C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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of MWCNT/PMMA composites as a function of orientation,

length and concentration using twin-screw extruder. They stated
orientation of CNTs is the substantial factor to toughen nano-
composites and samples with long nanotubes are more effective
for increasing tensile toughness. In addition, yield strength for
samples with 0.1, 0.5, and 1 wt % CNT is lower than pure
PMMA with a decrease of 10% in 1 wt %.
This work was adjusted on the produced nanocomposites using
industrial scale equipment. To achieve this aim, the melt-mixing
technique was used to disperse MWCNTs within PMMA matrix
(without compatiblizer) by corotating twin-screw extruder and
then the nanocomposite pellets were injection molded. The focus
of this article is to investigate effects of processing parameters and
nanotubes content on mechanical properties of MWCNT/PMMA
nanocomposites. Melt temperature, holding pressure and nano-
tubes concentration are considered as variable parameters and
tensile test, Rockwell hardness and charpy impact test of the nano-
composites were carried out and discussed.
Figure 1. TEM image of the MWCNTs. [Color figure can be viewed in EXPERIMENTAL
the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
9 The PMMA pellets (CHI MEI Corporation, Taiwan) with the
composites. Although a wide amount of researches have been
grade name of CM205, melt flow index (MFI) of 2.5 g/10 min
carried out on the processing of CNT-filled polymeric nano-
(230 8C/5 kg) and density of 1.19 g cm23 were used. The MWCNT
composites, because of the high cost of CNTs, most researches
powders were purchased from Nanostructured & Amorphous
have been performed with small samples produced in labora-
Materials (TX, USA) which were grown by the chemical vapor
tory, so comparisons between the results and actual practical
deposition (CVD) method with an outside diameter of 30–50 nm,
applications are limited. In industrial production processes,
an inside diameter of 5–15 nm, a length between 10 and 20 lm
such as injection molding, there are significant effects of the
and purity more than 95%. Its density and aspect ratio are 2.1
processing parameters on the properties of the final product
g cm23 and 200–666, respectively. Figure 1 shows the transmission
that cannot be fully assessed by small-scale laboratory research.
electron microscopy (TEM) image of the obtained MWCNTs.
Accordingly, there are still some challenges in terms of proper
fabrication and characterization, particularly of injection Mixing
molded nanocomposites. A review of the literature shows that Before mixing process, all the materials are dried in an oven at 80 8C
only a few studies have focused on the fabrication of nanocom- for 4 h. First, the nanocomposite pellets are prepared in various car-
posites using an injection molding process.10,11 Melt processing bon nanotube loadings with a ZSK25 corotating twin-screw extru-
such as extrusion and injection molding have become a very sion. Screw speed of the extruder was set at 250 rpm and barrel
popular technique for the fabrication of CNT-polymer compo- zones temperatures were 200, 210, 230, 225, 230, and 220 8C, respec-
sites due to its low cost and availability. Besides that, injection tively.9,16 The produced pellets are also dried at 80 8C for 24 h.
molding of polymeric nanocomposites is often used to fabricate In the next step, the composites samples were produced using a
a large quantity of complex components. In addition, the shear NBM HXF-128 plastic injection molding machine with a length
flow in the injection molding process significantly influences to diameter (L/D) ratio of 21.1 that its maximum injection
the alignment of CNTs in the molded parts that high alignment pressure was 196 MPa. The constant injection molding parame-
of CNTs in a particular direction is preferred in order to reach ters are tabulated in Table I.
better tensile strength.12
Design of Experiments
Many researchers have reported that the elongation at break, Table II indicates the variable parameters and their levels. MWCNT
which is an indicator of material toughness and flexibility, concentration, melt temperature (which affects the mixing, flow,
decreases when CNTs are incorporated in polymers.13 The study
by Abbasi et al.12 also showed that elongation at break was Table I. Constant Parameters in Injection Molding Process
reduced with the addition of nanotubes to the PC host.
Agglomeration occurs due to poor dispersion, especially at the Parameters Amounts Units
high concentration of nanotubes in a polymer matrix, which Injection pressure 100 bar
results in decreased mechanical strength.14 Mathur et al.15 Injection speed 67.2 mm/sec
reported that MWCNT/PMMA composite showed an increase
Cooling time 15 sec
in tensile strength about 9% at 0.5 vol % loading over the neat
Holding time 2 sec
PMMA and approximately an increase of 7% was shown at 1
Mold temperature 28 8C
vol % loading. Gorga et al.8 investigated mechanical properties

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Table II. Levels of the Processing Parameters extrusion and injection molding processes. When CNTs are not
dispersed well within the polymer matrix, the agglomerated bun-
Parameters Levels Symbol dles can act as stress concentration locations which this can lower
MWCNT (wt %) 0 0.5 1 1.5 M the yield strength of the nanocomposites. The poor interfacial
bonding between the CNTs and PMMA phase is expected as no
Melt temperature (8C) 240 250 260 — T
compatibilizer was used in this study. Finally, the shortening of
Holding pressure (bar) 60 80 100 — P
nanotubes occurs due to the high rubbing and shearing forces in
the extruder and injection molding machines.18–20 To achieve bet-
and orientation) and the holding pressure (which affects general ter mechanical properties, it is essential that the CNTs should have
product quality)17 are considered as the variable parameters. a large length and acceptable alignment within polymer matrix.
Designs of experiment (DoE) are used by full factorial method and As such, reduction in length of CNTs reduces the aspect ratio and,
every experiment run is replicated three times that average of consequently, weakens the reinforcement effects of nanotubes.8 It
recorded data is reported as the result. Figure 2 displays fabricated is an important difference between CNT/polymer production in a
specimens after injection molding. As can be seen in this figure, the large scale and laboratory techniques.
samples of tensile test and impact test were produced based on In the case of processing conditions, highest yield tensile strength
ASTM D638-1 and ASTM D6110, respectively. is observed in minimum melt temperature (240 8C). The melt
Tests temperature decreasing can increase the melt viscosity and the
Tensile properties of the nanocomposites were studied under a shear force which leads to an increase in CNT alignment and also
strain rate of 5 mm/min at room temperature by Gotech a decrease in numbers of agglomeration.10 On the other hand, the
Al-7000M. An Indentec universal hardness testing machine increasing of melt temperature is also inappropriate factor for
(Zwick/Roell, England) was employed in order to carry out the polymers, because it can reduce the binding force between mers
Rockwell H hardness tests. At least five points of a sample in and also diminish their length.21 Also according to Figure 4(a), an
the in-flow direction were examined and the average of increase in holding pressure leads to higher tensile strength. At a
recorded data reported as the Rockwell hardness results. In
addition, notched samples were tested by Noavaran Baspar
Charpy impact test machine. The notches were created by using
NAB-NOTCH according to ASTM D 256.


The dispersion and alignment of nanotubes within a polymer
matrix play a key role in the functional properties of CNT
nanocomposites. In this regard, we have first characterized the
dispersion and alignment of nanotubes using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). The SEM images (JEOL, Jib-4601f) of the
nanocomposite cross section are shown in Figure 3 to certify
dispersion and alignment of nanotubes within the PMMA
matrix. According to these images, nanotubes are well dispersed
in the polymer phase and the nanotube orientation is in the
shear flow direction. Because the injection molding process
exhibits high shear stress in the melt flow direction, the CNTs
become partially aligned in the flow direction within the nano-
composites.12 In addition, since the injected specimens were cut
perpendicularly to the flow direction and head of CNTs
appeared in the flow direction within the PMMA matrix in
Figure 3, it is concluded that the nanotubes orientation is in
the shear flow direction
Tensile Test
Main effects of the melt temperature, holding pressure and CNT
concentration on yield tensile strength are plotted in Figure 4(a).
According to this figure, carbon nanotubes existence has a signifi-
cant effect on yield tensile strength. It can be also seen increasing
of CNTs up to 1.5 wt % decrease the tensile strength about 30%,
compared to pure PMMA. The decrease in the tensile strength of
the samples can be explained by three main factors as (I) agglom- Figure 2. The shape of fabricated samples after injection molding process.
eration of CNTs, (II) poor interfacial bonding between the [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
CNTs and PMMA matrix, and (III) shortening of CNTs during wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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Figure 3. SEM images of the produced specimens. (a) pure PMMA (b) PMMA with 0.5 wt % MWCNT (c) PMMA with 1 wt % MWCNT (d) PMMA
with 1.5 wt % MWCNT nanocomposite.

higher holding pressure, the defects of injected parts such as micro The analysis of variance (ANOVA) method is used to determine
cracks and micro porosities are decreased.22 Moreover, CNTs are the effect of input variables on the output variables and defines
more aligned in the in-flow direction and a higher strength can be which input parameters highly affect the quality feature statisti-
achieved.10 cally. The ANOVA results of the tensile strength are shown in
The interaction of the parameters on the yield tensile strength Table III. As can be seen in this table, the amount of R-square
of the nanocomposites is presented in Figure 4(b). It is observed is 93.45% that shows the considered analysis model has an
in the nanocomposite containing 1.5 wt % CNTs, increasing acceptable level. The results also indicate that F values of the
holding pressure from 80 to 100 bar does not have a noticeable processing parameters (calculated from experimental results) are
effect on yield point. This matter is also clear for the increasing 140.90, 11.07, and 21.89 for MWCNT concentration, tempera-
of melt temperature from 250 to 260 8C. Thus, it can be con- ture and pressure, respectively. As the F value obtained from
cluded that in higher concentration, increasing the melt temper- related statistical calculation is higher than theoretical F (from
ature and holding pressure are not effective for improving statistical tables),24 it can be concluded that MWCNT concen-
tensile strength. In the case of nanocomposites with lower CNTs tration, melt temperature and holding pressure are the effective
loading (0.5 wt %), insignificant change is observed by increas- parameters on the tensile strength. Another important result
ing the temperature. This phenomenon can be attributed to that can be obtained from ANOVA is the F values of interaction
existence of low agglomeration and better CNT distribution in between CNT content and the temperature, which is higher
lower concentration.23 As it has been discussed, yield strength than theoretical F. Therefore, this interaction between two input
depends on the number of agglomerations. The number of pro- parameters would be effective on the strength. Besides that, two
duced agglomerations will be low when the CNT loading is low. other interactions have no significant effect. According to per-
Therefore, it can be concluded that decreasing temperature can- cent effects from Table III, MWCNT percentage with percent
not be an effective parameter to improve the yield strength of effect of 80.93% is the most effective parameter on the tensile
nanocomposites.10,14 strength.

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Figure 4. (a) Main effect plots (b) interaction plots of yield tensile Figure 5. (a) Main effect plots (b) interaction plots of elongation at break.
strength. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is avail- [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
able at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

The main effects of processing parameters and nanotubes con-

agglomeration can also be considered in reduction of elongation.
tent of the samples on elongation at break are shown in Figure
Places where agglomerations of CNTs occur can be a potential
5(a). Elongation, which is an indicator of material toughness
defect zone for crack formation and, consequently these places
and flexibility, decreases by incorporating MWCNTs.12 The
debilitate mechanical properties such as elongation.12
maximum elongation amount is obtained for pure PMMA and
the minimum amount is observed in nanocomposite with 1.5% Weak interfacial adhesion between CNTs and PMMA matrix can
CNTs. In general, adding of CNTs to PMMA matrix does not be the second powerful reason.18 The increasing of thermal con-
have positive influence on elongation. As it has been described ductivity by CNTs increasing can be another reason for reduction
in the case of yield strength, the agglomeration is an undeniable of elongation. When the thermal conductivity is increased the
factor on behavior of nanocomposites. The effect of CNTs cooling rate of samples is changed (change in residual stress) that

Table III. Analysis of Variance for Yield Tensile Strength

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P value F(DF,12,0.05) Peff

M 3 2488.55 2488.55 829.52 140.90 0.000 3.49 80.93
T 2 130.39 130.39 65.19 11.07 0.002 3.88 4.24
P 2 257.75 257.75 128.88 21.89 0.000 3.88 8.38
M3T 6 134.91 134.91 22.49 3.82 0.023 3.00 4.39
P3M 6 33.83 33.83 5.64 0.96 0.492 3.00 1.10
T3P 4 29.57 29.57 7.39 1.26 0.340 3.26 0.96
Error 12 70.65 70.65 5.89
Total 35 3145.66 S 5 2.42638 R-Sq 5 97.75% R-Sq(adj) 5 93.45%

Adj SS: adjusted sum square; DF: degrees of freedom; SS: sum square; MS: mean square

WWW.MATERIALSVIEWS.COM 43738 (5 of 9) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2016, DOI: 10.1002/APP.43738


Table IV. Analysis of Variance for Elongation at Break

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P value F(DF,12,0.05) Peff

M 3 72.0817 72.0817 24.0272 212.38 0.000 3.49 84.4
T 2 0.5528 0.5528 0.2764 2.44 0.129 3.88 0.64
P 2 5.5005 5.5005 2.7502 24.31 0.000 3.88 6.44
M3T 6 2.6706 2.6706 0.4451 3.93 0.021 3.00 3.13
P3M 6 3.7165 3.7165 0.6194 5.48 0.006 3.00 4.35
T3P 4 0.8780 0.8780 0.2195 1.94 0.168 3.26 1.03
Error 12 1.3576 1.3576 0.1131
Total 35 86.7577 S 5 0.336351 R-Sq 5 98.44% R-Sq(adj) 5 95.44%

Adj SS: adjusted sum square; DF: degrees of freedom; SS: sum square; MS: mean square.

can be effective on the elongation. As can be seen in Figure 5(a), pressure assists to make better alignment that it can also be
melt temperature has a slight effect on elongation. Regarding effective factor for reaching better properties.
holding pressure, tougher nanocomposites are observed in high Interaction plots of processing parameters are shown in Figure
pressures. 6(b). As Figure 6(b) reveals, the maximum volume of hardness
Interaction plots of the results are shown in Figure 5(b). Accord- was resulted in low melt temperature. This result reveals that
ing to this figure, in nanocomposites containing MWCNT, proc- the high temperature is an unfavorable factor for hardness. As
essing parameters make less change on elongation. In the it has been mentioned in the tensile strength section, the melt
nanocomposites with highest CNT concentration (1.5 wt %), viscosity and shear force increase in low melt temperature,
increasing melt temperature and holding pressure do not have sig- which leads to an increase in CNTs alignment and decrease in
nificant effect on elongation of the samples. These findings prove, number of agglomerations.10 In addition, at highest level of
when CNT concentration is increased the process parameters have holding pressure, changing nanotubes concentration shows
a trifle effect on the CNT alignment because the effect of agglom-
eration is stronger.
The ANOVA results for elongation at break are shown in Table
IV. Results reveal that percentage of MWCNT and holding pres-
sure has statistically effect on the elongation with 95.44% R-
square amount. The F value of the CNT content and the pres-
sure are 212.38 and 24.31, respectively. Because these calculated
F values are bigger than the theoretical F amounts (i.e., 3.49
and 3.88), the CNT percentage and the holding pressure are
effective on elongation. Moreover, the examination of percent
effects shows that the percentage of MWCNT (Peff 5 84.4%) is
the most effective parameter on the elongation.

Rockwell Hardness
Figure 6(a) depicts the main effect plots of variable parameters
on the samples hardness. Low amount incorporation of
MWCNTs has a minor effect on the hardness of the nanocom-
posites (0.5 wt %), but further increasing in CNT loading
enhances the hardness. According to Figure 6(a), increasing the
melt temperature in the injection molding process decreases the
hardness. As it has been described in tensile strength part, the
low temperature can help to improve dispersion of CNTs and
decreasing agglomerations and consequently the hardness is
increased.21 However, the holding pressure is an effective
parameter that its increasing improves the hardness. As it has
been described in tensile test part, the holding pressure is a key
parameter on the properties of injection molded parts. Increas-
ing of holding pressure can decrease the internal defects and Figure 6. (a) Main effect plots (b) interaction plots of hardness. [Color fig-
consequently, makes better properties.22 In addition, when the ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.
injected material is CNT base nanocomposites, higher holding com.]

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Table V. Analysis of Variance for Hardness

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P value F(DF,12,0.05) Peff

M 3 3.6843 3.6843 1.2281 12.43 0.000 3.49 3.43
T 2 17.2162 17.2162 8.6081 87.13 0.000 3.88 16.04
P 2 62.7921 62.7921 31.3961 317.80 0.000 3.88 58.51
M3T 6 4.8841 4.8841 0.8140 8.24 0.001 3.00 4.55
P3M 6 6.9926 6.9926 1.1654 11.80 0.000 3.00 6.51
T3P 4 11.7488 11.7488 2.9372 29.73 0.000 3.26 10.95
Error 12 1.1855 1.1855 0.0988
Total 35 108.5037 S 5 0.314311 R-Sq 5 98.91% R-Sq(adj) 5 96.81%

Adj SS: adjusted sum square; DF: degrees of freedom; SS: sum square; MS: mean square.

slight effects on the hardness, but varying melt temperature in impact resistance of samples can be increased. Therefore, the
this pressure has a prominent influence. impact resistance could be improved by melt temperature
increasing. In general, as the produced nanocomposites are ani-
The ANOVA results of the hardness are shown in Table V. The
results confirm that all input parameters have statistical effect sotropic, because of difference in applied load during tensile
on the hardness with R-square amount of 96.81%. The calcu- and impact tests, diverse manner can be seen.
lated F values for holding pressure, melt temperature and CNT Figure 7(a) also reveals the impact strength of specimens is
percentage are 317.80, 87.13, and 12.43, respectively. The com- improved in higher amounts of holding pressure. In the case of
parison between these amounts and theoretical F values shows interaction plot to better showing of details in Figure 7(b), the
that all input parameters are effective on hardness. The F values noticeable point is changing melt temperature from 250 to
of the parameters intersection are also bigger than the theoreti- 260 8C improves the impact strength of the nanocomposite with
cal F values. Therefore, they have significant effect on the hard-
ness results. From percent effect column of Table V, it can be
found that holding pressure is the most effective parameters on
the hardness with percent effect of 58.51%.
Impact Test
Apart from elongation and strength, impact properties are cru-
cial in polymer applications, which is related to fracture tough-
ness. Main effects plot for impact strength of the notched
samples in different levels of selected parameters is presented in
Figure 7(a). As Figure 7(a) declares, the impact strength of
specimens are improved up to 35%, while amount of MWCNTs
is increased up to 1 wt %, but further increasing up to 1.5 wt
%, reduces the impact strength. The carbon nanotube due to
the folding property is a shock damper25 and can absorb the
part of shocks. As can be seen, adding of this reinforcer to the
PMMA matrix (in nanometer size) could improve the impact
strength. The dispersion and agglomerations have a key role on
impact strength. When the CNT concentration is increased up
to 1.5 wt %, achieving to a perfect dispersion is toil and the
numbers of agglomeration are increased. Therefore, it is
observed the amount of impact strength was decreased in 1.5
wt % MWCNT due to probably the presence of a lot of nano-
tube agglomerations in PMMA matrix, which provides point of
stress concentration and sites for crack initiation. Another
noticeable point is the huge effect of temperature in improving
impact strength. This is evident that increasing the temperature
exhibits reverse trend in comparison with tensile strength. In
the impact test, the direction of entrance energy is perpendicu-
lar to flow direction, while in tensile test applied load is in the Figure 7. (a) Main effect plots (b) interaction plots of impact strength.
flow direction. It seems that when the alignment is weak in [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
higher temperature and CNT networks were produced, the wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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Table VI. Analysis of Variance for Impact Strength

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P value F(DF,12,0.05) Peff

M 3 41.2165 41.2165 13.7388 58.25 0.000 3.49 20.63
T 2 56.8263 56.8263 28.4132 120.46 0.000 3.88 28.44
P 2 55.9069 55.9069 27.9535 118.51 0.000 3.88 27.98
M3T 6 26.4017 26.4017 4.4003 18.66 0.000 3.00 13.21
P3M 6 10.5283 10.5283 1.7547 7.44 0.002 3.00 5.27
T3P 4 8.9340 8.9340 2.2335 9.47 0.001 3.26 4.47
Error 12 2.8305 2.8305 0.2359
Total 35 202.6442 S 5 0.485670 R-Sq 5 98.60% R-Sq(adj) 5 95.93%

Adj SS: adjusted sum square; DF: degrees of freedom; SS: sum square; MS: mean square.

1.5 wt % MWCNT dramatically. However, in other contents it the tensile strength and elongation of the nanocomposite by 39
has a slight effect. In addition, pure PMMA samples in compar- and 42%, respectively. Enhancing holding pressure causes an
ison with the nanocomposites containing MWCNTs show lower increase in tensile strength, elongation, impact strength and hard-
impact strength in different levels that this finding confirms the ness. Regarding melt temperature, higher tensile strength and the
CNTs are useful particles for increasing the impact strength of hardness can be obtained by using a low temperature, while
PMMA. higher impact strength were seen in maximum melt temperature.
Furthermore, no significant changes in elongation were observed
The ANOVA results are shown in Table VI. All three selected
with variations in the melt temperature.
parameters have statistically significant effect on impact strength
of the nanocomposites with 95.93% R-square amount. As illus-
trated in Table VI, melt temperature, holding pressure and
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