Iot Pract
Iot Pract
Iot Pract
(1) Define different types of Arduino Boards.
Electrical Cables
The cable which is used for the transmission & distribution of electric power is known as electrical cable.
These cables are mainly used for high voltages transmission in locations where overhead lines are not
practical to use. There are different types of electrical cables are available in the market, so types of
electrical cables mainly include the following.
Electrical Cables
Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable
The Non-metallic sheathed cable is also called NM cables or non-metallic building wire cables. These types
of cables contain flexible plastic jackets including 2 to 4 wires and also a bare wire used for grounding.
These electrical cables are used in outdoor or underground applications. The most common type of indoor
residential cabling is NM-B & NM-C non-metallic sheathed cables.
Underground feeder cables are very similar to NM cables, but instead of every wire being separately
enclosed in thermoplastic, wires are connected together & fixed in the flexible material. These cables are
available in different gauge sizes and are used in in-ground & outdoor lighting applications. These cables are
ideal for damp areas such as pumps, gardens, air lamps because of their high water resistance.
Metallic Sheathed Cable
Metallic sheathed cable is also called BX, armored cables. These cables are frequently used to provide an
electric supply for large appliances. These cables include three copper wires where one wire is used for the
current, the second one is a grounding wire & the third one is the neutral wire.
These wires are protected with PVC bedding black PVC sheathing & cross-linked polyethylene. BX cables
including steel wire sheathing are frequently used for high-stress installations & outside applications.
Multi-Conductor Cable
A cable that contains more than one conductor is called a multi-conductor cable. In Europe, this cable can be
described more frequently by using the term multicore. These cables include a minimum of two and a
maximum of 100 or >100 conductors which are twisted in pairs. The whole construction of these cables will
change based on some factors like the voltage, temperature, electrical performance, etc. These cables can be
made with different shieldings like foil, spiral, or braid.
Coaxial Cable
Sometimes, a coaxial cable is also called heliax which includes an insulating layer. The inner conductor of
this cable can be protected by an insulating layer & enclosed by a tubular conducting shield. This cable uses
an external sheath for additional insulation. In a coaxial cable, the term coaxial means, since the two shields
inside divide the similar geometric axis. These cables carry TV signals and connect video equipment.
The unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable includes two wires that are twisted as one, so this cable is used for
the transmission of signal & video applications, telephones, data networks & security cameras. As compared
to optical fiber or coaxial cables, UTP cables are more reasonable. These cables are also used for outdoor
purposes. UTP cables including solid copper cores & copper wires are popular choices because they are
flexible to use on walls. Direct-Buried Cable
Direct buried cables or DBCs are particularly designed bundled fiber-optic or coaxial cables. These cables
do not need any extra sheathing, piping, or insulation before being placed underground. These cables include
heavy metalcore with different banded metal sheathing layers, gel, for shock-absorbing, thread-fortified tape
wrapped by waterproof & heavy rubber coverings.
Twin-Lead Cable
These cables are smooth two-wire cables, used for transmission in between an antenna & receiver such as a
TV &radio.
Twinaxial Cable
Alternative of coaxial cable is twin axial cable that includes two conductors rather than one. These cables are
mainly used for very short-range high-speed signals.
Paired Cable
The paired cable includes two conductors which are insulated individually. These cables are used in
lowfrequency AC or DC applications.
Power Cables
Power cables are mainly used for electric power transmission from substations to necessary locations. These
cables can be used as underground or overhead based on the requirement. These cables include several
conductors which are protected through an external coating known as insulation. Power cables are available
in different types like Belted, Screened, H-Type, S.L. cables, Super Tension, Oil Filled & Gas Pressure.
Some of them are discussed below.
Power Cables
Belted Cables
The cables that include three conductors which are bunched together & enclosed with an insulating paper
‘belt’ are known as belted cables. In these types of cables, every conductor can be insulated with paper
impregnated through an appropriate dielectric. These cables are used where the voltage range is from 11kv
to 22KV.
Power cables like screened cables are applicable up to 33KV of the voltage range, however, in some cases,
the voltage range can be increased up to 66KV. These cables are available in two types like H- type and SL
These cables use gas or oil to maintain the pressure of the cable above the atmosphere. These cables are
available in two types gas pressure and oil-filled. Gas pressure cables are applicable for up to 275KV
whereas oil-filled cables are applicable for up to 500KV. Oil-filled cables are available in three types
selfcontained circular type, flat type & pipe type.
Computer Cables
A cable plug or cord that transmits data or power to different devices is known as a computer cable. These
cables include one or more wires and are coated with plastic material. In the computer, there are different
parts available which are connected directly otherwise uses different cables for connecting from parts of the
computer to the system. There are different types of computer cables available in the market which are
discussed below.
Computer Cables
HDMI Cable
In HDMI cables, HDMI stands for “High Definition Multimedia Interface”. It is one type of computer cable,
used to transmit the signals like audio & video through images. This cable can be used to connect different
electronic devices like HDTV, TVs, Projector, cable boxes, DVD players, media streamers, etc.
DVI Cable
DVI (Digital Visual Interface) cable is a video display interface, used to attach the video card & LCD
monitor. By using this cable, one can watch high-quality pictures without having any trouble.
These cables transmit video data to monitors at high resolutions like 2560 x 1600, so these are mostly
applicable in CRT monitors with a VGA connection. The main intention to design this cable is to transmit
analog and digital signals to the computer system.
VGA (Video Graphics Adapter) cable is mainly used to transfer video signals by connecting the CPU &
monitor of a computer. At present, these cables can be found in projectors & TVs.
Generally, the Ethernet cable is used in a wired network to connect different devices like PCs, routers &
switches in a LAN. If this cable length is not long or not durable then the connection quality will be reduced.
The port of Ethernet can be observed on the motherboard to plug the cable directly.
These cables are very similar to telephone cables but it includes the number of wires. There are different
types of Ethernet cables available in the market in different colors. So based on requirement we can select
and use.
PS/2 Cable
This PS/2 (Personal System/2) cable is available with a round connector with 6 pins. These cables are
mainly used to connect the keyboard & mouse to the computer system. These cables are available in small
size but we can extend by using some adapters based on the requirement. These cables are replaced by USB
cables because USB cables can be plugged in very easily.
Audio Cable
Audio cables are used to connect headphones & earphones to the system. Generally, these are mainly used
for connecting a PC sound card, small stereo audio device, or small CD player to any speaker.
USB Cables
The USB (Universal Serial Bus) is very popular and standard cable used to connect different peripherals to a
computer device. The devices which are connected by USB are music players, mice, keyboards, flash drives,
and many more.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) cable carries music data, panning, vibrato, event messages, etc.
These cables can be found in different earlier computer systems where sound cards include MIDI ports that
joint different electronic musical instruments to computers. This cable also connects a synthesizer or MIDI
keyboard to the computer.
Hardware Requirements:
For the Arduino IDE to install and run, the system is required to have 256 MB RAM on top of
the requirements for the operating system, CPU with Pentium 4 or above.
Software Requirements:
Java run-time environment is an important requirement for the installation and run-time of the
Arduino IDE. The Arduino IDE uses avr-gcc to compile the sketches written in the IDE. The
Arduino IDE also requires the USB drivers to be installed to connect with the Arduino board for
uploading the code from the sketch. All of these dependencies are included within the official
download on the Arduino website and when building the system, which means that users don’t
have to install anything other than the Arduino IDE.
TITLE: To interface LED / Buzzer with Arduino Uno and write a program to turn
ON LED for 1 sec after every 2 seconds.
Components Required:
• Arduino Board
• resistor
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
(2) Implement it with different type of Ardunio board and check the output.
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
When the button is not pressed, the LED is off. And when we press the button the
LED should be on.
• First, make sure to power off your Arduino – remove any USB cable.
• Plug a black wire between the blue line of the breadboard and a ground (GND)
pin on the Arduino board.
• Plug the LED. You can notice that the LED has a leg shorter than the other.
Plug this shorter leg to the ground (blue line here) of the circuit.
• Connect the longer leg of the LED to a digital pin (here pin no 8, you can
change it). Add a 220 Ohm resistor in between to limit the current going
through the LED. • Add the push button to the breadboard, like in the picture.
• Connect one leg of the button to the ground, and put a 10k Ohm resistor in
between. This resistor will act as a “pull down” resistor, which means that the
default button’s state will be LOW.
• Add a red wire between another leg of the button and VCC (5V).
• Finally, connect a leg of the button (same side as the pull down resistor) to a
digital pin (here 7)
#define LED_PIN 8
} void loop() {
if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
} else { digitalWrite(LED_PIN,
Non-pressed state value is low once we get the button’s state, we check if it’s
HIGH (pressed): we power on the LED with digitalWrite() and the HIGH state.
LOW (not pressed): we power off the LED with digitalWrite() and the LOW state.
- 1 * Arduino Uno board
- 1 * USB cable
- 1 * temp and humidity module
- DuPont wires(Female to Male)
#include <math.h>
{ double Temp;
Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000));
Name : saiyad mohammadsadab
Enrollment no : 211260107010
Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
Experiment No: 5
To perform Experiment using Arduino Uno to measure the distance of
any object using Ultrasonic Sensor.
Hardware Required:
• Arduino Uno Board
• Ultrasonic sensor
• USB cable – connect to computer Exercise:
1) Compare the result as discussed in above diagram and note the performance.
int inches = 0;
int cm = 0;
Experiment No: 6
To perform Light Sensor (Photoresister) using Arduino Uno.
Hardware Requirement:
• Arduino Uno
• Light sensor
• USB cable
• Register Exercise:
1) Compare the result after the simulator.
Code: int sensor
value = 0; void setup()
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop()
sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
Name : saiyad mohammadsadab
Enrollment no : 211260107010
Experiment No:7
To perform Flame Sensor using Arduino.
Hardware Requirement:
• Flame sensor
• Male to female jumper wires
• Arduino UNO
• Lighter Exercise:
1) Compare the result as per above criteria and notify the result.
const int sensorMin = 0; // sensor minimum const
int sensorMax = 1024; // sensor maximum
void setup() { baud: Serial.begin(9600);
case 1:
case 2:
1) Compare the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
No. Arduino Raspberry Pi
1. It is designed to control the While Raspberry Pi computes data
electrical components connected to and produces valuable outputs, and
the circuit board in a system. controls components in a system
based on the outcome of its
2. Arduino boards have a simple While Raspberry Pi boards have a
hardware and software structure. complex architecture of hardware
and software.
1. Power consumption: Raspberry Pi consumes more power compared to
Arduino, which may be a consideration for battery-powered IoT
2. Complexity: Its versatility can make it more complex for beginners,
especially those with limited programming or electronics experience.