Question A B C D Answer
1 The Expression, A=30*1000+2768 evaluates to ________________. -32768 32768 113040 A
2 The maximum value that an integer constant can have is ____________________. -3276700% 3276700% 1.7014% B
3 ________________ is the minimum range of signed integer. -32680 -32687 -32768 C
4 ________________ is the minimum range of Signed Integer. -32680 -32687 -32768 C
5 Arrays in C++ are _________________ based. 1 0 5 B
6 _________________ bytes occupies by Double. 4 6 8 C
7 If A is an integer variable, A=5/2, will return a value____________________. 8.28 6.28 2 C
________________ will be the sum of the first ten numbers by increments of I++
8 gives. 50 55 54 B
9 ________________ is the maximum range of Character in C++. 125 126 127 C
10 _________________ is the maximum range of Character in C++. 127 126 125 A
11 C Language came into existence in the year ____________________. 1971 1972 1957 B
12 Macros are defined using ___________________ statement. #define #include #if A
13 ________________ of the following is allowed in A C++ Arithmetic Instruction. () {} [] A
40 C++ Language has been developed by _________________. Bjarne Strastroup Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie A
41 ___________________ keyword is used to exit loops at arbitrary spots. Break Close Out A
42 The ___________________ loop executes at least once. Break Stop Quit A
43 The class definition contain the class ________________. Characters Numbers Members C
44 _________________ stores memory address. Class Pointer Keywords B
Prototype Standard Library
45 The Exit() Function is a ________________. Closer Function Function Function C
46 _________________ refers to the names of variables functions, arrays, classes. Complier Interpreter Indentifier C
The _________________ header file must be included in all the program that use
47 input/output statements. conio.h iostream.h string.h B
_________________ is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a
48 constructors. Constructor Destructor Class B
A special member function for automatically created class is called
49 _________________. Constructor Destructor Dynamic Memory A
50 _________________ allows the data at the memory address to be modified. Declaration Initialize Dereferencing B
_________________ of the following keywords are used to control access to a
51 class member. Default Protected Break A
52 A. _________________ is a statement that introduces a variable in the program. Definition Declaration Introduction B
53 The _________________ is called when a object is destroyed. Destructor Constructor Pointer A
A Compound Statement is a group of Statements included between A pair of
54 ________________. Double Quote Curly Braces Parenthesis B
The ___________________ arguments are defined in the function declaration in the
55 calling function. External Internal Common A
56 break & continue is officially know as a ___________________ statement. Fixed Alter jump C
57 _________________ variable are used to store floating point numbers. Float int str A
58 ________________ constant variable is also called as Real Number. Float Integer Long Integer A
59 The number of the Relational Operators in the C Language is ________________. Four Six Three B
_________________ file contain Classes and Function used by Algorithm of the
60 Standard Library. Functional Vector Memory A
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
61 ___________________ variables are not limited to particular function. Global Local others A
The _________________ statement causes an exit from the body of the loop in
62 which it is executed. goto Close Exit C
63 ___________________ can be used to return a single value from a function. Header File Return Statement getch() B
64 C++ is combination of two language “C” and _________________. High Level VB OOPS C
High Level Middle Level Low Level
65 C is a _________________________. Language Language Language B
Multiple If-Else
66 Nested If-Else Statement is tested with ____________________. If Statement Only if Statement Statement C
67 Printf Statement is used for __________________________. Input Output Variables B
68 The default return type of main() is ___________________. int void char A
69 Character Variables are declared with the keyword _________________. int float Char C
70 A computer is ___________________ device as it cannot make any decision. Intelligent Server Dumb C
___________________ scan the entire program first & then translate it into
71 machine code. Interpreter Compiler CPU B
Can’t have a Can’t have a
72 A class having No Name _______________________. is not allowed Constructor Destructor C
unget() method puts the _________________ read character back into the Input
73 Stream. Last First All A
74 ________________ of the following methods belong the String Class. Length () Compare To90 Equals () A
75 ________________ of the following is an Associative Container. List Queue Map C
A variable that is defined and used in one specified portion of a program is called as Constant
76 ________________. Local Variable Global Variable Variable A
77 The ___________________ operators perform arithmetic operations. Logical Arithmetic Bitwise B
Conditional between two
78 If statement is used for __________________________. Logical Operator Operator operator C
79 The Conditional Operator is called as ____________________. Logical Operator Operator Ternary Operator C
Oriented Object Oriented Low Level
80 C++ is a ___________________________________. Programming Programming Language B
81 The ___________________ function is most important. Main Braces None A
_________________ header file contain function prototype for math Library
82 Function. Math.H Stdlib.H Stdio.H A
83 _________________ give the current size of String Object. Max Size Capacity Size() C
84 Member function of a class is also refereed to as _________________.. Member function Data Member Method C
92 14%2==0? Printf(“even”): printf(“odd”); here output will be ___________________. odd error Even C
93 The _________________ operator returns the address of a variable. Ompersand %s %u A
94 A forloop is used to execute ___________________ number of times. One Two specific C
95 A Destructor takes ________________. One Argument Two Arguments Zero Arguments C
Multiple If Else
96 Nested If-Else Statement is tested with __________________________. Only If Statement If-Else Statement Statement C
97 Cout is used in the programming for _________________. Output Input Variables A
When the Break Statement used in a switch takes control transfer to Outside the In the Default
98 ________________. Switch Inside the Switch case of switch A
99 _________________ is the concept of using same name for two or more functions. Overloading Member Function Class A
100 _________________ data is newly added to the C++. Overloading Polymorphism Template C
101 _________________ method returns the next character from the Input Stream. peek() putback() unget() A
102 A for loop is considered a ___________________ loop. Pre-test Pre-post Test A
103 ________________ of the following is a Key Word is used for a Storage Class. Printf External Auto C
104 The ___________________ function is used to read information from keyword. printf() scanf() puts() B
105 ________________ of the Class Member is Accessible for all uses of the Class. Private Member Public Member Member B
106 # is called as ___________________. Processor Complier Directive C
C allows Arrays of Greater than two Dimensions, ________________ will
107 determined this. Programmer Complier Parameter B
108 The Fields in a Class of a C++ program are by default ________________. Protected Public Private C
109 _________________ of the following cannot be passed to a Function. Reference Arrays Header Files C
110 String class supports _________________ operators. Relational Logical Arithmetic A
Remainder of Dividend of Two Quotient of Two
111 The Modulus Operator yields the ________________. Two Expression Expression Expression A
112 The _________________ function is the “opposite” of _________________. Scanf, Printf Printf, Scanf None B
113 _________________ is a process of arranging data in a descending order. Searching Sorting None B
114 C is a case ___________________ language. Sensitive Easy None A
Sequential Searching is a _________________ & _________________ forwards
115 method. Simple & Straight Easy & Simple Simple & Logical A
116 Unary operator act on _________________ operands. Single Double Onyno.ok A
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
______________ variables are created by placing the declaration outside all
117 functions. Stack Global Static B
118 _________________ can also be used to allocate memory while creating objects. Static Constructors Const B
119 C++ standard Library provides a _________________ class. Static String Constant B
120 C++ standard Library provides a _________________ class. Static String Constant B
121 A _________________ can have access to only other static members. static function static member static properties A
122 Srand stands for ___________________. Static random Seed random same random B
123 Structure data type stores information of ___________________ type. stdio.h conio.h string.h A
124 Random Function include in ___________________ file. stdio.h conio.h stdlib.h C
The ___________________ function copies a portion of one string into another
125 string. strcpy() strncpy() strcat() B
126 The C++ Standard Library provides a _________________ class. String Data cpy A
127 ___________________ keyword is used to create structures. Structure Struct x Struct C
Each element of an array can be referred by the array name and a
128 _________________. Superscript Array value Subscript C
129 _________________ are the errors that planning the Programmers Logic. Syntax Program Logical Error C
130 _________________ are the errors that planning the Programmers Logic. Syntax Program Logical Error C
Syntax & Logical
131 ___________________ are errors that occur in planning the program’s logic. Syntax Logical both B
________________ is a collection of records about important aspects of a particular
132 entity in an organisaiton. Table Fine Master File Report Files B
To Extend
To help Modular Capability of To hide details of
133 The major Goal of Inheritance in C++ is ________________. Programming Code Base Classes B
134 _________________ Operator operate o single operands. Unary Binary Logical A
135 A _________________ is a method that has the same name as its class. Variable Constructor Null B
136 A _________________ is a method that has the same name as its class. Variable Constructor Null B
137 A _________________ is place to stroe information. Variable Constants None A
138 The constructor has the same name as the _________________. Variable Class Object B
139 The ___________________ list of function may have Parameters of any data types. Variable Functions Parameter C
140 A dowhile loop is very similar to ___________________ loop. while forloop forwhile A
141 Do loop also executes a block of code as long as a condition is statistical. TRUE FALSE A
142 C++ defines a string class as part of its Standard Libraries. TRUE FALSE A
143 A constant differ from a variable in the sense that it represents a memory location. TRUE FALSE B
144 C++ is a Complied Language. TRUE FALSE A
145 cout is an constant from a standard C++ Library. TRUE FALSE B
146 Manipulators are operators that are used to format the data display. TRUE FALSE A
147 Constructors can be virtual. TRUE FALSE B
148 Destructor is used to destroy the objects that have created by a constructor. TRUE FALSE A
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
149 The syntax for overloading on operator is at first a bit intimidating. TRUE FALSE A
Objects and functions defined outside any function including main or class are in
150 global scope. TRUE FALSE A
151 C++ has the notion of lvalue & rvalue associated with variables & constants. TRUE FALSE A
152 Character Variables are used int variables. TRUE FALSE B
153 Closing brackets always denotes the End of the Program. TRUE FALSE B
154 Floating point numbers may contain both whole & fractional part. TRUE FALSE A
155 Conditional Processing introduce both the switch statement & logical operators. TRUE FALSE A
156 C-style character arrays are a low-level, primitive representation of string data. TRUE FALSE A
157 The vector container class is a part of the C++ standard Library. TRUE FALSE A
Pointer can be used as a convenient way to access or manipulate the data in an
158 array. TRUE FALSE A
159 Debugging is the process in which program errors are removed. TRUE FALSE A
160 Complier translate the program line by line on fly. TRUE FALSE A
161 C++ us a case sensitive language. TRUE FALSE A
162 Character variables are typically 2 byte. TRUE FALSE B
163 Whitespace characters can be seen printed in white paper. TRUE FALSE B
164 An Expression is said to return a value. TRUE FALSE A
165 Member functions also known as data memory address. TRUE FALSE B
166 A function must be declared prior to its use. TRUE FALSE A
167 String class supports relational operators. TRUE FALSE A
168 C++ Language not allows classes & functions to be declared as templates. TRUE FALSE B
169 The vector container class is a part of C++ standard library. TRUE FALSE A
A pointer can’t be used as convenient way to access or manipulate the date in an
170 array. TRUE FALSE B
171 C++ does not recognize the comments symbol ‘/*’ and ‘*/’. TRUE FALSE B
172 In C++ variable can be declared any where within the program. TRUE FALSE A
173 A pointer is a variable that holds the address of another variable. TRUE FALSE A
174 A class declaration in C++ is similar to a structure declaration. TRUE FALSE A
175 Destructor can be overloaded. TRUE FALSE B
Protected data member act as public members to derived classes and as private
176 members to the rest of the program. TRUE FALSE B
Private members of the base class can be directly accessed in the derived class
177 when it is a public inheritance TRUE FALSE B
178 Each object holds its own copy of member data as well as member function. TRUE FALSE B
179 Static can use ‘this’ pointer. TRUE FALSE B
180 A class helps in the creation of an abstract data type. TRUE FALSE A
181 A Boolean Expression is valid for If Statement. TRUE FALSE A
182 Polymophism property is implemented by of virtual functions and by late binding. TRUE FALSE A
The Mechanism by which the data & function are bound together with in an object
183 definition is called Encapsulation. TRUE FALSE A
184 “-“ operator could be overloaded. TRUE FALSE A
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
185 Void Main (Const Int[ ]) function Prototype are not valid. TRUE FALSE B
186 # is used to link the header file to the library of the program. TRUE FALSE A
187 The binary operator overloading can not be perform with the help of friend function. TRUE FALSE B
188 Friend Function is a member function of class. TRUE FALSE B
189 In C++ the data member can be globally access. TRUE FALSE B
190 C++ does not support null virtual function. TRUE FALSE A
goto should be used in programs to transfer the control from one function to another
191 function. TRUE FALSE B
192 In a function at least one return statement must occur. TRUE FALSE B
193 C language is a user friendly higher level language. TRUE FALSE A
194 For definition int x, A[10]; statement x=A[10]; will give syntax error. TRUE FALSE A
195 The binary operator overloading can not be perform with the help of friend function. TRUE FALSE B
196 The Standard C++ Comment is /. TRUE FALSE B
197 With the introduction of Looping the programs became more complex. TRUE FALSE B
198 Class is an specification of Data Entry. TRUE FALSE A
199 A Reference is an alias for an object. TRUE FALSE A
200 A Constructor is called whenever an object is declared. TRUE FALSE A
201 Break; represent Legal Flow Control Statements. TRUE FALSE A
202 Multimap containers support the Random Access Iterator. TRUE FALSE B
203 In General Programming Languages deals with Data & Algorithm. TRUE FALSE A
204 Using Function & Operator in Different ways is nothing but Overloading. TRUE FALSE B
205 C++ was originally developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. TRUE FALSE A
206 Manipulators are operators that are used to format the data display. TRUE FALSE A
207 Constructors can be virtual. TRUE FALSE B
208 Destructor is used to destroy the objects that have created by a constructor. TRUE FALSE A
209 The syntax for overloading on operator is at first a bit intimidating. TRUE FALSE A
Objects and functions defined outside any function including main or class are in
210 global scope. TRUE FALSE A
211 An operator in general is a symbol that operates on a certain data type. TRUE FALSE A
212 The space after \n is required. TRUE FALSE B
213 Valid variables names can consist of letters, numbers & underscore. TRUE FALSE A
214 A Flowchart is nothing but a graphical representation of an algorithm. TRUE FALSE A
215 If-else statements are the way to make the computer make decisions. TRUE FALSE A
216 gets() and puts() functions are unformatted I/O functions. TRUE FALSE A
217 The ++ operator is a binary operator. TRUE FALSE B
218 && and & operators have the same meaning in C. TRUE FALSE B
219 The keyword typedef is used to create a new data type. TRUE FALSE B
220 Enumerated data types help in conserving memory. TRUE FALSE A
221 In ‘C’ program, all variables must be declared before they are used. TRUE FALSE A
222 Unless otherwise defined, a variable declared in a function is considered to be auto. TRUE FALSE A
223 We cannot create structures within structures in ‘C’. TRUE FALSE B
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
224 The identifier argv [] is a pointer to an array of strings. TRUE FALSE A
225 Only numeric constants can be #defined. TRUE FALSE B
226 The printf() function is used to read information from keyboard. TRUE FALSE B
227 Logical operators are used to compare the logical & relational Expressions. TRUE FALSE A
228 Bit operators operate Each bit of data. TRUE FALSE A
229 Arithmetic operators are used to compare arithmetic & logical expression. TRUE FALSE B
230 A function is declared with prototype. TRUE FALSE A
231 C is only used to play an “asteroids” game on the company mainframe. TRUE FALSE B
232 “*” means is an Operator. TRUE FALSE A
233 Structures and arrays have basic features in common. TRUE FALSE B
234 In face “++” has a higher precendence than “*”. TRUE FALSE B
235 Null will be defined as something else. TRUE FALSE B
236 scanf function is used to display information on the Monitor. TRUE FALSE B
237 A for loop is used to execute a section of code a specific number of times. TRUE FALSE A
238 A do while loop is very similar to a while loop. TRUE FALSE A
239 The break key word allows you to jump out of any loop at any time. TRUE FALSE A
240 The continue keyword is used in loops to skip right to the test condition. TRUE FALSE A
241 The Return Statement is optional. TRUE FALSE A
242 In C all function except main() can be called recursively. TRUE FALSE B
243 In function two return statement should never occur. TRUE FALSE B
244 Strcpy is used to copy the string. TRUE FALSE A
245 C program is developed with the help of C++ language. TRUE FALSE B
246 If Else statement is used when both the statements are False. TRUE FALSE B
247 “C” language has been developed by “Dennis Ritchie”. TRUE FALSE A
248 The maximum width of a “C” variable name can be 10 character. TRUE FALSE B
249 “C” is a low level language. TRUE FALSE B
250 Do while loop tests the condition at the End of the Loop. TRUE FALSE B
251 A flowchart is graphical representation of an algorithm. TRUE FALSE A
252 An algorithm consists of a set of explicit and unambiguous finite steps. TRUE FALSE A
253 The C programming language was developed by Charles Babbage. TRUE FALSE B
254 The C complier runs a program called the C Processor. TRUE FALSE A
255 Ending bracket denotes the start of the program. TRUE FALSE B
256 It result in to error if a header file is included twice. TRUE FALSE A
257 The Null pointer is same as uninitialized pointer. TRUE FALSE B
Different Pointers contain two different addresses but refer to the same location in
258 memory. TRUE FALSE B
259 Three declaration char*apple, char*orange [] and char cherry[] same. TRUE FALSE B
260 Strcpy is used to copy the string. TRUE FALSE A
The continue statement is used to bypass the remainder of the current pass through
261 a loop. TRUE FALSE A
The switch statement causes a particular group of statements to be chosen from
262 several available groups. TRUE FALSE A
The If-Else statement is used to carry out a logical test and then take one of the two
263 possible actions, dependingon the outcome of the test. TRUE FALSE A
Sr. No. Question A B C D Answer
264 The break statement is used to terminate loops or to exist from a switch. TRUE FALSE A
265 A flowchart is graphical representation of an algorithm. TRUE FALSE A
266 A User Defined Function is a Self contained Block of Statement TRUE FALSE A
267 Pointer is mainly used Point out the Function. TRUE FALSE B
268 Swapping Program is used for interchanging the values. TRUE FALSE A
269 A Header File is a file that contains Definitions and Macros. TRUE FALSE B
270 Macros are used to substitute value at calling point at the time of compilation. TRUE FALSE A
271 2147483647 is the maximum capacity of Long Integer. TRUE FALSE A
272 -130 is the minimum range of Signed Character. TRUE FALSE B
273 A link is a Complier. TRUE FALSE B
274 The Continue Command cannot be used with While. TRUE FALSE B
275 In C, A Union is Memory Location. TRUE FALSE A
276 Scanf is the example of User Defined Function. TRUE FALSE A
277 Prototype Function specifies the data types of the Argument. TRUE FALSE A
278 In C, by default all function arguments are passed by Value. TRUE FALSE A
279 252 is the maximum range of Unsigned Character. TRUE FALSE B
280 The Else Statement is exactly written below the If Statement. TRUE FALSE A