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Capstone Project Planning







Sr. No. Roll No. Enrollment No. Students Name




Capstone Project Planning (Bike

management system) [Android app])

This is to certify that the Micro-project entitled “ Capstone Project Planning : Bike Showroom

Management System ” being submitted here with for the award of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING in


(MSBTE) is the

result of Micro-project work completed by under the supervision and guidance of Mr. P. T. Zhunjare sir. It is

to the best of our knowledge and belief that the work embodied in this Micro-project has not formed earlier the

basis for the award of any degree or diploma of this or any other Board or examining body.

Capstone-project Guide H.O.D Principal

Mr. P.T.Zhunjare Mr. B.s.pawar Dr .A . M . Agarkar

We, undersigned hereby declare that the project entitled “ Bike Showroom Management
System” is written and submitted by us to Government Polytechnic Ambad during Year 2022-
23 Semester for partial fulfillment of the ‘CPP Project Report ’ requirement of ‘Capstone
Project Planning’ course under Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education – Mumbai [
MSBTE ] curriculum, under the guidance of Mr. P.T.Zhunjare sir is our original work.

The empirical findings in this project are based on the collected data and are not copied
from any other sources.

Sr.no. Roll Enrollment no. Name of student Signature of

no. students

The Attendance Monitoring System is an application to resolve the basic problem
related to daily attendance of student. This application will help to store the daily
attendance record of student and there details. This application generates the attendance
of the student on the basics of the presences in class. Basically this application will help
to avoid the tedious work about the student details.
Attendance Monitoring System is divided into three modules i.e. Admin, teacher
and Student module. All the control of this application is handled by the admin module.
For Teacher and Student permission granted by the Admin with unique username and
password, and subject allocation for every faculty members is done by admin. In this
application Teacher module also have an important role because all records related to the
student details is added by Admin member.

We have great pleasure to express our immense gratitude towards a dynamic person and
our project guidance, Mr. P.T.Zhunjare sir Department of COMPUTER ENGINNERING
Government Polytechnic , Ambad for giving us an opportunity to work on an interesting topic
over one semester. The work presented here could not have been accomplished without their
most competent and inspiring guidance, incessant encouragement , constructive criticism and
constant motivation during all phases of our group Micro-project work. We are highly indebted
to them.
We are very much thankful to Prof.B.S.pawar sir, Head Department of COMPUTER
ENGINEERING all HOD’s of various departments and Prof. Dr. A.M.Agarkar Sir ,The
Principal of Government Polytechnic , Ambad for his encouragement and providing me a
motivating environment and project facilities in the Institute to carry out experiments and
complete this Micro-project work.
We would like to extend our thanks to all our professors, staff members and all our
friends who extended their co-operation to complete the project. We are indeed indebted to our
parents and other family members for their immense help at all levels with moral, social &
financial support, care and support throughout my studies without which my work would not
have seen light of the day.

With warm regards,

Place: Ambad Your Sincerely,


Sr.No. Topic Page no.

1 Chapter 1 01

2 Chapter 2 02-04

3 Chapter 3 05

4 Chapter 4 06-09

5 Chapter 5 10-16

6 Chapter 6 17

7 Chapter 7 18

8 Chapter 8 19


1.1 System Overview:

The Attendance Tracking System is Android based application . It’s based software
developed for daily student learning based on presences of student performance in the
college and university. It facilitates to access the learning information of a particular
student in a particular class and how many times he/she were present that can be traced by
this application that we are going to develop . Here the faculty, who are handling the
subject will be responsible to take the attendance of a student. Each faculty will be given
with a separate username and password based on the subject allocated by admin.
Managing student assignments during working hours has become a difficult challenge.
“ To reduce the pen and paper work , to do smart work in less time with more efficiency
and to keep the data long years and years for many years ago and after also the attendance
can be seen by the teacher/student’s . “
For the stated reason above , an efficient Android-based application for Attendance
Tracking System is designed to track student's attendance for a particular class. Since
attendance system is one of the most important systems for evaluating the learning task
and status of seriousness by considering the percentage of present and absent things of
student in any college.
This application developed to reduce the pen and paper work of teacher. This application
provided with three modules i.e. Admin , Faculty and Student . Where each of them is
performing the different task with different authentication. In college’s attendance are
important and mandatory. Nowadays, due to the large number of students , it is efficient to
use Attendance Tracking System to manage different attendance ratio for each subject at


Literature Survey


The literature survey method is an examination of information on specific

subject. It is reviewing what is known, and not what is assumed. It aims to
create the final, precise representation of the knowledge and research-based
theory available topic. This method is going to be used due to need of
gathering and processing theoretical base. This survey help to build plan of
application according to the basic problems fetch buy the educational
instituted related to the Attendance of student.

First we have understood or find out the need of attendance tracking system
in nowadays by considering its requirement . We have been searched some
web sites , books and some relative videos . To design and develop this
application . As we know that now in this century everything is made up of
digitalization . To reduce the pen and paper work as well as to keep the
record for years and years that we are going to develop this android
application. After complete planning in next stage that we are going to
implement and successful execution.

2.2Existing System:
2.2.1 Drawbacks of Existing System:

 Not User Friendly:

 Difficulty in report generating:

 Manual control: All calculation to generate report is done manually

so there is greater chance of errors.

 Lots of paperwork: Existing system requires lot of paper work. Loss of

even a single record led to difficult situation because all the papers
are needed to generate the report.
 Time consuming: Every work is done manually so we cannot generate
report in the middle of the session or as per the requirement
because it is very time consuming.

2.3Proposed System:

To overcome the drawbacks of the existing system, the proposed system has
been evolved. This project aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to
generate accurate attendance report and to keep the generated data for years
and years alive .
“ Attendance Tracking System “ The efficient report can be generated by
using this proposed system.

2.3.1 Characteristics of Proposed system:

 User Friendly: The online Attendance Tracking application is user

friendly because the retrieval and storing of data is fast and data is
maintained efficiently. Moreover the graphical user interface is
provided in the proposed application, which provides user to deal
with the system very easily.
 Reports are easily generated: Reports can be easily generated in the
proposed application so user can generate the report as per the
requirement as well as in the middle of the class session.

 Reduce paper work: All the data is fetch into the computer
immediately and reports can be generated through computers.
Moreover work becomes very easy because there is no need to keep
data on papers.

 Computer operator control: Computer operator control will be there

so no change of errors. Moreover storing and retrieving of
information is easy. So work can be done speedily and in time.

Scope of Project

3.1Objective of the System:

Manual workfor
retrieval on
becomes lessas
the work becomes
It is also time
saving as manual There is less
workis less. change of errors.

Reduce admin
work by
It eliminates duplicate in t
data entry in time and eg rating
marks entries Objective details of the
s t ee
ud e nt of all thr y
e ears into a singl

Fig no.3: Objective of Proposed System

3.2 Scope of the System:

Most important in future to keep all the record of student regarding his/her
attendance progress .


4.1 Introduction

This chapter discussed the methods used in the collection and analyses of
data. The methodology focuses on the experiences of people involved and
attempt to understand the reasons behind certain behavior description. The
evaluation was carried out using data collection techniques. Generally, we
used waterfall development Method for the whole study.

4.1.1 Waterfall development method:

Many consider the waterfall method to be the most traditional software

development method. The waterfall method is a rigid linear model that
consists of sequential phases (requirements, design, implementation,
verification, maintenance) focusing on distinct goals.






Fig no.4: Waterfall Model

1] Requirements: In the requirement phase of e-learning management
software, we basically carry the base information about the proposed
system by the instituted where the developed project is deployed.
In this phase requirement of learning systems are collected. The
requirement phase of SDLC will help to carry out the basic need of
project. Due to this phase aim and objective of the project is clearly

2] Design:
In this Phase, we will design the layout and GUI of the application.
Module that have been design:

This is home page , in which user can login according their post.
This is admin page in which admin can manages their work according
to their requirement regarding the attendance and student, teacher.

This is student page in which student can view their attendance report.

This is teacher page in which teacher can take the attendance of student
and also do other work regarding student and courses.

Logout page for all user.

3] Implementation : In this phase, we start the coding according to the
requirement and the design discussed in previous phase. For the back-end
of the project we used the PHP language and for the front-end GUI design
of the project we used the HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages. And after
the completion of coding we also write unit tests for each component to
test the code that we have written.

4] Testing : In any software development process, the testing phase is very

important. This phase will help to remove the errors or bugs from the
student. To improve the system performance this phase is very important.

5] Maintenance: The final phase stage of the waterfall model is

maintenance. When any new system is put in place it will often need
ongoing maintenance. This is to make sure the software is operating at
optimum levels of performance. This can be concerned with bugs in the
software, security issues or to address issues that have only come to light
when the new system was implemented.

4.2 System Specification and Requirement:

4.2.1 Hardware Requirements:

 Processor: Intel®
 RAM: 4.00 GB
 Hard disk: 2.20 GHz

4.2.2 Software Requirement:

 Operating system: Windows 11

 Front-End Language:Java[ Android]
 Back-End language: MySQL
 Editor: Android studio

4.3 Tools and Technologies Used:

1] Android Studio

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google's

Android operating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and
designed specifically for Android development.It is available for download on
Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems.. It has a flexible Gradle-
based build system.
Each project in Android Studio contains one or more modules with source
codefiles and resource files.
Types of modules include:
1. Android app modules
2. Library modules
3. Google App Engine modules By default,
Android Studio displays your project files in the Android projectview,


MYSQL is an open source software. It is actually a relational database

management system(RDBMS). This SQL stands for Structured Query
Language. It is the most popular and best RDBMS used for developing a
variety of web-based software applications. With the help of MYSQL, it is
possible to organize the information, manage, retrieve and update the data
whenever you wish to do.

Design, Working and Process

5.1 Design of the System:

System design is the process of designing the elements of a system such as

the architecture, modules and components, the different interfaces of those
components and the data that goes through the system. Conceptual design
of the system offers a framework of the design carried out by using the use
case diagram, flowchart, and data flow diagram.

5.2 Data Flow Diagram: The following diagram illustrates the relationship
in the various entities of the system.

5.3 Flow Chart: The following figure shows the interaction among admin,
teacher and student modules.

5.4 Use Case Diagram: The use case diagrams provide for == actors of
the Attendance Tracking system: Admin, Teacher and Student.

1] Admin Module:

Add Faculty: This sub-module of admin module accept the faculty details
like facultyname, faculty mobile no. and email, etc.

View Teacher: This will show all faculty records added by the admin .
View Attendance: This will show all the present attendance of a faculty .

2] Teacher Module:

Take Attendance : This sub module of Teacher is used to keep the track of
students attendance. That’s simply used to take an attendance

View Attendance : This sub module will show all the attendance process of
students in present , absent and excused manner …. by which teacher can
understand the status of a particular student .

Change password : This sub module is simply used for changing the
password as per the teachers requirement or as per their wish .

3] Student Module:

View Attendance : This sub module will show all the attendance process of
students in present , absent and excused manner …. by which student can
understand his/her present attendance

Change Password :This sub module is simply used for changing the
password as per the student’s requirement or as per his/her wish .

Fig no.8: Use Case Diagram

5.5 System Testing:

5.5.1 Testing Methodologies:

Software testing methodologies are the various strategies or approaches

used to test an application to ensure it behaves and look as expected. The
encompass everything from front to back-end testing, including unit,
system and performance testing. Following testing techniques are well
known and the same strategy is adopted during this project testing.

1] Unit testing:

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software

design-the software component or module. The unit test is white-box
oriented. The unit testing implemented in every module of student
attendance monitoring system by giving correctmanual input to the system,
the data are stored in database and retrieved.

2] System testing:

System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose

is to fully exercise the computer based system. Below we have described
the two types of testing which have been taken for this project. It is to check
all modules worked on input basis. If you want change any values or inputs
will change all information. So specified input is must.

3] Performance Testing:
Performance testing is designed to test the run-time performance of
software within the context of an integrated system. Performance testing
occurs throughout all steps in the testing process. Even at the unit level, the
performance of an individual module may be assessed as white box tests are
conducted. This project reduces attendance table and codes.

4] Test Cases: Test case is a set of action executed to verify the a particular

feature or functionality of your software application. Testing applied on

attendance monitoring system to achieve the following condition.
1) Checking whether the entire application requirement is achieved.
2) Checking validation of various controls
3) Ensuring proper database connectivity.

5.5.2 Test Case Attendance Pages:

Test Testing Action Expected Actual Status

Id Objectives (Input ) Output Output

To check Click on It should Proceed

01 whether the application get proceed and Success

application to open it and opened Opened
opens or not

02 To check if it After It should Displayed Success

shows all the opened the get well an
required GUI application displayed good
components observe the in proper
result of manner as
GUI user wants

To validate Enter It should Validated
all the required get validate &
required data in all and may Status okay
03 Success
fields . required produce the
fields correct

To check Click on It should Login

whether the submit get Form
user login button submitted Submitted
information and also & User
04 get’s stored get stored Success
or not the all stored
of user .

To check the Click on It should Canceled

functionality Cancel get Login
of next time button to Canceled
05 Success
login , cancel cancel and and logged
and logout Logout out from
Logged out
button button to the
logout application

Result and Application

A] Home Page:

// Output how the home page will look like …

// Applications of Home Page

B] Login Page:

// Output how the home page will look like …

// Applications of Login page

Conclusions and Future scope

7.1 Conclusion:

From this application

which is developed to
reduce the human work and
7.2 Future Scope:

Future scope is really very simple that’s :

1 . To reduce the human

work .

References and Bibliography

8.1 References

1) https://www.w3schools.com/
2) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/
3) https://www.academia.edu/
4) https://www.mysqltutorial.org/

8.2 Bibliography

// Books name referred while executing and implementing the application



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