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Adel Al Khatrash Private Villa





A. Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his Work all of the terms and
conditions in this Section but not limited to the following:

1. Structural Steel Work

2. Metal Fabrications
3. Ornamental Metals

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for all charges in connection therewith.



All structural steel except as otherwise shown shall comply with the applicable provisions
and recommendations of the following codes, Specifications and Standards:

American Institute of Steel Construction:

1. AISC S303 - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.

ASTM International:

1. ASTM A53/A53M - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped,
Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.

2. ASTM A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings

on Iron and Steel Products.

3. ASTM A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and
Steel Hardware.

4. ASTM A242/A242M - Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural


5. ASTM A307 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI
Tensile Strength.

6. ASTM A325M - Standard Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel

7. ASTM A449 - Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and

8. ASTM A490M - Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9
and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints.

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9. ASTM A500 - Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon
Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes.

10. ASTM A501 - Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon
Steel Structural Tubing.

11. ASTM A514/A514M - Standard Specification for High-Yield-Strength, Quenched

and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding.

12. ASTM A529/A529M - Standard Specification for High-Strength Carbon-Manganese

Steel of Structural Quality.

13. ASTM A563M - Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts.

14. ASTM A568/A568M - Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, and High-
Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for.

15. ASTM A572/A572M - Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy

Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel.

16. ASTM A615/A615M Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars
for Concrete Reinforcement

American Welding Society:

1. AWS A2.4 - Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive


2. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.

Research Council on Structural Connections:

1. RCSC - Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts.

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings:

1. SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Manual.

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.:

1. UL - Fire Resistance Directory.

Intertek Testing Services (Warnock Hersey Listed):

1. WH - Certification Listings.

a. Systems and Specifications.

Copies of all the above codes and standards shall be submitted to the Engineer.

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A. Qualifications

Structural steel work shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor unless

the contractor can satisfy the Engineer that he (the contractor) has sufficient experience
and expertise in this field to execute this work himself in which case his tradesmen and
their supervisory personnel engaged in such work must have successful experience with
work comparable to that shown and specified including organized quality control and
testing procedures.

B. Submittals

Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer for approval shop drawings including structural
calculations for all connection all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents showing the following:

1. Shop fabrication drawings which show type of material, size and weight of members
and other information necessary for the fabrication of each member and for shop
assembly of members of the structure. The drawings shall include the type, size,
location and extent of all welds and bolts. The drawings shall clearly distinguish
between shop and field, bolts and welds.

2. Field assembly and erection drawings which show all field assembly prior to erection
and after erection. The drawings shall indicate all details, schedules, procedures and
diagrams showing field assembly and sequence of erection. The information shall
indicate locations of shorings and how shoring is stabilized and controlled. The
drawings shall indicate elevations of shored points and splice locations. The
procedures shall indicate step by step erection sequences including intermediate
surveys and allowances for temperature. Diagrams shall indicate erection equipment
size and weight and additional elements which may be required to support or stabilize
elements during erection.

3. The contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer written procedures for
fabrication of the steel work. The procedure shall describe the complete welding
process including machine, current, voltage, preheat, filler metal, welding system
(manual, semi-automatic or automatic), positions of welding, etc. These procedures
shall indicate the Contractor’s quality control measures, monitoring and repair

4. The contractor shall be responsible for the arrangement of all joints and their load
carrying capacities. The connection may or may not be shown on the contract
drawings. Submit all details along with calculations to Engineer prior to fabrication for

Manufacturer’s Literature

1. Submit to the Engineer manufacturer’s specifications and installation instruction for

the following products, including laboratory test reports and such other data to show
compliance with these Specifications (including specified standards):

a. Structural steel, (each type) including certified copies of mill reports covering the
chemical and physical properties, country and rolling mill of origin, and including a
statement indicating that the steel is new billet steel and that testing has been
performed in accordance with ASTM or equivalent standards.

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b. High strength bolts (each type) including nuts and washers.

c. Welding electrodes (each type)

d. Shop coat primer paint, field touch-up paint.

e. Coal tar epoxy paint.

f. Bearing materials or assemblies

Testing Reports

1. The following reports shall be submitted in triplicate directly to the Engineer by the
Testing Laboratory, with copy to the Contractor.

a. Shop Welders Certification

b. Field Welders Certification
c. Magnetic Particle Tests, Shop Welds and Field Welds
d. Ultra-sonic tests, shop welds and field welds.
e. High strength bolted connection tests, shop and field.

C. Testing

The contractor shall engage, at his own expense, an independent certified Testing
Laboratory approved by the Engineer to inspect high strength bolted connections and
welds, and to perform all tests and submit test reports to the Engineer as herein specified.

The contractor shall submit evidence regarding qualification of the proposed Testing

The Contractor shall provide the Testing Laboratory with the following:-

1. A complete set of shop fabrication and erection drawings.

2. Cutting lists, order sheets, material bills, shipping bills and mill test reports. Provide
certified copies of mill test reports of bolts, nuts and washers, including names and
locations of mills and shops and analysis of chemical and physical properties.

3. Information as to time and place of all rollings and shipment of material to shops.

4. Representative sample pieces requested for testing.

5. Full and ample means and assistance for testing all material.

6. Proper facilities, including scaffolding, temporary work platforms, hoisting facilities,

etc., for inspection of the work in the mills, shop and field.

Bolted connections shall be inspected by the Testing Laboratory in accordance with AISC
Specifications for “Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325-83C, ASTM 325M-83 and ASTM 490-
83A or ASTM 490-82.

Welding shall be inspected and tested by a Testing Laboratory approved by the Engineer
during fabrication and erection of structural steel as follows:

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1. Certify all welders in accordance with AWS and make inspections and tests as required.
Record types and locations of all defects found in the work, and measures required and
performed to correct such defects.

2. In addition to visual inspection of all welds, magnetic particle and ultra-sonic

inspection shall be made of all welds indicated on the drawings. Magnetic particle
inspection shall be made on the root pass and finished weld.

3. The method of magnetic particle inspection shall be in accordance with ASTM E109.
Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration will not be acceptable.

4. Ultra-sonic inspection for structural welding shall be performed in accordance with

AWS D1.1.

Each bolting crew and welder shall be assigned an identifying symbol or mark and all shop
and field connections shall be so identified so that the inspector can refer back to the crew
or person making the connection.

The Testing Laboratory shall be responsible for conducting and interpreting the tests, shall
state in each report whether or not the test specimens conform to all requirements of the
contract Documents, and shall specifically not any deviations there from.

Access to places where material for this Contract is being fabricated or produced shall be
provided to the Engineer and the Testing Laboratory for the purpose of inspection and

The Engineer and the Testing Laboratory may inspect structural steel at the plant before
shipment, however, the Engineer reserves the right to reject any material, at any time
before final acceptance, which does not conform to all of the requirements of the drawings
and specifications.

The Testing Laboratory shall perform specified tests and submit reports to the Engineer.
Corrective measures, including additional and more complete testing, which may result
from these tests shall be the Contractor’s responsibility; all costs of which shall be paid for
by the contractor.

The contractor shall coordinate and allow for necessary time for the Testing Laboratory
complete all testing and inspections prior to shop painting.

The Testing Laboratory shall prepare test specimen from steel samples cut from delivered
material and shall conduct tension tests in accordance with ASTM. The Contractor shall
mill order 1.0 metre extra length for the members noted on the drawings to provide the
steel for testing.

D. Substitutions

The contractor shall fabricate and erect the structural steel work as shown on the drawing
and specifications.

Substitutions of the structural system shown or member sizes of similar steel strengths will
be permitted providing the architecture is not changed and the structural strength and
deflection are maintained. No reduction in member sizes shall be permitted if steel
strength exceeds that specified.

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E. Delivery, Storage and Handling

Do not handle structural steel until paint has thoroughly dried. Care shall be exercised to
avoid abrasions and other damage.

Stack material above ground out of mud and dirt and provide for proper drainage. Protect
from damage or soiling by adjacent construction operations.

Do not deliver material to the project site until the proposed method and sequence of
erection has been reviewed by the Engineer. Method and sequence shall be planned so as
to avoid delay or damage to the work of other trades.

Storage of fabricated steel at the job site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Material stored at the job site shall not exceed design loads on existing or newly
constructed structures so that members will not be distorted or otherwise damaged, and
shall be protected against corrosion or deterioration.

F. Warranty

Refer to Execution and Closeout Requirements: Product warranties and product bonds.

Furnish Ten year manufacturer warranty for Structural Steel.


A. Manufacturers

1. Kirby Steel
Mina Abdulah, Kuwait

2. Zamil Steel
PO Box 877, Dammam 31421
Saudi Arabia

3. Equal and approved

B. Structural Steel

All structural steel shall conform to ASTM A615 Grade 50 (minimum yield strength 50,000
psi or 3500 kg/sq.cm) unless otherwise noted on drawings.

C. Bolts

All bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A490 and A325. All
bolts shall be cold forged with rolled threads.

Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307.

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D. Welding Electrodes

All welding electrodes shall be E70XX and shall comply with the provisions of AWS
Specifications A5.1, A5.5, A5.17, A5.18, 15.20.

All welds not specified shall be continuous fillet welds using not less than the minimum
size based on thickness of the thicker part jointed.

1. Thickness to 12mm -min. size 4mm

2. Over 12mm to 20mm -min. size 6mm
3. Over 20mm to 40mm -min. size 8mm
4. Over 40mm to 50mm -min. size 10mm

E. Grout

Non-shrink type, pre-mixed compound consisting of non-metallic aggregate, cement,

water reducing and plasticizing additives, capable of developing minimum compressive
strength of 48MPa at 28 days.

F. Paint

Primers: Steel surfaces which are not embedded in concrete to be painted with coal tar
epoxy; anti-corrosive primer (KPID), complying with B.S.5493, minimum dry film thickness
50 microns for all members that will receive finishing coat. All other members/surfaces will
receive 3 coats of total thickness 150 microns.

Supplier / Manufacturer:

Towel International (Jotun Paints Division)

P.O. Box 435, Safat PC 13044
Al Ghunnaim Commercial Tower, 12th Flr.,
Abu Baker As Saddiq Street, Maliya Area, Kuwait
Tel: +965 222 80699

Hempel Paints (Kuwait) K.S.C.C.

Main Office and Factory
P.O. Box 3400 Safat
13034 Kuwait
Tel: +965 24813366

GTC Paints Company (Kuwait)

Factories, Export Focused Factories
Tel: 248465500 / 24845527
Fax: 24837138

SIGMA Paints S.A. Ltd.

P.O.Box 7509
Dammam 31472
Kingdom of Sigma Arabia
Tel: +966 (01)3 847 3100
Fax: +966 (01)3 847 1734

Finishing Coat: All steel members exposed to view or covered with cladding system (refer
architectural drawing) shall have special structural approved paint system to be used to
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protect structure (built up section and metal deck) against corrosive. Submit colour chart
for Engineer selection.

Use spray application for painting. The minimum thickness shall be maintained on all
corners, edges and ends of pieces. The surface to be painted shall be dry and above 2deg C;
the temperature of the air shall be over 5deg C. Do not paint outdoors in rainy and dusty
weather. Allow paint at least 24 hours drying time in good weather before re-coating.

Fire Protection “Spray applied system” of approved product Mandolite P20 or Vermiculite
or Perlite including binder shall be applied to all steel members and metal deck to the
exposed structure in enclosed room areas as shown in architectural drawing.

G. Source Quality Control

Testing and inspection of structural steel will be performed by an independent structural

steel testing agency engaged by the contractor, at his own expense and approved by the
Engineer. Provide the testing agency with the following:

1. A complete set of accepted documents required under paragraph “Submittals”.

2. Cutting lists, order sheets, materials bills and shipping bills.

3. Information as to time and place of all rollings and shipments of materials to shops.

4. Representative sample pieces as requested by the testing agency.

5. Full and ample means and assistance for testing all material.

6. Proper facilities, including scaffolding, temporary work platforms, etc. for inspection of
the work in the mills, shop and field.

The inspector will perform his duties in such a way that fabrication and erection are not
unnecessarily delayed or impeded, and as follows:

1. The inspector will make all tests and inspection as required by “Structural Welding

2. The edges of material to be welded will be ultrasonically examined for evidence of

laminations, inclusions or other discontinuities. The extent to which such defects will
be permitted and the extend of repair permitted shall be determined by the inspector
and made in accordance with ASTM A6, Paragraph 9. Repairs made by welding shall be
done in compliance with the requirements of AWS D1.1 and the accepted welding

3. The root layer of all multiple pass welds and the backside of groove welds made from
both sides, after back gouging or chipping, will be examined by magnetic particle
inspection for dye penetration if magnetic particle inspection is not feasible).

4. All shop and field welds shall be listed as stated on Drawings.

5. The technique of radiographic inspection shall be in accordance with the requirements

of AWS D1.1. A double film technique will bused. One copy of each film will be sent to
the Engineer, the other will be retained by the inspector.

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6. Where inspection reveals defects, the extent of inspection will be increased as much as
necessary to ensure that the full extent of the defects in a joint has been found and to
ensure that the same defects are not present in welds made on similar parts of under
similar circumstances.

7. Work that is not acceptable will be designated by “Repair” or “Reject”, as applicable.

8. Shop welds will be inspected in the shop before the work painted or approved for

9. The inspector will maintain a daily record of the work he has inspected and its
disposition. Reports of tests will be made in form prescribed in AWS D1.1. One copy of
each of the reports will be submitted to the Engineer on a weekly basis.

10. The inspector will make all tests and inspections of high strength bolt connections as
required by AISC S314.


A. Bench Marks

The contractor shall employ the services of a registered professional Engineer, in

accordance with the requirements of the Contract Document, who shall establish
permanent bench marks, field check all elevations of concrete on which structural steel is
to be placed and locations of anchor bolts, reporting any discrepancies to the Engineer and
obtaining the Engineer’s approval before the work proceeds.

B. Erection

The contractor shall be responsible for the accurate setting and levelling of all bearing
plates or setting plates. Bearing plates or setting plates shall be levelled on steel wedges or
shims or as otherwise detailed. Bearing and setting plates shall be grouted as specified.

Furnish templates for accurate setting of all anchor bolts. Furnish shim plates or
development fills where required to obtain proper fit and alignment.

Oxygen cutting of structural steel in excess of 3mm for “fitting-up” purposes shall not be
done except with the prior approval of the Engineer.

The use of an oxygen cutting torch for correcting fabrication errors will be permitted only
when the member is not under load, and only after prior written approval of the Engineer
to the procedures to be followed in the event corrective work is necessary.

C. Erection Tolerance

The contractor alone shall be responsible for the correct fitting of all structural members
and for the elevation and alignment of the finished structure. Any adjustments necessary
in the steel work because of discrepancies in elevations and alignment shall be the
responsibility of the contractor.

Unless otherwise noted , the structure shall be levelled and plumbed to an accuracy of 1 to
1000, but not to exceed 12mm. The actual centrelines of truss chords shall not vary from
theoretical centrelines by more than 12mm at any point. The different between offsets to

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the actual centrelines of truss chords at adjacent panel points shall not exceed 3mm. All
levelling and plumbing shall be done based on the mean operating temperature of the
structure. Allowances shall be made for the difference in temperature at time of erection
and the mean temperature at which the structure will be when completed and in service.

All measurements relating to the above shall be on the theoretical centrelines of the

D. Connections

No welding or bolting shall be done until as much of the structure as will be stiffened by
the welding or bolting has been properly aligned.

Drift pins shall not be used to enlarge unfair holes in main material. Holes that must be
enlarged to admit bolts shall be reamed. Burning and drifting may be used to align unfair
holes in secondary bracing members only, when acceptable to the Engineer.

When high strength bolts or high strength bearing bolts are used, the AISC specifications
shall apply including values as noted therein, and installation by either “turn of nut
tightening” or with torque wrenches. In using manual torque wrenches, the required
torque can be read from the wrench dial. Care should be taken that the wrench is properly
calibrated. Nuts shall be in motion when torque is measured. In using power wrenches, the
recommendations of the wrench manufacturer shall be followed. Use hardened washer
under bolt head or nut whichever is turned in tightening, unless the specified standards
required hardened washer under both head and nut.

1. All bolts shall be kept in dry storage until needed for installation. A325 bolts 1-1/8inch
(28mm) and 1.1/4 inch (32mm) diameter and A490 bolts 1 inch (25mm) diameter and
over shall first have Johnson’s Stick Wax No. 140 applied to their threads before being
assembled in the work. If bolts have been left out and have become rusty before use,
they shall be rejected and shall not be used until they have been cleaned and waxed
with Johnson’s Stick Wax No. 140.

Bolted connections shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Para. TESTING
and as indicated on the drawings.

Welded connections shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Para. TESTING
and as indicated on the drawings.

E. Survey

Make an accurate survey of actual locations of steel members immediately upon the
completion of erection of steel but before removal of shoring and promptly submit same
to the Engineer. Should locations very beyond the allowable tolerances, take necessary
corrective measures and modify details and/or procedure as required.

Survey the final erected structural steel after release of shoring but prior to removal of
shoring elements and prior to the application of any other work, reporting any
discrepancies from contract requirements to the Engineer.


A. Materials and work shall conform to the latest edition of referenced standards specified
herein and to applicable codes and requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction,

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including the following:

1. The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturer’s (NAAMM) following

a. Metal Finishes Manual
b. Metal Products Outline Manual.
c. Pipe Railing Manual.

B. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS D1.1
"Structural Welding Code - Steel," D1.3 "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel", and D1.2
"Structural Welding Code - Aluminum".

C. Structural Performance: Design, engineer, fabricate and install the following metal
fabrications to withstand structural loads without exceeding the allowable design
working stress of the materials involved, including anchors and connections. Apply each
load to produce the maximum stress in each respective component of each metal

D. Conflicting Requirements: In the event of conflict between pertinent codes and

regulations and the requirements of the referenced standards or these specifications, the
provisions of the more stringent shall govern.

E. Qualifications

1. Fabricator’s Qualifications: Firm experienced in successfully producing metal

fabrications similar to that indicated for this Project, with sufficient production
capacity to produce required units without causing delay in the Work.
2. Installer’s Qualifications: Arrange for installation of metal fabrications specified in this
section by same firm that fabricated them

F. Submit shop drawings, product data, samples, manufacturer’s installation instructions

and field erection or setting drawings and all material requirements under provision of

G. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed
fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated,
Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or bolts. Locate joints where least conspicuous.

H. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Fabricate
and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use.

I. Rough Hardware

1. Furnish bent or otherwise custom fabricated bolts, plates, anchors, hangers, dowels
and other miscellaneous steel and iron shapes as required for framing and supporting
woodwork, and for anchoring or securing woodwork to concrete or other structures.
2. Fabricate items to sizes, shapes and dimensions required. Furnish malleable-iron
washers for heads and nuts which bear on wood structural connections; elsewhere,
furnish steel washers

J. Coordination: Accurately cut, fit, drill and tap work of this section to accommodate and
fit work of other trades. Furnish or obtain, as applicable, templates and drawings to or
from applicable trades for proper coordination of this work.

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K. Castings: Carefully made, straight, true to mold, with smooth surfaces, clean-cut sharp
arrises, with intersections well defined, free from blowholes, shrinkage defects, cracks or
other injurious defects.

L. Shop Painting

1. Painting shall be done in dry weather or under cover, and steel or iron surfaces shall be
free from moisture or frost. No materials shall be delivered until the shop coat has
2. Paint shall be delivered in the original containers of the approved manufacturer.
3. Ferrous Metal
a. Remove loose rust, mill scale and existing paint by power tool cleaning, including
power sanders, wire brushes chipping hammers, abrasive grinding wheels and
needle guns, in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Manual Volume 2,
SSPC-SP3 - Power Tool Cleaning.
b. Ferrous metal surfaces (except galvanized steel) shall be given a shop coat of
modified alkyd primer specified herein.
c. Each coat applied shall produce a dry film thickness of 2.0 to 2.5 mils.
d. Surfaces, which will be concealed in the finished construction or will not be
accessible to finish painting, shall receive an additional shop coat of the specified
paint to which a small amount of tinting has been added for color differentiation.
Touch-up marred and abraded surfaces with the specified paint after erection in
the field.

4. Exterior Railings
a. Remove loose rust, mill scale and existing paint by power tool cleaning, including
power sanders, wire brushes chipping hammers, abrasive grinding wheels, and
needle guns, in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Manual Volume 2,
SSPC-SP3 - Power Tool Cleaning.
b. Surfaces, which will be concealed in the finished construction or will not be
accessible to finish painting, shall receive an additional shop coat of the specified
paint to which a small amount of tinting has been added for color differentiation.
c. Apply a prime coat of rust-inhibited primer specified herein at minimum 2.0-3.5
dry film thickness.

5. Aluminum and Other Non-ferrous Metals: Clean and apply one shop coat of zinc-
chromate primer or bituminous paint on surfaces which will come in contact with
masonry, concrete, or plaster or will be fastened to a dissimilar metal other than
stainless steel.

6. Repaint areas if shop coat damaged during handling or installation with paint similar
to that applied in the shop

M. Shop Finishes; Exposed aluminum (saddles) shall be provided with manufacturer's

standard non-slip finish.

N. Shop Galvanizing: Galvanize exterior ferrous metals unless specified otherwise.

1. Hot-dipped Galvanizing shall conform to ASTM A123, Table 1
2. Electro-Galvanizing, where specified or required, shall conform to the requirements
for type GS (0.0010 inch minimum thickness) of ASTM B633.
3. Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A446, 1 ¼ ounce per Sq. ft.
4. Galvanized Coating on Iron and Steel Hardware: ASTM A153, Table 1
5. Galvanized Coating on Assembled Steel Products: ASTM A383, Table 1
6. Galvanize after fabrication

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O. Sheet Metal Fabrication

1. Fabricate items to comply with requirements indicated, including those for quality,
thickness and finish of material as well as those indicating dimensions and details. Use
heavier metal gauges, stiffeners or metal backing as required to produce surface
flatness, free of "oil canning" and to impart sufficient strength for use indicated.

2. Form sheet metal items in maximum lengths and keep joints to a minimum. Do not
expose cut edges of sheet metal except as shown. Fold back exposed ends of
unsupported sheet metal to form a 1/2 inch (13 mm) wide hem on the concealed side,
or ease exposed edges with backing to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch. Form
items with flat, flush surfaces, true to line and level, and without cracking and grain
separation at bends.

3. Continuously weld joints and seams except where other methods of joining are
indicated. Grind welds smooth and flush on exposed surfaces. Comply with AWS and
other metal authorities.

4. Provide straps, plates and brackets as required for support and anchorage of
fabricated items to adjoining work.

5. Hollow Metal Partition Closures shall be fabricated of No. 14 gauge sheet steel and
shall be constructed as indicated on drawings and specified herein. Provide
supporting and attachment metal work, fasteners and accessories as required for
a. Partition closures shall be completely filled with high density, glass or mineral
fiber insulation.

6. Sheet Metal Blind Pockets: Sheet metal [venetian] [vertical] blind pockets shall be
constructed as indicated on the drawings and specified herein, of not less than No. 16
gauge sheet steel as specified above. Pockets shall be adequately supported as
indicated or required, installed level and true, carefully fitted to adjoining
construction and fastened rigidly in place. Provide supporting and attachment metal
work, fasteners and accessories as required for installation

7. Shop Finishing

a. Comply with NAAMM "Metal Finishes Manual" for finish designations and
application recommendations, except as otherwise indicated.
b. Ferrous Metal

i. Surface Preparation: Solvent-clean surfaces in compliance with SSPC-SP 1 to

remove dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants that could impair paint bond.
Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel in compliance
with SSPC-SP 5 (white metal blast cleaning).
ii. Chemical Pretreatment: Apply hot phosphate surface treatment to uncoated
steel sheet to comply with SSPC-PT 4.

c. Factory-Primed Finish: For uncoated steel sheet indicated to be painted after

installation, apply metal primer paint immediately following surface preparation
and pretreatment.


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A. F loor and Roof Loads: Design and size components to resist live and dead loads with 1/360
maximum deflection.

1. Live Loads: As indicated on Drawings

2. Roof Live Loads: As indicated on Drawings
3. Dead Loads: Actual weight of materials incorporated into work

B. Wind Loads: Design and size components to withstand positive and negative wind loads
acting normal to plane of wall, including increased loads at building corners:

1. Design wind load: as calculated in accordance with applicable code and ASCE 7 with
40km/hr fastest mile, for Buildings higher than 122m, while for other Buildings less
than 122m height follow the UBC 97.
C. Seismic Loads: Design and size components to withstand seismic loads and sway
displacement as calculated in accordance with applicable code.

D. Design handrail, guardrail, and attachments to resist forces as required by applicable

code ASCE 7. Apply loads non-simultaneously to produce maximum stresses.

1. Top Rail Concentrated Load: 890 N applied at any point in any direction.
2. Top Rail Uniform Load: 730 N/m applied in any direction
3. Baluster concentrated Load: 220 N applied to one square foot area

E. Fabricate railing assembly, wall rails, and attachments to ASTM E985

F. Exterior components: Accommodate the following without damage to system,

components or deterioration of seals:

1. Movement within system

2. Movement between system and perimeter framing components
3. Dynamic loading and release of loads.
4. Deflection of structural support framing
5. Expansion and contraction from temperature range of 95 degrees C over 12 hour

G. Guarantee:

1. Guarantee, Coatings: Submit on the attached form, a guarantee for a period of five
(5) years, guaranteeing the integrity of film and performance of color of the resinous

a. Color fade not to exceed 5 E units (NBS) as calculated in accordance with ASTM
D2244 on exposed surfaces cleaned with clean water and a soft cloth.

b. Degree of chalking not to exceed rating No. 8 when measured in accordance

with ASTM D659 on exposed unwashed surfaces.

1.04 Materials

A. General: For all Metal works:

1. Structural Steel Shapes: ASTM A36.

2. Steel Plates: ASTM A36.

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3. Rolled Steel Floor Plates: ASTM A786.

4. Steel Tubing
a. Cold-Formed Steel Tubing: ASTM A500, Grade A, unless otherwise indicated or
required for design loading.
b. Hot-Formed Steel Tubing: ASTM A501
c. For exterior installations and where indicated, provide hot-dip galvanized
coating per ASTM A53
5. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Schedule 40
6. Gray Iron Castings: ASTM A48, Class 30
7. Malleable Iron Castings: ASTM A47, Grade 32510
8. Brackets, Flanges and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of the same type material and
finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated.
9. Fastening and Anchorage Devices
a. Provide zinc-coated fasteners for exterior use or where built into exterior walls.
Select fasteners for the type, grade and class required.
b. Concrete Inserts: Threaded or wedge type, galvanized ferrous castings, either
malleable iron ASTM A47 or cast steel ASTM A27. Provide bolts, washers and
shims as required, hot-dipped galvanized, ASTM A153.
c. Drilled-In Expansion Anchors: Expansion anchors complying with FS FF-S-325,
Group VIII (anchors, expansion, nondrilling), Type I (internally threaded tubular
expansion anchor); and machine bolts complying with FS FF-B-575, Grade 5.
d. Toggle Bolts: FS FF-B-588, tumble-wing type, class and style as required.
e. Machine Screws: FS FF-S-92.
f. Nuts and Bolts: ASTM A307
g. Lag Bolts: FS FF-B-561, square head type
h. Lock Washers: FS FF-S-84, helical spring type carbon steel.
i. Wood Screws: FS FF-S-111, flat head carbon steel
j. Plain Washers: FS FF-W-92, round, carbon steel
10. Stainless Steel
a. Bars and Shapes: ASTM A276, type 316
b. Plate , Sheet and Strip: ASTM A167, type 316
c. Fasteners: ASTM F593, type 316
d. Tubing: ASTM A269, Type 316
e. Pipe: A312M, seamless 316
f. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A354
g. Welding Materials: AWS D1.6; type required for materials being welded
11. Aluminum: Of approved manufacture, composed of suitable alloy for forming the
aluminum; bending or rolling and temper for structural requirements and to receive
the specified finish.
a. Extruded Bars and Shapes: ASTM B221, alloys as follows:
6061-T6 or 6063-T6
b. Cast Aluminum: ASTM B85
c. Fasteners for Aluminum: Use fasteners made of same basic metal as fastened
metal except use galvanized fasteners complying with ASTM A153 for exterior
aluminum units unless otherwise indicated. Do not use metals that are
corrosive or incompatible with metals joined.
12. Paint

a. Paint for the rust-inhibitive treatment of miscellaneous steel shall be catalyzed

epoxy primer "Chembuild Series 135" by Tnemec Co., Inc. or Carbomastic 90 by
Carboline Co., or approved equal by Ameron Inc. or DuPont.
b. Paint for aluminum work in contact with concrete, masonry, mortar and
dissimilar metal shall be bituminous mastic type complying with SSPC-Paint 12
except with no asbestos fibers as manufactured by Kop-Coat Inc. or approved

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c. Touch-up paint for galvanized surfaces shall be epoxy zinc rich primer; "90-97
Tneme-Zinc" by Tnemec Co., Inc., Carbomastic 96 by Carboline Co., or approved
equal by Ameron Inc. or DuPont.
d. Paint for exterior steel pipe railings and toeguards shall be one of the following
types. Verify Engineer's final color selections to insure total coverage of primer.
Prime paint for cold weather applications and where final finish color matches
primer color shall be Rust-Inhibitive Urethane Primer; Series 50-330 Poly-Ura-
Prime by Tnemec Co. Inc., Carbomastic 242 by Carboline Co. or approved equal
by Ameron Inc. or DuPont.

13. Grout and Anchoring Cement

a. Non-shrink, Non-metallic Grout: Premixed, factory-packaged, non-staining,

non-corrosive, non-gaseous grout complying with CE CRD-C 621. Provide grout
specifically recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior
applications of type specified in this section.

b. Grout shall be one of the following:

i. "Bonsal Construction Grout", W.R. Bonsal Co.
ii. "Euco N-S Grout"; Euclid Chemical Co.
iii. "Crystex", L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc.
iv. "Masterflow 713", Master Builders, Inc.
v. "Sealtight 588 Grout", W.R. Meadows, Inc.
vi. "Sonogrout"; Sonneborn Building Products Div.
vii. "Five Star Grout", U.S. Grout Corp.
viii. Equal Approved.

14. Galvanizing: Provide materials required for galvanizing as specified herein

15. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select in accordance with AWS specifications for
the metal alloy to be welded.

1.05 Fabrication

A. General: For all metal works:

1. Miscellaneous metal work shall be of the design, gauge, dimensions and location
indicated on the drawings, sections and details. Miscellaneous metal work and
finishes shall be first class in every aspect and in accordance with trade practice.
Insofar as practicable, fabrication, assembly and fitting of the work shall be executed
in the shop with the various parts or assemblies ready for erection at the building.
Work that cannot be shop-assembled shall be given a trial fit at the shop to insure a
proper and expeditious field assembly.

2. In the event that shop-fabricated miscellaneous metal items do not fit the field
condition, the item shall be returned to the shop for correction, including
regalvanizing or priming where required.

3. Removable members shall be carefully machined and fitted and shall be secured by
screws or bolts of proper size and approved spacing. Structural supports, hangers and
built-in reinforcement wholly concealed within the finished assemblies shall be as
indicated or required.

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4. Shear saw and punch metal accurately, cleanly, sharply and free of burrs, without
deforming adjacent surfaces or metals. Flame cutting will be permitted only if cut
edges are ground back to clean, smooth edges.

5. Drill or cleanly punch holes; do not burn.

6. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and
straight sharp edges.

7. Allow for thermal movement resulting from temperature change (range) of 55°C
(100°F) in the design, fabrication and installation of installed metal assemblies to
prevent buckling, opening up of joints and overstressing of welds and fasteners. Base
design calculations on actual surface temperatures of metals due to both solar heat
gain and nighttime sky heat loss.

8. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water or

provide weep holes where water may accumulate.

9. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 0.8 mm (1/32 inch), unless otherwise
indicated. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain
separation or otherwise impairing work.

10. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed traffic surfaces.

11. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with AWS recommendation and the

12. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base metals.

13. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.

14. Remove welding flux immediately.

15. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blend so that
no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches those

16. Shelf Angles.

a. Fabricate shelf angles from steel angles of sizes indicated. Provide slotted holes to
receive 19 mm (3/4 inch) bolts, spaced not more than 150 mm (6 inches) from
ends and not more than 24 inches on center, unless otherwise indicated.

b. Galvanize shelf angles supporting exterior work.

c. Furnish wedge-type concrete inserts, including fasteners, for attachment of shelf

angles to cast-in-place concrete.

17. Sleeves and Slots

a. Sleeves shall be of Schedule 40 steel pipe with inner diameter 50.8 mm (2 inches)
larger than outer diameter of pipe (including insulation, if any) to be
accommodated. Sleeves shall project 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) on each side of finished

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wall, unless otherwise indicated. Provide rectangular 6.4 mm (1/4 inch) steel
plate collar at center, continuously welded to the perimeter of the sleeve and 150
mm (6 inches) wider than the outer diameter.

b. Slots in slabs shall be 12 gauge steel sheet, galvanized of dimensions indicated,

with strap anchors welded in place not more than 300 mm (12 inches) on centers.

18. Loose Bearing and Leveling Plates: Provide loose bearing and leveling plates for steel
items bearing on masonry or concrete construction, made flat, free from warps or
twists, and of required thickness and bearing area. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts
and for grouting as required. Galvanize after fabrication.

19. Miscellaneous Steel, Built up Sections & Decking

a. Miscellaneous steel shall include required support steel for the work of this
section, and for the work of other sections.

b. Miscellaneous Steel members shall be of such shapes and sizes indicated on

drawings and details or as required to suit the condition and shall be provided with
necessary supports and reinforcing such as hangers, braces, struts, clip angles,
anchors, bolts, nuts, welds, etc., as required to properly support and rigidly fasten
and anchor same in place and to steel, concrete, masonry and other connecting
and adjoining work.

c. Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building
into masonry. Furnish inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed.
Space anchors 300 mm (12 inches) on center and provide minimum anchor units
of 31.6 mm by 6.4 mm by 200 mm (1 ¼ inch by ¼ inch by 8 inches) steel straps.

d. Included under this heading of miscellaneous steel are:

i. Steel angles for framed opening in floors
ii. Steel angles and plates for pipe and duct protection
iii. Elevator tie down and machine beams
iv. Steel supports for elevator guide rails, sculptures, chandeliers and shelves.
v. Steel supports for interior and exterior stonework


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A. Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his Work all of the terms and conditions in
this Section but not limited to the following:

1. Concrete Formwork
2. Concrete Reinforcement.
3. Cast-in-place Concrete
4. Light Weight Concrete
5. Screed
6. Cementitious Underlayment

1.02 Section 03 10 00 – Concrete Formwork

A. Design Formwork to be:

1. Sufficiently rigid to maintain the correct position shape and profile so that the final
concrete structure is with the dimensional tolerance specified in ACI-301, Chapter 4.
2. Demountable without shock, disturbance or damage to concrete. Soffit formwork,
properly supported on props only, shall be capable of being remained in position
during concrete maturing period.

B. Design shall take into account:

1. Height of pour
2. Thickness of member
3. Rate of pour
4. Concrete slump
5. Placing temperature
6. Texture of finish
7. Concrete density
8. Construction joints
9. Wind load
10. On soffit forms (in addition to concrete weight):
a. An additional live load of 2.5 KN/sq.m, OR
b. If a motorized cart is used, an additional live load of 3.75 KN/sq.m

11. Minimum design load for combined dead and live load:
a. 5.00 KN/sq.m
b. If a motorized cart is used, 6.24 KN/sq.m

12. The worst combination of:

a. Self-weight
b. Formwork forces
c. Reinforcement weight
d. Wet concrete weight
e. Construction loads
f. Wind loads
g. Incidental dynamic effects caused by placing, vibrating and compacting concrete.

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h. The use of externally applied vibrators.

13. Methods of concrete discharge.

C. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide materials of the manufacturers

approved by Engineer.

D. For unexposed surfaces and rough work, use exterior Type Douglas Fir, Grade B-B
(concrete form) plywood, conforming to NBS PS-1, minimum 19mm thick. Before reusing
forms, withdraw nails and thoroughly clean surfaces to be in contact with concrete.

E. For exposed surfaces not otherwise specified use special exterior Type Douglas Fir, Grade
A-B plywood, conforming to NBS PS-1, minimum 19 mm thick OR density (60- 60) overlay
ply-form, Class 1 EXTDFPA, sanded grade trade marked by the American plywood
Association having a hard semi-opaque resin-fibre overlay on both sides, minimum 19 mm
thick and constructed so that finished concrete will be straight, smooth, dense, free from
honeycombs, bulges, or depressions. Keep joints between plywood sections to a
minimum and make tight and strongly backed so that adjoining edges remain flush and
true. Unsightly joint marks will not be permitted. Cover joints on exposed surfaces with
smooth-faced fibre reinforced tape as manufactured by Techtrade International, 54 Old
Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, U.K. or other equal and approved of a
proprietory brand to be approved by the Engineer.


1. B.P. CM3 (British Petroleum) OR B.P. CCM3 (R) (V Petroleum) OR Calform (Caltex) OR
from wax of a type which does not import any stain to concrete nor interfere with the
adhesion of any finish, sealant, or waterproofing material a pplied to any concrete
surface and which must be approved by the Engineer.


1. Surface retarding agents shall not be used when securing forms where surfaces will be
exposed in the finish work. In such cases use tie screws with removable plastic cones,
removable bolts, special removable ties, tie wires or Series 300 stainless steel snap ties.

2. For all other forms, either bolts or wires may be used. Use ties of such type that when
forms are removed, no metal is closer than 40 mm from the finished concrete surface.


1. PVC, or timber to the approvals of the Engineer.

1.03 Section 03 20 00 – Concrete Reinforcement

A. The Contractor shall supply and incorporate in the work all such steel reinforcement
including the wire, support and spacer blocks and the like whether shown or not on the
drawings which are necessary to complete the work, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

B. Bar reinforcement shall be high strength deformed bars complying with ASTM 615 having
a characteristic strength not less than 4200 Kg/cm² (6000 psi). Refer General Notes on
Structural Drawing.

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C. Mesh reinforcement and wrapping fabric shall conform to ASTM 497.

D. Reinforcement shall be cut and/or bent in accordance with CRSI manuals.

E. Bends in reinforcement shall have a substantially constant curvature. Where the

temperature of the steel is below 50c, special precautions may be necessary such as
reducing the speed of bending or, with the Engineer's approval, increasing the radius of

F. Where it is necessary to bend reinforcement projecting from concrete, care should be

taken to ensure that the radius of bend is not less than that specified in CRSI manuals.

G. No welding of reinforcement should be carried out without the Engineer's approval.

H. Bundle and tag reinforcement with suitable identification to facilitate sorting,

transporting, storing and placing at the Site.

I. All reinforcement shall be cut and bent to shape as per the approved bar bending schedule.
All bars shall be tagged showing the correspondence bar number as shown on the relevant
Bar Bending Schedule.

J. Spacer blocks with cast in tie wire may be used with written agreement of the Engineer for
support of the bottom layer of reinforcing in the raft foundation slab only. The blocks shall
be of minimum size and made from cement sand small aggregate mix to match
surrounding concrete strength appearance and durability.

K. Other spacers shall be of such materials and designs as will be durable, not lead to
corrosion of the reinforcement and not cause spoiling of the concrete cover. The type of
spacers acceptable shall be one of the following:
1. High density plastic
2. Hot-dipped galvanized bar supports with plastic feet.

L. Tie wire shall be annealed iron wire not less than No.16 gauge or approved fasteners,
unless shown otherwise on the drawings.

M. No welding (including spot welding) will be permitted.

N. The splice lengths of all reinforcing bars which have to be spliced shall, unless otherwise
shown on the drawings, be in conformity with the following:
1. Plan round bars (50 diameters) 500mm min.
2. Deformed bars (60 diameters) 600mm min.
3. Epoxy coated bar (65 diameters) 650mm min.
4. Fabric 200 mm min, but overlap measured between outermost wires of each sheet not
less than pitch of secondary reinforcement wires.
5. Spliced bars are to be securely tied together.

O. Splices to be staggered to the approval of the Engineer, and the fabric is to be securely tied
layer to layer.

P. Bars shall have the minimum anchorage and lap lengths in accordance with ACI 318
requirements unless specifically required by Contract Document.

Q. Secured reinforcement against displacement outside the specified limits to Comply with

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ACI Standard 301 unless specified otherwise.


A. Submit preliminary test results for the Engineer's approval at least three weeks prior to the
beginning of the works. In addition to the test reports specified under Section Clause
1.06C, submit the following directly to the Engineer:
1. Preliminary Design Mix Reports (BS 8110 Section 6).
2. Aggregate Soundness Test Reports (ASTM C88)
3. Aggregate Staining Test Reports (ASTM C641)
4. Air Entrainment Test Reports (ASTM C260)

B. Cement:
1. Alkali Content: Maximum 0.6% equivalent of Sodium Oxide or certify that no alkali
reactivity is produced with the proposed cement aggregate combinations (ASTM

2. Ordinary Cement: B.S. 12 or ASTM C150, Type I, non-staining.

3. Sulphate Resisting Cement: B.S. 4037 or ASTM C150, Type V. All Type V Cement shall
have tricalcium content not exceeding five per cent (5%).

4. Coloured Cement: The coloured cement shall be ordinary Portland cement containing
an approved lime proof, non fading colour pigment strictly complying with

Note:- Proportion of Pigments: It is recommended that if more than 10% by mass of a

particular pigment, calculated on the cement, is required to produce the desired
shade, a smaller proportion of a stronger pigment should be used instead, as large
proportions of pigments reduce the strength of cement and cement products.

C. Aggregate:

1. In general, aggregate shall comply with B.S. 882, "Concrete Aggregates from Natural
Sources" or ASTM C33, and shall be graded in accordance with requirements,
irrespective of whether concrete is mixed on site or elsewhere. The Contractor shall
nominate the source of supply and shall provide grading curves of aggregate for

2. Alkali reactive limestone aggregates such as "Dolomitic" shall not be used.

3. All aggregates shall be screened and washed and shall have less than the following
maximum salt contents as acid soluble chlorides and sulphates. The table also shows
the maximum salt content allowed in the mixed concrete.

Chlorides Sulphate
Percent of weight
of fine aggregate 0.06 0.4

Percent of weight
of course aggregate 0.03 0.4

Total percent in concrete

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as percent by weight of
cements 0.1 (OPC)
0.2 (SRPC) 4.0

4. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregates shall consist of natural sand or crushed gravel sand
and shall comply with BS 882 " Concrete Aggregates from Natural Sources" having hard
and durable particles or other inert materials having similar characteristics conforming
to the following requirements:

a. Fineness Modules: 2.4 to 3.0 ASTM C125

b. Fineness Modules shall not vary more than 0.20 from value used in establishing mix
proportions. If greater deviation, the use of such aggregates shall be discontinued
until suitable adjustments in mix proportions can be made and reviewed.
c. Sodium Sulphate Soundness: Max. 6 percent loss ASTM C88
d. Potential Reactivity: Not reactive ASTM C289
e. Content of Clay Lumps; Max. 1% by weight ASTM C142
f. Gradation requirements as follows:
Size of Sieve Opening Percentage by Weight
(Square Openings) Passing-ASTM C33,C117
3/8" (9.5 mm) 100 –
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 95 - 100
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 80 - 100
No.16 (1.18 mm) 50 - 85
No.30 (0.60 mm) 25 - 60
No.50 (0.30 mm) 15 - 30
No.100(0.15 mm) 3 - 10
No.200(0.075mm) 0 - 5

Other gradations not meeting the above requirements may be permitted

upon submission of relevant data and review by the Engineer.

g. Fine aggregates shall be free of organic materials (ASTM C40) and other foreign

5. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregates for concrete shall consist of crushed gravel or
crushed stone. The crushing shall be regulated so that of the material retained on the
No.8 (2.36mm) sieve, at least 90 percent by weight, shall consist of pieces with at least
one fractured face and at least 75 percent by weight shall consist of material with
atleast two fractured faces. In addition, the coarse aggregates shall meet the following

a. Sodium Sulphate Soundness: Max 12% loss ASTM C88, 5 cycles

b. Potential Reactivity: Not Reactive ASTM C289
c. Abrasion: Max 10% loss ASTM C131, 100 revolutions
d. Flat and Elongated Particles: 3:1 max.30% ASTM C125 5:1 max 10%
e. Content of Clay Lumps: Max. 0.5% by weight ASTM C142
f. Shale: max. 2% by weight
g. Bulk Saturated Surface Dry Specific Gravity: Min. 2.58 ASTM C125
h. Gradation requirements as follows:

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Size of Sieve Opening Percentage by Weight

(Square Opening) Passing ASTM C33

1-1/2" 1" 3/4"

(37.5mm) (25.4mm) (19.0mm)

Size Size Size

2" (50.0 mm) 1000 - -

1-1/2"(37.5 mm) 95-100 100 -
1" (25.4 mm) 60-85 95-100 100
3/4" (19.0 mm) 35-70 60-85 95-100
1/2" (12.7 mm) 20-50 25-60 60-75
3/8" (9.5 mm) 10-30 15-45 20-55
No.4 (4.75 mm) 0-5 0-10 0-10
No.8 (2.36 mm)- 0-5 0-6 -

Other gradations not meeting the above requirements may be permitted upon
submission of relevant data and review by the Engineer.

6. The maximum size of aggregate shall be 25mm for columns and walls, 19 mm for slabs
and beams and 14mm for reinforced concrete screed toppings to precast structural
units. In addition, the maximum aggregate size shall not exceed 20 percent of the
narrowest member that is being concreted, nor shall it exceed 75 percent of the clear
spacing between adjacent steel reinforcement or between reinforcement and adjacent
edge of number.

D. Water:
1. Water shall comply with the requirements of BS 5328
2. Water shall be tested in accordance with BS 3148

E. Admixtures:

1. Suitable admixtures of the following approved types may be incorporated in the

concrete only with the prior written approval of the Engineer
a. Water reducing set retarders
b. Set retarders
c. Water reducing agents
d. Air entraining admixtures for lightweight concrete

2. The Engineer shall be advised in advance of the following data:

a. The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage
b. Chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.
c. Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at
manufacturer's recommended dosage.
d. Admixtures containing chlorides in excess of 0.03% by mass of the cement,
nitrates, calcium chloride, and sulphate shall not be used.
e. Admixtures submitted for Engineer's approval shall be certified in writing by the
manufacturer to be in compliance with B.S. 5075 OR ASTM C494.
f. Air-entraining admixtures for lightweight concrete shall comply with ASTM C260
or B.S.5075: PART (2).
g. The type of admixture selected in accordance with the above mentioned standards

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must be to the approval of the Engineer. All admixtures must be mutually

h. Admixtures used in the work shall be obtained from reliable manufacturers whose
products have previously been used successfully in Kuwait or on other
international projects in countries having similar climate to Kuwait.
i. Admixtures shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed
instructions and recommendations and shall be certified by the manufacturer to be
suitable for use during hot weather extremes. Admixtures shall be stored safe from
adverse temperatures in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions
or recommendations.
j. The suitability and effectiveness of any admixture approved by the Engineer, shall
be verified by trial mixes with the cements, aggregates and other materials to be
used in the works before final approval is given.
k. Notwithstanding what has been stated above, the Contractor must allow in his
Tender for testing the type of admixture he proposes to use.
l. Admixtures where approved may be added only by using the manufacturer's
recommended dispensers, no adding of admixture by hand is allowed.
m. The entire amount of materials used for concrete shall have controlled sources of
individual components such that the total mix meets the requirements of the
Contract Documents Unless specified otherwise, the total chloride (C1) ion content
in the entire mix shall not exceed 0.20 percent of the weight of cement when SRPC
is used and 0.1 percent when OPC is used. The total water-soluble Sulphate (S03)
content in the entire mix shall not exceed 4 percent of the weight of cement in the
mix. The total Calcium Chloride (Ca C12) content in the total mix shall not exceed
0.01 percent of the weight of cement.
n. he total alkali content of Na2O equivalent the concrete mix shall not exceed 3
Kg/m3. All sources of alkali shall be taken into account for calculating the total
alkali content. In particular the contribution of Sodium Chloride whether from
aggregate or from mixing water must be included.

F. Barrier:

1. Polyethylene sheeting minimum 0.15mm thick of approved manufacturer’s tested in

accordance with ASTM E96 and E154.

G. Curing Materials:

1. Liquid Membrane Compound: AASHTO M148 or ASTM C309, Type 1-D with fugitive
dye Type 2; formulated to disintegrate after 28 days, and guaranteed ot to affect the
bond of applied finish.
2. Polyethylene Film: ASTM C171, 0.10mm thick, opaque.
3. Reinforced Waterproof Building Paper: ASTM C171, opaque.
4. Burlap: AASHTO M182
5. Water: B.S. 5328 and B.S. 3148
6. Methods for determining the efficiency of curing compounds shall be in accordance
with ASTM C156

H. Joint Fillers:

1. Joint fillers shall be a compressed sheet of wood fibre impregnated with bitumen
emulsion complying with ASTM D1751-73. The filler may alternatively be a
compressed sheet of cork granules bonded with bitumen or synthetic resin complying
with ASTM D1752-67.

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2. The material shall be rot-proof, waterproof, non-absorbent and non-staining and shall
not extrude under pressure or the weight of poured concrete
3. Prior to pointing, the joint shall be cleaned and the edge of the filler tamped down to
ensure that the joint is filled completely and continuous support is provided.
4. Manufacturers:
a. Speciality Engineering Chemicals (Spec)
b. Fosroc Construction Solution
c. Degussa Construction Chemicals
d. Construction Material Chemical Industries
e. Equal approved

I. Joint Sealer:

1. All sealants shall have good adhesion to the structure and shall not age, harden or
become brittle over a temperature range from -5° C to 60°C. The sealants shall not
slump or flow after application is complete during seasonal contraction and expansion
of the joint of up to + or - 12.5% of the joint width. They shall not stain or discolour the
adjacent concrete surfaces and shall be formulated so that any toxic materials
incorporated or generated during curing will not migrate to the surface where they
could be extracted when the sealant has cured.

2. The colour of sealants shall match the colour of the surrounding finish in which they
are placed and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

3. Sealants for expansion and contraction joints and other outdoor uses shall be solvent
free two component polysulphide (Thiokol) based joint sealing material consisting of a
base containing a liquid polymer and hardener acting as a curing agent as
recommended by the manufacturer for use in the particular location and approved by
the Engineer.

4. Sealants shall comply with B.S. 4254.

5. Approved products and manufacturer's are:

a. Sadofoss a.s. Prestemosevej 2-4
b. Equal approved.

6. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's technical recommendations and

specifications in respect of adhesion, compatibility, application and performance for
the approval of the Engineer.

7. A foamed non absorbent polyethylene backing strip or equal shall be used as a bond

8. Joint shall not be sealed until any concrete adjacent to the joint is at least 28 days old.

J. Waterstops:

1. Extruded shapes formed of virgin polyvinylchloride, tensile strength 134 kg/cm²,

minimum elongation 200%. the type and size of the waterstop shall be suitable to its
particular application as recommended by the manufacturer and be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

2. Manufacturers:

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a. Speciality Engineering Chemicals (Spec)

b. Greenstreak
c. Equal approved

K. Grout:

1. Non-Metalic one of the following or equal approved

a. "Sno Grout" (Sonneborn - Contech)
b. "Five Star Grout" (U.S. Grout Corp.)
c. "Masterflow 713" (Master Builders Company)
d. "Euco NS" (The Euclid Chemical Company)

L. Surface Hardener:

Sodium silicate to BS-3984 Grade P84 of a properietary brand from an approved


1. Metalic Non-ferrous Flooring Aggregate

a. Shall be a floor topping 12mm thick, laid monolithically with the concrete topping.
b. The floor topping shall be a proprietary brand similar to and at least equal in
abrasive wear, etc. properties to "NITOFLOR EMERITOP (for heavy traffic use)"
industrial flooring aggregate as manufactured by FOSROC and shall be approved by
the Engineer before use in the works.
2. Surface Hardener and Dustproofer for Floor Topping
3. Shall be a proprietary brand suitable for use on the floor topping in the Carpark similar
to and at least equal in properties to "Setcrete 16" as manufactured by Cementation
Chemicals and shall be approved by the Engineer before use.

M. Mixes:

1. Comply with ACI Standard 211.1, or BS 8110-85, Section 6, Para. 6.2.4. Assume full
responsibility for the strength, consistency, water/cement ratio, and handling of
concrete. Cement, fine aggregate and the various sizes of coarse aggregate shall be
measured by weight.

2. Water/Cement Ratio: Complying with BS 8110-85, Section 6, Para. 6.2.4, or ACI 301,
Chapter 3, para 3.8, Method 1 shall not exceed the specified maximum value by more
than 5% of that value. If a maximum water/cement ratio has been determined a
suitable level of workability, shall be determined by trial mixes. Maximum
water/cement ratio may be judged from workability tests and approved by the

3. Cement Content: The cement content of any batch of concrete shall not be less than
the specified minimum value minus 5% of that value, nor more than the specified
maximum value plus 5% of that value. The cement content may be determined from
samples representative of any batch of concrete provided a suitable test is used to
measure the cement content of fresh concrete to an accuracy of + or - 5% of the actual
value with a confidence of 95% and approved by the Engineer. Table 6.1 of BS 8110:
part 1: 1985 gives the minimum cement required when using a particular size of
aggregate in a Portland cement concrete, to provide acceptable durability under
appropriate conditions of exposure. The reduced minimum cement content shall only
be used when trial mixes have verified that concrete with a maximum free

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water/cement ratio not greater than that given for a particular condition can be
consistently produced and it is suitable for the conditions of placing and compacting.
The Engineer shall determine the degree of exposure to be adopted for mix design.

4. Requirements for Fresh Concrete: Workability of concrete shall be such that the
concrete is suitable for the conditions of handling and placing so that after it surrounds
all reinforcement and completely fills the Workability shall be assessed by means of the
slump test or compacting factor test. An acceptable value for the means slump for
each concrete mix shall be agreed with the Engineer and a value of 65 mm can be
taken as a guide. The Following are the limits of workability of concrete for these tests.

Slump+25mm or CF

+.03 where required value is 0.9 or more

+.04 where the required value is less than 0.9 but more than 0.8

+.05 where required value is 0.8 or less

The amount of water shall be measured by volume or by weight. The batch weights of
aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical of the aggregates
being used. The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within + or -3% of the
quantity of cement, water or total aggregates being measured and within + or -5% of
the quantity of any admixture being used. All measuring equipment shall be
maintained in a clean, serviceable condition. The mixer shall comply with the
requirements of B.S. 1305 or B.S. 4251 where applicable. The mixing time shall be not
less than that used by the manufacturer in assessing the mixer performance.

5. Adjustment to Mix Proportions: During production adjustment of mix proportions will

be made in order to minimize the variability of strength and to approach more closely
to the approved target mean strength as part of the proper control of production. But
the specified limits of minimum cement content and maximum water/cement ratio
shall be maintained. Such adjustments to mix proportions shall not be taken to imply
any change to the current margin.

N. Ready Mixed Concrete:

1. Comply with ASTM C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.

O. Batch Mixing at Site (if permitted by Government authority having jurisdiction)

1. Comply with ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting
and Placing Concrete.

2. Excessive mixing requiring the addition of water to preserve the required consistency
will not be permitted. Mix concrete to a consistency which can be readily placed
without segregation.

3. Where admixtures are specified, equip mixers with a device for measuring and
dispensing the admixture.

P. Hand Mixed Concrete: This is not permitted

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Q. Concreting In Hot Weather:

1. The Contractor shall obtain daily temperature forecasts from source approved by the
Engineer from 1st May to 30th September inclusive and concreting shall be
programmed accordingly.

2. When air temperature do not conform with the required temperature, in such
conditions the following steps shall be taken:

a. The water for concreting shall be cooled to a temperature between 0°C. and 15°C.
where ice is introduced to a mix this shall be taken into account in computing
water/cement ratios and care shall be taken to ensure that all ice has melted before
concrete leaves the mixer.

b. Aggregates shall be cooled by draughts and be protected from direct sunlight by

heat reflecting covers.

c. All the reinforcement shall be cooled by sprinkling of water and they shall be
protected from direct sunshine.

3. Mixed concrete shall be used without delay. Wet concrete or concrete carrying
vehicles shall not be exposed to the hot sun for more than an absolute minimum of
time. The rotating drum of the mixer is to be insulated externally to avoid over heating
of the drum metal and excessive heat transfer.

4. Steps shall be taken to maintain the temperature of the concrete below 35°C. until it
has hardened.

5. Concrete is not to be mixed and placed when the ambient temperature in the shade
exceeds 38°C. or during heavy sand storms or during heavy rains.

a. Notwithstanding the above requirements, no concreting will be allowed during the

months of May to September inclusive between the hours of 9 A.M. and 3 P.M.
(0900 hours and 1500 hours) except with the written permission of the Engineer.

R. Construction and Control Joints:

1. Where it is necessary to introduce construction joints, careful consideration shall be

given to their exact location. The location of construction joints shall be subject to
agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor before any work commences.
Construction joints shall be at right angles to the general direction of the member and
shall take due account of shear and other stresses.

S. Embedded Items:

1. Accurately set anchorage devices by line and transit, and coordinate the locating of all
anchorage devices to be set for the accommodation of the work of other trades.

T. Curing:

1. Comply with ACI 305 - Hot Weather Concreting

U. Tolerances:

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1. Comply with ACI Standard 117-90

1.05 Light Weight Concrete

A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, non-staining.

B. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, evenly graded gravel, crushed gravel or stone, or a
combination thereof passing a 9.5mm sieve and retained on a 4.5mm sieve.

C. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33, natural sand.

D. Water: Clean, fresh and free of harmful matter such as oil, salts,acids, alkali, sewage,
deleterious minerals or organic matter. Water shall be filtered to remove any color or
residues present due to contamination from water piping or transportation storage
method. Water shall be tested.

E. Curing Material

1. Polyethylene Film: ASTM C171, 0.10mm thick, opaque black

2. Reinforced Waterproof Building Paper: ASTM C171, opaque
3. Burlap: AASHTO M182

F. Dustproofer: Magnesium sodium fluosilicate solution; ‘Lapidolith’ (Sonneborn Building

Products, Inc., U.S.A.)

G. For Reinforcement comply with ACI SP-66-ACI Detailing Manual.

H. Float Finish: Spread topping mixture evenly over prepared base to the required elevation
and strike off. Use highway straightedge or other similar instrument to level surface. After
the topping has stiffened sufficiently to permit the operation, and water sheen has
disappeared, float the surface at least twice to an uniform sandy texture. Restraighten
where necessary with highway straightedge. Uniformly slope surface to drain as indicated
on the drawings.

I. Trowel Finish: After floating, begin first trowel finish operation using power driven trowels.
Continue trowelling until surface is ready to receive final trowelling. Begin final trowelling
when a ringing sound is produced as trowel is moved over surface. Continue final trowel
operation to produce finished surface free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and
appearance. Uniformly slope surface to drain as indicated on the Drawings

J. Tolerances in surfaces for finishes shall not exceed 3mm in 10metres in any direction.
Elsewhere tolerances shall not exceed 6mm in 10 metres in any direction.

K. Saw-cut control joints 5mm wide, 20mm deep in hardened topping using diamond-bladed
power saw at locations approved by the Engineer.

L. Special Finishes: Finish concrete floor surfaces in accordance with ACI 301

M. Curing: In accordance with ACI 308 – Standard Practice for Curing Concrete

N. Dustproofing:

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1. Exposed in the finished work

2. To receive carpeting (Carpeting is not part of contract; but the finishes to receive
carpeting is included in this contract).

1.06 Screed

A. All components of the epoxy screed shall be provided from the same manufacturer.

B. All components shall be mixed and applied according to the manufacturer’s instruction.

C. Primer for standard absorbent concrete shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s

D. Sealants shall be selected from the same manufacturer’s manufacturer and wherever
stated on drawings or Contract Documents in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and to the Engineer’s approval.

E. Slip resistant finish thickness shall be selected from the manufacturer’s available options
and shall be used as stated on Drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and to the Engineer’s approval.

F. Top coat providing the final colour shall be chosen from the manufacturer’s strand of
colors and approved by the Engineer.

G. Physical Properties Reference Specs

Compressive Strength 90 N/mm2 (7day) ASTM C579

Tensile Strength 10.7 N/mm2 minimum ASTM C307
Flexural Strength 18.8 N/mm2 ASTM C580
Bond strength to Host Concrete 1.96 N/mm2 ASTM C882
Shrinkage None ASATM C827

1.07 Cementitious Underlayment

A. Cementitious Underlayment shall be applied to a minimum thickness of 1/4 inch over the
highest points of the subfloor.
B. Aggregate shall be well-graded, washed gravel 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch or larger for use when is
installed over 11/2 inch thick.
C. Water shall be clean, potable and sufficiently cool, not warmer than 70 OF.
D. Sealer: The finished Cementitious Underlayment surface shall be coated with manufacturer’s
recommended Sealer twenty four (24) hours after the completion of the Cementitious
Underlayment installation.
E. Compressive Strength, ASTM C109/mod: Approximately 5300 psi (373 kg/cm2) after twenty
eight (28) days.
F. Flammability, ASTM E84-81a
1. Flame Spread: 0
2. Fuel Contribution: 0
3. Smoke Development: 0
G. Coverage, 55 lb. Bag: Approximately 27.5 sq. ft at 1/4 inch

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A. All Materials are subject to compliance with requirements, provide materials of the
manufacturers mentioned in the provided List of Approved Manufacturer/Supplier and to
the approval with the Engineer.


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