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The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735


Prof Minal Gholpe

Abstract: Smart energy management I.INTRODUCTION

system is a concept that meets the
needs of the current scenario.In The smart energy management system aims
public places such as waiting rooms, to save energy and count the number of
libraries and even in classrooms, people available in the room.In this project,
where people often need lights and we use many sensors, controllers, relays and
fans.But most of the time, we found display devices. However, this project works
that when no one is there, all the on basic signal processing of various
electrical appliances still work parameters such as ambient temperature and
normally.No one cares about it, no light.To measure the environmental
one thinks of turning it off and conditions and the number of people present
because of this a lot of electrical in the room, various sensors are used and the
energy is wasted.The concept of output of these sensors is passed to the
Smart Energy management systems controller.The control circuit is designed
can provide solutions to these using a microcontroller.The output of all
problems.The microcontroller and sensors is transmitted to the microcontroller.
sensor-based circuit makes individual The output of the microcontroller is used to
decisions to control electrical devices drive the LCD display, so that the measured
such as lights and fans based on value of each sensor can be displayed.
certain conditions.The sensors In addition to LCD, microcontroller outputs
provide input to the microcontroller are also used to control independent relays.
and control the lights and fans, This relay automatically activates and de-
helping to save energy. energizes depending on the parameter status.

Keyword: Microcontroller, sensor based
circuit, Smart Energy The survey is split into four parts, namely
socio-economical issues, technological
issues, cases and prediction. As we started
with literature survey in the initial stage of
research, the division of cases is chosen to
answer research questions in an organized
manner. Socio-economical issues: The value
of customer satisfaction in communication

Volume XVI, Issue IV,April/2024 Page No: 224

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735

market is trusted with the services provided based communication and power-line
by service provider. In [2], the author communication between the appliances in
explains people„s behavior towards the home and the meter [12]. The secured
Smart Metering system and states the scenario can be maintained by connecting
services such as viewing electric the meter to the data centre. When Smart
consumption in real time, viewing the effect Meters are connected with mobile phones,
of turning electrical appliances on and off, the actual power consumption of a device
making estimation of the next bill, or when it is switched ON/OFF or plugged
receiving messages directly from the grid in/out is observed [13]. An overview of
operator. The consumption patterns during Smart Metering installations,
night and weekends are projected in the implementations, and functionality which is
paper. A survey is conducted in different installed in the Netherlands is given in. In
countries over different households and [8], Smart Metering involves installation of
user„s feedback is obtained so that people one or several Smart Meters by continuously
become motivated to be energy-conscious. monitoring and sending feedback of data to
A socio-technical review to promote the customer. Consumers, by making use of
sustainable energy consumption using Smart Smart Meters, will get safe, secure and
Meters is done. Answers are proposed for a affordable energy, and a reduction of carbon
set of research questions such as 1) Is emissions is possible. In [11], the
feedback useful for energy saving and architecture of Smart Energy Management
behavioral change? 2) What presentation of System was developed to control the
feedback is good and effective? Scientific transmission capacity and rate generation for
advice on energy saving instruments for the aggregated load conditions of the Smart
household energy consumption is provided Appliances. Energy prices, consumption and
in.A Smart Metering privacy model is cost of consumption under different demand
implemented to measure the privacy that a conditions i.e. on-peak, mid-peak and off-
Smart Meter will provide with and without peak values are tabulated. The energy cost
involvement of third parties. The advantages of each appliance is shown in pictorial form.
of Smart Metering concept are low metering In [12], the importance of Smart Meter in
costs, energy efficiency and easier detection the market with respect to the customer and
of fraud.A quantitative survey was business organization has been reviewed.
conducted among various households and Functionalities and benefits of Smart Meters
results of this survey were presented in compared to mechanical meters are
paper.The mapping of consumer„s explained. The authors are curious to find
perception with household appliances is out the hypothesis to the proposed questions
done. A theoretical framework named TAM in this particular research paper. To make
is proposed for household perception of energy efficient society, the customer must
Smart Appliances. Mean scores and standard be aware of the energy consumed. So,
deviations for perceived usefulness, different feedbacks are proposed in this
perceived ease of use, attitude and intention paper to save energy and improve energy
to use, safety, control and comfort are efficiency. In [10], the monitoring of Smart
tabulated. Technological Issues: The Meters in Hungary is discussed. The meter
connection between meter and the has two-way communication capability for
household appliances is carried out in tariff based operation and remote control.
different ways. The connection can be The communication tools of the meter such
dedicated line, wireless connection, web- as Zigbee, WIMAX and Home Area

Volume XVI, Issue IV,April/2024 Page No: 225

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735

Network supporting the energy meter is which then checks the available light
addressed. Energy Management System intensity.Light sensor is used to detect the
with high level application possibility has light intensity of the room. Depending up on
been proposed. the light intensity it decides how many
lights need to switch ON.Similarly it check
III.PROBLEM STATEMENT the room temperature also. Temperature
sensor used here to measure the current
The total amount of energy consumed in an room temperature. If room temperature is
individual household is called energy high and someone present in the room then
consumption.Energy consumption is an only fan gets switched on otherwise it
important aspect of electricity supply. remains off.And when all the persons left
People need to be aware of the need to the room the control unit automatically
conserve energy for future use. With daily switched offthe devices.
electricity use, energy patterns change
slowly. This change in consumption patterns
could be due to weather conditions or V. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
unnecessary electricity usage by residents,
such as increased number of home
appliances in respective households and
erratic usage attitudes. Be careful, for
example: do not turn off the lights or
television when they are using electricity.
don't watch it. These factors can have a
greater impact on the end user. Since the
energy provided by energy companies is Fig. Block Diagram Smart Energy Management system
huge, most people neglect the energy and A.Microcontroller
savings.The importance of consumption is
diminishing in the psychology of public A microcontroller is a single chip
services. Energy utilities will play a key role that contains the processor ,
in promoting smart meter technology and novolatile memory for the
should encourage people to participate in program,volatile memory for input
reducing their energy impact by making and output (RAM), a clock and an
them aware of the impact of their current I/O control unit. Also called a
consumption at theirs. "computer on a chip," billions of
microcontroller units (MCUs) are
IV.OBJECTIVE: embedded each year in a myriad of
products from toys to appliances to
The aim of the project is to save the energy automobiles. For example, a single
or power, used in Public places like waiting vehicle can use 70 or more
hall, libraries, Class rooms etc. When there microcontrollers. The following
is no one in the room, the system will picture describes a general block
automatically turn off all devices. diagram of microcontroller.
Whenever a person or a group of people B.AT89S52:
enters the room, the infrared sensor-based
meter sends a signal to the microcontroller, The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-
performance CMOS 8-bit

Volume XVI, Issue IV,April/2024 Page No: 226

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735

microcontroller with 8K bytes of in- non-volatile memory used in

system programmable Flash computers and other electronic
memory. The device is manufactured devices to store small amounts of
using Atmel‟s high-density data that must be saved when power
nonvolatile memory technology and is removed, e.g., calibration tables or
is compatible with the industry- device configuration.When larger
standard 80C51 instruction set and amounts of static data are to be
pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the stored a specific type of EEPROM
program memory to be such as flash memory is more
reprogrammed in-system or by a economical than traditional
conventional nonvolatile memory EEPROM devices. EEPROMs are
programmer. By combining a realized as arrays of floating-gate
versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system transistors.EEPROM is user-
programmable Flash on a monolithic modifiable read-only memory
chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a (ROM) that can be erased and
powerful microcontroller, which reprogrammed (written to)
provides a highly flexible and cost- repeatedly through the application of
effective solution to many, higher than normal electrical voltage
embedded control applications. The generated externally or internally in
AT89S52 provides the following the case of modern EEPROMs.
standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, EPROM usually must be removed
256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, from the device for erasing and
Watchdog timer, two data pointers, programming, whereas EEPROM
three 16-bit timer/counters, a six- scan be programmed and erased.
vector two-level interrupt
architecture, a full duplex serial D.DIODE:-
The diode is a p-n junction device.
ry.Inaddition,theAT89S52is designed
Diode is the component used to
with static logic for operation down
control the flow of the current in any
to zero frequency and supports two
one direction. The diode widely
software selectable power saving
works in forward bias.Diode When
modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU
the current flows from the P to N
while allowing the RAM,
direction. Then it is in forward bias.
timer/counters, serial port, and
The Zener diode is used in reverse
interrupt system to continue
bias function i.e. N to P direction.
functioning. The Power-down mode
Visually the identification of the
saves the RAM con-tents but freezes
diode`s terminal can be done by
the oscillator, disabling all other chip
identifying he silver/black line. The
functions until the next interrupt.
silver/black line is the negative
terminal (cathode) and the other
terminal is the positive terminal
Electrically Erasable Programmable The flow of charge through any
Read-Only Memory and is a type of material encounters an opposing

Volume XVI, Issue IV,April/2024 Page No: 227

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735

force similar in many respects to diode (LED) is a diode that will give
mechanical friction .this opposing off visible light when it is energized.
force is called resistance of the In any forward biased P-N junction
material .in some electric circuit there is, with in the structure and
resistance is deliberately introduced primarily close to the junction, are
in form of resistor. Resistor used fall combination of hole and electrons.
in three categories, only two of This recombination requires that the
which are color coded which are energy possessed by the unbound
metal film and carbon film resistor free electron be transferred to
.the third category is the wire wound another state. The process of giving
type ,where value are generally off light by applying an electrical
printed on the vitreous paint finish of source is called electroluminescence.
the component. Resistors are in ohms
and are represented in Greek letter
omega, looks as an upturned VI. HARDWEAR SETUP
horseshoe. Most electronic circuit
require resistors to make them work
properly and it is obliviously
important to find out something
about the different types of resistors
available. Resistance is measured in
ohms, the symbol for ohm is an
omega ohm. 1 ohm is quite small for
electronics so resistances are often
given in k ohm and M ohm.

In a way, a capacitor is a little like a
battery. Although they work in Fig:PCB Design
completely different ways,
capacitors and batteries both store
electrical energy. If you have read
how Batteries Work.then you know
that a battery has two terminals.
Inside the battery, chemical reactions
produce electrons on one terminal
and absorb electrons at the other

Fig:Result & Conclusion


LED falls within the family of P-N

junction devices. The light emitting

Volume XVI, Issue IV,April/2024 Page No: 228

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-936735

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