Biology XI Revised - 020424 - ISC2026
Biology XI Revised - 020424 - ISC2026
Biology XI Revised - 020424 - ISC2026
PAPER I –THEORY – 70 Marks Economic importance with reference to
role of bacteria in sewage treatment,
Note: All structures (internal and external) are
antibiotics, energy production and house
required to be taught along with diagrams.
hold products (curd and cheese only).
1. Diversity of Living Organisms (c) Kingdom Protista – only two general
characteristics and two examples
(i) The Living World of subgroups: (i) Chrysophytes
Need for classification; three domains of (ii) Dinoflagellates, (iii) Euglenoids,
life; taxonomy and systematics; concept of (iv) Slime moulds, (v) Protozoans (to be
species and taxonomical hierarchy; studied under rhizopods, flagellates,
binomial nomenclature. ciliates and sporozoans with two
Need for classification should be discussed. characteristics including modes of
Three domains of life – distinguishing locomotion and two examples of each).
features of (archaea, bacteria, eukarya). (d) Kingdom Fungi: general characteristics
Definition and explanation of the terms and mode of reproduction of each
taxonomy (numerical taxonomy, (including types of spores and sexual
cytotaxonomy and chemotaxonomy) and reproduction – definition of isogamy,
systematics. Concept of species. Major anisogamy, oogamy, plasmogamy,
taxonomical hierarchies (phylum, class, karyogamy and dikaryophase).
order, family, genus, species): definition and Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes,
examples with reference to classification of Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes -
man, house fly, mango and wheat. Rules of characteristics with examples. Role of
binomial nomenclature and advantages of fungi in the field of medicine, bakery and
using scientific names. environmental decomposition. Definition
Three systems of classification – artificial, of lichens and mycorrhiza (ecto and
natural and phylogenetic. endo).
(ii) Biological Classification Life cycles not required.
Five kingdom classification; s alient (e) Virus (characteristic features – link
features and classification of Monera, between living and non-living, structure
Protista, Fungi, P l a n t a e and Animalia. of TMV and bacteriophage and
Lichens, Viruses and Viroids. contribution of the following scientists:
D.J. Ivanowsky, M.W. Beijerinck,
(a) Five-kingdom system of classification
W.M. Stanley) and Viroid (definition
and characteristics of different kingdoms
with examples.
(iii) Plant Kingdom
(b) Kingdom Monera: Bacteria -
classification of bacteria according to (a) Algae - characteristics (morphology,
shape, nutrition and mode of respiration; common name, major pigments, stored
differences between gram +ve and food, composition of cell wall, flagellar
gram –ve bacteria; types of reproduction number and position of insertion, habitat,
– definition of fission, conjugation, mode of sexual reproduction) and
transduction and transformation (details examples of Chlorophyceae,
not required). Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae; Economic
importance of algae – any five.
A brief idea of the role of different types
of archaebacteria (methanogens, (b) Bryophyta – general characteristics,
halophiles and thermoacidophiles in distinctive features of liverworts and
their extreme environments). mosses; graphic outline of life cycle of
Mycoplasma – three distinctive features. Funaria with reference to alternation of
generations. Economic importance of
(c) Pteridophyta: characteristics; thorn, Phylloclade, cladode) and sub-
classification into classes: psilopsida aerial (runner, sucker, stolon, offset).
(Psilotum), lycopsida (Selaginella, Leaves - parts of a simple leaf, venation,
Lycopodium), sphenopsida (Equisetum) types of leaves (simple and compound –
and pteropsida (Dryopteris, Pteris and pinnate and palmate), phyllotaxy –
Adiantum). Graphic outline of life cycle alternate, opposite, whorled (with an
of a typical pteridophyte (fern). Definition example of each). Modifications for
of homospory and heterospory with mechanical support (tendril), protection
relevant examples. Economic importance. (spine), storage (bulb), reproduction
(Bryophyllum); insectivorous plants
(d) Gymnosperms: general characteristics (pitcher plant, Venus-fly-trap).
and graphic outline of life cycle of a
typical gymnosperm (Pinus). Economic (b) Morphology of flower. Structure of a
importance. typical flower, types of inflorescence
(racemose and cymose).
(iv) Animal Kingdom
Structure of a typical flower,
Animal Kingdom: animal construction - body
bracteates/ebracteate, [symmetry
plan (cell aggregate plan, blind-sac plan and
(actinomorphic, zygomorphic),
tube-within-tube plan), symmetry (spherical, trimerous/tetramerous/pentamerous
radial and bilateral symmetry), coelom
complete/ incomplete, non-essential
development (diploblastic and triploblastic
whorls (calyx: gamosepalous,
organisation in animals, acoelomate,
polysepalous, corolla: gamopetalous,
pseudocoelomate, coelomate and
polysepalous, perianth, aestivation:
haemocoelomate), segmentation. valvate, twisted, imbricate, vexillary),
Non-chordata - five distinguishing essential whorls (androecium: cohesion -
characters with two examples of Porifera, syngenesious, synandrous,
Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, monadelphous, diadelphous,
Nematoda (Aschelminthes), Annelida, polyadelphous; adhesion – epipetalous,
Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, epiphyllous; number of lobes –
Hemichordata. monothecous, dithecous; Gynoecium:
Chordata – sub-classification of Chordata position of ovary – epigynous,
with reference to notochord - sub phyla hypogynous, perigynous, cohesion –
Urochordata, Cephalochordata. Vertebrata apocarpous, syncarpous, number of
(classes – cyclostomata, chondrichthyes, locules – unilocular, bilocular,
osteichthyes, amphibia, reptilia, aves and multilocular], types of inflorescence
mammalia) – three distinguishing characters (racemose and cymose – definition and
with two examples of each). differences; subtypes not required).
2. Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants (ii) Anatomy of Flowering Plants
(i) Morphology of Flowering Plants Plant Tissues: types of plant tissues:
(a) Morphology and modifications of root, Meristematic tissues: classification of
stem, leaf. meristematic tissue. Permanent Tissues:
structure and function of simple tissues
Types of roots (tap, fibrous, adventitious), (parenchyma, collenchyma and
regions, modifications of roots for sclerenchyma) and complex tissues (xylem
storage (Tuberous – e.g. Mirabilis and
and phloem), tissue system. Internal
sweet potato; fusiform – e.g. radish;
conical – e.g., carrot; napiform – e.g. structure of root, stem, and leaf.
turnip), respiration (pneumatophores) Characteristics of meristematic tissue;
and support (stilt and prop). classification of meristems based on origin
Stems – features (nodes internodes, and location; structure, function and
buds), modifications – underground location of permanent tissues; simple and
(tuber, rhizome, corm) aerial (tendril,
complex tissues; epidermal, ground and ribose and deoxyribose), disaccharides
vascular tissue systems. (maltose, lactose and sucrose),
polysaccharides (glycogen, starch, cellulose,
Cellular diagrams of T.S. of roots and stem
inulin, and chitin).
and V.S. of monocot and dicot leaves are
required. Proteins: amino acids – (structure: glycine,
alanine, serine); amino acids as zwitter-ion;
(iii) Structural Organisation in Animals: Frog examples of acidic, basic, neutral, sulphur
Morphology, anatomy and functions of containing amino acids; essential and non-
different systems (digestive, circulatory, essential amino acids; levels of protein
respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of structure (primary, secondary, tertiary and
frog a brief account only. quaternary); functions of proteins.
3. Cell: Structure and Function Lipids: classification, structure and functions
of fats and oils.
(i) Cell - the Unit of Life
Enzymes: general properties, nomenclature
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life: and classification of enzymes according to
Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic type of reactions, co-factors (prosthetic
cells; Plant cell and animal cell; cell groups, coenzymes and metal ions). Factors
envelope; cell membrane, cell wall; cell affecting enzyme activity - temperature, pH,
organelles – ultrastructure and function; substrate concentration. Competitive
endomembrane system, mitochondria, inhibitors.
ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; (iii) Cell Cycle and Cell Division
cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles;
nucleus. Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their
Historical aspects, cell theory, size and
Definition of C-value, different stages of cell
shape of cells; general structure of
cycle (G o , G 1 , S and G 2 and M).
prokaryotic cell.
Different stages of mitosis and meiosis
General structure of eukaryotic cell, ultra- (prophase – I) with diagrams. Significance of
structure and function of cell wall mitosis and meiosis. Differences between
(including definition of plasmodesmata),
mitosis and meiosis.
cell membrane [ (description of fluid
mosaic model; functions of the plasma 4. Plant Physiology
membrane: active and passive transport, (i) Photosynthesis in higher plants
brief explanation of facilitated diffusion
(uniport, symport and antiport) with one Photosynthesis as a mean of autotrophic
example]. Mitochondria, nucleus (nuclear nutrition; site of photosynthesis, pigments
membrane, chromatin, nucleolus, structure involved in photosynthesis (elementary
and types of chromosomes on the basis of idea); photochemical and biosynthetic
the position of centromere, satellite), types phases of photosynthesis; cyclic
of plastids, endomembrane system and non-cyclic photophosphorylation;
(endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, chemiosmotic hypothesis; photorespiration;
lysosomes and vacuoles), ribosomes, C 3 and C 4 pathways; factors affecting
microbodies, cytoskeleton (microfilaments, photosynthesis.
microtubules and intermediate filaments),
cilia, flagella and centrioles; differences Contributions of Priestley, Sachs,
between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic Engelmann, van Neil; differences between
cell, plant cell and animal cell. absorption and action spectra.
Brief idea of photosynthetic pigments
(ii) Biomolecules
(difference between chlorophyll ‘a’&‘b’,
Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes. carotenoids and xanthophyll), photochemical
Carbohydrates: general classification and phase - pigment systems, cyclic and non-
functions of: monosaccharides (glucose, cyclic photophosphorylation, chemiosmotic
hypothesis; biosynthetic phase - C 3 and C 4 5. Human Physiology
cycles – graphic representation in correct
(i) Breathing and exchange of gases.
sequence (carboxylation, glycolytic reversal
and regeneration of pentose); Differences Respiratory organs in animals (recall only);
between C 3 and C 4 plants, C 3 and C 4 cycles, Respiratory system in humans; mechanism
Photosystems I and II, Photorespiration of breathing - exchange of gases, transport
pathway in brief - explanation of how RuBP of gases and regulation of breathing,
carboxylase acts as RuBP oxygenase. respiratory volumes; disorders related to
Kranz anatomy. Blackman’s Law of limiting respiration.
factors, factors affecting photosynthesis. Organs involved in respiration; mechanism
(ii) Respiration in Plants of pulmonary gas exchange; breathing
Exchange of gases; cellular respiration - process should be explained showing the
glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA action of diaphragm and intercostal
cycle a n d electron transport system muscles, regulation of breathing ; transport
(aerobic); energy relations - number of ATP of oxygen in the blood, oxyhaemoglobin
molecules generated; amphibolic pathways; dissociation curve; transport of CO 2 ;
respiratory quotient. chloride shift, pulmonary air volumes and
lung capacities; disorders of respiratory
Types of respiration; mechanism of
system such as - asthma, emphysema,
respiration: glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle, ETS
occupational respiratory disorders.
(only flowchart). Oxidative phosphorylation
– definition; Brief idea of fermentation and (ii) Body fluids and circulation.
Amphibolic pathway. Definition of Composition of blood, blood groups,
respiratory quotient and RQ values of coagulation of blood; composition of lymph
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. and its functions; human circulatory system
(iii) Plant Growth and Development - structure of human heart and blood
Seed germination; phases of plant vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output,
growth; plant growth rate; ECG; double circulation; regulation of
differentiation, dedifferentiation and cardiac activity; disorders of circulatory
redifferentiation; sequence of system.
developmental processes in a plant cell; Composition of blood plasma, functions of
growth regulators - auxin, gibberellin, plasma proteins, blood corpuscles.
cytokinin, ethylene, ABA. Importance of ABO groups in blood
Definition of seed dormancy and quiescence; transfusion, Rh factor and its importance in
causes and methods of breaking seed transfusion and pregnancy; clotting of blood
dormancy; definition of hypogeal, epigeal to be taught briefly; lymphatic system – a
and viviparous germination with two brief idea of lymph (composition and
examples of each. A brief idea about function), Difference between closed and
differentiation, dedifferentiation and open vascular system; external and internal
redifferentiation. Phases of growth in structure of heart; working of the heart and
meristems, growth rate – definition; blood flow through the heart during different
measurement of growth by direct method and phases should be described under the
use of auxanometer, factors affecting growth. following headings - auricular systole,
Discovery and physiological role of growth auricular diastole, ventricular systole,
regulators in plants (such as auxins, ventricular diastole and joint diastole;
gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and definition of stroke volume and cardiac
abscisic acid – four effects of each); output, regulation of heart beat, ECG;
application of growth regulators. arterial blood pressure (systolic and
diastolic), double circulation. The internal
structure of artery, vein and capillary.
Importance of ABO groups in blood Functions of human skeleton; different types
transfusion, Rh factor and its importance in of joints - their location and function;
transfusion and pregnancy; clotting of blood general properties of muscles; structure of
to be taught briefly; lymphatic system – a skeletal muscle - sliding filament theory of
brief idea of lymph (composition and muscle contraction; chemical events during
function), lymphatic capillaries and lymph muscle contraction; definition of summation,
nodes; disorders of the circulatory system tetanus, rigor mortis, differences between red
such as hypertension, coronary artery and white muscles.
disease, angina pectoris and heart failure.
Disorders of muscular and skeletal system:
(iii) Excretory products and their elimination. (i) Myasthenia gravis, (ii) Tetany,
(iii Muscular dystrophy, (iv) Arthritis,
Modes of excretion - ammonotelism,
(v) Osteoporosis, (vi) gout.
ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory
system - structure and function; urine (v) Neural Control and Coordination
formation, osmoregulation; regulation of
Neuron and nerves; nervous system in
kidney function, renin - angiotensin, atrial
humans - central nervous system; peripheral
natriuretic factor, ADH; role of
nervous system and visceral nervous
erythropoietin; role of other organs in
system; generation and conduction of
excretion; disorders of the excretory system
nerve impulse.
- uraemia, renal failure, renal calculi,
nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney, Structure and functions of various parts of
kidney transplant. the brain and spinal cord; conduction of
nerve impulses through nerve fibre (non-
Define, differentiate and explain the terms
myelinated and myelinated) and through
ammonotelism, ureotelism and uricotelism;
external and internal structure of the kidney
(L.S.); structure of nephron; physiology of (vi) Chemical Co-ordination and Integration
urine formation - ultra filtration, selective Endocrine glands and hormones; human
reabsorption and active (tubular) secretion. endocrine system - hypothalamus, pituitary,
Counter current system, regulation of urine pineal, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal,
formation, definition of micturition, renin- GI tract, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of
angiotensin-aldosterone system, role of atrial hormone action (elementary idea); role of
natriuretic factor, ADH and erythropoietin. hormones as messengers and regulators,
Role of skin, liver and lungs in excretion. hypo - and hyperactivity and related
Homeostasis – definition. Disorders of the disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism,
excretory system - uraemia, renal failure, goiter, exophthalmic goiter, diabetes
renal calculi, nephritis. mellitus and diabetes insipidus, Grave’s
disease, Addison's disease.
Haemodialysis and artificial kidney. Kidney
transplant. Brief idea of location of endocrine glands;
role of hypothalamus; hormones secreted by
(iv) Locomotion and Movement
different lobes of pituitary and their
Types of movement - ciliary, flagellar, functions; feedback control of tropic
muscular; skeletal muscles - contractile hormones to be discussed giving examples;
proteins and muscle contraction; skeletal hormones of pineal, thymus, thyroid,
system and its functions; joints; disorders parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, GI
of muscular and skeletal system. tract (gastrin, secretin, GIP, CCK-PZ) and
gonads; mechanism of hormone action
Locomotion: Basic aspects of human
(through cAMP and steroid hormones only);
skeleton (number and names of the bones of
effects of hypo secretion and hyper secretion
axial and appendicular skeleton).
of various hormones of the above mentioned
Note: Diseases related to all the human Leaves: phyllotaxy – alternate, opposite
physiological systems to be taught in brief. whorled (with an example of each), shape,
venation, simple and compound.
(ii) Preparation of temporary slides of Mucor /
PRACTICAL WORK – 15 Marks Rhizopus.
1. Scientific Techniques The teacher should guide the students on the
To study parts of a dissecting microscope and technique of culture, staining and mounting
compound microscope. the material and then observing under the
microscope. The students should also be able
The students should know all parts of dissecting to make labelled diagrams and record
and compound microscope and be able to handle observations.
the microscope independently.
4. Cytology
2. Physiology
Preparation of temporary slides of -
(i) Food tests: test for starch, glucose, sucrose,
(i) Onion peel (to study the plant cell)
proteins and fats.
(ii) Stages of mitosis in onion root tips.
Food tests: tests should be reported in
Correct method of selecting the root tip, fixing,
tabular form. Both positive and negative tests
staining and mounting should be taught.
should be reported.
Different stages should be observed first in low
(ii) To study the effect of thawing, heat and power and after locating the area, the students
alcohol on permeability of beet root cells. should see it under high power. Various stages
should be drawn and labelled.
To study the effect of heat on permeability of
cell membrane of beet root cells: students (iii) T.S of monocot and dicot stem.
should record the observations at very low (iv) T.S. of monocot and dicot root.
temperature, room temperature and higher After staining and mounting the tissue students
temperature to see the degree of leaching should be able to draw the diagram and label all
and conclude accordingly. Experiment on the parts as seen under the low power of
effect of alcohol on the permeability with microscope.
regard to leaching.
5. Spotting: (Three minutes to be given for each
(i) Separation of plant pigments from leaves by spot which includes identification, drawing a
chromatography. labelled diagram and writing at least two
(ii) Effect of different carbon dioxide characteristics).
concentrations on the rate of photosynthesis. (a) Identification of stained preparations of the
(iii) Demonstration of plasmolysis (using Rhoeo
leaf / onion bulb). (i) Stages of meiosis.
(iv) Demonstration of osmosis in living plant (ii) Identification of mammalian blood cells.
cells (potato osmoscope). (iii) Bacteria
3. Morphology (iv) Spirogyra
(v) Amoeba
(i) Morphology and modification of roots, stems
and leaves. (vi) Yeast
(b) Identification of the following specimens -
Teachers can show examples of roots, stems
and leaves modified for mechanical support, (i) Liverworts
storage, reproduction or perennation – (ii) Moss
students should learn to identify and draw the (iii) Fern
(iv) Pinus
(v) Mushroom − Moulds.
(vi) One monocot plant – bamboo − Setting up of an aquarium.
(vii) One dicot plant – Petunia
Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:
(viii) Sponge
Format of the Project:
(ix) Hydra
(x) Tape worm – Content
– Introduction
(xi) Leech
– Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper
(xii) Silk Worm cuttings, diagrams, photographs, statistical
(xiii) Rohu fish analysis if relevant)
Students should be taught how to identify, – Conclusion/ Summary
draw, label and give at least two significantly – Bibliography
visible characteristics, as observed, of each
spot, in a given time of three minutes. Practical File – 5 Marks
(c) Comment on experimental set up studied in Each practical done during the year, needs to be
physiology. recorded by the student in the Practical file and
the same must be checked, signed and dated by
(a) Osmosis the teacher.
(b) Transpiration Teachers are required to assess students on the basis
(c) Photosynthesis of the Biology Practical file maintained by them
(d) Transpiration pull. during the academic year.
Students should identify (aim of the SCIENTISTS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS
experiment), draw a labelled diagram of the 1. Beijerinck – Contagium vivum fluidum
physiological set-up and write observation 2. Carl Woese – Three domains of life
and inference of the experiment within the
allotted time i.e., 3 minutes. 3. Engelmann – Action spectrum of photosynthesis
4. Ernst Mayr – Biological species concept
PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE – 5. F.F. Blackman – Law of limiting factor
15 Marks
6. F W Went – Isolated Auxins
Project Work – 10 Marks
7. Farmer and Moore – Discovered meiosis
Candidate is to creatively execute one
project/assignment on any aspect of Biology. 8. G.N. Ramachandran – Analysis of Protein
Preference is to be given to investigatory projects. structure
Following is only a suggestive list of projects. 9. George Palade – Discovered ribosomes
Teachers may assign or students may choose any one 10. Huxley and Niedergerke – Sliding filament
project of their choice. theory
(i) Project related to experiment on any aspect of 11. Ivanowsky – Discovered Tobacco Mosaic Virus
plant life/animal life.
12. Karl Landsteiner – Blood groups
(ii) Project related to any aspect of environment.
13. Katherine Esau – Anatomy of plants
(iii) Diabetes.
14. Peter Mitchell – Chemiosmotic coupling
(iv) Endocrine disorders. hypothesis
(v) Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol or 15. Priestley – Plants restore oxygen in the air
any other commercial industry dependant on
plants and/or animals or their products. 16. Robert Brown – Discovered nucleus
In addition, students may be taught how to 17. Singer and Nicolson – Proposed fluid mosaic
culture: model of plasma membrane
− Earthworms. 18. Sutherland – cyclic AMP as second messenger
− Protozoans. 19. T. O. Diener – Discovered viroids
20. Thomas Addison – Father of endocrinology 11. GFR – Glomerular Filtration Rate
21. Van Neil – Oxygen released during 12. GIP – Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
photosynthesis comes from water 13. IBA – Indole Butyric Acid
22. W. M. Stanley – Crystallised TMV 14. IRV – Inspiratory Reserve Volume
23. Waldeyer – Coined the term chromosome 15. LHC – Light Harvesting Complex
24. Whittaker – Five kingdoms of life 16. NAA – Naphthalene Acetic Acid
25. William Harvey – Discovered circulatory system 17. NADPH – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
Phosphate (reduced)
1. 2,4-D – 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid 19. PGA – Phosphoglyceric Acid
2. ABA – Abscisic Acid 20. PGRs – Plant Growth Regulators
3. ANF – Atrial Natriuretic Factor 21. PPLO – Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organism
4. CCK –Cholecystokinin 22. PZ – Pancreozymin
5. ECG – Electrocardiogram 23. RQ – Respiratory Quotient
6. ERV – Expiratory Reserve Volume 24. RUBISCO – Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase
7. ETS – Electron Transport System
8. FAD – Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide 25. RuBP – Ribulose Bisphosphate
26. TMV – Tobacco Mosaic Virus
9. FRC – Functional Residual Capacity
10. GA – Gibberellic acid