Disaster Nursing - Laws
Disaster Nursing - Laws
Disaster Nursing - Laws
Republic Act No. 10121 (DRRMO) in every province, city and municipality,
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and a Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Act of 2010 Management Committee (BDRRMC) in every
An act strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk barangay.
Reduction and Management System, providing for The Strategic National Action Plan on Disaster
the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Risk Reduction for 2009-2019 aims to enhance the
Management Framework and Institutionalizing the capacities of Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Management Councils.
Plan, appropriating funds therefore and for other
Finally, RA10121 provides for the calamity fund to
be used in support of disaster risk reduction or
The Act shifted the policy environment and the way mitigation, prevention, and preparedness activities
the country deals with disasters from mere response for the potential occurrence of disasters and not just
to preparedness. RA 10121 provides a for response, relief, and rehabilitation efforts.
comprehensive, all-hazard, multi-sectoral, inter-
agency, and community-based approach to disaster Declaration of Policy. – It shall be the policy of the
risk management through the formulation of the State to:
National Disaster Risk Management Framework. a) Uphold the people’s constitutional rights to life
A National Disaster Risk Management Plan and property by addressing the root causes of
(NDRMP) is being formulated, developed, and vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthening the
implemented as the master plan that will provide country’s institutional capacity for disaster risk
the strategies, organisation, tasks of concerned reduction and management and building the
agencies and local government units, and other resilience of local communities to disasters
guidelines in dealing with disasters or emergencies. including climate change impacts;
Through this plan, a coherent, integrated, efficient, b) Adhere to and adopt the universal norms,
and responsive disaster risk management at all principles and standards of humanitarian
levels will hopefully be achieved. assistance and the global effort on risk reduction
The law also promotes the development of as concrete expression of the country’s
capacities in disaster management at the individual, commitment to overcome human sufferings due
organisational, and institutional levels. A very to recurring disasters;
important feature of this law is its call for the c) Incorporate internationally accepted principles of
mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in physical disaster risk management in the creation and
and land-use planning, budget, infrastructure, implementation of national, regional and local
education, health, environment, housing, and other sustainable development and poverty reduction
sectors. strategies, policies, plans and budgets;
RA 10121 also recognises local risk patterns and d) Adopt a disaster risk reduction and management
trends and decentralisation of resources and approach that is holistic, comprehensive,
responsibilities and thus encourages the integrated, and proactive in lessening the
participation of NGOs, private sectors, community- socioeconomic and environmental impacts of
based organisations, and community members in disasters including climate change, and promote
disaster management. It inhibits the full the involvement and participation of all sectors
participation of the Local Government Units and all stakeholders concerned, at all levels,
(LGUs) and communities in governance. The especially the local community;
approach tends to be 'response-oriented' or e) Develop, promote, and implement a
'reactive.' This is evidenced by the widespread comprehensive National Disaster Risk Reduction
emphasis on post-disaster relief and short-term and Management Plan (NDRRMP) that aims to
preparedness, such as forecasting and evacuation, strengthen the capacity of the national
rather than on mitigation and post- disaster support government and the local government units
for economic recovery. (LGUs), together with partner stakeholders, to
Moreover, the Act mandates the establishment of a build the disaster resilience of communities, and’
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office to institutionalize arrangements and measures for
reducing disaster risks, including projected vulnerable and marginalized groups to mitigate,
climate risks, and enhancing disaster preparedness prepare for, respond to, and recover from the
and response capabilities at all levels; effects of disasters;
f) Adopt and implement a coherent, comprehensive, o) Enhance and implement a program where
integrated, efficient and responsive disaster risk humanitarian aid workers, communities, health
reduction program incorporated in the professionals, government aid agencies, donors,
development plan at various levels of government and the media are educated and trained on how
adhering to the principles of good governance they can actively support breastfeeding before and
such as transparency and accountability within the during a disaster and/or an emergency; and
context of poverty alleviation and environmental p) Provide maximum care, assistance and services to
protection; individuals and families affected by disaster,
g) Mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate implement emergency rehabilitation projects to
change in development processes such as policy lessen the impact of disaster, and facilitate
formulation, socioeconomic development resumption of normal social and economic
planning, budgeting, and governance, particularly activities.
in the areas of environment, agriculture, water,
energy, health, education, poverty reduction, land-
use and urban planning, and public infrastructure
and housing, among others;
h) Institutionalize the policies, structures,
coordination mechanisms and programs with
continuing budget appropriation on disaster risk
reduction from national down to local levels
towards building a disaster-resilient nation and
i) Mainstream disaster risk reduction into the peace
process and conflict resolution approaches in
order to minimize loss of lives and damage to
property, and ensure that communities in conflict
zones can immediately go back to their normal
lives during periods of intermittent conflicts;
j) Ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate
change measures are gender responsive, sensitive
to indigenous know ledge systems, and respectful
of human rights;
k) Recognize the local risk patterns across the
country and strengthen the capacity of LGUs for
disaster risk reduction and management through
decentralized powers, responsibilities, and
Republic Act No. 10344
resources at the regional and local levels; Risk Reduction and Preparedness Equipment
l) Recognize and strengthen the capacities of LGUs Protection Act
and communities in mitigating and preparing for, An act penalizing the unauthorized taking,
responding to, and recovering from the impact of stealing, keeping or tampering of government risk
disasters; reduction and preparedness equipment,
m) Engage the participation of civil society accessories, and similar facilities
organizations (CSOs), the private sector and
Declaration of Policy. – It is the policy of the State to
volunteers in the government’s disaster risk
protect the right of the people to a balanced and
reduction programs towards complementation of
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
resources and effective delivery of services to the
harmony of nature. The State shall continue the policy
to create, develop, maintain and improve conditions
n) Develop and strengthen the capacities of
Philippine Laws Disaster Nursing
under which man and nature can thrive in productive and the minimum standards for children in
and enjoyable harmony with each other. Towards this humanitarian action, the State shall establish and
end, all government agencies are mandated to institute implement a comprehensive and strategic program of
measures to ensure the safety of its citizens and their action to provide the children and pregnant and
properties through the installation of data and lactating mothers affected by disasters and other
information gathering devices and the network of emergency situations with utmost support and
national and local authorities to disseminate risk assistance necessary for their immediate recovery and
reduction warning and advice. protection against all forms of violence, cruelty,
discrimination, neglect, abuse, exploitation and other
List of Government Risk Reduction and acts prejudicial to their interest, survival, development
Preparedness Equipment and Other Vital Facility and well-being.
a. The Department of Science and Technology Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children.
(DOST) - The Department of Social Welfare and Development
b. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and (DSWD) shall formulate a Comprehensive Emergency
Astronomical Services Administration Program for Children, hereinafter referred to as the
(PAGASA) Program, taking into consideration humanitarian
c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and standards for their protection. The Program shall be
Seismology (PHIVOLCS) used as the basis for handling disasters and other
d. National Disaster Risk Reduction and emergency situations to protect children, pregnant and
Management Council (NDRRMC) lactating mothers, and support their immediate
recovery. This shall be implemented immediately after
Prohibited Acts: the declaration of a national or local state of calamity
a. Steal, or take, or possess any of the equipment, or or occurrence of any other emergency situation.
any part thereof; The DSWD shall engage all relevant government
b. Sell or buy stolen equipment or any part thereof: agencies and stakeholders for the implementation of
c. Tamper, dismantle, or disassemble equipment or the Program. Local government units (LGUs) shall
any part thereof; integrate the same in their development and Local
d. Attempt to commit any of the abovementioned Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (LDRRM)
prohibited acts; and plans and budget.
e. Benefit from the proceeds or fruits of any of the Republic Act No. 8749
abovementioned prohibited acts knowing that the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
proceeds or fruits are derived from the An act providing for a comprehensive air
commission of said prohibited acts. pollution control policy and for other purposes.
d. Promote public information and education and h. The right to bring action in court for
to encourage the participation of an informed compensation of personal damages resulting from
and active public in air quality planning and the adverse environmental and public health
monitoring; and impact of a project or activity.