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POST TEST 5 The change that occurs in human

TEACHING PROFESSION beings between conception and death is

referred to as:
1. Why was Charlemagne crowned with A. maturation
the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor? B. development
a. Because he threatened the Pope until C. growth
he got what he wanted. D. cognitive development
b. Because he helped restore order in 6. Which of the following is FALSE
Rome when the Pope was attacked. regarding a general principle of
c. Because he spread Christianity development?
peacefully among the Saxons. A. Development occurs at different
d. Because he helped the Pope in the rates.
787 Battle of Verden. B. Development is rapid and
2. Which of the following is an assertion dramatic.
of the Divine Right of Kings? C. Development takes place in an
a. A monarch's rulings can only be orderly sequence.
reversed by the Supreme Court D. Development takes place gradually.
b. Attempts to limit a monarch's 7. According to Piaget's view, the child's
power violate God's will influences his or her cognitive
c. Monarchs are subject only to the will development as the child tests, explores
of the people and observes the environment.
d. The ruler of Rome has a right to rule A. maturation.
the rest of Europe B. activity and social transmission
3. How did the Carolingian Renaissance C. equilibration
impact education? D. all of the above
a. It neglected it by emphasizing the 8. As a biologist, Piaget looked for
divine status of Charlemagne. patterns in the human species, and
b. It saw the formation of many concluded that humans inherit the
monastic schools and many scholars invariant functions of:
were invited to encourage education. A. lateralization and plasticity
c. It was the period when the first B. maturation and activity
printing press was designed, providing C. organization and adaptation
books that were affordable to everyone. D. equilibrium and disequilibrum
d. It created the first systematic 9. If you are puzzled about a situation
scholarly system, although and don't understand why present
Charlemagne failed to address the issue attempts to solve the problem aren't
of illiteracy. working, Piaget would say you are in a
4.The acronym NCBTS means _____. state of:
A. National Competency-Based
Teaching Standards A. adaptation
B. National Competency-Based B. accommodation
Teacher Standards C. equilibration
C. National Competence-Based D. disequilibrium
Teaching Standards
D. National Competence-Based 10. What was the ancient Egyptian
Teacher Standards writing system?*
a) Alphabets a) Wealth
b) Hieroglyphics b) Intelligence and talents
c) Cuneiform c) Birthright
d) Sanskrit d) Physical strength
11. Name an ancient paper-like material 17. Who was the tutor of Alexander the
used by the Egyptians. Great and established the Lyceum?*
a) Parchment a) Socrates
b) Papyrus b) Plato
c) Vellum c) Aristotle
d) Manuscript d) Euclid
12. The early Christian church sprang 18. What mathematical concept did the
from Judaism during the reign of the Egyptians approximate with a value of
_____ empire. pi?
a. Byzantine a) Square root
b. Roman b) Pi
c. Ottoman c) Golden ratio
d. Persian d) Fibonacci sequence
e. Phoenician 19. According to Republic Act 10533,
13. Almost the entire Christian Bible was secondary education includes _____.
written by _____ men. A. Four (4) years of senior high school
a. Greek and two (2) years of junior high school
b. Persian education.
c. Jewish B. Four (4) years of junior high
d. Hindu school and two (2) years of senior
e. Ottoman high school education.
14. Cirilo is a graduate of Bachelor of C. Three (3) years of junior high school
Science in Information Technology. He and three (3) years of senior high school
wants to proceed the teaching education.
profession by earning units in D. Five (5) years of junior high school
professional education. Now, how many and one (1) year of senior high school
units in professional education does the education.
law require for a non-education
graduate to earn before he can take the 20. What was a notable feature of the
LET? University of Alexandria?*
A.10units a) Largest campus
B.32units b) Oldest university
C.12units c) Advanced library facilities
D.18units d) No library
21. A teacher shall base the evaluation
15. What idea Wandering of the learner’s work only in ____.
did Socrates advance in education?* A. attendance, character, merit and
a) Virtue is knowledge quality of academic performance
b) Virtue is power B. attendance, beauty, merit and quality
c) Virtue is wealth of academic performance
d) Virtue is authority C. attendance, merit and quality of
16. What was Plato's proposal for the academic performance
societal division of classes based on?* D. merit and quality of academic
performance 28. Why is the Eucharist important for
22. Teacher A believes that the learner a. Because it represents the Last
is the product of his environment. Supper in which Jesus instructed His
Sometimes he has no choice.He/She is disciples to remember His death.
determined by his environment. b. Because it represents God's
A. Rationalist willingness to forgive sin when Catholics
B. Behaviorist confess.
C. Existentialist c. Because it represents the
D. Progressivist commitment of a person to the Catholic
23. What were the primary institutions Church and to Jesus.
for religious education in Jewish d. All the answers are correct.
culture?* 29. The first four books of the New
a) Synagogues Testament are the main source for
b) Temples information on the life of Jesus Christ.
c) Churches Collectively, they are known as the
d) Mosques _____.
24. Which religious texts were central to a. Tripitaka
Jewish religious education? b. Vedas
a) Vedas c. Upanishads
b) Bible and the Talmud d. Torah
c) Quran e. Gospels
d) Tripitaka
25. Who served as both teachers and 30 "Learning is the process of retrieving
priests in Jewish religious education?* prior learning", this is a statement from
a) Monks A. Constructivist C. Progressivist
b) Rabbis B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
c) Imams
d) Pundits 31.Teacher J serves as an inspiration to
26. The ability to use language and think his students because of his efficiency
symbolically, is a characteristic of and is and effectiveness as a teacher. The
referred to as mind set of his students towards him/her
A. sensorimotor development; goal is an instance of what kind of
directed action philosophy?
B. preoperational development; the A. Realism
semiotic function `C. Nationalism
C. preoperational development; B. Idealism D. Constructivism
collective monologue 32.Which of the following is
D. concrete operational development; characteristic of a positive correlation?
classification A. amount of food consumed and
27. The approach called cognitive self- your weight
instruction is consistent with Vygotsky's B. amount of partying you do and your
view of: GPA
A. sociocultural theory C. amount of clothes worn and the
B. scaffolding temperature of the air
C. the Zone of Proximal Development
D. private speech
D. amount of exercise you do and the B. No, unless his principal allows him to
size of your clothes do so.
33. Expert teachers are very concerned C. Yes, he is a private school teacher,
about not a public school teacher.
A. being reflective problem solvers D. No, it is not allowed regardless if
B. the specific techniques teachers he is a public or private school
apply teacher.
C. maintaining classroom discipline
D. adhering to lesson plans 38. What was the primary language of
34.The Carnegie Foundation (1987) education in ancient Rome?*
reported that teachers felt most involved a) Greek
in making decisions about b) Latin
A. choosing textbooks c) Sanskrit
B. shaping the curriculum d) Aramaic
C. setting standards for student 39. What was Plato's proposal for the
behavior societal division of classes based on?*
D. designing staff development a) Wealth
programs b) Intelligence and talents
35. Research suggests that reasons for c) Birthright
lack of teacher participation in school d) Physical strength
wide decisions stem from 40. Teacher H asks one of her students,
A. teachers have little time or energy for "What do you want to become when you
these kinds of activities outside of the grow up?" This question is an indication
classroom of what kind of philosophy?
B. teachers not wanting to step on A. Progressivism
administrator's toes C. Existentialism
C. the fact that restructuring adds B. Naturalism
responsibilities to teachers for which D. Idealism
they are not compensated 41. Teacher X has not only explained
D. all of the above the concept of Philosophy of Education
but also imparted this to her students.
36.The Philippine Elementary School This demonstrates what kind of
Curriculum gives greater emphasis on philosophy?
the development of basic skills like A. Naturalism
reading, writing, and arithmetic. What is C. Realism
the philosophical basis for this? B. Idealism
A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism D. Perennialism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism 42. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that
37. Mr. Jhoejhoe Binoy, a private high pleasure is not the highest good.
school teacher is being hired by a Teacher's teaching is against what
certain senatorial candidate to serve as philosophy?
one of the UNA Party poll watchers for A. Realism C. Epicureanism
the 2016 elections. Is this allowed? B. Hedonism D. Empiricism
A. Yes, it is one his rights as a Filipino 43. After listening to the homily of the
citizen to support a political party that he Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a
wants. moment of reflection. Her understanding
of the value of fidelity has become
deeper as she related this to her past D. Naturalism
experience.This typifies what kind of 49. Why were so many of Jesus's
philosophy? disciples persecuted and martyred by
A. Constructivism the Roman Empire?
C. Humanism a. They wouldn't pay their taxes to the
B. Reconstructivism Roman Empire.
D. Existentialism b. They wouldn't acknowledge the
44. Who was the tutor of Alexander the Roman Emperor as a god.
Great and established the Lyceum?* c. They taught that the Roman Empire
a) Socrates was evil and instigated uprisings.
b) Plato d. They proclaimed that both Jesus and
c) Aristotle the Roman Emperor were gods.
d) Euclid e. They disagreed with the Jews which
45. Pia took the LET last March 2015. was perceived as a crime against
Unfortunately, she failed in the Rome.
examination. Is she qualified for the
position of para-teachers? The leaders of Rome did their best to
A. No. squelch Christianity, but quite ironically,
B. Yes, if her LET rating is below 75. we now name our dogs Nero and our
C.Yes, if her LET rating is 71-74. sons Paul!
D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74. 50. The statement above shows the
eventual success of Christianity even
46. In his class, Teacher M always though _____.
presents principles and values so as to a. all of the original twelve disciples and
encourage his students to examine the Apostle Paul were put to death.
them and decide for themselves b. eleven of the original twelve
whether to accept them or not. What disciples and the Apostle Paul were
kind of philosophy does he practice? put to death by Roman forces.
A. Idealism c. Nero was put to death by the Apostle
C. Humanism Paul in a well-known Christian uprising.
B. Essentialism d. all of the original twelve disciples and
D. Existentialism the Apostle Paul went on to long lives in
47. When a teacher emphasizes that exile outside of Rome.
man's sense should be trusted because e. Nero and the Apostle Paul became
they are the only way to acquire close friends and worked together to
knowledge, the teacher can be regarded spread the news of The Gospels.
as. 51. You have taught a new math skill to
A. Naturalist C. Empiricist your class, and find that some students
B. Realist D. Pragmatist have caught on quickly, while others are
48. After studying the Principle of still having difficulty applying the skill.
Identity, Teacher W asks her students to Based on Vygotsky's principles of
determine which among the given set of assisted learning / zone of proximal
problems conforms to the said identity. development, you should
This shows that Teacher W upholds A. give all students more practice
what kind of Philosophy? problems
A. Perennialism. C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism
B. pair students for more practice, a) encourage the undertaking of
pairing students who have mastered language researches in various regions
the skill with those who have not. b) take into account local needs and
C. give all students for more instruction condition and encourage local
in the performance of math skill. development planning
D. go on to the next skill and put c) get assurance that all educational
students in cooperative learning groups. policies are implemented nationwide
52. Normal language development d) promote quality education at all levels
patterns would anticipate that most and in all communities of the country
children have mastered the basics of 57. What statement is inconsistent with
pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary one of the provision of Republic Act No.
in their native language by ages 4670, otherwise known as the Magna
A. 3-4 Carta for Public School Teachers?
B. 4-5 a. teacher engaged in actual
C. 5-6 classroom instruction shall be
D. 6-7 required to render more than six
53. In order to learn and understand hours actual classroom teaching
rules of grammar and syntax (word b. no teacher shall be transferred
order), children need to have developed: without his consent
A. a large vocabulary c. every teacher shall enjoy security of
B. a cultural tool kit tenure
C. literacy d. a teacher is entitled to a study leave
D.metalinguistic awareness not exceeding one school year
54. Institutions of learning are required 58. What is the origin of the word
to meet the minimum standards for state "education" based on its Latin roots?
recognition but are encouraged to set a) Educate
higher standards of quality over and b) Educare
above the minimum through ____ as c) Educatum
provided in Educational Act of 1982. d) Educing
a) life-long education 59. Define education according to the
c. formal education provided definition.
b) voluntary accreditation a) The process of acquiring skills only.
d. academic freedom b) The process of acquiring
55.) Which of the following is NOT knowledge, habits, attitudes, interest,
provided in Education Act of 1940? skills, and abilities.
a) the national support of elementary c) The process of acquiring knowledge
education only.
b) the double-single session plan in the d) The process of acquiring habits only.
elementary schools 60. List the three levels of formal
c) the six-year elementary course education mentioned in the
d) vocational education in the public questionnaire.
schools a) Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
56. The primary objective in the b) Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
regionalization of the educational c) Elementary, Secondary, University
system is to ___. d) Basic, Intermediate, Higher
61. Explain what is meant by e. academic freedom
"hierarchically structured chronological 67. Mr. Melgo, a public school teacher
graded learning." of Cantoratoy National High School
a) Learning based on age hierarchy. plans to pursue Master’s studies. When
b) Learning based on time hierarchy. he is entitled to go on study leave?
c) Learning based on a structured a. if his principal approves his leave
curriculum. b. if he has rendered seven years of
d) Learning based on hierarchical service
grading. c. if a substitute teacher is available
62. What is the specific aim of non- d. if there is a decrease in the
formal education? enrollment
a) To provide education to children. 68. This act is also known as the “
b) To provide education to illiterates Philippines Teachers Professional Act of
and out-of-school youths and adults. 1994”.
c) To provide education to university A. Republic Act 4670
students. B. Republic Act 7836
d) To provide education to teachers. C. Republic Act 10533
63. Who are the target audiences for D. Republic Act 9293
non-formal education?
a) Illiterates and out-of-school youths 69.This Republic Act is known as the
and adults. “Magna Carta for public School
b) University students. Teachers”.
c) Primary school children. A. Republic Act 4670
d) Teachers. B. Republic Act 10533
64. What distinguishes informal C. Republic Act 7836
education from the other types? D. Republic Act 9293
a) It is structured and follows a 70. Which among the following refers to
curriculum. the Republic Act that enhances the
b) It is provided by schools. Philippines Basic Education System by
c) It can be acquired anytime and strengthening its curriculum and
anywhere. increasing the number of years for basic
d) It is certified. education.
65. Which type of education plays a A. Republic Act 4670
more significant role in preparing B. Republic Act 10533
individuals for real-world challenges and C. Republic Act 7836
opportunities? D. Republic Act 9293
a) Formal Education 71. The National Competency- Based
b) Non-formal Education Teacher Standards(NCBTS) is
c) Informal Education composed of how many domains?.
d) All play equally significant roles. A. 5
66. Which of the following is not a right B. 7
of public school teachers? C. 6
a. freedom of expression D. 8
b. establishes and joins organizations 72. Who among the following
c. intellectual property Philippines president approved a
d. stage a strike and protests Republic Act that professionalizes
teaching and that trengthens the D. Government
regulations and supervision of the
practice of teaching in the Philippines? 78.After listening to the homily of the
A. Marcos Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a
B. Estrada moment of reflection. Her understanding
C. Ramos
of the value of fidelity has become
D. Arroyo
73. What is the heart of the Teacher deeper as she related this to her past
Education Development experience. This typifies what kind of
Program(TEDP)? philosophy?
B. IPPD A. Constructivism
D. LET B. Reconstructivism
74. According to the Code of Ethics for
C. Humanism
Professional Teachers”, the term
teacher includes the following EXCEPT D. Existentialism
A. Full-time Preschool Teacher 79. "Learning is the process of retrieving
B. Part - time Elementary Teacher prior learning", this is a statement from
C. Full-time High School Teacher
D. Full- time College Teacher A. Constructivist C. Progressivist
75. The following are some of the B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
features of the “ Enchanced Basic
Education Act of 2013” EXCEPT for ? 80. Teacher J serves as an inspiration
A. Junior High School to his students because of his efficiency
B. Bilingual Education and effectiveness as a teacher. The
C. Senior High School mind set of his students towards him/her
D. MTB-MLE is an instance of what kind of
76. One of the strength of the Filipino philosophy?
character is “ pakikipagkapwa-tao”. This A. Realism
is manifested in all of the following `C. Nationalism
EXCEPT: B. Idealism D. Constructivism
A. Malasakit 81.Which of the following is
B. Pakikiramay characteristic of a positive correlation?
C. Lakas ng loob A. amount of food consumed and
D. Pakikiramdam your weight
77.The Philippine Constitution, B. amount of partying you do and your
recognizing the natural right and duty of GPA
parents in rearing the youth for civic C. amount of clothes worn and the
efficiency and developing moral temperature of the air
character, mndates that this should be D. amount of exercise you do and the
supported by the ? size of your clothes
A. Community 82. Expert teachers are very concerned
B. Schools about
C. Church A. being reflective problem solvers
B. the specific techniques teachers he is a public or private school
apply teacher.
C. maintaining classroom discipline
D. adhering to lesson plans 87. What was the primary language of
83. The Carnegie Foundation (1987) education in ancient Rome?*
reported that teachers felt most involved a) Greek
in making decisions about b) Latin
A. choosing textbooks c) Sanskrit
B. shaping the curriculum d) Aramaic
C. setting standards for student 88. What was Plato's proposal for the
behavior societal division of classes based on?*
D. designing staff development a) Wealth
programs b) Intelligence and talents
84.Research suggests that reasons for c) Birthright
lack of teacher participation in school d) Physical strength
wide decisions stem from 89. Teacher H asks one of her students,
A. teachers have little time or energy for "What do you want to become when you
these kinds of activities outside of the grow up?" This question is an indication
classroom of what kind of philosophy?
B. teachers not wanting to step on A. Progressivism
administrator's toes C. Existentialism
C. the fact that restructuring adds B. Naturalism
responsibilities to teachers for which D. Idealism
they are not compensated 90. Teacher X has not only explained
D. all of the above the concept of Philosophy of Education
but also imparted this to her students.
85. The Philippine Elementary School This demonstrates what kind of
Curriculum gives greater emphasis on philosophy?
the development of basic skills like A. Naturalism
reading, writing, and arithmetic. What is C. Realism
the philosophical basis for this? B. Idealism
A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism D. Perennialism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism 91. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that
86. Mr. Jhoejhoe Binoy, a private high pleasure is not the highest good.
school teacher is being hired by a Teacher's teaching is against what
certain senatorial candidate to serve as philosophy?
one of the UNA Party poll watchers for A. Realism C. Epicureanism
the 2016 elections. Is this allowed? B. Hedonism D. Empiricism
A. Yes, it is one his rights as a Filipino 92. After listening to the homily of the
citizen to support a political party that he Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a
wants. moment of reflection. Her understanding
B. No, unless his principal allows him to of the value of fidelity has become
do so. deeper as she related this to her past
C. Yes, he is a private school teacher, experience.This typifies what kind of
not a public school teacher. philosophy?
D. No, it is not allowed regardless if A. Constructivism
C. Humanism
B. Reconstructivism life like the joy and agony of love,
D. Existentialism desirability of life, the inevitability of
93. Who was the tutor of Alexander the death, the anguish of freedom and the
Great and established the Lyceum?*
consequences of choices and actions.
a) Socrates
b) Plato Which philosophy advocates this view in
c) Aristotle education?
d) Euclid
94. Pia took the LET last March 2015. A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
Unfortunately, she failed in the
B. Perennialism D. Realism
examination. Is she qualified for the
position of para-teachers? 99.The curriculum is viewed as a means
A. No.
of developing desirable habits. It is
B. Yes, if her LET rating is below 75.
C.Yes, if her LET rating is 71-74. recommended that the way /means to
D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74. form these habits is through the mastery
of organized subject matter. Which
95. In his class, Teacher M always philosophy is behind this educational
presents principles and values so as to view?
encourage his students to examine
them and decide for themselves A. Naturalism C. Realism
whether to accept them or not. What
kind of philosophy does he practice? B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
A. Idealism
C. Humanism 100.Describe the Civil Service
B. Essentialism Examination system during the Han
D. Existentialism Dynasty.
96. When a teacher emphasizes that a) Multiple choice exams
man's sense should be trusted because b) One-day exam for all
they are the only way to acquire c) Gradual promotion through
knowledge, the teacher can be regarded exams
as. d) No examination system
A. Naturalist C. Empiricist
B. Realist D. Pragmatist
97. After studying the Principle of
Identity, Teacher W asks her students to
determine which among the given set of
problems conforms to the said identity.
This shows that Teacher W upholds
what kind of Philosophy?
A. Perennialism. C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism
D. Naturalism
98.This philosophy believes that
students need a passionate encounter
with the positive and negative phases of

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