Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
a. What are the key components of a computer network and their respective roles?
b. How does the concept of layered architecture contribute to the design and operation
of modern networks?
c. Discuss the importance of understanding the Internet's evolution and its impact on
global communication.
d. What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
e. What are Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and what role do they play in the
functioning of the Internet? Provide an overview of ISPs in Malaysia.
b. Explain the concept of a protocol stack and its relationship to the OSI and TCP/IP
d. Why are network protocols necessary for communication within the Internet and
other networks?
c. Why is it essential for network engineers and administrators to understand the OSI
(Open Systems Interconnection) model and its layered architecture?
d. Can you explain the significance of layering in network design and protocol
c. Justify why is this understanding crucial for troubleshooting and network
management in real-world scenarios.
a. What are the key network performance metrics, and how do they impact the quality
of communication over a network?
b. Can you explain the concepts of packet loss, delay, throughput, bandwidth, and
transmission rate in the context of network communication?
a. What are some common security threats and vulnerabilities in computer networks?
b. How can network security measures such as encryption, firewalls, and access
control help mitigate these threats?
For this activity, students will practice using basic network commands in a hands-on lab
They will observe the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and other network
settings assigned to their network interfaces.
Ping Command:
Students will use the ping command to test connectivity to various network devices, such
as the default gateway, a local server, or a public website.
They will observe the ICMP echo request and reply messages and analyze the round-trip
time (RTT) for each ping.
Traceroute Command:
Students will use the traceroute command to trace the path that packets take from their
computer to a remote destination.
They will observe the list of intermediate routers along the path and analyze the round-
trip time (RTT) for each hop.
Netstat Command:
Students will use the netstat command to display active network connections, listening
ports, and routing table information.
They will observe the status of TCP and UDP connections, local and remote IP addresses,
and port numbers.
Nslookup Command:
Students will use the nslookup command to query DNS servers and resolve domain
names to IP addresses.
They will perform DNS lookups for various domain names and analyze the responses
returned by the DNS server.
Discuss the practical applications of networking commands for troubleshooting network issues,
diagnosing connectivity problems, and gathering information about network configuration. Conclude the
lab tutorial by summarizing the key takeaways and reinforcing the importance of networking commands for
network management and troubleshooting.