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Test U5 + 6

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Global English 5



Exercise 1: Read the story and circle correct connectives.
The Adventure of the Playground Pals
The Playground Pals were a group of friends who loved exploring their neighborhood park. One
sunny afternoon, they noticed that their favorite swing was missing, 1 so / but they decided not
to let it spoil their fun. They started a game of hide and seek 2 and / after a while, they heard a
strange noise coming from the old oak tree.

Sara was it, and she was searching for her friends 3 when / next she spotted something unusual
near the tree. It was a set of footprints that were too big for any of them, 4 so / but she called the
others to take a look. Together, they followed the tracks 5 and / after they led to a hidden part of
the park.

There, behind a dense bush, they found the missing swing, 6 next / and they saw Mr. Jenkins,
the park caretaker, fixing a broken chain. He explained that he had taken the swing down earlier
that day for safety reasons, 7 and / but he was almost done with the repairs. 8 But / After he
finished, he promised they would be the first to test it out.

Exercise 2: Read the sentences and choose the correct tag question by selecting the best
word (A, B, C or D) for each space.\.

1. They will be here on time, ____?

A. won’t they B. will they C. aren’t they D. do they
2. Alex and Lisa are coming to the party, ____?
A. are they B. do they C. aren’t they D. isn’t it
3. Nobody expected this turn of events, ____?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. do they D. does it
4. The weather is beautiful today, ____?
A. isn’t it B. is it C. wasn’t it D. wasn’t he
5. He has never been to Paris before, ____?
A. has he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. did he
6. You don’t mind if I join you for lunch, ____?
A. do you B. don’t you C. does it D. did you
7. We should leave early to avoid traffic, ____?
A. shouldn’t we B. should we C. wouldn’t we D. will we
8. This is the correct way to the museum, ____?
A. isn’t it B. is it C. wasn’t it D. wasn’t he
9. She has already finished her assignment, ____?
A. hasn’t she B. has she C. doesn’t she D. does she
10. We won’t be late for the movie, ____?
A. will we B. won’t we C. do we D. don’t we

Exercise 3: Read the text about a day out in the city. Choose the best word (A, B, C or D)
for each space.

Last Sunday, I decided to explore the city with my friends. While we (1)_________ to the
museum, we (2)_________ a group of street performers. They (3)_________ music and dancing
energetically, and a small crowd (4)_________ around them to watch the show.

After spending some time at the museum, we felt hungry and (5)_________ to find a place to
eat. While we (6)_________ for a restaurant, we (7)_________ by a sudden parade. Colorful
floats (8)_________ by, and people in costumes (9)_________ and waving to the spectators.

Finally, we found a cozy café and (10)_________ some delicious cakes and coffee. While we
(11)_________ our treats, we (12)_________ about the day's events and (13)_________ a lot of
photos to remember our adventure.

When the day ended, we (14)_________ back home, feeling tired but thrilled about our urban
exploration. While I (15)_________ in bed that night, I realized that the city is full of surprises,
just waiting to be discovered.

1. a) walked b) were walking c) walk d) walking

2. a) were seeing b) saw c) see d) seeing
3. a) played b) were playing c) play d)
4. a) was gathering b) gathered c) were gathering d) gather
5. a) decided b) deciding c) decide d) deciding
6. a) were looking b) looked c) look d) looking
7. a) were surprised b) surprised c) surprise d) surprising
8. a) were passing b) passed c) pass d)
9. a) danced b) were dancing c) dance d) dancing
10. a) ordered b) were ordering c) order d) ordering
11. a) enjoyed b) were enjoying c) enjoy d) enjoying
12. a) were talking b) talked c) talk d) talking
13. a) took b) were taking c) take d) taking
14. a) headed b) were heading c) head d) heading
15. a) lay b) was lying c) lied d) were lying

Exercise 4: Write zero conditional sentences with the provided prompts:

I/ feel/ scared/ I/ see/ blood.
Answer: I feel faint when I see blood.
your dog/ sit/ down/ you/ say/ “sit”?.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
I/ get/ home/ on/ time/ my dad/ shout/ at/ me.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
It/ not/ matter/ you/ be/ late.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
Sam/ feel/ sad/ it/ rain.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with correct word in the box.

homesick unusual itch fairy tales fables picture books

crowded politely tantrum hit fists heartbeat

1. After playing in the grass, the boy felt an _____________ on his arm.
2. Sarah always says "please" and "thank you" - she speaks_____________.
3. The library has colorful _____________ with lots of pictures.
4. Tim felt _____________ at camp; he missed his family and his dog.
5. Finding a purple elephant in the backyard was very _____________ .
6. Aesop's _____________ teach lessons through stories about animals.
7. When scared, you can feel your_____________ getting faster.
8. The mall was _____________ with people shopping for gifts.
9. The toddler threw a _____________ when he couldn't have a cookie.
10. When frustrated, he tends to _____________ the toy, like a pillow.
11. In a boxing match, fighters use their _____________ to punch.
12. Children love listening to _____________ with magical characters and adventures.


Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What day will they meet?

2 How much does the woman pay for the ticket?

3 What job does the man do?

4 What are they watching tonight?

5 What is the weather like now?

Exercise 6: Talk about your favourite Egyptian invention. You should say:
- What kind invention do you like?
- What is it made from/of?
- Why do you like it?
- Should everyone have it? Why?
I love the pyramids from Egypt. They're big structures made of large stones. The ancient
Egyptians built them without today's machines, which is amazing. The pyramids were made as
tombs for important people. I like them because they're mysterious and teach us about the past.
Not everyone can have a pyramid because they're so big, but learning about them is cool because
it shows how smart people were a long time ago.



1 What day will they meet?

F: How about dinner sometime this week? There’s a great new restaurant in town.

M: Good idea. What’s today? Thursday? Because I think I’ve got an appointment with the

F: Actually it’s Tuesday. So is tonight good for you then?

M: Well, I can’t on Wednesdays, as I’m working late, so tonight is probably best. I’ll call you

2 How much does the woman pay for the ticket?

F: Hello. Do you have cheap tickets for Paris for tomorrow?

M: The cheapest is £104, Madam, but I’m afraid they’re all sold out.

F: Oh well, I guess I’ll have to pay the standard price of £180, then.

M: Actually, we have a special offer of a £40 discount this week. So that’s £140 rather than
£180, Madam. Now, if you would just…

3 What job does the man do?

M: Well, my job at the hotel is very difficult at times. Sometimes the customers have problems
with our staff; especially with our waiters and waitresses.

F: What about the receptionists, then? Do they ever have any problems with the guests?

M: Sometimes yes, but not that often. If anyone needs my help, they call me and I come right
away from my office.

4 What are they watching tonight?

M: What’s on TV tonight?

F: There’s a new film about the life of a famous doctor.

M: That sounds really interesting. But I think there’s also a dance competition.

F: Oh, yes. What about The Men in Blue? It’s a film about the lives of police officers.

M: Let’s watch that next Saturday online, when Jin is here. So what about now? The

F: Yes. I think Jin will love The Men in Blue.

5 What is the weather like now?

M: Look how great the clouds look in the sky!

F: They do look nice but I prefer the sun. It makes me happy!

M: Well, it looks like it’s going to rain in a few minutes so no clear sky today.

F: I hope so. It hasn’t rained in a while and the trees need some water. It’ll be sunny at the
weekend anyway.

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