Jan 13 NLTR
Jan 13 NLTR
Jan 13 NLTR
Petroleum Technology Forum Urban Friendly 3D Seismic Survey January 15 - NOTE MIDMONTH DATE!!" pages 1 & 3 Images of December 11th Forum page 4 MESA needs VOLUNTEERS page 5 LA SPE Young Professionals Event Summary pages 6 LASPE Scholarships Available!! page 7 Select Upcoming SPE Events page 8 Nominate SPE Regional Awards page 9 ATCE 2013 Call for Papers page 10 Board Minutes from November 2012 pages 14-15 Services Oered page 16 Ocers and BOD page 17
2013 Annual SPE Golf Tournament - May 3rd - SAVE THE DATE!!!
The Annual LA Basin SPE Charity Golf Tournament, Awards Banquet and mega-rae is set for Friday May 3rd, 2013. Once again we will be returning to Los Serranos Country Club in Chino Hills for a guaranteed 1:00 PM scramble start. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this great tournament and plan to attend. Make your plans to attend early, form your teams and be ready to sign up. You can sign up through the links on www.LASPE.org in early 2013. We expect this event to sell out, as usual, so don't get left out. Interested parties and VOLUNTEERS PLEASE contact Rich Manuel at rmanuel@mindspring.com.
Dense Urban Environment in the LA Basin Spawned Friendlier 3D Seismic Survey Design
by Rachel Stocking, NodalSeismic
Abstract: In April 2012, Signal Hill Petroleum and NodalSeismic completed an unprecedented urban friendly 3D seismic study of the Long Beach / Signal Hill eld. The survey proved that seismic acquisition in a dense urban environment can be done eectively and eciently if the right technique and tools are applied. After several years of attempts, they succeeded by combining a completely redesigned operations approach, a local government and community education strategy, a never- before - used cable - free recording system, and innovative techniques for operating both new and old equipment. This talk will focus on the case history of this urban friendly 3D seismic survey. Some of the topics to be covered include (a) the reasons why a company should do seismic surveys; (b) the challenges they faced because of the urban setting; (c) what attempts they have tried before; (d) the details of their latest 3D seismic survey; and (e) how they plan to use the data to improve the recovery and production of this urban eld. Bio: Rachel Stocking is Business Development Manager for NodalSeismic, LLC. Her background is in public relations and marketing, and comes to the seismic industry after having practiced public relations within the oil industry. Rachel holds a degree from California State University at Long Beach.
Title Dense%Urban%Environment%in%the%LA%Basin%Spawned%Friendlier%3D%Seismic%Survey% Design%by%Rachel%Stocking%(note%change%of%date%and%speaker) SPEI Annual meeting paper proposal submittal deadline Putting the Energy Industry in Perspective by Phil Rae (DL)
SPEI Regional Award Nomination Deadline Orange County Engineering Council Award Banquet (Friday) MESA Outreach Days (Saturdays), Long Beach
Jan 15*
Jan 28
Feb 12*
Feb 15 Feb 22 March 2, 9
LASPE Cross-Generational Soft-Skill Workshop (Wednesday) LASPE Section Scholarship application deadline MESA Regional Competition, Los Angeles Heat Mining at the Geysers Geothermal Field Using Reclaimed Waste Water by Marina Voskanian (DL)
SPE WRM, Monterey CA LASPE Golf Tournament (Friday) Offshore Technology Conference, Houston
May 14*
May 15-17
Note: * LASPE Program; LASPE Board meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. and all members are welcome to observe.
Completions Optimization and Technology Drilling Engineering Formation Evaluation Health, Safety, Social Responsibility and Environment Management and Information Production and Operations Projects, Facilities and Construction Reservoir Description and Dynamics
The SPE Regional Professional Awards acknowledge exceptional contributions to the Society of Petroleum Engineers and recognize singular devotion of time and effort to the development of professionalism in four disciplines.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award Distinguished Corporate Support Award Service Award Young Member Outstanding Service Award
Solicit Nomination Support
Three colleagues encouraged to send letters to SPE in support of the nomination. Letters should support award requirements See SPE website for example letter
Share'your'best'recent'experiences,'discoveries,'and'innovations with'the'global'E&P'industry.'Submit'your'paper'proposal'for'the SPE'Annual'Technology'Conference'and'Exhibition'(ATCE). SPE's'flagship'meeting'will'return'to'New'Orleans'30(September 2(October(2013'to'showcase'new'technologies,'products,'and best'practices'for'global'conventional'and'unconventional'oil'and gas'resources. Submit'your'paper'proposal'outlining'your'technical advancement,'new'method,'case'study,'or'practical'application by'28(January(2013. If'your'proposal'is'selected,'you'will'present'your'paper'to'an audience'of'your'peers.'Your'paper'may'also'be'considered'for publication'in'an'SPE'technical'journal'and'will'become'a'part'of the'multisociety'library,'OnePetro. ATCE'features'approximately'400'technical'paper'presentations, ePosters,'and'panel'sessions'covering: Drilling'and'Completions Health,'Safety,'and'Environment Production'and'Operations Projects,'Facilities,'and'Construction Management'and'Information Reservoir'Description'and'Dynamics Decide'now'to'become'an'integral'part'of'SPE's'tradition'of excellence.'Showcase'your'own'and'your'company's'latest'and most'innovative'technology'at'our'premier'technical'conference.
' '
Proceedings: 1. 2. 3. 4. The meeting was called to order at 10:33 AM. A quorum was met, Adi Varma, Ted Frankiewicz and Eric Withjack provided proxies. Baldev Gill moved that the proposed agenda be approved. Nazee Heda seconded the motion. All approved. Serge Baghdikian moved that the minutes of the meeting held on October 16th, 2012, be approved. Nazee Heda seconded the motion. All approved. Reports: 4.1. Treasurers Report (Income and Expenses Details 10-01-12) Rick Finken: income exceeded expense by $12,176. The total value of LASPEs assets was $89,783 as of October 31, 2012. Rick suggested to the Board that the USC Student Chapter be reimbursed $3,000 to partially cover ATCE expenses for 10 Student Chapter attendees. The Boardmoved and approved this suggestion. 4.2. Sam Sarem proposed to have $500 for the Committee Membership and $500 for Committee Awards, and in general to think about having a little amount for other Committee (Nomination, Publication, Scholarship) this will be discussed at the next meeting in December and Rick will eventually add the amount approved by the Board to the line 59 of his report as per his indication. 4.3 Mark Ojo and Robert Cannon asked for $2,000 for the USC-SPE Student Chapter for Movie Events (one of the movie will be SpOILed another one Switch the Directors of these movies will then attend a Question & Answer Session, then the movie Gasland and The Sky is pink). Mike Utt moved to approve, Baldev Gill seconded, Approved. 4.4 Baldev Gill moved for the approval of $1,000 funding for the Science Olympiad Program at the Canyon High School (suggested by Serge Baghdikian), T-Shirt of the event will have SPE brand printed. Serge is to write a one page article in the newsletter one month after the event takes place. Mike Utt seconded. Approved
4.5 Proposed $300 per student for Student Travel Subsidy for attending SPE meetings (based on the previous year we had 10 Students). Baldev Gill moved to conrm $3,000 funding for SPE Scholarship, Nazee Heda seconded, Approved. 5. Old Business: 5.1 Cross-generation workshop will take place March 6 (Jaime Villatoro, Mike Utt and Mark Ojo). 6. New Business: 6.1. The Forum Program Meeting for the Year 2013 suggested to be held on March the 6th (Leila V. , Uduak Ntuk.). 6.2 Panel Discussion meeting suggested for October 2013, date to be dened (Serge Baghdikian), Serge asked for having some volunteers in order to organize the event the best way possible with appropriate attendances. 6.3! The Committee for Industry Outreach is looking for Sponsoring Ads from Companies for Golf Tournament and Workshop Sponsorship as well and for Intern opportunities. Steve is looking for volunteers. 7. Section Activities: 7.1. !Continuing Education Committee, (AB Abdulrahman): AB is working on it considering local instructors; 7.2 Membership Committee (Sam Sarem): looking for volunteers, some already found more should be found; 7.3! Award Committee (Sam Sarem): SPE and OCEC are giving Awards (International, Regional and Local levels), the deadline for OCEC for the application is December 21st (communication by email); 7.4! Scholarship Committee (Nazee Heda): Proposed dates: the date for the Opening day for the Application Submission is going to be January 1st 2013 and the closing day is going to be March 15th 12013, Decision will be made on May 8th 2013. 7.5 ! Outreach Committee MESA (Scott Hara): we are going to be working with MESA on March 2nd for the High School MESA day, and on March 9th with the Middle School, with the attendance of over 1000 students; they have also the two Regional Day with USC an UCLA (date to be conrmed at December meeting). 8. Others: 8.1. Steve Cheung is communicating with Larry Gilpin to consider using SPEI template for LASPE website, the follow-up will be discussed during the next meetings. 8.2 Mike Utt and Ted Frankiewicz put the attention on the DLO Program (Distinguished Lecture Online), for the Webinar, looking for volunteer for publicity. 8.3! Steve Cheung mentioned the need to update the section bylaws. 9. ! The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 AM.
The California State Lands Commission is recruiting for the examination of : Assistant Chief, Mineral Resources Management Division. Interested candidates should visit www.slc.ca.gov for information on this position and application instructions. The salary is $ 11,337 per month. Questions can be directed to: Robert Frisk at 916-574-0960.
Please notify SPE Headquarters directly with change of address: P.O. Box 833836, R i c h a r d s o n , T X 7 5 0 8 3 Te l : ( 8 0 0 ) 456-6863 Fax: (972) 952-9435 or go to h t t p : / / w w w. s p e . o r g / m b r s e r v i c e s / index.cfm We appreciate your feedback. Send your comments/sug gestions/ contributions to Larry Gilpin, Editor: larry@4thforge.com
PosiFon Senior%Past%chair Junior%Past%chair Chair ViceEchair Board%member%through%%2013 Board%member%through%%2014 Board%member%through%%2014 Board%member%through%%2015 Board%member%through%%2015 Secretary Treasurer Assistant%%Treasurer Award Forum%and%Program%coEchair Forum%and%Program%coEchair Golf%Tournament% Community%Outreach% Membership NominaXon% PublicaXon%Mentor Scholarship% Student%Chapter%Liaison Training Young%Professional
EGmail mikeu'@roadrunner.com% dremmw@yahoo.com% steveior@yahoo.com Baldev.Gill@longbeach.gov% Nazee.Heda@slc.ca.gov% serge.baghdikian@longbeach.gov% aditya_varma@oxy.com Urankiewicz@specservices.com% j_villa_07@yahoo.com% c.vaccese@gmail.com rdnken@gmail.com rcvbelmar@aol.com% Sam4IPRC@aol.com lvlasko@betaoshore.com uduak.ntuk@longbeach.gov rmanuel@mindspring.com Sco'_Hara@oxy.com Sam4IPRC@aol.com Vanessa.Perez@slc.ca.gov ershaghi@usc.edu Nazee.Heda@slc.ca.gov DShay@SHPI.net goras9@aol.com jkroh@shpi.net