CHGC Newsletter April 2016
CHGC Newsletter April 2016
CHGC Newsletter April 2016
Election Of Officers!
Election Of Officers
At Our April Annual Meeting"
Per our bylaws, an annual meeting of the members of the Capitol Hill Garden Club is held on the
second Tuesday in April each year for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other Club
business. Our 2016 Annual Meeting will coincide with our regular meeting on April 12.
In preparation for the election, the Board of Directors appointed a nominating committee that
included 3 active members: Sandra Bruce, Mary Ann Sroufe and Joyce Jones. The resulting candidates
for the officer positions were presented to the Club by the nominating committee at the March
meeting where other Club members were allowed to offer additional nominations, including selfnominations.
Our final list of candidates is: Gail Martin Giuffrida - President; Ed Peterman Vice President;
Elizabeth McClure Treasurer; and Barbara Marks Secretary.
A quorum will be necessary at the April meeting, and according to our bylaws a quorum is thirty
percent of the active members of the Club. We currently have 90 members and so well need at least
27 members present for a quorum. The officers will be elected by a majority vote of those members
present at the meeting.
Be sure to attend the April meeting! It is important that we have a quorum and that every
members voice be heard!
Of interest, our Clubs elections occur every 2 years, in even-numbered years. Each officer serves for
a term of two years beginning on June 15 following the election. No officer can be elected to the
same office for more than two consecutive terms, and each officer holds office until his successor has
been elected and been qualified. Officers do not receive any salary or other compensation for their
Gardener's Exchange!
Every gardner has something they no longer want, and every gardener has
something in mind that they need. From too many iris's to extra hoes and
hoses, our website has a forum that has been created to bring the givers and
takers together, so everybody wins! Visit our website today to learn more
about how you can 'exchange' with other Club members.
Gardener's Exchange!
you'd like to join. This is a good committee to be on if you want to influence what types of
presentations we'll have at next years meetings.
Planning And Organizing of Topics Be part of the Program Committee who meets once in the Spring
to plan and decide what topics would be of interest to our members at the coming season's monthly
meetings (SeptemberNovember and JanuaryApril). To ensure a successful presentation, each
member of this committee commits to overseeing one presentation which involves getting a
commitment from the suggested speaker(s) to present at a specific meeting, preparing a short written
biographical description of the speaker and topic for the website, ensuring that the audio-visual
arrangements are made in advance of the presentation, and, as appropriate, obtaining a copy of the
presentation as far in advance as possible. At the meeting, the designated member introduces the
speaker prior to their talk, and does a short write up for the website after the presentation. The Chair
of this committee serves as an appointed member of the Board of Directors.
Please contact Sonia Conly at if you are interested.
We long to grow our own tomatoes. We have tons of sun, but almost no space. Can regular sized
tomatoes thrive in pots?
Yes! But you must plant so-called Dwarf tomato plants. Sturdy and small, dwarf tomato plants have
been developed over the past ten years. Dwarf tomatoes are NOT the cherry-sized ones. They are
regular size, with all the succulence and superb flavor of hybrid, heirloom tomatoes, but grown on
regular size, with all the succulence and superb flavor of hybrid, heirloom tomatoes, but grown on
much smaller plants, perfect for pots and small spaces. Some favorites among many well-tested
varieties are Rosella Purple, Dwarf Emerald Giant, Dwarf Blazing Beauty and Dwarf Sweet Sue. Always
buy in seedling form. Online sources include,,
Gardening on Capitol Hill is now my sole income source. Since our small startup went public on April 1
of 2013 Ive needed 23 Post Office boxes just to handle incoming stock sales. You may be familiar
with our designer teas, brand name Dandelux. They are both medicinal and psychotropic. Our
company stock zoomed from $2 to $999 mostly in Europe before falling to a firm floor price of
$9.99. I took early retirement from DEA to negotiate regulatory and export easements. Last year the
Dutch Bourse dubbed Dandelux its Growth Stock of the Year. A photo of me on my front lawn, which
consists of thousands of softly puffing dandelion seed heads, was featured in British Vogue. I need
ideas by April 1 on how to ward off women who are after my money.
I cannot locate your property, which you say is on J Street NE. Please call soonest with the name of
what you are smoking.
Contact Information
Ed Peterman, Vice President
Joseph Purdy, Webmaster