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Test 4

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Hyraxes are small, furry, herbivorous mammals with short tails that live primarily in Africa; one species is also
found in the Middle East. These little animals spend time in trees or rocky outcrops. They resemble guinea
pigs, but in reality, are much more closely related to sea cows and elephants.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?


The following text is adapted from a publication by Jefferson Keel's 2011 publication, "The Indian Reorganization Act
—75 Years Later: Renewing our Commitment to Restore Tribal Homelands and Promote Self-determination.”

Today, the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) is as necessary as it was in 1934. The purposes of the IRA were frustrated
first by World War II and then by the termination era. Work did not begin again until the 1970s with the self-
determination policy, and since then, Indian tribes are building economies from the ground up.

As used in the text, what does the word "frustrated" most nearly mean?


The following text is adapted from Mother Jones's speech to coal miners in West Virginia in 1912

The guards of the mining companies beat, abuse, maim, and hold up citizens without process of law; deny freedom
of speech, a provision guaranteed by the Constitution; deny the citizens the right to assemble in a peaceable manner
for the purpose of discussing questions in which they are concerned.

As used in the text, what does the word "provision" most nearly mean?


The following text is adapted from F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 novel, The Beautiful and the Damned.

Now Adam J. Patch left his father's farm in Tarrytown early in sixty-one to join a New York cavalry regiment. He
came home from the war a major, charged into Wall Street, and amid much fuss, fume, applause, and ill will he
gathered to himself some seventy-five million dollars.

As used in the text, what does the word "fume" most nearly mean?

a. exhaust
b. stench
c. pollution
d. ire

The following text is from Frances Hodgson Burnett's 1905 novel "A Little Princess.”

If Sara had been older or less punctilious about being quite polite to people, she could have explained herself in a very
few words. But, as it was, she felt a flush rising on her cheeks. Miss Minchin was a very severe and imposing person,
and she seemed so absolutely sure that Sara knew nothing whatever of French, that she felt as if it would be almost
rude to correct her. The truth was that Sara could not remember the time when she had not seemed to know French.

Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

It gives a description of the physical appearance of one of the characters.

It establishes why one of the characters was not comfortable in the situation.
It reinforces an emotional state alluded to in the previous sentence.
It introduces the interaction between two characters in the following sentences.

The following text is adapted from F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 novel, "The Beautiful and the Damned.”

At fifty-seven years old Adam Patch determined, after a severe attack of sclerosis, to consecrate the remainder of his
life to the moral regeneration of the world. He became a reformer among reformers. He levelled a varied assortment
of uppercuts and body-blows at liquor, literature, vice, art, patent medicines, and Sunday theatres. From an armchair
in the office of his Tarrytown estate he directed against the enormous hypothetical enemy, unrighteousness, a
campaign which went on through fifteen years, during which he displayed himself a rabid monomaniac, an
unqualified nuisance, and an intolerable bore. The year in which this story opens found him wearying; 1861 was
creeping up slowly on 1895; his thoughts ran a great deal on the Civil War, somewhat on his dead wife and son,
almost infinitesimally on his grandson Anthony.

Which choice best states the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

It indicates that Adam Patch was living in the past rather than the present.
It provides a reason Adam Patch did not reflect often on the deaths of his wife and son.
It offers the reason that Adam Patch dedicated most of his time to campaigning against vices.
It clarifies the previous claim that Adam Patch was an intolerable bore.

The following text is adapted from Tien Nguyen's 2019 publication, "Antibodies Reverse Synthetic Opioid Overdoses
in Mice.”

Medical professionals have only one treatment option, a drug called naloxone, against acute opioid overdoses, which
is a growing problem that in 2017 killed more than 47,000 people in the US. The fast-acting treatment, sold as
Narcan, races towards the brain where it blocks opioid receptors, denying the drugs access to them. But naloxone
breaks down after about an hour, which allows a relapse into overdose unless the drug is re-administered.
Naloxone's short lifetime also makes it less effective against powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil,
which are 100—and 10,000—fold stronger than morphine, respectively.

Which choice best explains why naloxone is not completely desirable as a solution for patients who have overdosed
on opiates?

Naloxone is only able to protect a patient for a limited period.

Naloxone is more expensive than other available treatment options.
Naloxone offers no results for overdoses of many opiate drugs.
Naloxone has harmful side effects which can injure the patient.

Why does the sky turn red at sunrise and sunset? The reason is Rayleigh Scattering, which is actually the same effect
that you see in a rainbow when light hits rain. Light travels in waves, with red waves being the longest visible light
and blue being the shortest. The shorter the wave, the easier it scatters into different directions. During the day, the
Sun shines directly down on the atmosphere, so all wavelengths enter and the sky looks blue to a viewer. However,
when the Sun gets lower on the horizon, the light is traveling through a much larger distance of the atmosphere to
reach the same place on the Earth's surface. At that angle, many of the shorter blue waves get scattered into outer
space, and only the longer, red waves, which travel in a straighter line before being scattered, reach the viewer.

Why does the author mention a rainbow in the text?

To explain where waves of light originate

To offer an example that the reader might recognize
To present an exception to a general rule
To show why blue waves scatter more easily than red waves

Why do people ride bicycles to work? Weather is not
everything, as there is an annual average of 156 days of
rain in the top commuting city, Portland, Oregon.
Making cycling safer by adding protected bike lanes can
increase ridership. Another option is making bikes more
accessible, such as was done in the District of Columbia,
which added 400 bike share depots since 2010. The
success of such programs is evident:

Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to

complete the example?

Ridership in Washington, DC, increased from just over 2

percent in 2010 to 4 percent in 2015.
Washington, DC, used to have lower ridership than any other of the top five cities for bicycle commuters in 2010.
Portland, Oregon, now boasts over 6 percent of commuters who ride bikes and Washington, DC, has increased to 4
Washington, DC now has more bicycle commuters than San Francisco, California or Seattle, Washington.

According to a study released by The Society of Motor Manufacturers
and Traders (SMMT), the number of electric cars registered in the
United Kingdom has increased dramatically over the years, showing
increasing customer preference for battery-electric cars over
traditional cars. However, this customer preference for battery-
electric cars has not increased uniformly over the years. For instance,

Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete
the text?

between 2016 to 2019, less than 200,000 battery-electric cars were

registered in the UK
in 2020, less than 300,000 battery-electric cars were registered in the UK
by 2022, almost 700,000 electric cars had been registered
while the number of registered electric cars rose by 200,000 between the years 2020 and 2021, there was a spike of
almost 300,000 additional cars registered in 2022

A new species of salamander, Tylototriton phukhaensis, was named in 2020. The defining feature is a distinct head
ridge, though it also has head horns and a stripe down its back. A molecular examination shows that it is closely
related to two of the four other Tylototriton species found in Thailand. First identified from a 20-year-old
photograph in a travel magazine, biologists speculated whether the species still existed in the wild, but

Which choice most logically completes the text?

had to base their assessments on the Tylototriton species that were more readily available to them.
were able to locate living specimens that could provide enough information for a positive
spent years vainly scouring the tropical rainforests before determining that it was probably indeed extinct.
finally concluded that the photograph might have been inaccurate or was possibly even created as a hoax.

12 Text 1
Chromosomes were unknown in 1834 when Gregor Mendel proposed his classic concept of heredity. In the late
1880s, scientists finally could stain cell structures with the clarity to see chromosomes. Walter Sutton and Theodor
Boyer, in 1902 and 1903 respectively, independently published papers suggesting that genes were located in specific
places on the chromosomes, which came in matched pairs except for the male Y chromosome.

Text 2
Thomas Hunt Morgan criticized the Sutton-Boyer chromosome theory of inheritance. However, he noticed some
unusual trends while conducting experiments on fruit flies. A few males had white rather than red eyes, so he bred
them and observed the results. He determined that white was a recessive mutation which did not appear in any first-
generation females, though it might resurface in subsequent generations. After careful documentation, he published
his conclusion that eye color genes were located on the X chromosome.

Based on the texts after his experiments, how would Thomas Hunt Morgan (Text 2) most likely describe the view
Sutton and Boyer presented in Text 1?

It is largely correct, but it required some adjustment concerning minor details.

It is not compelling because he had definitive data contradicting the theory.
It may seem plausible, but it is not supported by scientific findings.
It probably holds true despite his initial skepticism of it.

Giant anteaters are neotropical mammals that, as their name suggests, consume ants, termites, and grubs, though
they do occasionally eat fruit. Their habitat ranges from Central to South America in swamps, forests, and grasslands
where their favored prey is common. The solitary foragers have specialized tongues so they can consume thousands
of ants in a few minutes after breaking open a nest, and they quickly abandon the site when soldier ants emerge to
protect the colony.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Giant anteaters live alone in neotropical areas that have not been disturbed by humans.
There are fewer opportunities for giant anteaters to eat since soldier ants are more vigilant.
Giant anteaters have adapted so that they are able to gather sufficient food.
Despite the danger of soldier ants, giant anteaters prefer to eat ants over other food sources.

Robin Williams (1951-2014) has often been considered one of the best American comedians of all time. Famous for
creating engaging characters at the spur of the moment, Williams began his career as a stand-up comic and moved
on to win many prestigious awards for his roles in motion pictures. Everyone who knew him described him as full of
natural talent and energy:

Which quotation most effectively illustrates the claim?

”Williams helped us grow up." (Alyssa Rosenberg)

”He gave his...talent freely and generously to those who needed it most-from our troops stationed abroad to the
marginalized on our own streets." (Barack Obama)
”The world is forever a little darker, less colorful and less full of laughter in his absence." (Zelda Williams)
”He came in like a hurricane... there goes my chance in show business." (David Letterman)

Robert Henri (1865-1929) was an American painter and teacher who disliked the conservative restrictions placed on
the highly-polished art by artists affiliated with the National Academy of Design. With several colleagues, he
introduced a new style that depicted the seedy underside of urban life in a bold, realistic fashion. Critics dubbed the
artists with the title of "Ashcan School" because they drew sketches in the streets of New York and depicted dirty
snow, laundry hanging out to dry, and other scenes of everyday life.

Based on the text, what is most likely true about artists affiliated with the National Academy of Design?

They used a bold, realistic style for their paintings.

They did not live or work in New York City.
They avoided subjects that were undignified.
They preferred to draw scenes related to summertime.

Waterfalls come in many shapes. One classic form is the punchbowl, such as at Eagle Falls in Oregon. In such a
water flows down a narrow chute into a wide pool at the bottom. It is easy to swim in the tranquil waters
at the base.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?


Scott Evans is a golf ball diver. In other words, he dives into the water hazards placed on golf courses to collect
and recycle the balls which accidentally landed there. His job may sound fun, but it is not spends hours in
murky water and can get trapped by unseen obstacles.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
easy, he
easy; because he
easy. Since he
easy. He

Northern New Zealand is home to some of the oldest forests on Earth. Forests filled with kauri, the Maori name
for the Agathis australis tree, back to the Jurassic period over 135 million years ago.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

they date
those forests date

While training departments try to give us what we need to stay ahead in the competitive market, research
that they are also falling behind: employees rate their Learning & Development departments lower than almost
any other product in the consumer landscape.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

are showing
will show

Known as Earth’s “living skin,” biocrusts are thin layers of soil held together by surface-dwelling microorganisms
such as fungi, lichens, and cyanobacteria. Fortifying soil in arid ecosystems against erosion,

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

a recent study has estimated that these crusts reduce global dust emissions by 60 percent each year.
these crusts reduce global dust emissions by an estimated 60 percent each year, according to a recent study.
an estimated 60 percent reduction in global dust emissions each year is due to these crusts, according to a recent
a recent study's estimate is that these crusts reduce global dust emissions by 60 percent each year.

In 1994, almost 200 years after the death of Wang Zhenyi, the International Astronomical the contributions
of the barrier-breaking 18th-century astronomer and author of “Dispute of the Procession of the Equinoxes,” naming
a crater on Venus after her.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Union, finally acknowledging

Union, having finally acknowledged
Union would finally acknowledge
Union to finally acknowledge

How do scientists determine what foods were eaten by extinct hominins such as Neanderthals? In the past,
researchers were limited to studying the marks found on the fossilized teeth of skeletons, but in 2017 a team led by
Laura Weyrich of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA tried something the DNA found in Neanderthals’
fossilized dental plaque.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

new. Sequencing
new: sequencing
new; sequencing
new, sequencing:

Dandelions are usually considered to be useless weeds. they can be used in many recipes, as the leaves
are edible and perfect for salads. Mature flowers are bitter, but young buds are sweet and taste slightly like honey.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

In particular,

Guernica, a painting in oil on canvas, is one of Pablo Picasso's masterpieces and arguably one of the most
influential anti-war paintings of all time. Though Picasso typically painted in private, he allowed influential visitors
into his studio to observe the progress in order to promote awareness of the Spanish Civil War. the completed
painting was exhibited around the world to raise funds for war relief efforts.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

In addition,
By contrast,
For instance,

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the ongoing
stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea. At the beginning of his tenure, he was lauded for progressive decisions.
he was accused of restricting the freedom of the press and detaining innocent people who held
opposing views.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?


While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Ludovico Maria Enrico Einaudi is an Italian pianist and composer who trained at the Conservatorio Verdi in Milan.
• He has composed the scores for a number of films and television productions and has won several awards for
his compositions.
• Einaudi is most known for being the most-streamed classical artist of all time with his music reaching over 1
million streams daily, and 2 billion streams in total.
• His latest album Seven Days Walking: Day One has become the fastest-streamed classical album of all time since
its release on 15 March 2019. The project is a series of digital albums released monthly over seven consecutive
• Day One interweaves piano and string and focuses on several main themes that will recur in different forms
on subsequent albums.

The student wants to emphasize Einaudi's most well-known achievement. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Among his many achievements, composer Ludovico Maria Enrico Einaudi trained at the Conservatorio Verdi in Milan
and has won multiple awards
He has composed for multiple films and television shows
Einaudi is known as the most-streamed classical artist of all time, with 2 billion streams in total
Einaudi has come up with highly innovative projects, including combining recurring notes of piano and string in
different albums

While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Maya Angelou was a famous civil rights activist, poet, and author, though she held many other roles throughout
her life.
• I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969) is one of her most acclaimed books; it publicly reveals details about
her private life up to the age of 17.
She was asked to read the poem "On the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's inaugural ceremony in 1993.
• She directed her first movie, Down the Delta, in 1996, though she had previously participated in acting
and production of other movies.
• Published in 2013 when she was 85 years old, Mom & Me & Mom recounts her complex relationship with her
own mother.
• At her death in 2014, she was working on a new book about her experiences with different world leaders.

The student wants to emphasize an underlying theme in some of Maya Angelou's books. Which choice most
effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Maya Angelou wrote a wide variety of works in her later years, including Down the Delta and Mom & Me & Mom.
Many of Maya Angelou's works, such as I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Mom & Me & Mom, are
Maya Angelou had close contact with many world leaders, as shown by reading "On the Pulse of Morning" at
President Bill Clinton's 1993 inaugural ceremony and writing a book on the subject prior to her death.
While some of her books received great critical acclaim, such as I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, others were not
popular, such as Mom & Me & Mom.

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