FV TLEFBS9 Module1
FV TLEFBS9 Module1
FV TLEFBS9 Module1
First Quarter - Module 1
Food and Beverage Services – Grade 9
Supplementary Learning Material
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Food Service Operations
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What do you know about Food and Beverage Services? Can you share your most
memorable experience in an FBS establishment?
Food service establishments - are organizations that provide food and beverages to its
patrons or clientele.
Food and beverage services come only after preparing what is to be served. Most food
and beverage service business operate in the following cycle. The upper half depicts food
preparation related functions, whereas the lower half depicts the food and beverage service ot
One category is on-premise and off-premise catering
• On-premise – food is served where it is prepared.
• Off-premise – food is provided away from the FBS base. It is served at the customers
chosen premises, usually serving a large number of crowds.
Basically, there are two types of catering establishments, the primary and the
secondary establishments.
• Primary (Commercial) - These types of establishments are primarily concerned
with the provision of food and beverage services. Their main purpose for
existence is to offer food and beverages.
• Secondary (Non-commercial) - In this type, provision of food and beverage is part
of another business. So basically, FBS is an allied or support system of the
main business itself.
Outdoor Catering – Catering to customers off-premise the FBS base.
Restaurant - This establishment is devoted to serving ONLY food and beverages in the premise
• Coffee shop - They offer coffee, snacks and often light meals through to supper items.
They require fast service for the fast turnover of their guests.
• Fast food restaurant AKA Quick-service restaurants. It caters to people on the go (or
working) requiring fast, economical and portable foods.
• Casual dining restaurants - Also called BISTROS. Appearance and atmosphere provide
an environment for casual dining where foods are served with waited table service.
• Bars and pubs - These establishments are geared to provide service of all types of
alcohol with an emphasis on draught beer and good music.
• Fine dining restaurants - These type of establishments require highly skilled employees
for the superb service they offer, gearing up on ambiance service and excellent food
• Hotels - Its main purpose is to provide accommodation. But alongside the need for the
accommodation, is the need for the provision of food, beverages and other services.
Many food service establishments can also be found within a hotel (especially a five star
hotel). Some of these are the coffee shops, room service, banquets, specialty
restaurants, grill rooms, and cocktail bars.
• Club catering - This refers to the provision of food and beverages to a restricted clientele
(club members).
• Transport catering - Refers to the provision of food and beverages to passengers before,
during and after a journey on different transport vehicles
a. Airline catering
b. Railway catering
c. Ship catering
d. Surface catering
• Welfare catering - provision of food and beverages to people to fulfill a social need
determined by a recognized authority.
• Industrial catering - provision of food and beverages to people at work, in industries
and factories at highly subsidized rates.
• Leisure catering - provision of food and beverages to people engaged in leisure
Collaborate with a partner. Listen to the instructions of the teacher as to how you will
pass it. Collect at least 10 different brand names of FBS establishments that you have been in
the last year. Give the name of the establishment and identify the kind of establishment.
Fill in the blanks with your answers. What type of food service establishments are the
following? Listen to the teacher as he/she gives you instructions on where to put your answers.
1. Jollibee 3. Starbucks
5. 6.
7. 8.
After learning about the different FBS types and establishment, what do you think are
their roles and benefits in the society and in our day to day living?
Cornell, Daryl Ace V. and Abellana, Ephraim Jose L. A Concise Guide in Food and Beverage
Services Procedures (2nd edition) 2015