Minamishima 2009
Minamishima 2009
Minamishima 2009
Background—Sudden cardiac arrest (CA) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. We sought to evaluate the
impact of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on the outcome after CA and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in mouse.
Methods and Results—Mice were subjected to 8 minutes of normothermic CA and resuscitated with chest compression and
mechanical ventilation. Seven minutes after the onset of CA (1 minute before CPR), mice received sodium sulfide (Na2S) (0.55
mg/kg IV) or vehicle 1 minute before CPR. There was no difference in the rate of return of spontaneous circulation, CPR time to
return of spontaneous circulation, and left ventricular function at return of spontaneous circulation between groups.
Administration of Na2S 1 minute before CPR markedly improved survival rate at 24 hours after CPR (15/15) compared with
vehicle (10/26; P⫽0.0001 versus Na2S). Administration of Na2S prevented CA/CPR-induced oxidative stress and ameliorated
left ventricular and neurological dysfunction 24 hours after CPR. Delayed administration of Na2S at 10 minutes after CPR did
not improve outcomes after CA/CPR. Cardioprotective effects of Na2S were confirmed in isolated-perfused mouse hearts
subjected to global ischemia and reperfusion. Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of cystathionine ␥-lyase (an enzyme
that produces H2S) markedly improved outcomes of CA/CPR. Na2S increased phosphorylation of nitric oxide synthase 3 in
left ventricle and brain cortex, increased serum nitrite/nitrate levels, and attenuated CA-induced mitochondrial injury and cell
death. Nitric oxide synthase 3 deficiency abrogated the protective effects of Na2S on the outcome of CA/CPR.
Conclusions—These results suggest that administration of Na2S at the time of CPR improves outcome after CA possibly
via a nitric oxide synthase 3– dependent signaling pathway. (Circulation. 2009;120:888-896.)
Key Words: apoptosis 䡲 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 䡲 heart arrest 䡲 myocardial contraction
䡲 nitric oxide synthase 䡲 physiology
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Minamishima et al Hydrogen Sulfide in Cardiac Arrest and CPR 889
H2S exerts a host of biological effects on various targets, Study drug (Na2S) or vehicle was injected via the femoral venous
resulting in responses that range from cytotoxic to cytopro- line 1 minute before CPR. On the basis of pilot studies, we
administered 0.55 mg/kg (7.0 mol/kg) Na2S. Effects of delayed
tective effects.5 Although breathing high concentrations of
administration of Na2S at 10 minutes after the start of CPR
H2S is toxic,5 breathing low concentrations of H2S reversibly (post-CPR Na2S) were examined in a subgroup of mice.
reduces metabolism in rodents and improves survival after
hemorrhagic shock in rats.8 –10 Although administration of Assessment of Neurological Function
NaHS has been shown to worsen cerebral ischemia11 and Neurological function was assessed at 24 hours after CA/CPR or
lipopolysaccharide-induced systemic inflammation,12 recent sham surgery with the use of a previously reported neurological
studies showed that administration of NaHS or Na2S can function scoring system with minor modifications (see Methods in
the online-only Data Supplement).18,19
attenuate ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury in heart,13–15
liver,16 and kidney.17 The protective effects of H2S appear to
Effects of Na2S on Myocardial Function in
be mediated via antiapoptotic and/or anti-inflammatory ef-
Isolated-Perfused Mouse Heart
fects. However, the impact of Na2S on the outcome of Mice were heparinized and anesthetized with the use of pentobarbital
CA/CPR, which is complicated by whole body IR injury and (60 mg/kg IP). The heart was removed quickly and mounted on a
systemic inflammation, remains to be elucidated. In the 20-gauge cannula in ice-cold perfusion buffer (a modified Krebs-
present study, we report that administration of Na2S at the Henseleit buffer, containing [in mmol/L] 118.5 NaCl, 24.9 NaHCO3,
time of CPR markedly improves myocardial and neurological 11.2 glucose, 4 KCl, 1.2 MgSO4, 1.2 KH2PO4, 2 sodium pyruvate,
and 2.5 CaCl2). Retrograde perfusion was started with the use of
function and survival after CA/CPR in mice. perfusion buffer continuously gassed with 95% O2/5% CO2 at 37°C.
A constant hydrostatic coronary pressure of 65 mm Hg was main-
Methods tained throughout the experiment. The tip of an SPR-671 transducer
(Millar Instruments, Houston, Tex) was placed in a saline-filled
Mice polyvinyl chloride balloon that was inserted into the left ventricle
After approval by the Massachusetts General Hospital Subcommittee (LV). The balloon was inflated to obtain a diastolic pressure of 5 to
on Research Animal Care, we studied 2- to 3-month-old age- and 10 mm Hg, and LV pressure was monitored via the Millar transducer
weight-matched male C57BL/6J wild-type and nitric oxide synthase and continuously recorded. LV developed pressure, rate-pressure
3 (NOS3)– deficient mice on a C57BL/6J background (NOS3⫺/⫺). product, maximum and minimum rate of LV pressure change
We also studied 2- to 3-month-old male mice with cardiomyocyte- (dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin), and the time constant of isovolumic LV
specific overexpression of CGL (CS-CGLtg)13 and their wild-type relaxation () were calculated. Hearts were electrically paced at 7 Hz
littermates (FVBN/J). with the use of a Grass S88 stimulator (Grass Technologies, West
Warwick, RI). Coronary flow rate was measured with an N1 in-line
Material flowprobe and a T106 flowmeter (Transonic Systems, Ithaca, NY).
Sodium sulfide (Na2S; IK-1001) was a generous gift from Ikaria Inc After a 30-minute stabilization period, hearts were subjected to 20
(Seattle, Wash). Na2S was produced by using H2S gas (Matheson, minutes of ischemia followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion. Na2S (10
Newark, Calif) as a starting material and was formulated to pH mol/L) or vehicle was administered into the perfusate starting
neutrality and iso-osmolarity. Na2S was diluted in normal (0.9%) saline immediately or 40 seconds after the start of reperfusion and
to the desired concentration immediately before administration. continued for 5 minutes. Myocardial function was measured for the
first 60 minutes after reperfusion.
Animal Preparation
Mice were anesthetized with 100 g/g ketamine and 0.25 g/g Measurement of Serum Nitrite/Nitrate
fentanyl delivered by intraperitoneal injection and mechanically Concentrations of nitrite and nitrate were measured in serum samples
ventilated (FIO2⫽0.21; Minivent, Harvard Apparatus). Arterial blood obtained at 15 minutes after CA/CPR or sham surgery with a
pressure was measured via a left femoral arterial line. A saline-filled Nitrate/Nitrite Fluorometric Assay Kit (Cayman Chemical, Ann
microcatheter (PE-10, Becton Dickinson) was inserted into the left Arbor, Mich) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
femoral vein for drug and fluid administration. Blood pressure and
needle-probe ECG monitoring data were recorded and analyzed with
the use of a PC-based data acquisition system. Mitochondrial Permeability Transition
Mouse heart mitochondria were isolated 15 minutes after CA/CPR or
Murine CPR Model sham operation by differential centrifugation with the use of the
MITO-ISO1 kit (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, Mo) following the man-
CA was induced by administration of 0.08 mg/g potassium chloride
ufacturer’s instructions. Mitochondrial permeability transition was
through the femoral catheter and was confirmed by loss of arterial
measured by monitoring the decrease in absorbance at 540 nm
pressure and asystolic rhythm on ECG. After 8 minutes of CA, chest
associated with mitochondrial swelling, as described previously.20
compressions were delivered with a finger at a rate of 340 to 360
Briefly, mitochondrial suspensions were diluted to a final concen-
beats per minute with resumption of mechanical ventilation
(FIO2⫽1.0). Chest compressions were adjusted to provide a uniform tration of 0.5 mg/mL in a buffer containing (in mmol/L) 200
rate seen on femoral artery pressure monitoring and a target femoral mannitol, 70 sucrose, 10 HEPES, and 5 succinate (pH 7.4). After 2
diastolic pressure of ⬎20 mm Hg. Epinephrine was infused at 0.3 minutes of stabilization, 400 mol/L CaCl2 was added to induce
g/min starting 30 seconds before CPR and continued until heart rate mitochondrial permeability transition. The decrease in absorbance
became ⬎300 bpm. Core body temperature was maintained at 37°C was monitored for 1000 seconds at room temperature with a
by a warming lamp. Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was spectrophotometer. The maximal rate of the absorbance decrease
defined as the return of sinus rhythm with a mean arterial pressure was obtained by linear regression over a 3-minute period.
⬎40 mm Hg lasting at least 1 minute. Mice were weaned from
mechanical ventilation at 1 hour after and extubated at 2 hours after Measurements of Peroxide Levels in Serum
CPR. In a subgroup of mice, at 24 hours after CPR, cardiac function Concentrations of hydrogen peroxide were measured in serum
was examined with a conductance pressure-volume catheter (SPR- samples obtained at 5 minutes after CA/CPR or sham surgery with a
839, Millar Instruments Inc) under anesthesia. Mice subjected to QuantiChrom Peroxide Assay Kit (BioAssay Systems, Hayward,
sham surgery that were not subjected to CA were used as controls. Calif) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Na2S Prevents Apoptosis in Brain After CA Na2S Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Protects
and CPR Mitochondria in the Heart After CA and CPR
Immunoblot analysis revealed that caspase 3 was activated at CA accelerated the rate of Ca2⫹-induced mitochondrial swell-
15 minutes after CA/CPR in cerebral cortex of vehicle-treated ing, a measure of mitochondrial permeability transition pore
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Minamishima et al Hydrogen Sulfide in Cardiac Arrest and CPR 891
opening, compared with the mitochondria of sham-operated ROSC (1.5⫾0.2 versus 0.9⫾0.1 g; P⫽0.015), and had a
mice. Na2S prevented the acceleration of Ca2⫹-induced mito- higher mean arterial pressure at 60 minutes after CPR (28⫾2
chondrial swelling in cardiac mitochondria after CA/CPR versus 35⫾3 mm Hg; P⫽0.046). Additionally, CS-CGLtg
(Figure 4A and 4B). Na2S also prevented CA-induced incre- mice had markedly improved neurological function (8⫾1
ments in hydrogen peroxide levels in serum 5 minutes after [median⫽7] versus 5⫾1 [median⫽4.5]; P⫽0.048 by Mann-
CPR (Figure 4C). These results suggest that Na2S attenuates Whitney rank sum test) and survival rate (8 of 11 versus 4 of
oxidative stress early after CA/CPR and protects cardiac 13; P⫽0.03; Figure 5) 24 hours after CA/CPR. These results
mitochondria. suggest that augmented cardiac H2S levels facilitated recov-
ery after CA/CPR.
Cardiomyocyte-Specific Overexpression of CGL
Improves Outcomes After CA and CPR Na2S Increases Phosphorylation of Akt and
To examine the impact of endogenously produced H2S in the AMP-Activated Protein Kinase ␣ After CA
heart on the recovery from CA/CPR, we studied CS-CGLtg and CPR
mice, which have been characterized extensively and display Because Akt- and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)–
increased H2S production in the heart.13 Compared with their dependent signal contributes to cell survival in variety of
wild-type littermates, CS-CGLtg mice had a markedly shorter pathological conditions,22,23 we sought to investigate the role
CPR time to ROSC (516⫾62 versus 331⫾24 seconds; of Akt and AMPK in the protective effects of Na2S. CA and
P⫽0.016), required a smaller dose of epinephrine to achieve CPR increased Akt phosphorylation in LV compared with
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892 Circulation September 8, 2009
progress has been made. However, many patients succumb to the present study (7 mol/kg of Na2S) may explain the
the post-CA syndrome after successful resuscitation. The conflicting results of these studies.16 Proapoptotic effects of
present study was designed to investigate whether H2S could relatively high concentrations of H2S have also been reported
improve the outcome after “successful” resuscitation. Al- in pancreas.25 Nonetheless, our results suggest that physio-
though there was no difference in the rate of ROSC or CPR logical level of H2S can have important protective effects on
time to ROSC, mice that received Na2S immediately before ischemic brain injury.
CPR showed a markedly higher survival rate at 24 hours than To examine the molecular mechanisms responsible for the
did mice that received vehicle before CPR or Na2S 10 antiapoptotic effects of Na2S, we tested whether Na2S pro-
minutes after CPR. These observations suggest that adminis- motes Akt- or AMPK-dependent prosurvival signals in the
tration of Na2S at the time of CPR improved outcomes at 24 brain. We found that Na2S increased phosphorylation of Akt
hours after CA by preventing the development of post-CA and GSK-3 in the brain cortex. Akt-dependent phosphory-
organ injury and dysfunction after ROSC. lation of GSK-3 inhibits GSK-3 activity and thereby
The present results suggest that Na2S can protect against decreases apoptosis.26,27 Similarly, administration of Na2S 1
the development of post-CA neurological dysfunction and minute before CPR prevented the CA/CPR-induced dephos-
injury when administered at the time of CPR (Figure 2A). CA phorylation of AMPK␣ and NOS3. It has been reported that
and CPR activated caspase 3 and induced cell death in the activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase may confer
brain of vehicle-treated mice. In contrast, the improved cardioprotection via GSK-3.27 It is conceivable that Akt-
neurological function at 24 hours after CPR in mice treated and/or AMPK␣-dependent NOS3 activation activates the
with Na2S was associated with marked attenuation of caspase cGMP-dependent protein kinase– dependent neuroprotective
3 activation and cell death in the brain after CPR. Previously, mechanism via GSK-3 phosphorylation in our model.
Qu and colleagues11 showed that administration of NaHS Similar to neurological function, myocardial function at 24
increased brain infarct volume after permanent middle cere- hours after CA/CPR was also improved by administration of
bral artery occlusion. Differences in the models and the Na2S (Table). These results are reinforced by our findings
higher dose of NaHS (180 mol/kg of NaHS, equivalent to that administration of Na2S starting immediately after
⬇90 mol/kg of Na2S24) used in the Qu study compared with reperfusion, but not when administered 40 seconds after
Figure 6. Phosphorylated protein expression in brain cortex and LV 15 minutes after sham operation or CA/CPR in mice treated with
vehicle or Na2S 1 minute before CPR (Veh and Na2S, respectively) or Na2S administered at 10 minutes after CPR (post-CPR Na2S). Rel-
ative phospho-Akt Ser473 levels were quantified by dividing the phospho-Akt Ser473 immunoreactivity by total Akt immunoreactivity and
normalized to values of sham-operated mice in the heart (A) and brain (B). Relative phospho-NOS3 Ser1179 levels were quantified by
dividing the phospho-NOS3 Ser1179 immunoreactivity by total NOS3 immunoreactivity and normalized to values of sham-operated mice
in the heart (C) and brain (D). Relative phospho-AMPK␣ Thr172 levels were quantified by dividing the phospho-AMPK␣ Thr172 immunore-
activity by total AMPK␣ immunoreactivity and normalized to values of sham-operated mice in the brain (E). Two representative blots are
shown of 6 to 8 blots in each group for all proteins. Loading controls are shown to demonstrate equal sample loading. *P⬍0.05 vs
sham; #P⬍0.05 vs vehicle; †P⬍0.05 vs Na2S. F, Survival during the first 24 hours after CA and CPR in NOS3⫺/⫺ mice treated with vehi-
cle (NOS3⫺/⫺⫹Vehicle; n⫽7) and NOS3⫺/⫺ mice treated with Na2S (NOS3⫺/⫺⫹Na2S; n⫽7).
reperfusion, markedly improved myocardial function in Mitochondrial permeability transition is a central mechanism of
the isolated-perfused mouse heart subjected to global IR. IR-induced death.20 Na2S prevented CA/CPR-induced acceleration
These results are consistent with a previous report that of Ca2⫹-induced mitochondrial swelling, a measure of mitochon-
NaHS was cardioprotective in isolated rat hearts.15 The drial permeability transition, in LV mitochondria. The beneficial
relatively narrow temporal window of opportunity for effect of Na2S was associated with attenuated oxidative stress
Na2S to improve the outcome of CA/CPR is consistent with indicated by decreased serum hydrogen peroxide levels (Figure
previous studies of ischemic postconditioning. For exam- 4C). Oxidative stress has been shown to trigger mitochondrial
ple, Cohen and colleagues28 recently reported that delay of permeability transition.29 These observations suggest that the
the onset of postconditioning by only 1 minute aborts cardioprotective effects of Na2S may be mediated by inhibition
protection in rabbit hearts. of mitochondrial permeability transition.
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Minamishima et al Hydrogen Sulfide in Cardiac Arrest and CPR 895
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Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Despite advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) methods, including the introduction of the automatic electric defibrillator and therapeutic hypothermia, 60% to 80%
of these arrests result in immediate death, and of the remaining, only ⬇5% are successfully resuscitated to the extent that
they are returned to productive lives. Poor outcome from cardiac arrest is at least partly due to the lack of therapeutic
possibilities. In this study, we examined effects of hydrogen sulfide, a gaseous molecule with multifaceted protective
properties, on the outcome of cardiac arrest and CPR in mice. We found that administration of sodium sulfide, a hydrogen
sulfide donor, 1 minute before CPR markedly improved neurological and myocardial function and survival after 8 minutes
of cardiac arrest in mice. These observations, if extrapolated to human beings, may be highly clinically relevant because
they suggest that sodium sulfide administration can improve the outcome of sudden cardiac arrest at the time of CPR when
intravenous access is obtained. Further studies are warranted to elucidate the impact of exogenous and endogenous
hydrogen sulfide on the longer-term outcome of cardiac arrest and CPR complicated by post– cardiac arrest syndrome.
Supplemental Methods
system with minor modifications 1. Briefly, five parameters were assessed and scored:
level of consciousness (no reaction to pinching of tail = 0, poor response to tail pinch =
1, normal response to tail pinch = 2), corneal reflex (no blinking = 0, sluggish blinking =
breathing frequency with normal pattern = 1, normal breathing frequency and pattern =
2), coordination (no movement = 0, moderate ataxia = 1, normal coordination = 2), and
movement = 2). Total score was reported as the neurological function score (total
sacrificed, and brains were harvested, fixed in 4% formalin in PBS, and embedded in
paraffin. Brains were cut with a microtome in coronal planes including the hippocampus
paraffin-embedded brain sections obtained 24h after CA/CPR using a rabbit monoclonal
Supplemental Material MS ID#: CIRCULATIONAHA/2008/833491 Page 2
antibody against cleaved caspase 3 (1:80, Cell Signaling) according to the protocol
obtained 72h after CA/CPR stained with hematoxylin and eosin based on cellular
in the CA1 sector of the hippocampus were manually counted by an investigator blinded
to the treatment group, and the number of these neurons per square millimeters of
were obtained 15 min after CA/CPR or sham operation, and tissue homogenates were
centrifuged for 20 min at 20,000 g. Supernatant proteins (15-60 µg) were fractionated
overnight with primary antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology Inc. unless otherwise
noted) against total Akt (1:1,000), phospho-Akt (Ser473,1:1,000), total NOS3 (1:5,000;
vinculin (1:2000 Sigma), and β-tubulin (1:2,000). Bound antibody was detected with a
Signaling Technology Inc.) or mouse IgG (1:20,000 Sigma) and was visualized using
Supplemental Table 1. Group characteristics before cardiac arrest and in the first hour
Values are mean±SEM. Vehicle, mice subjected to CPR treated with vehicle; Na2S,
mice treated with Na2S 1 min before CPR; post-CPR Na2S, mice treated with Na2S 10
min after CPR; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; CPR, cardiopulmonary
statistically significant.
Supplemental Material MS ID#: CIRCULATIONAHA/2008/833491 Page 4
Supplemental Figure 1
perfused mouse hearts. Percentage of baseline values are shown for maximal LV
pressure rise (dP/dtmax), maximal rate of LV pressure reduction (dP/dtmin), the time
constant of isovolumic LV relaxation (Tau), and coronary flow rate (Flow Rate). No
difference was found between vehicle and delayed administration of Na2S on all
Supplemental Figure 2
Additional immunoblots images are shown for phosphorylated (Ser473) and total Akt
(heart and brain), phosphorylated (Ser1179) and total NOS3 (heart and brain),
phosphorylated (Ser9) and total GSK3β (brain), and phosphorylated (Thr172) and total
AMPKα (brain). Expressoin level of vinculin or β-tubulin is shown as loading control for
some of the blots. Sham, sham-operated mice not subjected to cardiac arrest; Veh,
mice treated with vehicle 1 min before CPR; Na2S, mice treated with Na2S 1 min before
CPR; post-CPR Na2S, mice treated with Na2S 10 min after CPR.
Supplemental Material MS ID#: CIRCULATIONAHA/2008/833491 Page 5
100 100
80 Na2S 80
% of baseline
% of baseline
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time after reperfusion (min) Time after reperfusion (min)
dP/dtmax dP/dtmin
100 100
80 80
% of baseline
% of baseline
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time after reperfusion (min) Time after reperfusion (min)
80 400
% of baseline
% of baseline
60 300
40 200
20 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time after reperfusion (min) Time after reperfusion (min)
Supplemental Figure 1
Supplemental Material MS ID#: CIRCULATIONAHA/2008/833491 Page 6
Sham Veh Na2S Na2S
Sham Veh Na2S Na2S
total NOS3
Sham Veh Na2S Na2S
total Akt
Sham Veh Na2S Na2S
total NOS3
Sham Veh Na2S Na2S
total AMPKα
Supplemental Figure 2
Supplemental Material MS ID#: CIRCULATIONAHA/2008/833491 Page 7
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Shizuka Minamishima, Masahiko Bougaki, Patrick Y. Sips, Jia De Yu, Yoji Andrew
Minamishima, John W. Elrod, David J. Lefer, Kenneth D. Bloch and Fumito Ichinose
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