8J - Quick Quiz
8J - Quick Quiz
8J - Quick Quiz
Quick Quiz
On your answer sheet, write in or circle the correct letter for each question.
1 Which of these statements is true?
2 A plane mirror is:
A Light travels in straight lines.
A a flat mirror.
B Light is stopped when it meets a solid
object. B a curved mirror.
D Light will only travel for about 2000 km D a mirror used in aeroplanes.
before it stops. 3 How big will the angle of reflection be?
2 Which of these statements is not true?
A Opaque objects reflect or absorb light.
B Transparent objects let light pass
through them.
C Translucent objects scatter the light
that passes through them.
D Translucent objects do not reflect light.
A 20°
3 Which phrase best completes the following
sentence? We can read a book because: B 40°
A it is luminous. C 30°
B Light bounces evenly off smooth A light speeds up when it goes from air to
surfaces such as mirrors. glass or water.
C Light bounces off mirrors in all B light slows down when it goes from air
directions. to glass or water.
D Light does not bounce off mirrors. C light stops when it goes from air to
glass or water.
1 Which statement is not true?
A A rainbow is a spectrum of colours.
B White light is made up of many colours.
4 Why does a lens change the path of light? C A spectrum can only be made using
A Light changes direction when it goes
into the lens and when it comes out D A prism can split white light into a
of it. spectrum.
B Light changes direction in the centre of 2 A red filter:
the lens.
A absorbs red light.
C Light is reflected by the surface of the
B lets through all colours of light.
C only lets red light through.
D Light travels faster in glass than it does
in air. D changes all the colours into red light.
3 Blue objects look blue because:
A they reflect all colours.
1 Which part of a camera changes energy
transferred by light into electrical signals? B they refract all colours.
A sensor C they absorb blue light.
B lens D they reflect blue light.
C shutter 4 Danny is wearing white shorts and a red
shirt. Which statement is most likely to be
D memory card true?
2 Which of these parts of the eye are A In blue light, his shorts look blue and
transparent? his shirt looks black.
A lens only B In blue light, his shorts look blue and
B lens and retina his shirt looks red.
C lens and cornea C In red light, his shorts look red and his
shirt looks black.
D lens and iris
D In green light, his shorts look red and
3 Which statement is not correct? his shirt looks yellow.
A Our retinas have rod cells and cone
B Rod cells detect different colours.