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Complex Analysis Homework Solutions

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Recent 0% found this document useful (0 votes) Let ǫbe given, take a delta such that |Re(z)−Re(z0)|
<|z−z0|< δ, then ǫ > |f(z)−f(z0)| ≥ Copyright © 2024 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16,
10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved You don't have any Studylists yet. Je
hebt nog geen recente items. Je hebt nog geen Studylists. The abstract notion of domain and range
can be troublesome. A math lesson explains the concept of determining domain and range from a
graph. The instructor makes clear connections between the graph and the numeric values. There are
29... Copyright © 2024 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT
10816460017 - All rights reserved You don't have any Studylists yet. Studylists Sign up for the
Lesson Planet Monthly Newsletter Vakken We add numbers, sowhy not functions? A math video
explains the process of combining functions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The instructor then finds the domain for each new function. Draw the set of all z ∈Csatisfying the
following conditions Arts & Humanities ) 2 n+ . The take|z|≤ 13 , then|z| 2 ≤ 19. Next| 1 − 2 zz 2 |=|
1 |− 2 zz| 2 |≤ 23 · 98 = 34. In this open sets worksheet, students give characteristics of an open set
under given conditions. They graph functions and define limits. This two-page worksheet contains 3
multi-step problems with explanations. You don't have any modules yet. Homework #8: Due Friday
March 26 (40 points) n=0Mnconverges. Thus we can apply the M-test. Thus (1−zk)(1−zk+1 )to be
the partial sum of the series. All exercise sheets for the complex part of this course.
© 2013 - 2024 studylib.net all other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective
owners zk (1−z)(1−zn+1), we then computeSn+1: Example 10 Evaluate the integral dz z 1 where y is
any curve in the domain Hz: Im z 0), which joins -1 2i to 1 2i. Solution The integrand. f(z) z 1 is the
derivative of F(z) z Log(z 1). Of course, this is valid only where the function Log(z 1)is analytic.
This is the case, however, on the complex plane with the ray Co, -1 deleted; this domain includes the
domain Im z 0. Hence, endpoint Finitial point) F(1 2) F(- 1 2) [1 2i Log (2 2i)] 1 2i Log (2i)]
n=0Mnconverges. Thus we can apply the M-test. Thus Boeken toevoegen Now inputting this in the
equation forv, Let z, w ∈C. Show that (i) Re(z±w) = Re(z)±Re(w), (ii) Im(z±w) = Im(z)±Im(w).
Add Courses Download Complex Analysis - Homework 4 Solutions | MATH 246A and more
Assignments Mathematics in PDF only on Docsity! Math 246A Homework 4 Solutions Due
Thursday, May 3 Note the solutions are often just an outline, I have tried to address all of the key
points and you should be able to fill in the details. If you have questions about them feel free to ask
me; also if there are any errors in my solutions please let me know. Of course there are usually many
other correct ways to solve each problem as well. 3. Show that ∫ ∞ −∞ cos x x2 + a2 dx = π e−a a ,
for a > 0. The poles of e iz z2+a2 are ±ia. Compute ∫ C eiz z2+a2 dz where C is the semicircle of
radius R > a in the upper half plane. The residue at ia is e −a 2ia , and so ∫ C eiz z2+a2 dz = π e−a a
by the residue theorem. The integral around the arc goes to 0 as R → ∞ by a simple ML-estimate
(again make sure you can prove this!) and the integral along the x axis is ∫ R −R eix x2+a2 dx. Let R
→ ∞ and take real parts to get the answer. 4. Show ∫ ∞ −∞ x sin x x2 + a2 = πe−a for all a > 0.
Compute ∫ C zeiz z2+a2 dz where C is the semicircle of radius R > a in the upper half plane. The
poles of zeiz z2+a2 are at ±ai and are simple, the residue at ai is aie−a 2ai . The integral around the
outside arc is bounded by ∫ π 0 |Reiθ||eiRe iθ ||Ririθ|dθ R2e2iθ−a2 ≤ ∫ π 0 Re−R sin θR R2−a2 ≤ 2R2
R2−a2 ∫ π/2 0 e−R2θ/πdθ using Jordan’s Lemma, and this is bounded by 2R 2π 2R(R2−a2) (1 − e
−R) → 0 as R → ∞. So letting R go to ∞ we see ∫∞ −∞ zeiz z2+a2 dz = 2πi aie−a 2ai = iπe −a taking
imaginary parts gives our result. 5. Use contour integration to show that ∫ ∞ −∞ e−2πixξ (1 + x2)2 dx
= π 2 (1 + 2π |ξ|)e−2π|ξ| for all ξ real. The poles of e −2πizξ (1+z2)2 are ±i and there is a double pole
at each point. Compute ∫ C e−2πizξ (1+z2)2 dz where C is the semicircle of radius R in the lower
half plane if ξ ≥ 0 and the semicircle of radius R in the upper half plane if ξ < 0. The residue of the
integrand at i, which can be calculated by multiplying the integrand by (z − i)2, differentiating, and
taking the limit as z → i, is 1 4 ie2πξ(2πξ − 1). Similarly the residue of the integrand at −i is 14 ie
−2πξ(2πξ + 1). Therefore if we can prove that the integral around the appropriate circular arc of
radius R is zero then the residue theorem gives the result. This follows from estimating∫ Re2πξR sin
tdt where the integral is over [0, π] if ξ < 0 and [π, 2π] if ξ ≥ 0. In either case a Jordan Lemma bound
gives the result. A few students pointed out that the integral is even (as a function of ξ) which saves
half the work. 6. Show that ∫ ∞ −∞ dx (1 + x2)n+1 = 1 ∗ 3 ∗ 5 · · · (2n − 1) 2 ∗ 4 ∗ 6 · · · (2n) π.
Compute ∫ C dz (1+z2)n+1 where C is the semicircle of radius R > 1 in the upper half plane. 1
(1+z2)n+1 has poles of order n + 1 at ±i. The residue at z = i is limz→i 1n! ( d dz ) n 1 (z+i)n+1 =
(−1)n(2n)! (n!)2(2i)2n+1 so∫ C dz (1+z2)n+1 = 2πi (−1)n(2n)! (n!)2(2i)2n+1 = (−1)n(2n)!
(n!)2(2)2ni2n π = (2n)! (2 ∗4∗6···(2n))2 π = 1∗3∗5···(2n−1) 2∗4∗6···(2n) π. A simple ML-estimate
completes the problem. 7. Prove that ∫ 2π 0 dθ (a + cos θ)2 = 2πa (a2 − 1)3/2 , whenever a > 1. 1
Make the change of variable z = eiθ then dθ = dziz and cosθ = z+1/z 2 . Thus our integral is equal to∫
|z|=1 4zdz i(z2+2az+z+1)2 . 4zdz i(z2+2az+z+1)2 has double poles at −a ± √ a2 − 1. Only −a + √ a2
− 1 = −1 a+ √ a2−1 has absolute value less than 1. The residue at this point is limz→−a+√a2−1 4 i d
dz z (z−(−a− √ a2−1))2 = a i(a2−1)3/2 . Now applying the residue theorem gives the result. 8. Prove
that ∫ 2π 0 dθ a + b cos θ = 2π√ a2 − b2 if a > |b| and a, b ∈ R. Make the change of variable z = eiθ
then dθ = dziz and cosθ = z+1/z 2 . Thus our integral is equal to∫ |z|=1 2dz i(bz2+2az+b) . 1
bz2+2az+b has simple poles at −a± √ a2−b2 b (note they’re real). Only the pole −a+ √ a2−b2 b = −b
a+ √ a2−b2 is in the circle |z| = 1. Thus our integral is equal to 2πi ∗ Res z=−a+ √ a2−b2 b 2
i(bz2+2az+b) = 2π√ a2−b2 . 9. Show that ∫ 1 0 log(sin πx) dx = − log 2. [Hint: Use the contour
conisting of the line from i∞ to 0 followed by the line from 0 to 1 followed by the line from 1 to 1 +
i∞.] Ignore the hint for the most part and follow instead the outline given in Ahlfors, Complex
Analysis, p. 159. Integrate log(1 − e2iπz) over a rectancle with vertices at 0, 1, 1 + iY and iY , but
with quarter-circle indentations around 0 and 1. Show that the principal branch of the logarithm is
well-defined in this region. Because of periodicity the integrals around the vertical sides cancel, and
the integrals over the top segment and two quarter circles can be shown to go to 0. One thus obtains∫
1 0 log(−2ieiπx sin πx) dx = 0. Since log(−2ieiπx sin πx) = log2 + log(sin πx) + i(πx − π/2) on the
principal branch, integrating one obtains the result. 10. Show that if a > 0, then ∫ ∞ 0 log x x2 + a2
dx = π 2a loga. [Hint: Use the indented semicircle.] Make a branch cut along the negative imaginary
axis and define the appropriate branch of log. Then log z is defined on the indented semicircle C in
the upper half plane. Compute ∫ C log z z2+a2 dz where C is the indented semicircle; the integrand
has one simple pole ia with residue log ia2ia in C; by the residue theorem∫ C log z z2+a2 dz = π log
ia a = π log a a + iπ 2 2a . Now ∫ −R log x x2+a2 dx = ∫ R log x x2+a2 dx + ∫ R iπ x2+a2 dx, and the
latter integral (by an easy application of the residue theorem and the fact that the integrand is even or
using the tan−1) evaluates to iπ 2 2a as R → ∞ and → 0. The integrals over both arcs to go 0 as R →
∞ and → 0 as easy ML estimates show, and the result follows. 11. Show that if |a| < 1 then ∫ 2π 0 log
|1− aeiθ|dθ = 0. Then prove that the above result remains true if we assume only that |a| ≤ 1. Note the
statement of for a = 0 is obvious so assume a 6= 0. Make the change of variables z = eiθ to get∫ |z|=1
log |1−az|dz iz . Make another change of variables u = 1 − az to get ∫ |u−1|=|a| log |u|du i(u−1) .
Consider the integral ∫ |u−1|=|a| log(u)du i(u−1) where we use the branch of log with a cut on (−∞,
0]. If |a| < 1 then B(1, |a|+ ) is contained in the domain of this branch of the log. log(u)i(u−1) has its
only pole inside the circle at u = 1 so the integral is equal to 2πi Resu=1 log(u) i(u−1) = 2π log(1) = 0
and taking real parts we’re done. If |a| = 1 then we need to consider the integral ∫ C log(u)du i(u−1)
where C is the circle |u− 1| = 1 with a radius semicircle around the origin. By the same argument ∫ C
log(u)du i(u−1) = 0 More precisely define C by the curves u = 1 + eiθ θ = − cos−1(2/2 − 1) . .
.cos−1(2/2− 1) and u = eiθ 2 Is the category for this document correct? In this open sets worksheet,
students give characteristics of an open set under given conditions. They graph functions and define
limits. This two-page worksheet contains 3 multi-step problems with explanations. Let z, w ∈C.
Show, using the triangle inequality, that the reverse triangle inequality holds: You don't have any
modules yet. ② ② we also define 2- ÷ ftgi C- & i. at (btc) = sctyi + (ctditftgi) = xtyi t(+ f) t@ 1- g)
i = ☆= @+ - + 7) + @ tdtgli similarly , ( atb ) to = @tyitctdi) tftgi) = @+c) + ⑥+ g)i +d-+ gi ) = +
Ctf + ⑥ + ytgli ) = ☆. : tis associative in ¢. ③ we consider 01-0 i also written as 0. note Ot Oi c- ¢
i. at 0 = say it Otoi = ( ✗ to ) + @ to )i = x+gi=a 0 is the identity element ④ note that a t - a =
(xtyi) + C- (ktyi )) = K- K ) 1- (y - g) i = 0t0i_ identity i. since - a = - a - yi C- ¢ , F-a C- € an
inverse V- at ¢. since ① → ④ axioms hold/ Problem 3 Show that the identity element in any group
is unique. Assume that e , , ez C- G are distinct arbitrary identity elements of ( G. * ) . : e , = e, * ez
= ez since e. =L , the identity elements of Cont) is unique. Problem 4 ⑨ (Nz on the closed disc with
radius |z| ≤ 1 Now we have shown this hold for both directions, thus f:U→Cis continuous in z0if and
ab " + (F) a2bk " +. . - t / akb + (E) a + [ (F) b' "' The following exercises are provided for you to
revise complex numbers. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you
learn core concepts. MATH261 EXAM II Spring 2008 NAME: SI: SECTION NUMBER: Je hebt
nog geen vakken For this domain worksheet, students determine the domain of analyticity for given
functions. This one-page worksheet contains five multi-step equations. 2, and for all ǫ > 0 there is a
δ > 0 again, since multiplication and addition is ④ associative and commutative for ☒, we find that
multiplication is associative for ¢ ¢ /Problem# ⑨ ( I , • ) fails the axiom of all components of a
group having an inverse . km • + Oi , a C- ¢ ←+ . a(◦ + ◦ i ) = 111 , > identity Clement. (¢ , • ) is not
a group. ⑤ without assuming € is a group under multiplication, let us assume that FC, , ez E E where
c, = at bi and ez=c+ di , a, brad C- Rt and e, ≠ ez . However , by the definition of a multiplicative
identity Haff e , • a = a and g. a = 9 i. we can write that e, = at bi = ei ez =(atbi)€di)=e , .@+ di ) =
ctdi =ez i ei=ez , own assumption of e , =/ez is false-74 and ① xtyi E- A 0 } :. ✗ = x-yi_ =x-yi_ ez
are notdistinct. Cktyi)(a-yi) x2 + g- = I x2ty - ,z÷gz I Problem 7 ⑨ ¢ 2 , - 1)+8*0, - 1)¢ 1 , - V2)) =
(Vz, - e) + 8- ' ( Boeken Books converges uniformly on the closed disc |z| ≤ 1 y 2 2 +exsiny+v 1 (x)
=exsiny− x 2 2 +v 2 (y)
By writing z=x+iy find all solutions of the following equations: Homework #6: Due Friday February
27 A complex function f:U→Cis continuous in z0. Then for all ǫ > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that You'll
get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Studylists (i)
z2=−5 + 12i; (ii) z2+ 4z+ 12 −6i= 0. [zk(1−zn+2] +zn(1−z) (1−z)(1−zn+1)(1−zn+2) y 2 2. Note that
the left hand side depends only onxand the right hand side only onyhence, both sides must be
constant, say equal toc∈R, so, For this domain worksheet, students determine the domain of
analyticity for given functions. This one-page worksheet contains five multi-step equations. Example
10 Evaluate the integral dz z 1 where y is any curve in the domain Hz: Im z 0), which joins -1 2i to 1
2i. Solution The integrand. f(z) z 1 is the derivative of F(z) z Log(z 1). Of course, this is valid only
where the function Log(z 1)is analytic. This is the case, however, on the complex plane with the ray
Co, -1 deleted; this domain includes the domain Im z 0. Hence, endpoint Finitial point) F(1 2) F(- 1
2) [1 2i Log (2 2i)] 1 2i Log (2i)] In this composition of functions worksheet, students solve and
complete 7 different problems related to various functions. First, they define a function, its domain
and range, and also the composition of functions. Then, students solve... You don't have any
Studylists yet. Copyright © 2024 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy -
VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved Homework # 1: Due Friday January 23 Complex Analysis:
Homework Set 5: Domain Add Modules Boeken toevoegen Je hebt nog geen Studylists. if the
principal argument of z1differs from that of z2by 2kπ with k∈Z). The functions Re(f), Im(f) :
U→Rare continuous in z0. Then for all ǫ > 0 there is a δ > 0 such Courses n=0gn(z) converges
uniformly on the closed disc with radius|z|≤ 13. Nextf′(z). © 2013 - 2024 studylib.net all other
trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners Studylists Proof the following
statement: A complex functionf:U→Cis continuous inz 0 ∈U⊂Cif and only if Re(f), Im(f)
:U→Rare continuous inz 0. You don't have any Studylists yet.
Material Type: Assignment; Class: Complex Analysis; Subject: Mathematics; University: University
of California - Los Angeles; Term: Unknown 1989; Recent (i) z2=−5 + 12i; (ii) z2+ 4z+ 12 −6i= 0.
Worksheet 26 - Functions & Logarithms for all z∈Uwith |z−z0|< δ → |f(z)−f(z0)|< ǫ. 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) note : @+ b) " " = @1- b) " (atb) =!É( 7) aib "" ) @ Studylists only if
Re(f), Im(f) : U→Rare continuous in z0. Q.E.D. 1 (1−z) 2. If|z|>1, then limn→inf z satisfying the
following and express the function fin terms Sign up for the Lesson Planet Monthly Newsletter
Fixz∈Br(0). Then takeR=r−|z|>0. Then for allw∈BR(z): |w|=|w−z+z|≤|w−z|+|z|< R+|z|=r. And for
all|w|< r,f(w) converges absolutely by definition of the power series. Thus for all z∈Br(0), there is
anR >0, such thatfconverges absolutely onBR(z). Thereforefis analytic on the open discBr(0). final
answers given as elements of RT however ¢ representation achieved using 8. Copyright © 2024
Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights
reserved Je hebt nog geen Studylists. Fix z∈Br(0). Then take R=r− |z|>0. Then for all w∈BR(z):
Post any question and get expert help quickly. 1) (a) The function f(n) is bounded from ABOVE
by O(n2), or more precisely, there exists positive numbers c, m such that f(n) ≤ (c*n2) for all n
≥ m. (b) … y 2 2. Note that the left hand side depends only onxand the right hand side only
onyhence, both sides must be constant, say equal toc∈R, so, Is the category for this document
correct? The following exercises are provided for you to revise complex numbers. Je hebt nog geen
boeken In this function worksheet, students sketch the graph of a nonzero function, estimate the
value of an infinite sum, and determine the derivative and slope of functions. This one-page
worksheet contains approximately 6 multi-step problems. =|(Re(f(z)) + iIm(f(z))) −(iIm(f(z0)) +
Re(f(z0)))| Did you find mistakes in interface or texts? Or do you know how to improve StudyLib
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