Name: ………………………………………………….………
Group: …………………………………………………………
Second Level
Computer Engineer
To design and verify Half subtractor and Full subtractor circuits using basic gates and universal gates.
A subtractor is a digital logic circuit in electronics that implements subtraction of numbers. Subtractors are classified into
two types: half subtractor and full subtractor. The half subtractor circuit has two inputs: A and B, which subtract two input
digits and generate a borrow and difference. The full subtractor circuit has three inputs: A ,B and C, which subtract the
three input numbers and generate a borrow and difference.
0-0 = 0
0-1 = 11
1-0 = 1
1-1 = 0
These are the least possible single-bit subtraction. But the result for 0-1 is 11. Though this problem can be solved
with the help of an XOR Gate, if you do care about the output, the subtract (difference) result must be re-written
as a 2-bit output.
0-0 = 00
0-1 = 11
1-0 = 01
1-1 = 00
Here the second ‘1’of the output ‘11’ becomes the borrow-out and the first ‘1’ is subtract of 2-1 =1 after borrow
1 from previous bit.
Now complete the truth table of half Subtractor where Difference is the normal output and the Borrow is the borrow-
out .
Inputs Outputs
A B Difference Borrow
(S1) (S2) (LP1) (LP2)
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Truth table
The Difference output of the binary subtraction is similar to that of an XOR operation while the Borrow output is similar
to that of an AND operation(of not A and B).
Now write the Boolean function of half subtractor for Difference and Borrow ( you can use Karnaugh Map to verify
your Boolean function) then draw logic circuit of Boolean function to represent Half subtractor after that draw it in
Logic Tutor LT345 K2 to represent these Half subtractor circuit where the inputs - A represent switch S1 , B as switch S2 -
and the Outputs – Difference represent LP1 and Borrow represent LP2.
Now complete the truth table of Full Subtractor where D is the normal output of Difference and the Bout is the Borrow-
out .
Inputs Outputs
A (S1) B (S2) BIN (S3) D (LP1) BOUT (LP2)
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Truth table
Now after complete truth table write the Boolean function of full subtractor for D and Bout ( you can use Karnaugh Map
to verify your Boolean function) then draw logic circuit of Boolean function to represent Full subtractor after that draw
it in Logic Tutor LT345 K2 to represent these full subtractor circuit where the inputs - A represent switch S1 , B as switch
S2 and Bin as switch S3 - and the Outputs – D represent LP1 and Bout represent LP2.